Valdo Topic /4
NPC | 名字 |
釋界之邀:瓦爾多憩地 | 對於那些不能忍受的人, 可能會發現不正當的喜樂 看著掙扎求生。 |
鉻金瓦爾多憩地守望石 | 只有被困在其中的靈魂才能見證釋界的黑暗傾向,他們不敢大聲說出來。 |
鉑金瓦爾多憩地守望石 | 只有被困在其中的靈魂才能見證釋界的黑暗傾向,他們不敢大聲說出來。 |
鈦金瓦爾多憩地守望石 | 只有被困在其中的靈魂才能見證釋界的黑暗傾向,他們不敢大聲說出來。 |
Valdo FlavourText /48
name | flavour |
釋界之邀:瓦爾多憩地 BaseItemTypes | 對於那些不能忍受的人, 可能會發現不正當的喜樂 看著掙扎求生。 |
鉻金瓦爾多憩地守望石 BaseItemTypes | 只有被困在其中的靈魂才能見證釋界的黑暗傾向,他們不敢大聲說出來。 |
鉑金瓦爾多憩地守望石 BaseItemTypes | 只有被困在其中的靈魂才能見證釋界的黑暗傾向,他們不敢大聲說出來。 |
鈦金瓦爾多憩地守望石 BaseItemTypes | 只有被困在其中的靈魂才能見證釋界的黑暗傾向,他們不敢大聲說出來。 |
Int_4b_M1_5_ValdoFlees CharacterTextAudio | 這傢伙真大隻! |
StrInt_4b_M1_5_ValdoFlees CharacterTextAudio | 東拼西湊出來的實力,遠比不上真正的力量。 |
Str_4b_M1_5_ValdoFlees CharacterTextAudio | 看起來不太妙…… |
Int_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Int_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrInt_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrInt_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Str_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Str_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrDex_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrDex_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Dex_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Dex_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
DexInt_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
DexInt_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Int_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Int_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrInt_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrInt_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Str_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Str_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrDex_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrDex_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Dex_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Dex_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
DexInt_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
DexInt_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Int_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Int_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrInt_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrInt_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Str_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Str_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrDex_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrDex_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Dex_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Dex_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
