Waystones Item /16
Waystone (Tier 1)
Area Level: 65
Waystone (Tier 2)
Area Level: 66
Waystone (Tier 3)
Area Level: 67
Waystone (Tier 4)
Area Level: 68
Waystone (Tier 5)
Area Level: 69
Waystone (Tier 6)
Area Level: 70
Waystone (Tier 7)
Area Level: 71
Waystone (Tier 8)
Area Level: 72
Waystone (Tier 9)
Area Level: 73
Waystone (Tier 10)
Area Level: 74
Waystone (Tier 11)
Area Level: 75
Waystone (Tier 12)
Area Level: 76
Waystone (Tier 13)
Area Level: 77
Waystone (Tier 14)
Area Level: 78
Waystone (Tier 15)
Area Level: 79
Waystone (Tier 16)
Area Level: 80
Endgame Maps /75
Blooming Field
Grass Forest
Bright colours hide the rot beneath.
Grass Desert
Wild lands spurn those who claim to rule them.
Time overwhelms even the sturdiest walls.
Restless prisoners yearn for freedom.
Lost Towers
The grandest of monuments, standing proudly before an audience of none.
A haven for seabirds. A hazard for sailors.
Mountain Desert
No living hands ever stoked these flames.
Sulphuric Caverns
Mountain Swamp Desert
Beasts of many kinds sought shelter one final time.
Forest Swamp
These waters devour the same souls they feed.
The woods give their leaves to the seasons. Man takes the rest.
Humanity trapped within a cage of desperation and agony.
Leaves cling to trees as souls cling to life.
Sturdy walls held out an armada, but not the famine it brought.
Lofty Summit
The last vestiges of earth, lost beyond the sky.
Silent stones mark ancient graves and forgotten sorrows.
Mountain Grass Desert
Those killed in battle do not rest peacefully.
Steaming Springs
Mountain Grass Forest
The tears of a ravaged earth.
Grass Forest Swamp
The fetid home of foul generations.
Rushing waters threaten to move the earth.
Even the sparse vegetation does not linger here long.
Mountain Desert
Stagnant oils mix to form a deadly concoction.
Spider Woods
Vast lairs of silk span the treetops.
Mountain Desert
Darkness enshrouds these endless chasms.
Vaal City
Hubris convinces men they can survive the mistakes of their forebears.
Poisoned trees bear pestilent fruits.
The ground shifts underfoot with disturbing ease.
Hidden Grotto
Mountain Grass Forest Swamp
Shafts of light raise life where they fall.
A wound carved into the world, never to heal.
Alpine Ridge
The path grow treacherous as the world falls away.
Grass Forest Swamp
They watched the birds to foretell what any fool could see.
Mountain Grass Desert
An orchestra of chains and screams produces a discordant cacophony.
Dark energies congeal the lifeblood of the forest.
Crimson Shores
Fishermen once reaped a rich bounty here.
Grass Forest Swamp
Spores dance through the air in search of new hosts.
Derelict Mansion
Grass Forest Desert
A lineage of a thousand years, broken by one fleeting mistake.
A city ravaged by time and sands.
Avarice in the conqueror builds contempt among the conquered.
The work of an invisible empire.
Embers swirl as bark crackles and sparks.
A dark labyrinth of steel and stone.
Desert FaridunCity
Hidden amongst sunbleached wastes lies a mockery of paradise.
Stone shelters brace against the doom of the desert.
Forest Swamp
A serene shoreline, sharp and slick.
Sinking Spire
This Vaal structure is not lost in the jungle. Not yet.
The Iron Citadel
Tier: 15
A heart of corruption, borne of steel.
The Stone Citadel
Tier: 15
A heart of corruption, borne of stone.
The Copper Citadel
Tier: 15
A heart of corruption, borne of copper.
Hulls crash and splinter upon the shores.
Untainted Paradise
Life grows strong in this realm of plenty.
Vaults of Kamasa
By that era, Kamasa was just a name. Gold was their true god.
Merchant's Campsite
Forest Swamp
A travelling merchant offers wares in perilous times.
Merchant's Campsite
A travelling merchant offers wares in perilous times.
Merchant's Campsite
A travelling merchant offers wares in perilous times.
Merchant's Campsite
A travelling merchant offers wares in perilous times.
Merchant's Campsite
A travelling merchant offers wares in perilous times.
Merchant's Campsite
Forest Swamp
A travelling merchant offers wares in perilous times.
Moment of Zen
A travelling merchant offers wares in perilous times.
Moment of Zen
A travelling merchant offers wares in perilous times.
Moment of Zen
Forest Swamp
A travelling merchant offers wares in perilous times.
Vaal Village
Swamp VaalCity
Vice wears a mask of simplicity.
Aeons of wear have rotted steel to its core.
Forest Swamp
Humid air chokes and twists everything it touches.
Burial Bog
The land returns the dead as easily as it received them.
Mud and air seethes with warped life.
Felled Hideout
A fortress of fallen wood. Fully clear this area to claim it as a Hideout.
Limestone Hideout
A forgotten grotto, lost to the world. Fully clear this area to claim it as a Hideout.
Shrine Hideout
A fragment of a glorious past. Fully clear this area to claim it as a Hideout.
Canal Hideout
A moment in time, on the eve of the end. Fully clear this area to claim it as a Hideout.
Sun Temple
Wet stone emanates an inner warmth. Vaal brilliance lies in wait.
These rivers now carry only tides of sand.
Vaal Foundry
Mountain VaalCity
The cult of Kamasa exploited Utzaal long before its fall.
Vaal Factory
Grass VaalCity
Remnants of Vaal artifice still remain.
Bleak heights overlook a devastated land.
Life still clings to the highest places.
Endgame Corrupt Mods /11
+1 to Monster Level of Area
+1 to Monster Level of Area
map beyond portal search radius +% [30]
Slaying Enemies has a 30% increased chance to spawn Coalesced Corruption
+1 to Monster Level of Area
+1 to Monster Level of Area
map monster damage +% final from deadly atlas [25]
map monster life +% final from deadly atlas [-25]
+1 to Monster Level of Area
map monster damage +% final from vital atlas [-25]
map monster life +% final from vital atlas [50]
100% increased Experience gain
+1 to Monster Level of Area
50% reduced Quantity of Items found in this Area
25% reduced Experience gain
+1 to Monster Level of Area
50% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
+1 to Monster Level of Area
25% reduced Quantity of Items found in this Area
50% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Area contains an additional Shrine
+1 to Monster Level of Area
Shrines grant a random additional Shrine Effect
Area contains an additional Strongbox
+1 to Monster Level of Area
Strongboxes in Area are Corrupted
Strongboxes in Area are at least Rare
Area contains an additional Essence
+1 to Monster Level of Area
map essence monsters chance for 2 additional essences % [15]
Map Legends /46
Current Location
Unknown Area
Visited Area
Area with Inactive Waypoint
Area with Active Waypoint
Quest Location
Travel Destination
Rare Monster Encounter
Rare Monster Encounter with Upgrade
Rare Monster Encounter with Djinn Barya
Rare Monster Encounter with Inscribed Ultimatum
Boss Encounter
