Zarokh, the Temporal Unique /16
Zarokh, the Temporal drops Temporalis
Maximum Honour is 1
Cannot be used with Trials below level 80
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
+(80–120) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20–30) to Dexterity
Enemies in your Presence are Blinded
Enemies in your Presence gain Critical Weakness every second
+(60–100) to Evasion Rating
+(30–50) to maximum Energy Shield
Gain (25–35) Mana per Enemy Killed
Inflict Cold Exposure on Igniting an Enemy
Inflict Fire Exposure on Shocking an Enemy
Inflict Lightning Exposure on Critical Hit
+(100–150) to maximum Energy Shield
+(10–20)% to all Elemental Resistances
(5–30)% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
(5–30)% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
Skills have (-4–-2) seconds to Cooldown
(10–20)% increased Rarity of Items found
+(10–20) to all Attributes
Lightning Resistance is unaffected by Area Penalties
You can only Socket Emerald Jewels in this item
2% increased Maximum Life per socketed Grand Spectrum
number of stackable unique jewels [1]
local jewel effect base radius [1300]
[2 Random Jewel Modifiers]
Zarokh, the Temporal drops Blessed Bonds
Cannot have Boons
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Temporal drops an additional Barya
You have no Defences
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Temporal drops Against the Darkness
Zarokh, the Temporal deals 100% more Damage
Zarokh, the Temporal takes 75% less Damage
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Temporal drops Sekhema's Resolve
Rooms are unknown on the Trial Map
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Temporal drops Sandstorm Visage
Cannot restore Honour
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
2% increased Spirit per socketed Grand Spectrum
number of stackable unique jewels [1]
+4% to all Elemental Resistances per socketed Grand Spectrum
number of stackable unique jewels [1]
(10–20)% increased Rarity of Items found
+(10–20) to all Attributes
Cold Resistance is unaffected by Area Penalties
You can only Socket Sapphire Jewels in this item
(10–20)% increased Rarity of Items found
+(10–20) to all Attributes
Fire Resistance is unaffected by Area Penalties
You can only Socket Ruby Jewels in this item
Trial of the Sekhemas Item /21

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: G2_13
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Those who would be Sekhema had to prove themselves exceptional.
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /5
NameShow Full Descriptions
ConnectedThe Ardura Caravan

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_1
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /4
NameShow Full Descriptions
BossRattlecage, the Earthbreaker
LevelNameExperienceDamageAttack TimeLifeArmourEvasionEnergy Shield
22Black Strider13,532531.4723,548152-15000
22Quake Golem12,179471.4721,19330430-3000
22Rattlecage, the Earthbreaker16,915661.4729,43530430-30150
22Brimstone Crab7,781300.984913,540304150-150
22Serpent Shaman13,532530.984922,3711524101500
22Skitter Golem478251.005244243151500
22Vault Lurker716371.5365152-15000
22Serpent Clan1,194621.00560915201500
22Quake Golem1,433741.573130430-3000
22Brimstone Crab915481.005467304150-150
22Boulder Ant597311.5305266151500
22Rasp Scavenger796411.0054062050-1500
22Rasp Scavenger955501.0054872130-1500

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_1_Foyer_1
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_1_Foyer_2
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_1_Foyer_3
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_2
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /4
NameShow Full Descriptions
BossRafiq of the Frozen Spring
Hadi of the Flaming River
LevelNameExperienceDamageAttack TimeLifeArmourEvasionEnergy Shield
22Risen Arbalest9,134361.4715,8952130000
22Adorned Scarab10,149391.4717,6612580-15150
22Gilded Beetle12,517491.4721,7823040-15150
22Desiccated Lich10,149392.9412,363205183-150150
22Risen Tale-woman10,149391.4714,12915212201500
22Rafiq of the Frozen Spring16,915822.278517,661304-153000
22Hadi of the Flaming River16,915822.307917,66130430-1500
22Adorned Beetle677351.53452280-15150
22Adorned Scarab1,194621.56092580-15150
22Risen Magi1,592831.556815224415-1500
22Mar Acolyte1,194621.175481526115-1500
22Risen Maraketh796451.54061520000
22Sand Spirit876451.7554291521070-15150