DexInt_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
DexInt_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
ShaperMemoryFragment1 NPCTextAudio | 我是費歐普羅斯奧瑞亞學院的首席執政官瓦爾多凱瑟里斯,高級聖堂武士維那利斯的僕人。 作為事件的記錄,我將這一切記錄下來,希望寫下如此恐怖的事蹟將有助於理解目前發生中的狀況。前一段時間,我被委託修理一個交到我手中的奇怪裝置,一個在瓦爾克拉斯廢墟中發現的金色儀器。我認為它包含了地獄一般不可告人的秘密,高級聖堂武士要求我修復它,並將它能夠帶來的任何力量武裝化。 雖然我當時認為這一文不值的儀器無關緊要,但我的女兒,一個五歲平時安靜的小女孩,卻在過去的幾個星期裡不停的遭到噩夢纏身,甚至胡亂發脾氣。我原以為她只是想念她的母親而經歷悲傷。然而,現在我不禁想知道這是不是一種預兆。 我曾考慮拒絕維那利斯。雖然我的個人政治立場屬於我自己,但我經常無法好好的遵循他的指示和規則 -這些充滿了惡意和饑渴的規矩。遺憾的是,我當下還是接受了他的命令,因為我知道先前許多家族拒絕了聖堂武士,他們現在都消失了。 |
ShaperMemoryFragment16 NPCTextAudio | 我最親愛的札娜, 不知道你現在人哪裡?作為一個父親我希望妳是快樂的,身處在最安全的地方。我希望妳長大後既善良又堅強,希望妳能去愛和被愛。不能夠再見到你是我一生中最大的遺憾,但我必須盡我所能來保護你免受外界的黑暗與邪惡。 面對尊師,我失敗了。說實話,我從來沒有機會。這個生物太強大了,對塑造的方式太熟練了。如果維那利斯在書房逮捕我的那天沒有損壞我建造的武器,那麼也許我能夠開啟虛空,強迫它離開肉體,離開這個現實。但是我不再擁有這樣的裝置,尊師多次侵蝕著我的思維,即使我再次嘗試,我恐怕已經不記得如何重建它。 然而,我與這個生物的戰爭還未結束。我處於劣勢,就像一隻被動的牲畜,我只能掙扎至死。我曾多次嘗試在奧瑞亞入眠。希望某一天晚上我可以夢到再次將妳抱在懷裡。但是我已經不能在做夢。 我知道這封信可能永遠不會傳達給妳,但無論如何我都會寫下來 - 如果不是為了妳,那就當作是為了我脆弱的心靈。我愛你,親愛的女兒,希望妳擁有一切並遠離這......宇宙般的黑暗。妳讓我感到非常自豪,只要能夠再稱呼妳為女兒,每一天對我來說都是個祝福。 我必須繼續前進。我必須繼續戰鬥。也許有一天,如果上帝允許的話,我們將再次見面。我非常愛妳。 你的父親,瓦爾多凱瑟里斯 |
BaranGlyph3 NPCTextAudio | 給發現此信的人: 在這奇怪且扭曲的地方發了了超乎尋常之事。一個比時間更古老的惡魔遊蕩在這片大陸上,以奧瑞亞之子,瓦爾多凱瑟里斯的記憶為食。 唉,這個惡魔被餵養的超乎我們想像的強大,並且精準的擴散了我們所發現的東西「腐敗」。我部知道我們追那個惡魔多久了。久到我的同伴開始出現瘋魔的症狀。要不是賽勒斯的英勇、領導…和他的犧牲,我們一定會墮入魔道。 無論我們試了多少次,我們都找不到殺了惡魔的方法。是瓦爾多的女兒找到方法將它封印,但代價是犧牲了她的父親,願他安息。要不是賽勒斯,我們的行動在一開始就會失敗了。這惡魔是不會讓步的,它從札娜的裝置爬出來。賽勒斯...他跳了上去。我們看到那惡魔侵入了他的身體。最終釋放了它的力量。賽勒斯和惡魔被捲入了陷阱中,離開了我們的現實中。他們都消失了。 接著賽勒斯又再次出現。我們沒人看見如何回來的。他的眼睛一動不動,也沒有眨眼,並喃喃自語著...不斷的瘋癲著。然後他的臉以只能在黑暗靈魂附身人上看到的方式變形。他不斷的向我們發動攻勢。我們無法壓制他。我們必須逃離那裡。在那時我們才發現回家的路已經被封印了。瓦爾多的女兒摧毀了我們回家的路。 我不知道我們被困在這多久。至少數個禮拜。或許幾年。在輿圖的世界裡時間如幻影。 親愛的讀者,若你的身體有一絲感應,不要待在這了。回到奧瑞亞,或回到你來自的任何地方。講述賽勒斯的英勇事蹟、壯烈犧牲,讓我們和這些祕密一起死去吧。 失去信仰的巴倫 |
KiracAdvisingValdosRest NPCTextAudio | 凱瑟里斯可能不會喜歡這個,但我們得去探索瓦爾多憩地。 |
HelenaOnTheFirstWar NPCTextAudio | 雖然看起來輿圖的控制權一直處於爭奪中的狀況,但第一次的爭奪戰實際上就發生在不久之前。不清楚是尊師造成的還是只是單純在遙遠的過去找到了,但這個領域就像是一個避風港保護人類遠離千年的掠奪。二十年前,名為瓦爾多.凱瑟里斯的男人,札娜的父親,被聖宗維那利斯困在輿圖之中。札娜的父親掌握了某種程度的輿圖之力,進而變成我們所稱之為塑界者的存在。他發動對抗尊師的戰爭並盡力維持了一段時間,直到他的女兒帶領尊師殺手們取得最終的勝利。不幸的是,對瓦爾多而言已經為時已晚了。 |
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