Valdo Topic /4
NPC | 名前 |
メイヴェンの招待状: ヴァルドの安息 | それを自ら体験する必要の無い者にとって、 生存のためのあがきを眺めることには ねじ曲がった悦びがあるのだろう。 |
クロム製ヴァルドの安息のウォッチストーン | 内に囚われし魂だけがメイヴンのメイヴンの昏き嗜好を目撃することができ、彼らはそれを語ることを憚る。 |
プラチナ製ヴァルドの安息のウォッチストーン | 内に囚われし魂だけがメイヴンのメイヴンの昏き嗜好を目撃することができ、彼らはそれを語ることを憚る。 |
チタン製ヴァルドの安息のウォッチストーン | 内に囚われし魂だけがメイヴンのメイヴンの昏き嗜好を目撃することができ、彼らはそれを語ることを憚る。 |
Valdo FlavourText /48
name | flavour |
メイヴェンの招待状: ヴァルドの安息 BaseItemTypes | それを自ら体験する必要の無い者にとって、 生存のためのあがきを眺めることには ねじ曲がった悦びがあるのだろう。 |
クロム製ヴァルドの安息のウォッチストーン BaseItemTypes | 内に囚われし魂だけがメイヴンのメイヴンの昏き嗜好を目撃することができ、彼らはそれを語ることを憚る。 |
プラチナ製ヴァルドの安息のウォッチストーン BaseItemTypes | 内に囚われし魂だけがメイヴンのメイヴンの昏き嗜好を目撃することができ、彼らはそれを語ることを憚る。 |
チタン製ヴァルドの安息のウォッチストーン BaseItemTypes | 内に囚われし魂だけがメイヴンのメイヴンの昏き嗜好を目撃することができ、彼らはそれを語ることを憚る。 |
Int_4b_M1_5_ValdoFlees CharacterTextAudio | それは大物ね! |
StrInt_4b_M1_5_ValdoFlees CharacterTextAudio | 人造の力か。本物の強さには敵わない。 |
Str_4b_M1_5_ValdoFlees CharacterTextAudio | これは良くない... |
Int_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Int_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrInt_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrInt_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Str_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Str_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrDex_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
StrDex_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Dex_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Dex_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
DexInt_4a_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
DexInt_4b_M1_6_ArrivalComment CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character Questions how and why there is Karui in the Atlas? Could this be Valdo's creations based off his own experiences in Wraeclast? |
Int_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Int_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrInt_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrInt_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Str_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Str_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrDex_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
StrDex_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Dex_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Dex_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
DexInt_4a_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
DexInt_4b_M1_6_Kill1 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character questions why Valdo would recreate a historic Karui story of a village that was cursed by their gods for thier actions. |
Int_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Int_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrInt_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrInt_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Str_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Str_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrDex_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
StrDex_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Dex_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
Dex_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
DexInt_4a_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
DexInt_4b_M1_6_Kill2 CharacterTextAudio | [DNT] Character comments on seeing through this 'reinactment' may lead them to Valdo's next clue. |