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_2_Foyer_1
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_2_Foyer_2
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_2_Foyer_3
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_3
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /4
NameShow Full Descriptions
BossAshar, the Sand Mother
LevelNameExperienceDamageAttack TimeLifeArmourEvasionEnergy Shield
22Adorned Scarab10,149391.4717,6612580-15150
22Gilded Beetle12,517491.4721,7823040-15150
22Brimstone Crab7,781300.984913,540304150-150
22Desiccated Lich10,149392.9412,363205183-150150
22Serpent Shaman13,532530.984922,3711524101500
22Ashar, the Sand Mother16,915661.4729,43525815-15150
22Porcupine Goliath1,114581.055681520000
22Adorned Beetle677351.53452280-15150
22Adorned Scarab1,194621.56092580-15150
22Serpent Clan1,194621.00560915201500
22Brimstone Crab915481.005467304150-150
22Rasp Scavenger796411.0054062050-1500
22Rasp Scavenger955501.0054872130-1500
22Vesper Bat955501.54871520-15150
22Sand Spirit876451.7554291521070-15150
22Dune Lurker1,433741.00573115200150
22Walking Goliath1,711981.58731520000

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_3_Foyer_1
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_3_Foyer_2
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_3_Foyer_3
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_4
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /4
NameShow Full Descriptions
BossZarokh, the Temporal
LevelNameExperienceDamageAttack TimeLifeArmourEvasionEnergy Shield
22Risen Magi13,532531.4716,48415224415-1500
22Desiccated Lich10,149392.9412,363205183-150150
22Zarokh, the Temporal27,064391.47273,7461527111515150
22Risen Tale-woman10,149391.4714,12915212201500
22Frost Wraith1,274661.5422152227-153000
22Sandflesh Mage796411.54061520000
22Sand Spirit876451.7554291521070-15150
22Vril Apparition557291.51421521420000
22Winged Horror1,075561.00554815200-150
22Walking Goliath1,711981.58731520000

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_4_Foyer_1
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_4_Foyer_2
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions

