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Path of Exile 2

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Path of Exile 2 is a next generation Action RPG created by Grinding Gear Games. Set years after the original Path of Exile, you will return to the dark world of Wraeclast and seek to end the corruption that is spreading. Path of Exile 2 is a free-to-play online multiplayer game with co-op for up to six players.

Path of Exile 2 is a separate game to the original Path of Exile. We will continue to offer expansions for both games going forward. They are completely free-to-play and will never be "pay to win". Purchases are shared between the two games.

Launching on PC, macOS, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5.

Name Closed Beta Speculated Early Access Release
NDA Forever None None
Access Selected Paid Free
Acts 2 3 6
Class 6
Warrior, Sorceress, Witch, Ranger, Mercenary, Monk
Not confirmed: Druid, Huntress
Plus: Marauder, Duelist, Shadow, Templar
Ascendancy 0 1-3 per Class 3 per Class
Maps 0 30+ 100+
Skill Gems 130+ 144-192 288+
Support Gems 80+ 100-133 200+
Buff Skill Gems 18+ ? ?
Monsters ? ? 600+
Bosses ? ? 100+
Uniques ? ? 700+
Wipe Data Void wipe to 'Beta Standard' wipe to 'Standard'

Early Access

Early Access on November 15th 2024 PDT.

To get into Early Access, it was confirmed that Early Access use a model similar to The Fall of Oriath Beta. It is not free and requires a key to access. The final payment plan will be announced live stream in early November.

  • The Fall of Oriath Beta
    • New $30 Supporter Pack grants one Key, or $10 Key Only Pack
    • Lifetime purchases of more than $500 will grants one Key

Early Access will have 3 acts (6 total) campaign, at least 6 character classes (12 total), at least one Ascendancy per class, at least 30 maps (100 total) and incomplete endgame, lasting at least 6 months. During the early access period, more acts and endgame content such as old league mechanics will be tested.

  • Confirmed character classes
    • Warrior (STR) - Maces and Slams
    • Sorceress (INT) - Elemental spells
    • Witch (INT) - Occult spells and Summons
    • Ranger (DEX) - Bows
    • Mercenary (STR/DEX) - Crossbows
    • Monk (DEX/INT) - Quartstaff and Unarmed


  • Druid (STR/INT) - Primal and Transformation
  • Huntress (DEX) - Spears
  • Crafting
  • Map
  • Atlas
  • Endgame
  • 700+ Uniques
  • Zana Return
  • League Return: Delirium, Breach, Delve
  • Boss Return: The King in the Mists in Ritual
  • Challenges?
  • Resets?
  • Unknown Gems?

Local co-op, cross-play and cross-progress

Path of Exile 2 will support local co-op, letting players enjoy Path of Exile 2 without requiring them to team up online. Moreover, Path of Exile 2 features both cross-play and cross-progression, giving players the opportunity to continue discovering the game with their main character, no matter their preferred console. On top of being available on PC at launch like the first installment in the series, Path of Exile 2 will be available on both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S upon release.


Return to a World of Grit and Despair

Since the death of Kitava, society has been slowly rebuilding, but Corruption has once again started to spread throughout Wraeclast. The people whisper of a ghastly living Seed that drives those around it to madness...

Path of Exile 2 features a brand new campaign with six acts, 100 distinct environments, 600 monsters and 100 bosses.

  • Act 1: Ogham (Ezomyte Tribe)
  • Act 2: Vastiri Level 17 (Maraketh Tribe)
  • Act 3: Aggorat Level 31 (Vaal Tribe)
  • Act 4: Ngamakanui Level 45 (Karui Tribe)
  • Act 5: Act 5 (Azmeri Tribe?)
  • Act 6: Act 6 (Eternal?)

Alva returns in Act 3.



Path of Exile 2 features 240 Skill Gems that grant devastating active skills and 200 Support Gems that modify their behaviour. Combine these together to create your perfect build.

This is the next generation of Path of Exile's famous skill system. Support Gems are now socketed directly into Skill Gems, removing many of the frustrations present in the old system while maintaining all the previous depth. It's now possible to six-link every skill your character uses.

