40% reduced Damage
+6% to Critical Hit Chance of Herald Skills
Apocalypse Attr /14
Name | Show Full Descriptions |
ID | heralds18 |
Icon | Art/2DArt/SkillIcons/passives/HeraldBuffEffectNode2.png |
PassiveSkillsHash | 38398 |
isKeystone | false |
isNotable | true |
isAscendancyStart | false |
isMultipleChoice | false |
isMultipleChoiceOption | false |
isBlighted | false |
isJewelSocket | false |
isMastery | false |
isProxy | false |
isUsed | true |
isRoyale | false |
Apocalypse Doodad Category /7
Den Pillar
Creates an object in your hideout
Den Large Rock
Creates an object in your hideout
Den Small Rock
Creates an object in your hideout
Moss Monster
Creates an object in your hideout
Palisade Door
Creates an object in your hideout
Palm Tree
Creates an object in your hideout
Apocalypse MTX /1
Automaton Deathnotch Bow
Changes the appearance of any equipped bow to the Automaton Deathnotch Bow. It changes the appearance of your bow, its arrows, and displays arrows notched on your bow based on how many you fired in your last attack.
Anoint /1
Type | Items | Result |
Key557 | Distilled Suffering Distilled Paranoia Distilled Greed | 40% reduced Damage +6% to Critical Hit Chance of Herald Skills |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.