Trial of the Sekhemas

Trial of the Sekhemas
Id: Sanctum_4_Foyer_3
Act: 2
Area Level: 22
Trial of the Sekhemas Attr /3
NameShow Full Descriptions
Accursed Pact /18
Pledge to the Guileful
Can Open 1 Reward Chest in each Room without using a Key
Take {0} Physical Damage on opening a Key Chest without using a Key
Pledge to the Powerful
50% less [Honour] lost in Boss Rooms
100% more [Honour] lost in non-Boss Rooms
Pledge to the Deserted
50% less Merchant prices
Monsters do not drop [SacredWater|Sacred Water]
Pledge to the Afflicted
Gain a Key when you are Afflicted
10% reduced [Honour] Restored
Boon /48
Lustrous Lacquer
Minor Boons
You have 50% more [Defences]
Crystal Shard
Major Boons
The next [Afflictions|Affliction] you gain is converted into a random Minor [Boons|Boon]
Sacred Mirror
Major Boons
[SekhemaKeys|Keys] you pick up are duplicated
Upward Path
Minor Boons
Your [SacredWater|Sacred Water] found is increased by 10% on room completion
(removed when you purchase something from the Merchant)
Chipped Dice
Minor Boons
The Merchant's Shop can be Rerolled
Balbala's Gift
Minor Boons
Your next purchase from the Merchant has no cost
Black Pearl
Minor Boons
Traps deal 50% reduced Damage
Silver Chalice
Minor Boons
The next Minor [Boons|Boon] you gain is converted into a random Major [Boons|Boon]
Fountain of Youth
Minor Boons
Restore {0} of your [Honour] when you venerate a Maraketh Shrine
Holy Water
Major Boons
Gain a random Minor [Boons|Boon] when you venerate a Maraketh Shrine
Orbala Statuette
Minor Boons
You have 25% more Maximum [Honour]
Mirror of Fortune
Minor Boons
The next [SekhemaKeys|Key] you pick up is duplicated
Adrenaline Vial
Minor Boons
Restore {0} of your [Honour] on entering a Boss Room
Enchanted Urn
Minor Boons
30% increased Effect of your Non-[ItemRarity|Unique] [Relic|Relics]
Assassin's Blade
Minor Boons
The next non-Boss Monster you [HitDamage|Hit] is killed Instantly
Assassin's Blade
Minor Boons
The next 2 non-Boss Monsters you [HitDamage|Hit] are killed Instantly
Assassin's Blade
Minor Boons
The next 3 non-Boss Monsters you [HitDamage|Hit] are killed Instantly
Assassin's Blade
Minor Boons
The next 4 non-Boss Monsters you [HitDamage|Hit] are killed Instantly
Assassin's Blade
Minor Boons
The next 5 non-Boss Monsters you [HitDamage|Hit] are killed Instantly
Assassin's Blade
Minor Boons
The next 6 non-Boss Monsters you [HitDamage|Hit] are killed Instantly
Assassin's Blade
Minor Boons
The next 7 non-Boss Monsters you [HitDamage|Hit] are killed Instantly
Assassin's Blade
Minor Boons
The next 8 non-Boss Monsters you [HitDamage|Hit] are killed Instantly
Assassin's Blade
Minor Boons
The next 9 non-Boss Monsters you [HitDamage|Hit] are killed Instantly
Assassin's Blade
Minor Boons
The next 10 non-Boss Monsters you [HitDamage|Hit] are killed Instantly
Ornate Dagger
Minor Boons
You and your minions deal 50% more Damage
Sanguine Vial
Minor Boons
Monsters have 30% less Maximum Life
Wooden Effigy
Minor Boons
Viscous Ichor
Minor Boons
Monsters have 15% reduced Action Speed
Lustrous Pearl
Minor Boons
Traps are slower
All-Seeing Eye
Major Boons
The Trial Map is fully revealed
Major Boons
[SacredWater|Sacred Water] found is doubled
Diverted River
Minor Boons
[SacredWater|Sacred Water] found on this floor is doubled
Moment's Peace
Minor Boons
You cannot be Damaged until you complete the next room
Dekhara's Necklace
Major Boons
You cannot receive any more Minor [Afflictions]
Sekhema's Cloak
Major Boons
Upon reaching 0 [Honour], revive once with full [Honour]
Orbala's Leathers
Major Boons
Upon reaching 0 [Honour], revive once with 50% less [Honour]
Glowing Orb
Minor Boons
The next time you go below 20% of Maximum Life, restore all Life, [EnergyShield|Energy Shield] and 50% of [Honour]
Ahkeli's Guard
Major Boons
You cannot be Damaged for 1 second after taking Damage from an Enemy [HitDamage|Hit]
Earned Honour
Major Boons
Restore {0} of your [Honour] on room completion
Garukhan's Favour
Major Boons
Ignore the first Damage taken from an Enemy [HitDamage|Hit] in each room
Imperial Seal
Major Boons
Traps are Disabled
Silver Tongue
Minor Boons
50% reduced Merchant prices
Scrying Crystal
Minor Boons
You can see an additional room ahead on the Trial Map
Honoured Challenger
Minor Boons
50% increased [Honour] restored
Major Boons
Gain 2 [SacredWater|Sacred Water] when you take Damage from an Enemy [HitDamage|Hit]
Flooding Rivers
Minor Boons
50% more [SacredWater|Sacred Water] found
Hare Foot
Minor Boons
40% increased Movement Speed
Fright Mask
Minor Boons
Monsters deal 20% less Damage
Affliction /58
Corrosive Concoction
Major Afflictions
You have no [Defences]
Shattered Shield
Minor Afflictions
You have no [EnergyShield|Energy Shield]
Sharpened Arrowhead
Minor Afflictions
You have no [Armour]
Iron Manacles
Minor Afflictions
You have no [Evasion]
Glass Shard
Major Afflictions
The next [Boons|Boon] you gain is converted into a random Minor [Afflictions|Affliction]
Chiselled Stone
Major Afflictions
Monsters [Petrify] on Hit
Tradition's Demand
Minor Afflictions
The Merchant only offers one choice
Orb of Negation
Major Afflictions
Non-[ItemRarity|Unique] [Relic|Relics] have no Effect
Worn Sandals
Minor Afflictions
25% reduced Movement Speed
Minor Afflictions
Chests in rooms explode when opened
Minor Afflictions