ShaperMemoryFragment1 NPCTextAudio | I am Valdo Caeserius, chief Arkhon of the Oriath academy in Theopolis. Servant of the High Templar Venarius. I begin these writings as a record of events transpired, in hopes that the penning of such horrors will help bring sense to the matters at present. Some time ago, I was commissioned in the repairing of a strange device delivered into my hands. A golden machine found broken in the ruins of Wraeclast. Believing it to contain some dark infernal secret, the High Templar asked that I restore it and weaponize whatever powers it might contain. Though I saw it as mostly inconsequential at the time, it is worth noting, my daughter, a quiet young thing of five, suffered nightmares and tantrums unlike any I'd seen, during those former weeks I spent working on the device. I'd assumed that she missed her mother and was going through a rough patch grieving. Now, however, I can't help but wonder if perhaps it was a sign. I'd considered refusing Venarius, though not in any serious nature. Though my personal politics remain my own, I've often struggled to follow his instructions and rule – filled with such malice and hunger. Regretfully, I accepted his orders, for I know of many families who have refused the High Templar before. They have all vanished now. |
ShaperMemoryFragment16 NPCTextAudio | My dearest Zana, Where are you now? I hope, as a father often does, that you are happy and tucked away in the safest of places. I hope you grow up kind and strong, that you love and are loved. It is my life's greatest regret that I will not see you again, but I must do what I can to protect you from the evils of this outer dark. I have failed against the Elder. To be honest, I never had a chance. The creature was too strong, too well versed in the shaping ways. If Venarius had not damaged the weapon I built, that day he arrested me in my study, then perhaps I could've opened a void, forced it from its physical shell and out of this reality. But I no longer possess such a device and the Elder has suckled at my mind so many times now, that I fear I could not remember how to rebuild it, even if I tried. My war with the creature is far from over however. I've no upper hand. But like a cornered animal, I will bite until I am gone. I've attempted to sleep and awaken in Oriath, many times. Hoped that one night I might get to hold you in my arms once again. But instead of my study, I dream of nothing. I know this letter might never reach you, but I write it anyway – if not for you, then for the sake of my own fragile wits. I love you my darling daughter, and hope the best for you, far away from all this... cosmic darkness. You've made me very proud, and I've considered each day a blessing that I've been able to call you my daughter... I must keep moving. I must keep fighting. Perhaps one day, if the gods allow it, we shall see each other once more. I love you greatly. Your Papa, Valdo Caeserius |
BaranGlyph3 NPCTextAudio | この手紙の発見者へ、 この奇妙で歪んだ領域で起こったことは、理解を超えている。時間よりも古くから存在する邪悪なものがこの地を徘徊し、オリアスの息子であるヴァルド・シーザリアスの記憶を糧としていた。 彼を食べた悪魔は計り知れないほどの力を持ち、私たちが発見した「腐敗」と呼ばれるものを広めるという欲望に揺るぎはなかった。どれだけの期間、悪魔を追い続けたかは知らない。私の仲間が狂気の兆候を見せ始めたほどだ。シラスの勇敢なリーダーシップと... 犠牲がなければ、我々は間違いなく悪魔に敗北していただろう。 何度やっても悪魔を倒せず... ヴァルドの娘が悪魔を封じる方法を見つけたが...そのためにザナの父親が犠牲になった。彼の魂に安息あれ。シラスがいなければ、我々の作戦は失敗していた。悪魔は屈せず、ザナの装置から這い上がってきた。シラスは... その上に飛び乗った。悪魔が彼の身体を掴み、装置を掴んでいた手を離した。シラスと悪魔は罠に捕まり、この現実から消え去った。二人共この世界からいなくなった。 そして、シラスは再びそこにいた。その姿を見た者はいない。目は動かず、瞬きもせず、その呟きは...。狂おしく、絶え間ない。そして、黒い魂に取り憑かれた男にだけ見うけられる風に、彼の顔は歪んでいた。彼は何度も何度も私たちに襲いかかってきた。私たちは彼を抑えることができなかった。私たちはその場から逃げ出さなければならなかった。その時、私たちは帰り道が封印されていることを知った。ヴァルドの娘が我々の帰還を妨害したのだ。 どれくらいの間ここに閉じ込められていたのかわからない。少なくとも数週間。もしかしたら数年かもしれない。アトラスでの時間は蜃気楼のようなものだ。 どうか読者諸君、少しでも分別があるのなら、ここに留まってはいけない。オリアスに帰れ、あるいはどこから来たのか知らんが来た場所に戻れ。シラスの勇敢さと犠牲を伝え、彼と我々を、発見した秘密とともに死なせてくれ。 信仰無き者バラン |
KiracAdvisingValdosRest NPCTextAudio | Caeserius might not like this, but we're going to need to tread through Valdo's Rest. |
HelenaOnTheFirstWar NPCTextAudio | アトラスの支配権は常に争われているように思うかもしれないけれど、それを巡った最初の戦いは実はそう遠くない昔だったの。遥か昔にエルダーがアトラスを作ったのか、あるいはただ発見しただけなのかは難しい問題だけれど、あの領域は何千年もの間人類を狙い続けることができる安全地帯だった。二十年前、ザナの父であるヴァルド・シーザリアスがハイテンプラー・ヴェナリウスの行動によってアトラスに閉じ込められた。ザナの父はある程度のアトラスを操る術を学び、我々がシェイパーと呼ぶ存在となったわ。彼は可能な限りエルダーと戦い続け、最終的に彼の娘がエルダースレイヤーたちを勝利へ導いた。残念ながら、その頃にはヴァルドは元に戻れなくなっていたの。 |
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