Keystone Passive /25
Your Hits can't be Evaded
Never deal Critical Hits
You can wield Two-Handed Axes, Maces and Swords in one hand
Triple Attribute requirements of weapons
Your Stun Threshold is doubled
Cannot Dodge Roll
75% of Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Deal no Non-Fire Damage
Removes all Mana
Skill Mana Costs Converted to Life Costs
Excess Life Recovery from Regeneration is applied to Energy Shield
Energy Shield does not Recharge
Unlimited number of Summoned Totems
Totems reserve 100 Spirit each
30% less Critical Damage Bonus when on Full Life
30% more Critical Damage Bonus when on Low Life
Maximum Life becomes 1, Immune to Chaos Damage
Converts all Energy Shield to Mana
All Damage is taken from Mana before Life
50% less Mana Recovery Rate
You can apply an additional Curse
Double Activation Delay of Curses
All bonuses from an Equipped Amulet apply to your Minions instead of you
If you would gain a Charge, Allies in your Presence gain that Charge instead
Gain Power Charges instead of Frenzy Charges
Gain Frenzy Charges instead of Endurance Charges
Gain Endurance Charges instead of Power Charges
Life Recharges instead of Energy Shield
Life Recovery from Flasks applies to Energy Shield instead
Can Evade all Hits
70% less Evasion Rating
25% more Skill Speed while Off Hand is empty and you have
a One-Handed Martial Weapon equipped in your Main Hand
Take 50% less Damage over Time if you've started taking Damage over Time in the past second
Take 50% more Damage over Time if you've haven't started taking Damage over Time in the past second
Cannot use Charms
30% more Recovery from Flasks
Life Leech is Instant
Cannot use Life Flasks
Converts all Evasion Rating to Armour
Block Chance is doubled
You take 50% of Damage from Blocked Hits
Hits that deal Fire Damage remove Fire Exposure and inflict Lightning Exposure
Hits that deal Cold Damage remove Cold Exposure and inflict Fire Exposure
Hits that deal Lightning Damage remove Lightning Exposure and inflict Cold Exposure
Dodge Roll cannot Avoid Damage
Take 30% less Damage from Hits while Dodge Rolling
Timeless Jewel Keystone /3
Circular Teachings
Strength's inherent bonus is 1% increased Energy Shield per 2 Strength instead
Knightly Tenets
Dexterity's inherent bonus is 1% increased Armour per 2 Dexterity instead
Black Scythe Training
Intelligence's inherent bonus is 1% increased Evasion Rating per 2 Intelligence instead

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