Eldritch Will
3% increased maximum Life, Mana and Energy Shield
Gain 20% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
Eldritch Will Attr /14
Name | Show Full Descriptions |
ID | stun_threshold_from_energy_shield22 |
Icon | Art/2DArt/SkillIcons/passives/EnergyShieldNode.png |
PassiveSkillsHash | 3894 |
isKeystone | false |
isNotable | true |
isAscendancyStart | false |
isMultipleChoice | false |
isMultipleChoiceOption | false |
isBlighted | false |
isJewelSocket | false |
isMastery | false |
isProxy | false |
isUsed | true |
isRoyale | false |
Anoint /1
Type | Items | Result |
Key977 | Distilled Isolation Distilled Guilt Distilled Isolation | 3% increased maximum Life, Mana and Energy Shield Gain 20% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.