Olroth, Origin of the Fall Unique /5
Grants Skill: Raise Shield
Grants Skill: Cast on Block
(100–150)% increased Armour
(-20–-10)% to maximum Block chance
Block chance is Lucky
(100–150)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
(15–25) Life Regeneration per second
(15–25)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Alternating every 5 seconds:
Take 30% less Damage from Hits
Take 30% less Damage over time
Instant Recovery
(100–150)% increased Charges per use
Excess Life Recovery added as Guard for 10 seconds
Adds 1 to (60–80) Lightning Damage
+(300–400) to Accuracy Rating
(5–30)% increased Attack Speed
On Hitting an enemy, gains maximum added Lightning damage equal to
the enemy's Power for 6 seconds, up to a total of 500
Remembrancing (100–8000) songworthy deeds by the line of Vorana
Passives in radius are Conquered by the Kalguur
local unique jewel break timeless jewel calculators [0]
Expedition Item /7
Black Scythe Artifact
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Broken Circle Artifact
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Exotic Coinage
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Expedition Precursor Tablet
(5–10) Maps in Range contain Expedition Encounters
Order Artifact
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Sun Artifact
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Expedition Doodad Category /8
Demonbound Crafting Bench
Creates an object in your hideout
Heart of the Grove Hideout Decoration
Creates an object in your hideout. The sacred seedling grows based on how much lifeforce you funnel into your items. It also displays the total amount of lifeforce you have used, or used within a specific League.
Wasteland Barricade
Creates an object in your hideout
Wasteland Campsite
Creates an object in your hideout
Expeditions are Ancient Kalguuran burial sites, with hidden artifacts and dangers buried beneath the ground.
Help the Kalguuran Settlers set up a chain of explosives and unearth the treasures, but beware of the dangers that hide in wait.
Remnants can also be detonated to add modifiers to the rest of the Expedition encounter; making them harder but more rewarding.

