Captured Soul of Captain Tanner Lightfoot
Captured Soul
The fish-wives of Tsoatha rejoiced loudly as
the Brine King descended into the great abyss,
making merry while his blasphemous offspring
slithered 'neath the icy waters...
the Brine King descended into the great abyss,
making merry while his blasphemous offspring
slithered 'neath the icy waters...
A captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power.
Captured Soul of Captain Tanner Lightfoot PantheonSoulBrineKingUpgrade2 /6
Name | Show Full Descriptions |
DropLevel | 1 |
BaseType | Captured Soul of Captain Tanner Lightfoot |
Class | Pantheon Souls |
Flags | AlwaysShow |
Type | Metadata/Items/PantheonSouls/PantheonSoulBrineKingUpgrade2 |
Icon | Art/2DItems/Maps/SinFlaskFull |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.