Every room grants a random Minor [Afflictions|Affliction]
([Afflictions|Afflictions] granted this way are removed on room completion)
Minor Afflictions
Guards are accompanied by a Gargoyle
Fiendish Wings
Minor Afflictions
Monsters' Action Speed cannot be slowed below base
Monsters have 25% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
Weakened Flesh
Minor Afflictions
25% less Maximum [Honour]
Rusted Mallet
Minor Afflictions
Monsters always [Knockback]
Monsters have increased [Knockback] Distance
Minor Afflictions
You are [Curse|Cursed] with [Enfeeble]
Minor Afflictions
Guards release a [Volatiles|Volatile] Anomaly on Death
Chains of Binding
Minor Afflictions
Monsters inflict [BindingChains|Binding Chains] on [HitDamage|Hit]
Costly Aid
Minor Afflictions
Gain a random Minor [Afflictions|Affliction] when you venerate a Maraketh Shrine
Myriad Aspersions
Minor Afflictions
When you gain an [Afflictions|Affliction], gain an additional random Minor [Afflictions|Affliction]
Season of Famine
Minor Afflictions
The Merchant offers 50% fewer choices
Minor Afflictions
You can have a maximum of 5 [Boons]
Forgotten Traditions
Minor Afflictions
50% reduced Effect of your Non-[ItemRarity|Unique] [Relic|Relics]
Minor Afflictions
You cannot restore [Honour] (removed after killing the next Boss)
Deceptive Mirror
Minor Afflictions
You are not always taken to the room you select
Dishonoured Tattoo
Minor Afflictions
100% increased Damage Taken while on [LowLife|Low Life]
Unquenched Thirst
Major Afflictions
You cannot gain [SacredWater|Sacred Water]
Tattered Blindfold
Minor Afflictions
90% reduced Light Radius
Minimap is hidden
Spiked Exit
Minor Afflictions
Take {0} [Physical] Damage on Room Completion
Unassuming Brick
Major Afflictions
You cannot gain any more [Boons]
Orbala's Leathers
Major Afflictions
Ghastly Scythe
Major Afflictions
Losing [Honour] ends the Trial
(removed after 1 room)
Ghastly Scythe
Major Afflictions
Losing [Honour] ends the Trial
(removed after 2 rooms)
Ghastly Scythe
Major Afflictions
Losing [Honour] ends the Trial
(removed after 3 rooms)
Purple Smoke
Minor Afflictions
[Afflictions] are unknown on the Trial Map
Golden Smoke
Minor Afflictions
Rewards are unknown on the Trial Map
Red Smoke
Minor Afflictions
Room types are unknown on the Trial Map
Veiled Sight
Major Afflictions
Rooms are unknown on the Trial Map
Winter Drought
Minor Afflictions
Lose all [SacredWater|Sacred Water] on floor completion
Trade Tariff
Minor Afflictions
50% increased Merchant prices
Black Smoke
Minor Afflictions
You can see one fewer room ahead on the Trial Map
Suspected Sympathiser
Minor Afflictions
50% reduced [Honour] restored
Branded Balbalakh
Major Afflictions
Cannot restore [Honour]
Hungry Fangs
Minor Afflictions
Monsters remove 5% of your Life, Mana and [EnergyShield|Energy Shield] on [HitDamage|Hit]
Spiked Shell
Minor Afflictions
Monsters have 50% increased Maximum Life
Exhausted Wells
Minor Afflictions
Chests no longer grant [SacredWater|Sacred Water]
Death Toll
Major Afflictions
Take {0} [Physical] Damage after completing the next Room
Death Toll
Major Afflictions
Take {0} [Physical] Damage after completing {1} Rooms
Death Toll
Major Afflictions
Monsters no longer drop [SacredWater|Sacred Water]
Gate Toll
Minor Afflictions
Lose 30 [SacredWater|Sacred Water] on room completion
Leaking Waterskin
Minor Afflictions
Lose 20 [SacredWater|Sacred Water] when you take Damage from an Enemy [HitDamage|Hit]
Major Afflictions
Rooms spawn [Volatiles|Volatile] Anomalies
Rapid Quicksand
Minor Afflictions
Traps are faster
Blunt Sword
Minor Afflictions
You and your Minions deal 40% less Damage
Low Rivers
Minor Afflictions
50% less [SacredWater|Sacred Water] found
Dark Pit
Minor Afflictions
Traps deal 100% increased Damage
Deadly Snare
Major Afflictions
Traps deal Triple Damage
Honed Claws
Minor Afflictions
Monsters deal 30% more Damage
Rewards /8
Floors /4
Test of Strength
Contains Rattlecage, the Earthbreaker
Test of Will
Contains the Terracotta Sentinels
Test of Cunning
Contains Ashar, the Sand Mother
Test of Time
Contains Zarokh, the Temporal
Rooms /84
Hourglass Trial
Floor: Test of Strength
Ritual Trial
Floor: Test of Strength
Chalice Trial
Floor: Test of Strength
Escape Trial
Floor: Test of Strength
Gauntlet Trial
Floor: Test of Strength
Collapsing Cavern
Floor: Test of Strength
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards a Large Sacred Water Fountain
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards a Sacred Water Fountain
Pledge to Kochai
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards a Pledge which can be accepted to change the Trial's Parameters
Honour Halani
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards a Shrine to restore Honour and gain Sacred Water
Honour Ahkeli
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards a Shrine that greatly restores Honour and burdens you with an Affliction
Honour Orbala
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards a Shrine that restores Honour and grants you a Boon
Honour Galai
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards a Shrine that bestows the fickle Blessings of the Wind
Honour Tabana
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards a Shrine to restore Honour
Floor: Test of Strength
Contains Merchant
Bronze Key