Boss Encounter with Upgrade
Boss Encounter with Djinn Barya
Boss Encounter with Inscribed Ultimatum
Act Boss Encounter
Notable Chest
Notable Item
Notable Camp
Notable Event
Notable Event with Upgrade
Map Node
Map Node (Accessible)
Map Node (Complete)
Map Node (Failed)
Map Node (Corrupted)
The Ziggurat Refuge
Precursor Tower
The Realmgate
Copper Citadel
Iron Citadel
Stone Citadel
The Burning Monolith
Current Location
Starting Location
Map Boss
Unique Map
Wandering Trader
Map Device Recipes /4
Waystones Mods /144
1Prefix(10–15)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
(18–24)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
1Prefix(16–24)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
(25–33)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
1Prefix(25–29)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
(34–49)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
1Prefix(55–75)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
1Prefix(76–100)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
1Prefix(101–150)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
1Prefix(55–75)% increased Gold found in this Area
1Prefix(76–100)% increased Gold found in this Area
1Prefix(101–150)% increased Gold found in this Area
1Prefix(25–34)% increased Experience gain
1Prefix(35–40)% increased Experience gain
1Prefix(21–30)% increased Pack size
1Prefix(31–40)% increased Pack size
1Prefix(41–50)% increased Pack size
1Prefix(25–28)% increased number of Monster Packs
1Prefix(29–35)% increased number of Monster Packs
1Prefix(60–100)% increased amount of Chests
1Prefix(35–49)% increased Magic Monsters
1Prefix(50–79)% increased Magic Monsters
1Prefix(80–100)% increased Magic Monsters
1Prefix(25–34)% increased number of Rare Monsters
1Prefix(35–54)% increased number of Rare Monsters
1Prefix(55–65)% increased number of Rare Monsters
1Prefix(17–24)% increased Magic Monsters
(17–24)% increased number of Rare Monsters
1Prefix(25–39)% increased Magic Monsters
(25–39)% increased number of Rare Monsters
1Prefix(40–50)% increased Magic Monsters
(40–50)% increased number of Rare Monsters
1Prefix(30–49)% increased amount of Magic Chests
1Prefix(50–79)% increased amount of Magic Chests
1Prefix(80–100)% increased amount of Magic Chests
1Prefix(25–34)% increased amount of Rare Chests
1Prefix(35–54)% increased amount of Rare Chests
1Prefix(55–65)% increased amount of Rare Chests
1Prefix(35–49)% increased Magic Pack Size
1Prefix(50–79)% increased Magic Pack Size
1Prefix(80–100)% increased Magic Pack Size
1PrefixRare Monsters have 1 additional Modifier
1PrefixArea contains an additional Shrine
1PrefixArea contains an additional Strongbox
1PrefixArea contains an additional Essence
1PrefixArea contains (8–12) additional packs of Undead
1PrefixArea contains (13–16) additional packs of Undead
1PrefixArea contains (17–20) additional packs of Undead
1PrefixArea contains (8–12) additional packs of Beasts
1PrefixArea contains (13–16) additional packs of Beasts
1PrefixArea contains (17–20) additional packs of Beasts
1PrefixArea contains (8–12) additional packs of Ezomyte Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (13–16) additional packs of Ezomyte Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (17–20) additional packs of Ezomyte Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (8–12) additional packs of Faridun Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (13–16) additional packs of Faridun Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (17–20) additional packs of Faridun Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (8–12) additional packs of Vaal Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (13–16) additional packs of Vaal Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (17–20) additional packs of Vaal Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (8–12) additional packs of Iron Guards
1PrefixArea contains (13–16) additional packs of Iron Guards
1PrefixArea contains (17–20) additional packs of Iron Guards
1PrefixArea contains (8–12) additional packs of Plagued Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (13–16) additional packs of Plagued Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (17–20) additional packs of Plagued Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (8–12) additional packs of Transcended Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (13–16) additional packs of Transcended Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (17–20) additional packs of Transcended Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (8–12) additional packs of Bramble Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (13–16) additional packs of Bramble Monsters
1PrefixArea contains (17–20) additional packs of Bramble Monsters
1SuffixMonsters deal (26–30)% of Damage as Extra Fire
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters deal (31–35)% of Damage as Extra Fire
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters deal (36–40)% of Damage as Extra Fire
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters deal (26–30)% of Damage as Extra Cold
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters deal (31–35)% of Damage as Extra Cold
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters deal (36–40)% of Damage as Extra Cold
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters deal (26–30)% of Damage as Extra Lightning
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters deal (31–35)% of Damage as Extra Lightning
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters deal (36–40)% of Damage as Extra Lightning
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix(26–30)% increased Monster Damage
125% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix(31–35)% increased Monster Damage
125% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix(36–40)% increased Monster Damage
125% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix(16–20)% increased Monster Movement Speed
(21–25)% increased Monster Attack Speed
(21–25)% increased Monster Cast Speed
125% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix(21–25)% increased Monster Movement Speed
(26–30)% increased Monster Attack Speed
(26–30)% increased Monster Cast Speed
125% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix(26–30)% increased Monster Movement Speed
(31–35)% increased Monster Attack Speed
(31–35)% increased Monster Cast Speed
125% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have (160–200)% increased Critical Hit Chance
+(31–35)% to Monster Critical Damage Bonus
100% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have (260–300)% increased Critical Hit Chance
+(36–40)% to Monster Critical Damage Bonus
100% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have (360–400)% increased Critical Hit Chance