Expedition monsters and chests will occasionally drop Artifacts that can be traded at the Kalguuran Settlers for items.
Vendor Refresh Currencies can also occasionally drop which allow for the refreshing of Kalguuran Settler shops.
Monsters mods /1
1Uniqueexpedition relic mods do not apply [1]
Crafting Bench /1
Area contains an Expedition Encounter10x Chaos OrbMapLevel 15
Misc mods /13
1MapDeviceUniqueContains an additional Expedition Encounter
Area contains an Expedition Encounter
1MapDeviceUnique20% increased number of Explosives
Area contains 25% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
Contains an additional Expedition Encounter
Area contains an Expedition Encounter
1MapDeviceUnique20% increased number of Explosives
Area contains 50% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
Contains an additional Expedition Encounter
Area contains an Expedition Encounter
1MapDeviceUnique20% increased number of Explosives
Remnants have an additional Suffix Modifier
Area contains 50% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
Contains an additional Expedition Encounter
Area contains an Expedition Encounter
1ExpeditionRelicSuffix50% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks dropped by Runic Monsters
of Archaeology68SentinelSuffix(1–1.5)% chance for Empowered Enemies to have an Expedition Reward
local sentinel drone difficulty + [4]
of Archaeology75SentinelSuffix(1.6–2)% chance for Empowered Enemies to have an Expedition Reward
local sentinel drone difficulty + [6]
of Archaeology80SentinelSuffix(2.1–3)% chance for Empowered Enemies to have an Expedition Reward
local sentinel drone difficulty + [8]
1MemoryLinesUniqueArea contains an Expedition Encounter
1TowerUnique(5–10) Maps in Range contain Expedition Encounters
of the Writings1TowerSuffixExpeditions in your Maps have +1 Remnant
of Knowledge1TowerSuffix(5–10)% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks dropped by Runic Monsters in your Maps
of Ancient Fiends1TowerSuffix(10–15)% increased number of Rare Expedition Monsters in your Maps
Item /7
Kalguuran Incubator
Adds an incubated Expedition item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing {0} monsters
Kalguuran Incubator
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Adds an incubated Expedition item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing {0} monsters
Rusted Expedition Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
Polished Expedition Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
Area contains 25% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
20% increased number of Explosives
Gilded Expedition Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
Area contains 50% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
20% increased number of Explosives
Winged Expedition Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
Area contains 50% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
20% increased number of Explosives
Remnants in area have an additional Suffix
Expedition Precursor Tablet
(5–10) Maps in Range contain Expedition Encounters
Passive /5
50% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks dropped by Runic Monsters in your Maps
Expedition Logbooks found in your Maps always have 3 Implicit Modifiers
Expedition encounters in your Maps contain 3 additional Chest Markers
Expedition Chests in your Maps despawn after 5 seconds
50% increased quantity of Artifacts dropped by Monsters in your Maps
Expedition Detonation Chains in your Maps travel 50% faster
50% increased number of Rare Expedition Monsters in your Maps
50% increased Quantity of Exotic Coinage dropped by Monsters in your Maps
Number of Explosives is one
150% increased Explosive Radius in your Maps
Expedition Monsters in your Maps spawn with an additional 20% of Life missing
100% increased Explosive Placement Range in your Maps
Atlas passive skill Passive /17
Quantity: 8
+1 to Logbook Difficulty
Reduced number of Respawn Attempts
Quantity: 8
+1 to Logbook Difficulty
Reduced number of Respawn Attempts
Quantity: 8
+1 to Logbook Difficulty
Reduced number of Respawn Attempts
Quantity: 8
+1 to Logbook Difficulty
Reduced number of Respawn Attempts
Quantity: 8
+1 to Logbook Difficulty
Reduced number of Respawn Attempts
Quantity: 8
+1 to Logbook Difficulty
Reduced number of Respawn Attempts
Quantity: 8
+1 to Logbook Difficulty
Reduced number of Respawn Attempts
Quantity: 8
+1 to Logbook Difficulty
Reduced number of Respawn Attempts
Remnants in your Maps have an additional Prefix Modifier
Remnants in your Maps have an additional Suffix Modifier
Your Maps contain 50% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
50% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks dropped by Runic Monsters in your Maps
Expedition Logbooks found in your Maps always have 3 Implicit Modifiers
Expedition encounters in your Maps contain 3 additional Chest Markers
Expedition Chests in your Maps despawn after 5 seconds
50% increased quantity of Artifacts dropped by Monsters in your Maps
Expedition Detonation Chains in your Maps travel 50% faster
50% increased number of Rare Expedition Monsters in your Maps
50% increased Quantity of Exotic Coinage dropped by Monsters in your Maps
Number of Explosives is one
150% increased Explosive Radius in your Maps
Expedition Monsters in your Maps spawn with an additional 20% of Life missing
100% increased Explosive Placement Range in your Maps
35% increased Effect of Remnants in your Maps

Community Wiki



Next up, we have Expedition. Occasionally, while clearing corruption, you will encounter these Kalguuran settlers.

The Kalguurans have discovered ancient burial sites with lost Verisium artifacts, and they want you to help them dig them up. With explosives! The Kalguurans have marked locations where the relics can be found.

Place explosives as best you can to dig up as many as possible. There's just one problem.

Corruption has brought the corpses of their ancestors to life. So you might have to do a little bit of cleanup before you can reclaim the artifacts.

You can also find remnants, the destruction of which will further anger the restless dead. Each one you blow up will make subsequent monsters more powerful, but also more rewarding. Dannig, Rog, Tujen, and Gwennen, will exchange the artifacts for useful items and runic magic.

You can also find tablets to increase the number of Expeditions and the rewards. This one increases the radius of the explosives, while this one increases the number of remnants you will find.

Expedition Logbook

Eventually, you might discover a Logbook. These are special maps full of buried treasure and relics. Essentially one giant dig site.

Here you can create an extremely long chain of explosives and go through a very high number of remnants, but be very careful. Many remnants have mods that can really brick your build, so you'll probably want to avoid those ones.

If you add too many remnants, you could easily make the encounter harder than you can handle. There are all sorts of interesting things buried under the ground in Logbooks.

You might find dripping caves or hidden pirate caches, but the most powerful encounter is Olroth, the ancient undead commander of the Knights of the Sun.

Defeating him will grant you unique rewards, as well as points to spend in the Expedition section of the Atlas Tree. So those are the endgame systems on the Atlas, but we're not done yet.

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