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards Bronze Key
Silver Key
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards Silver Key
Gold Key
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards Gold Key
Bronze Cache
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards a Bronze Cache. Requires a Bronze Key to Open
Silver Cache
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards a Silver Cache. Requires a Silver Key to Open
Golden Cache
Floor: Test of Strength
Awards a Gold Cache. Requires a Gold Key to Open
Hourglass Trial
Floor: Test of Will
Chalice Trial
Floor: Test of Will
Escape Trial
Floor: Test of Will
Ritual Trial
Floor: Test of Will
Gauntlet Trial
Floor: Test of Will
Ceremonial Chamber
Floor: Test of Will
Floor: Test of Will
Awards a Large Sacred Water Fountain
Floor: Test of Will
Awards a Sacred Water Fountain
Honour Halani
Floor: Test of Will
Awards a Shrine to restore Honour and gain Sacred Water
Pledge to Kochai
Floor: Test of Will
Awards a Pledge which can be accepted to change the Trial's Parameters
Honour Ahkeli
Floor: Test of Will
Awards a Shrine that greatly restores Honour and burdens you with an Affliction
Honour Orbala
Floor: Test of Will
Awards a Shrine that restores Honour and grants you a Boon
Honour Galai
Floor: Test of Will
Awards a Shrine that bestows the fickle Blessings of the Wind
Honour Tabana
Floor: Test of Will
Awards a Shrine to restore Honour
Floor: Test of Will
Contains Merchant
Bronze Key
Floor: Test of Will
Awards Bronze Key
Silver Key
Floor: Test of Will
Awards Silver Key
Gold Key
Floor: Test of Will
Awards Gold Key
Bronze Cache
Floor: Test of Will
Awards a Bronze Cache. Requires a Bronze Key to Open
Silver Cache
Floor: Test of Will
Awards a Silver Cache. Requires a Silver Key to Open
Golden Cache
Floor: Test of Will
Awards a Gold Cache. Requires a Gold Key to Open
Hourglass Trial
Floor: Test of Cunning
Chalice Tiral
Floor: Test of Cunning
Escape Trial
Floor: Test of Cunning
Gauntlet Trial
Floor: Test of Cunning
Ritual Trial
Floor: Test of Cunning
Sand Pit
Floor: Test of Cunning
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards a Large Sacred Water Fountain
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards a Sacred Water Fountain
Pledge to Kochai
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards a Pledge which can be accepted to change the Trial's Parameters
Honour Halani
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards a Shrine to restore Honour and gain Sacred Water
Honour Ahkeli
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards a Shrine that greatly restores Honour and burdens you with an Affliction
Honour Orbala
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards a Shrine that restores Honour and grants you a Boon
Honour Galai
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards a Shrine that bestows the fickle Blessings of the Wind
Honour Tabana
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards a Shrine to restore Honour
Floor: Test of Cunning
Contains Merchant
Bronze Key
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards Bronze Key
Silver Key
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards Silver Key
Gold Key
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards Gold Key
Bronze Cache
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards a Bronze Cache. Requires a Bronze Key to Open
Silver Cache
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards a Silver Cache. Requires a Silver Key to Open
Golden Cache
Floor: Test of Cunning
Awards a Gold Cache. Requires a Gold Key to Open
Hourglass Trial
Floor: Test of Time
Chalice Trial
Floor: Test of Time
Escape Trial
Floor: Test of Time
Gauntlet Trial
Floor: Test of Time
Ritual Trial
Floor: Test of Time
Outside of Time
Floor: Test of Time
Floor: Test of Time
Awards a Large Sacred Water Fountain
Floor: Test of Time
Awards a Sacred Water Fountain
Pledge to Kochai
Floor: Test of Time
Awards a Pledge which can be accepted to change the Trial's Parameters
Honour Halani
Floor: Test of Time
Awards a Shrine to restore Honour and gain Sacred Water
Honour Ahkeli
Floor: Test of Time
Awards a Shrine that greatly restores Honour and burdens you with an Affliction
Honour Orbala
Floor: Test of Time
Awards a Shrine that restores Honour and grants you a Boon
Honour Galai
Floor: Test of Time
Awards a Shrine that bestows the fickle Blessings of the Wind
Honour Tabana
Floor: Test of Time
Awards a Shrine to restore Honour
Floor: Test of Time
Contains Merchant
Bronze Key
Floor: Test of Time
Awards Bronze Key
Silver Key
Floor: Test of Time
Awards Silver Key
Gold Key
Floor: Test of Time
Awards Gold Key
Bronze Cache
Floor: Test of Time
Awards a Bronze Cache. Requires a Bronze Key to Open
Silver Cache
Floor: Test of Time
Awards a Silver Cache. Requires a Silver Key to Open
Golden Cache
Floor: Test of Time
Awards a Gold Cache. Requires a Gold Key to Open
Relic Inventory /12
00Complete the Test of Cunning
10Complete the Test of Strength
20Complete the Test of Strength
30Complete the Test of Will
01Complete the Test of Will
41Complete the Test of Cunning
02Complete the Test of Cunning
42Complete the Test of Time
13Complete the Test of Time
23Complete the Test of Strength
33Complete the Test of Will
43Complete the Test of Time

