
The full details of these changes will be available in the patch notes and are still subject to change.

Expended version of Skill Gems and Support Gems

Skill Gems /143:Support Gems /111:
Skill Gems /255
Expended version of Skill Gems and Support Gems
Support, Chaos
Support, Cold
Support, Fire
Support, Lightning
Support, Attack
Support, Critical
Totem, AoE, Physical, Duration
Spell, Chaining, Lightning
Buff, Spell, Persistent, Cold
Support, AoE
Attack, Melee, Strike, AoE
Support, Attack, AoE, Melee
Ammunition, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Physical
Spell, AoE, Projectile, Lightning
Spell, Duration
Buff, Persistent, Trigger, Meta
Support, Melee, Attack, Strike
Minion, Spell
Support, Cold
Spell, Buff, Persistent, AoE, Aura
Attack, Projectile, Fire
Support, Attack, Physical
Spell, Duration, AoE, Physical, Nova
Minion, Spell, Buff, Duration, AoE, Physical
Attack, AoE, Melee, Strike
Spell, Channelling, Projectile, Physical, AoE
Attack, Projectile
Support, Physical
Support, AoE, Trigger, Physical, Chaos
Buff, Persistent, Trigger, Meta
Meta, Persistent, Trigger, Meta
Trigger, Meta, Spell
Spell, Minion, Buff, Persistent, Trigger, Meta
Meta, Spell
Trigger, Meta, Spell
Support, Chaining, Projectile
Spell, Duration, Buff, Attack, AoE, Melee
Support, Attack
Support, Cold
Spell, AoE, Cold
Spell, AoE, Cold
Support, Lightning
Spell, AoE, Duration, Chaos
Support, Critical, Spell
Support, Chaos, Physical
Support, Critical
Support, Attack
Spell, AoE, Totem, Chaos, Duration, Projectile
Support, Cold
Spell, AoE, Duration, Chaos, Curse
Spell, AoE, Fire, Physical
Attack, AoE, Projectile, Channelling, Detonator
Attack, AoE, Duration, Slam, Melee
Attack, AoE, Slam, Duration, Melee
Attack, Projectile, Lightning, Duration, Bow
Support, Minion
Support, Melee, Attack
Spell, AoE, Duration, Curse
Support, Warcry
Attack, Cold, AoE, Projectile, Bow
Spell, Projectile, Duration, Chaos, AoE
Support, Minion
Support, Fire
Attack, AoE, Projectile, Duration
Ammunition, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Fire, Detonator
Support, Attack, Melee, Strike
Spell, Projectile, Cold
Attack, AoE, Slam, Projectile, Lightning
Support, Melee, Attack
Support, Attack
Support, Projectile
Support, Minion, Duration
Meta, AoE, Shapeshift, Bear
Support, Spell, Fire
Support, Fire
Spell, Projectile, AoE, Fire
Spell, AoE, Duration, Fire
Support, Attack, Melee, Slam
Spell, AoE, Duration, Fire
Spell, AoE, Fire, Channelling, Nova
Attack, AoE, Projectile, Duration
Attack, Melee, Strike, AoE, Movement
Support, Projectile
Support, Cold
Ammunition, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Physical
Spell, Attack, AoE, Mark, Cold, Duration, Nova
Spell, AoE, Duration, Cold, Orb
Support, AoE, Cold
Spell, Duration, Cold, AoE
Spell, Projectile, Cold, Duration, AoE
Support, Cold, Fire
Attack, AoE, Duration, Cold, Melee
Support, AoE, Duration, Cold
Attack, AoE, Slam, Shapeshift, Bear
Attack, Projectile, Duration, AoE, Bow
Ammunition, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Cold
Attack, AoE, Cold, Melee
Support, Cold
Attack, AoE, Melee, Slam, Duration
Attack, AoE, Melee, Strike, Chaos, Meta
Spell, AoE, Fire, Herald, Duration
Buff, AoE, Attack, Herald, Persistent, Melee, Bow
Buff, AoE, Lightning, Persistent, Melee, Bow
Support, AoE
Spell, AoE, Chaos
Ammunition, Attack, Projectile, Physical
Support, Cold
Support, Cold
Spell, AoE, Cold, Nova
Ammunition, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Cold
Attack, Projectile, AoE, Cold
Attack, Melee, Strike, AoE, Cold
Support, AoE, Fire
Support, Fire
Support, Melee, Attack, Strike
Attack, AoE, Movement, Travel, Melee, Strike
Ammunition, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Fire
Warcry, AoE, Trigger, Fire, Duration
Support, Projectile
Support, Duration
Attack, AoE, Physical, Melee, Strike
Support, Minion, Duration
Support, Lightning
Attack, AoE, Movement, Travel, Slam, Melee
Support, Attack, Physical
Attack, Aoe, Projectile, Lightning, Bow
Spell, AoE, Lightning
Support, Lightning
Attack, AoE, Projectile, Duration, Bow
Spell, AoE, Duration, Lightning
Spell, AoE, Duration, Movement, Lightning, Travel
Buff, Persistent, Duration
Support, Physical
Attack, Buff, Persistent, AoE, Trigger, Fire, Duration
Support, Attack, Physical
Support, Critical, Spell, Fire
Support, Attack, Physical
Buff, Persistent, Lightning
Spell, Buff, Lightning, AoE
Attack, Melee, Strike, Shapeshift, Bear
Support, Minion, Fire
Support, Duration
Support, Projectile
Support, Trap
Attack, AoE, Projectile
Spell, Lightning, AoE, Chaining, Orb
Support, Lightning
Minion, Spell, Buff, Duration, Aura
Attack, Channelling, Physical, Fire, Duration, Melee
Ammunition, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Cold
Support, Projectile
Support, Physical
Support, Chaos
Attack, AoE, Projectile, Chaos, Duration
Minion, Spell, Buff, Duration
Spell, Chaos, Duration, AoE
Support, Melee, Attack
Attack, Melee, Strike, Movement, Travel, Physical, AoE
Support, Melee, Attack
Buff, Minion, Fire Duration, Persistent
Attack, AoE, Projectile, Bow
Minion, Spell, Duration
Attack, Melee, Strike, AoE
Ammunition, Attack, Projectile, Fire
Attack, AoE, Sustained, Physical, Channelling
Spell, AoE, Fire, Projectile, Chaining
Attack, Slam, AoE, Melee
Support, Melee, Attack
Attack, AoE, Melee, Duration
Support, Fire
Warcry, AoE, Duration
Attack, AoE, Cold, Melee, Strike
Attack, AoE, Movement, Travel, Physical, Channelling, Melee
Attack, AoE, Melee, Physical, Duration
Support, Lightning
Support, AoE, Lightning
Support, Lightning
Attack, Totem, Melee, Slam, Physical, Duration, Nova
Attack, AoE, Lightning, Melee, Strike
Minion, Persistent, Detonator
Minion, Persistent
Minion, Persistent
Minion, Persistent, Cold
Minion, Persistent
Minion, Persistent
Minion, Persistent
Minion, Persistent
Support, Projectile
Attack, Projectile, Channelling, Physical, Bow
Spell, Curse, Mark, Duration
Spell, Fire, AoE, Orb, Duration
Spell, Projectile, Duration, Lightning
Attack, Aoe, Physical, Melee
Support, Spell, AoE
Attack, Physical, Melee, Strike, Projectile
Attack, AoE, Melee, Slam, Duration, Channeling, Travel
Attack, AoE, Projectile, Lightning
Attack, Projectile, Duration, AoE, Bow
Support, Fire, Lightning
Spell, Minion
Attack, AoE, Slam, Melee
Attack, AoE, Channelling, Slam, Melee
Attack, AoE, Melee, Duration, Nova
Attack, Melee, Strike
Spell, AoE, Duration, Curse
Attack, Projectile, AoE, Duration, Bow
Spell, Minion, AoE, Physical, Duration
Support, Spell
Attack, AoE, Projectile, Duration, Bow
Attack, AoE, Slam, Duration, Melee
Support, Projectile
Spell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Physical
Attack, AoE, Cold, Melee
Attack, Melee, Strike, AoE
Attack, AoE, Melee, Strike
Attack, Melee, Strike, AoE
Support, AoE, Trigger
Support, Chaos, Duration