+(41–45)% to Monster Critical Damage Bonus
100% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix(30–39)% more Monster Life
90% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix(50–59)% more Monster Life
90% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix(70–79)% more Monster Life
90% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix+30% Monster Elemental Resistances
90% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix+40% Monster Elemental Resistances
90% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix+50% Monster Elemental Resistances
90% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters are Armoured
70% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters are Evasive
70% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters gain 25% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
70% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 40% chance to Poison on Hit
90% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 25% chance to Bleed on Hit
90% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have (50–59)% increased Ailment Threshold
Monsters have (50–59)% increased Stun Threshold
85% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have (70–79)% increased Ailment Threshold
Monsters have (70–79)% increased Stun Threshold
85% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have (90–99)% increased Ailment Threshold
Monsters have (90–99)% increased Stun Threshold
85% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters Break Armour equal to 20% of Physical Damage dealt
75% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters Break Armour equal to 35% of Physical Damage dealt
75% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters Break Armour equal to 50% of Physical Damage dealt
75% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 30% increased Accuracy Rating
75% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 40% increased Accuracy Rating
75% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 50% increased Accuracy Rating
75% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters deal (26–30)% of Damage as Extra Chaos
75% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters deal (31–35)% of Damage as Extra Chaos
75% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters deal (36–40)% of Damage as Extra Chaos
75% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 100% increased Stun Buildup
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 150% increased Stun Buildup
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 200% increased Stun Buildup
95% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 100% increased Freeze Buildup
Monsters have 100% increased Ignite Chance
Monsters have 100% increased Shock Chance
100% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 150% increased Freeze Buildup
Monsters have 150% increased Ignite Chance
Monsters have 150% increased Shock Chance
100% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 200% increased Freeze Buildup
Monsters have 200% increased Ignite Chance
Monsters have 200% increased Shock Chance
100% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters fire 2 additional Projectiles
110% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 50% increased Area of Effect
110% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers are Cursed with Enfeeble
100% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers are Cursed with Temporal Chains
100% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers are Cursed with Elemental Weakness
100% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixArea has patches of Burning Ground
80% increased Waystones found in Area
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [18]
map ground effect radius [14]
1SuffixArea has patches of Chilled Ground
80% increased Waystones found in Area
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [18]
map ground effect radius [14]
1SuffixArea has patches of Chilled Ground
80% increased Waystones found in Area
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [22]
map ground effect radius [16]
1SuffixArea has patches of Chilled Ground
80% increased Waystones found in Area
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [26]
map ground effect radius [18]
1SuffixArea has patches of Shocked Ground
80% increased Waystones found in Area
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [18]
map ground effect radius [14]
1SuffixArea has patches of Shocked Ground
80% increased Waystones found in Area
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [22]
map ground effect radius [16]
1SuffixArea has patches of Shocked Ground
80% increased Waystones found in Area
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [26]
map ground effect radius [18]
1SuffixMonster Damage Penetrates 15% Elemental Resistances
120% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonster Damage Penetrates 20% Elemental Resistances
120% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonster Damage Penetrates 25% Elemental Resistances
120% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix(-15–-10)% maximum Player Resistances
125% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers gain 30% reduced Flask Charges
120% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers gain 40% reduced Flask Charges
120% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers gain 50% reduced Flask Charges
120% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers have 40% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield
125% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers have 50% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield
125% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers have 60% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield
125% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers have 30% less Cooldown Recovery Rate
110% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers have 40% less Cooldown Recovery Rate
110% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixPlayers have 50% less Cooldown Recovery Rate
110% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters take (26–30)% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Hits
80% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters take (31–35)% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Hits
80% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters take (36–40)% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Hits
80% increased Waystones found in Area
1Suffix75% less effect of Curses on Monsters
70% increased Waystones found in Area
1SuffixMonsters have 25% chance to steal Power, Frenzy and Endurance charges on Hit
70% increased Waystones found in Area
Level Resist Penalty /7
LevelResist Penalty