Community Wiki


Trial of the Sekhemas

The trials we talked about earlier have much more content when you get to the endgame too.

Just like the other endgame systems, they also have progression mechanics, unique rewards and player power that can only be gained from them. As you get higher level coins for the Trial of the Sekhemas, you'll unlock more floors to explore.

Each floor has its own challenging rooms and a floor boss that you will need to kill.

There are four floors in total, leading to another pinnacle boss at the end of the last floor, which can only be accessed at endgame.


The Trial of the Sekhemas is where you will find jewels which you can socket into your tree. These are like passives that you can craft with your currency items.

They can be really powerful as they allow you to stack modifiers that may not easily be accessible on the tree normally.

This jewel gives lightning damage and shock chance, for example. There are quite a few jewel sockets on the tree, so it's possible to gain a lot of power here.

There are also other types of jewels that don't provide any bonuses themselves, but affect other passives surrounding them.

This jewel increases the effect of small nodes in radius by 25%. With careful placement in the tree, you could get a significant amount of power from it.

There are also unique jewels available with very interesting effects, but you'll have to find those for yourself. In order to push further into the trial and uncover the secrets of the Maraketh, you will want to take advantage of its progression system.


Relics are items that can be placed on the relic altar as you start the trial.

They give special bonuses that affects the trial, making it easier and increasing its rewards.

Of course, you can craft these with your currency items too, making them even stronger.

If you can complete the entire trial overcoming all four floors, the final boss will reward you with one of many unique relics.

These relics will be consumed when used on the next run, but can reward you with unique and powerful items. For example, this is The Last Flame. If you use it, you will only have one honor for the entire trial, so you will need to do a completely hitless run.

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