Community Wiki



《流亡黯道 2》擁有 288 顆技能寶石,可賦予毀滅性的主動技能,還有 200 顆輔助寶石,可改變他們的行為。將這些組合在一起以創建您的完美流派。


  • 魔力消耗在整個技能中消耗,而不是在使用時消耗;取消技能或被擊暈不會消耗魔力。
  • 撲殺分別以 30%、20%、10% 和 5% 生命殺死普通、魔法、稀有和獨特敵人。


  • 角色一開始有 9 個技能寶石插槽。
  • 技能寶石至少有 2 個輔助寶石插槽。
  • 寶石等級對傷害影響更大。
  • 插槽製作(額外的插槽)是確定性的。
  • 工匠石額外的插槽是確定性的,每個升級等級都比前一個等級更稀有。
    • 小型工匠石:升級技能寶石上的 2 → 3 個額外寶石插槽
    • 工匠石:升級技能寶石上的 3 → 4 個額外寶石插槽
    • 高級工匠石:升級技能寶石上的 4 → 5 個額外寶石插槽
  • 使用 Uncut Skill Gem 來升級技能寶石,怪物不提供寶石經驗值


  • 每個輔助寶石只能使用一次
  • 輔助寶石等級固定為 1
  • 輔助寶石根據輔助的屬性為技能寶石添加額外的屬性要求。







  • 烙印與圖騰有些融合
  • 地雷和陷阱不再是法術或攻擊,而是一種單獨的傷害類型。它們也是一種獨立的武器類型,具有不同的爆炸類型(近距離、手動等)
  • 法杖技能現在是法術(因為魔杖沒有攻擊屬性)

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