  • All gems start with Lv1 requirements
  • Uncut Active/Support/Buff gems will have levels, which can be used to improve the gem level

Skill Gems

  • "Effectiveness of Added Damage" has also been removed
  • Characters start with 9 Skill gem sockets.
  • Skill gems have their own sockets, always have 2 gem sockets by default.
  • Attacks scale more significantly with levels.
  • Socket crafting (extra sockets) is deterministic.
  • Socket has no colour
  • Jeweller's Orb tiers: Each upgrade tier is rarer than the previous.
    • Lesser Jeweller's Orb: Upgrades 2 → 3 additional gem sockets on a Skill Gem
    • Jeweller's Orb: Upgrades 3 → 4 additional gem sockets on a Skill Gem
    • Greater Jeweller's Orb: Upgrades 4 → 5 additional gem sockets on a Skill Gem
  • Summons reservation Spirit
  • High level summon gems require less Spirit
  • Vaal gems will not be composite gems

Support Gems

  • Support Gems do not grant raw damage modifiers.
  • Support Gems add additional attribute requirements to Skill Gems based on the support's attribute theme.
  • If a Support gem does not support the Skill gem, it cannot be placed in the socket of the active gem.
  • Support gems no longer have the Support ending
  • Support gems have no "Cost & Reservation Multiplier", only "Cost Multiplier"
  • You can have one support gem per 5 points in that attribute
  • You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time

Buff Gems

  • Buff reservation Spirit

Meta Gems

  • Meta gems are special types of skill gems that and can be supported by both support gems and other skill gems.
  • Meta gems can trigger skills or provide more complex effects.
  • Most trigger meta gems activate the supported gems when you fulfill the condition enough times.
  • Meta Gems reservation Spirit

Uncut Skill Gem

Players can find "Uncut Skill Gem" which can be crafted into a skill gem in the Gemcutting menu. Skills in the Gemcutting menu are categorized by each of the 12 character classes, but are not class-locked; any skill of appropriate level can be crafted on any character. The resulting gem's level will be scaled relative to its item level.

Uncut Gems can be turned into specific gems via the Gemcutting menu. Skills are not locked by class and are only sorted by theme per class.

New Skills

Many skills have in-built dynamic movement to close gaps if targeting far away or move away from enemies for some charge-up skills, and can change directions mid-skill (longer animations can turn further).

Extra skill options and shift-attack behaviours, as well as targeting options

Skills will mostly be limited to a single type of weapon.

  • Brands somewhat merged with Totems
  • Mines and traps are no longer spells or attacks and instead a separate damage type. They also are a separate weapon type with different detonation types (proximity, manual, etc)
  • Wand skills now are spells (as wands do not have attack stats)

Raise Spectre

Though now the gem functions kind of like a pokeball, where you Bind Spectre to the gem once and then it will permanently summon that spectre when used, reserved Spirit, rather than having to stress about corpses all the time.

Dual-specialise your Passive Skill Tree

Path of Exile's iconic Passive Skill Tree has made a return, with 2,000 skills that allow you to completely customise your gameplay experience. It now features Dual Specialisation, the ability to allocate some passive skill points to two different sets of skills. They engage whenever the appropriate weapon or skill type is used. For example, you can have some points allocated to both daggers and traps, or ice and lightning, and as you swap between attacks, the appropriate skill points will apply. This lets you specialise in multiple areas without opportunity cost.

  • New Dual Specialization system. Can select which skills are used with each weapon set, switching dynamically on skill use.
  • Certain Passive Points granted by Skill Books can be allocated separately per weapon set, changing dynamically on skill use.
  • Reservations can be dynamically swapped based on weapon set.
  • Shapeshifting also has a separate specialization.
  • Dual Specialization swap speed can be modified by specific stats. Larger weapons take longer to swap.

Uncover All-new Items

Path of Exile 2 features 700 equipment base types and every single one has its own unique item you can find. You can augment your arsenal with new weapons such as Spears, Crossbows and Flails, as well as supplementary items like Focuses, Traps and redesigned Sceptres.

  • Staves grant a spell as an implicit (e.g. Fireball, Unleash).


At the conclusion of Path of Exile 2's six-act campaign, you'll gain access to its endgame. Each of the more than 100 endgame maps has its own boss fight and modifiers that enable revamped versions of many of Path of Exile's past leagues. We'll reveal more details of the surprises that await you in Path of Exile 2's endgame in the leadup to release.

Endgame will have different storyline from PoE1. Map will contain revamped versions of story bosses. Map modifiers can roll league mechanics.

Zana Returned

a boss or a partner?