Community Wiki



It's infinite and expands in all directions. Now, we're not going to spoil the plot too much here, but corruption from The Beast has blighted the land, and your objective is to help fight it.

In the center of the Atlas you will find the Ziggurat, a temple in which the Vaal research the fundamentals of space and time.

Here we can open portals to nearby locations and begin cleansing corruption and finding resources.

In order to power the portal device, we will need waystones.

Each waystone has a tier which will determine the level of the monsters that you will face.

To go to an area, simply click one that is adjacent to an area you've already completed, insert the waystone and click traverse.

Portals will open, allowing you and your party to travel to the area you have selected.

All the areas in endgame feel distinct from locations in the campaign, and we've dialed the randomization up to 11.

The monster packs you will face in each map are totally random and the combination of them can lead to some very interesting combat situations.

There are over 400 monster types in Early Access, and they have a lot of varied and interesting abilities. Depending on which combination you face, you might find some serious challenges.

In order to cleanse the corruption from an area, you will need to defeat all the powerful, rare, and unique enemies in it.

Once you've done that, the area will be marked as completed and you'll be able to travel past it to progress deeper into the world.

If you die, then the map can no longer be run and you have to find another way around to get to the areas behind it.

Now waystones, like all items, can be crafted using your currency items.

Adding prefix mods will improve the rewards, while suffix mods will increase danger.

The more dangerous a map is, the more waystones will drop. Adding mods to your waystones is key to progressing to the higher tiers and for sustaining them, but it will require you to take on larger challenges.

There are a variety of factors you’ll have to consider when crafting your waystones. Some maps will have higher density, some lower.

Some have more magic and rare chests, or monsters. Some are more linear, others are more open.

Make sure you explore and think about what makes certain maps good if you want to maximize your returns.

  • T1 is Level 65

Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.