Valdo Topic /4
NPC | 名字 |
贤主之邀:瓦尔多之息 | 注定不能忍受的人们 在目睹挣扎求生的过程中, 大概能找到一丝荒诞的乐趣。 |
铬金瓦尔多之息守望石 | 只有受困于此的魂灵能见证贤主的黑暗癖好,但它们绝不敢声张。 |
铂金瓦尔多之息守望石 | 只有受困于此的魂灵能见证贤主的黑暗癖好,但它们绝不敢声张。 |
钛金瓦尔多之息守望石 | 只有受困于此的魂灵能见证贤主的黑暗癖好,但它们绝不敢声张。 |
Valdo FlavourText /48
name | flavour |
贤主之邀:瓦尔多之息 BaseItemTypes | 注定不能忍受的人们 在目睹挣扎求生的过程中, 大概能找到一丝荒诞的乐趣。 |
铬金瓦尔多之息守望石 BaseItemTypes | 只有受困于此的魂灵能见证贤主的黑暗癖好,但它们绝不敢声张。 |
铂金瓦尔多之息守望石 BaseItemTypes | 只有受困于此的魂灵能见证贤主的黑暗癖好,但它们绝不敢声张。 |
钛金瓦尔多之息守望石 BaseItemTypes | 只有受困于此的魂灵能见证贤主的黑暗癖好,但它们绝不敢声张。 |
Int_4b_M1_5_ValdoFlees CharacterTextAudio | 真是个大家伙! |
StrInt_4b_M1_5_ValdoFlees CharacterTextAudio | 拼凑起来的力量,怎么比得上真正的力量。 |
Str_4b_M1_5_ValdoFlees CharacterTextAudio | 看起来情况不妙…… |
Int_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Int_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrInt_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrInt_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Str_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Str_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrDex_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrDex_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Dex_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Dex_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
DexInt_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
DexInt_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Int_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Int_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrInt_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrInt_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Str_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Str_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrDex_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrDex_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Dex_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Dex_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
DexInt_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
DexInt_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Int_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Int_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrInt_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrInt_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Str_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Str_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrDex_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrDex_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Dex_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Dex_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
DexInt_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
DexInt_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
ShaperMemoryFragment1 NPCTextAudio | 我是瓦尔多·恺撒留斯,西奥波利斯奥瑞亚学院的首席院士,圣堂教宗维纳瑞斯大人的忠实仆从。 我写下这些笔记是为了记录我见证的事件,让后人明白现在的灾难的来源。我在不久前奉命修理一件古怪的设备——一台发现于瓦尔克拉斯废墟的金色机器。圣堂教宗维纳瑞斯坚信其中有着邪恶的秘密,命我修复它并将它可能拥有的力量转化为武器。 当时的我并没有把这项工作当成要务,认为这台机器只是一堆废铁。然而,我发现我那五岁的女儿在我开始修理机器前数个星期内饱受梦魇的侵袭。起初我还以为她是过于想念她的亡母,因此才屡做噩梦。现在看来,这很有可能是之后发生的可怕事件的征兆。 我曾考虑过拒绝维纳瑞斯,但终究没有付诸于行动。我的信仰驱使着我怀着饥渴和恶意无条件执行他的每一项命令。最终,我接下了这项任务,因为我清楚,拒绝他命令的人只有家破人亡这一个下场。 |
ShaperMemoryFragment16 NPCTextAudio | 我亲爱的札娜, 你现在身处何方?我作为一个父亲,永远希望你能平平安安。我想你能长成一个亭亭玉立的姑娘,能够感受到爱与被爱的滋味。我一生最大的遗憾就是无法再次见到你,但为了守护你不被那个恶魔染指,我必须这么做。 我在和裂界者的战斗中落败了。说实话,我完全不是他的对手。那个怪物太强了,他的塑形能力已经趋近炉火纯青。如果维纳瑞斯在逮捕我的时候没有弄坏我那台设备,那或许我就可以打开通往虚空的传送门,将它的肉身逐出这个世界。但那台设备已经变成了一团废铁,而裂界者一次又一次地吞噬着我的神志,让我几近崩溃的边缘。 然而,我和那个怪物的战争还远没有结束。虽然面对他我没有任何优势,但狗急了也会跳墙,我会奋战到最后一刻。我也多次尝试入睡,尝试返回奥瑞亚,希望有一天能够再次将你拥入怀中。但我在梦中没有看到我的书房,只看到了一片虚无。 虽然我知道这封信可能永远到不了你手中,但我还是必须写下它——就算你看不到,这样做也能让我保持破碎的理智。亲爱的女儿,我爱你,希望你能健康地长大,远离这样……黑暗危险。你是我的骄傲,而我更是将记得你的每一天视作珍宝…… 我必须就此搁笔了,我还得继续战斗。或许某一天,在众神的开恩下,我能和你再会。我永远爱着你。 你的父亲,瓦尔多·恺撒留斯 |
BaranGlyph3 NPCTextAudio | 致发现这封信的人, 这片扭曲陌生的国度上发生的一切都远远超越了凡人的理解能力。一名比时间更古老的妖魔在世界之间徘徊,以奥瑞亚人瓦尔多·恺撒留斯的往日为食。 可惜,这名妖邪强大得难以估量,按照他的欲望播撒着被我们探明为“腐坏”的物质。我已经不记得追逐这个恶魔多久了。但足以久到让我的战友们开始显露疯狂的迹象。如果没有希鲁斯的鼓舞和……他的牺牲,恐怕我们已经堕入了邪恶。 我们尝试了无数次,找不到办法消灭这个恶魔。只有瓦尔多的女儿想到办法将它封印,但这牺牲了她的父亲,可怜的札娜,愿他的灵魂安息。但如果不是希鲁斯,我们一开始就输得精光。那恶魔不甘失败,妄图从札娜的装置中逃脱。而希鲁斯……他跳了进去。我们看到那个恶魔刺穿了他的身躯,直到最后才放弃。希鲁斯和那个恶魔一同被卷入陷阱,都彻底离开了现实世界。 希鲁斯又回来了。我们都没有见证他的归来。他的眼睛一动不动,眨都不眨一下,还一直不断嘀咕着胡言乱语。他的脸也变形了,只有被邪恶之灵附身的人才有那样的脸。他反复不断袭击我们,而我们却毫无办法。我们逃跑了。结果我们才发现,回家的路已经被封住了。瓦尔多的女儿摧毁了我们的退路。 我已经忘记被困在这里多久了。至少超过一周,也可能好多年了。时间在这里只是个幻觉。 拜托你,亲爱的读者,如果你还剩下一丝理智,请不要在这里久留。回到奥瑞亚去吧,不然就是你来的地方。把希鲁斯的贡献传唱下去,让他和我们,还有被我们揭露的秘密一起永远埋葬吧。 无信者巴兰 |
KiracAdvisingValdosRest NPCTextAudio | 凯撒留斯可能不同意,但我们得去瓦尔多之息踩踩点。 |
HelenaOnTheFirstWar NPCTextAudio | 虽然异界图鉴的控制权一直存在着争议,但第一次争夺主权的战争距离我们并不太久。很难说到底是裂界者在上古时期创造了它,还是仅仅发现了它,不过那里千百年来都是它捕猎人类的乐园。二十年前,有个叫瓦尔多·凯撒留斯的人被困在了异界图鉴里。他是札娜的父亲,还变成了塑界者。他竭尽全力向裂界者开战,直到他女儿带着裂界屠杀者取得了最终的胜利。只可惜那时候他已经死了。 |
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