League Mechanism Returned

  • Ritual

System Changes

  • Spacebar to Dodge Roll. No cooldown, no limitations, and includes path-finding. Grants stun resistance, but does not grant invulnerability. Avoids projectiles and melee attacks at start of roll. Cancels skill animations on use, but cannot cancel a Dodge Roll. Not faster than running. Roll Speed scales with Movement Speed. Can be modified via passives.
  • Mana cost is spent throughout the skill instead of on use; cancelling skill or getting stunned will not consume mana.
  • All crowd control mechanics (e.g. Freeze/Stun/Immobilise) build up over time, like "poise" allowing them to work on bosses if not immediately applied. Enemies and players also gain resistance to crowd control for a duration after being cc'd, reducing chain stun/freeze. Electrocute lets Lightning damage CC. Stun duration varies by monster
  • Future Microtransaction system to turn items into skins - no ETA.
  • Game pauses while looking at world map.
  • The Hooded One can identify all items in your inventory in town.
  • New character stat screen User Interface
  • You can dodge roll and transform in town.
  • Culling strike kills normal, magic, rare, and unique enemies at 30%, 20%, 10%, and 5% life respectively.
  • Dialogue and quest states will differ if you skip lore
  • Chaos Orbs now remove a random affix then add a random affix. Alterations and Scours do not exist. Mod pools are more relevant.
  • Conversion now only scales by the final damage type, and does not remember converted damage types. (e.g. 100% Physical to Cold no longer scales with Physical).
  • Nearby distance is measured in meters rather than units.
  • League mechanics unlocked in story via quests (e.g. Delirium)
  • Projectiles have gravity to limit off-screening (e.g. Porcupines) and can be dodge-rolled
  • No crafting bench; vendors sell items with more modifiers instead to be more likely to sell good levelling items
  • Increased Item Rarity and monster rarity bonuses will significantly affect currency drops.
  • Light Radius extends minimap fog of war range
  • Sceptres grant Spirit and Aura-like modifiers.
  • Act 2/3/4 will unlock Ascendancy points. No Labyrinth
  • No Masteries, instead more passives/notables. Passives are more generic and less weapon-specific.
  • Charges do not grant inherent bonuses and instead empower skills which consume them. Skills that spend charges cannot gain charges.
  • Item Quantity on item modifiers removed
  • Portal Scroll removed, hotkey added


  • Larger bosses can be more mobile because they have multiple hitboxes, unlike just 1 in POE 1
  • Checkpoints before bosses. Teleports are destroyed in boss arenas. Logging out returns you to the save state you logged out from - no more logout macros. Dying resets the zone.
  • Damage number near boss hit point bar
  • Reviving point before boss arena room
  • Defeating optional Bosses can grant rewards like permanent stat and Spirit bonuses.
  • You can't use Portal, but logging out
  • Some act bosses will have limited drops. (Can also be obtained from the map boss version)

Gold System

  • Gold system with proximity auto-pickup
  • Gold is the main currency used during campaign
  • Gold can be used at vendors for NPC trading or gambling.
  • Not the main form of trading currency though
  • Gold is league bind
  • Gold is used as Passive Respect
  • Gold is used as Currency Trade


  • No flask charges from normal monsters.
  • Flasks will be more reactive than permanent buffs. Guard Flask replaces Guard Skills.
  • No Quicksilver Flask.
  • Refill flask in town.

Spirit Reservation

Spirit reservation system replaces mana reservations.

  • Sceptres grant Spirit and Aura-like modifiers.
  • Reservations can be dynamically swapped based on weapon set.
  • Reservations do not deactivate on death.
  • 0 Spirit by default. Increases can be obtained from boss drops, quest item, item modifiers, and sceptre implicits.
  • Reserve flat amounts of Spirit to enable auras or trigger-able meta skills.
  • Permanent minions also reserve spirit.


  • Axes can be thrown.
  • Dagger skills will be fast and sometimes linked to poison

Closed Beta

Closed beta is entered by officially randomly selected players, without reference to game hours or purchased amounts. You must register on the official website and complete the survey.

Closed Beta has Non-disclosure agreement. The NDA requires a signature to download the client and enter the poe2 Closed Beta discord. If you were selected for the first wave, this would not secure you a spot in the second wave of access for the Beta.

  • First wave will run from August 15th 3PM PDT to August 24th 3PM PDT, 2024.
  • Second wave will run from September 3rd 3PM PDT to September 10th 3PM PDT, 2024.
  • Third wave will run from September 26th 3PM PDT to October 3rd 2PM PDT, 2024.

Exilecon 2023

2021/4/29 Act2 Concept Art

Act2 in Path of Exile 2

2021/4/23 Narrative Design Philosophies

Narrative Design Philosophies

2021/4/9 Second Trailer

2019/11/16 Exilecon

Official Site

Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.