Yeah. Unless things get bad, then scramble. — EntryBanterTullinaKarstReply |
'Ey Lina -- — EntryBanterKarstToTullina |
-- you got spare picks just in case, right? — EntryBanterKarstToTullinaTwo |
Yeah, round of applause, then a round of drinks. — ExitBanterTullinaKarstReply |
Nothin' like a good job well done, eh? — ExitBanterKarstToTullina |
Lin! — SelectionBanterTullinaKarstReply |
How's the other half doin'? — SelectionBanterTullinaKarstReplyTwo |
Got it, Tulls. — SelectionBanterTullinaKarstReplyThree |
We'll have a catch-up later, ay? — SelectionBanterTullinaKarstReplyFour |
Tullina and Karst, together again at last! How ya doin' beautiful. — SelectionBanterKarstToTullina |
What else is new, eh? — SelectionBanterKarstToTullinaTwo |
Adiyah, you've never looked more lovely. Take us home, yeah? — ExitBanterKarstToAdiyah |
I'm fine, beautiful! Top o' the world! — ExitBanterAdiyahKarstReply |
Why would you say that!? Now you've definitely jinxed us. — EntryBanterTibbsKarstReply |
Try not to hit your head on the way in, ay big boy? — EntryBanterKarstToTibbs |
Even Karst-...? Rude. — ExitBanterTibbsKarstReply |
Good stuff! Let's celebrate! First round is on Tibbs! — ExitBanterKarstToTibbs |
There 'e is. Big boy Tibbs. — SelectionBanterTibbsKarstReply |
Oh c'mon. Just havin' a little fun. — SelectionBanterTibbsKarstReplyTwo |
Tibbs is so tall, that he... uh... He's so tall, that... — SelectionBanterTibbsKarstReplyThree |
Just wait. He's so tall... that... — SelectionBanterTibbsKarstReplyFour |
... Look how tall Tibbs is everyone! — SelectionBanterTibbsKarstReplyFourB |
The big man's here! — SelectionBanterKarstToTibbs |
Oh! You're workin' this job too? — SelectionBanterKarstToTibbsTwo |
Guess the blood struggles to get all the way up to 'is brain, eh? eh? — SelectionBanterKarstToTibbsThree |
'Ello rookie! Found a few markers, did ya? Apparently the Boss sees somethin' in you, but we won't know for sure 'til you're on the wrong side of a lance. I'm Karst, and there's not a lock in this world that I can't open. All you have to do is make sure I live long enough to open 'em. Adiyah'll get us to the job, and I'll show ya the ropes. Don't get tangled in 'em, 'cause it ain't my job to cut you free. — KarstFirstMission |
First things first; Client wants us to find an urn. Reckons the mark has it locked up. Thing is, it's pretty suspicious if that's the only thing that goes missing. Not really our problem, but taking heat off the client makes us look good, and we get to keep whatever else we find. Get where I'm going with this? — KarstEnterArea |
I'll pick any locks that get in our way. You keep me alive, yeah? — KarstFirstDoor |
Hear that? We ain't alone. Place is crawling with guards. You're here to make sure they don't kill us both. — KarstDoorOpen |
Consider your actions, yeah? We don't want too much attention. — KarstAlertRaised |
Urn's on the other side of this door. Grab it so we can get out of here. — KarstNearObjective |
Perfe--... Wait, hear that? We've been made. Grab what ya can and head out. — KarstObjectiveObtained |
Back the way we came, rookie! — KarstAfterAlert |
We're still breathin, rook, so you ain't done half bad. Take that urn to Faustus, yeah? He'll sort you out. — KarstAfterExit |
I'm Karst. Rather than waste my youth readin', I put that time to better use. Now I can pick just about any lock you're likely to come across. — KarstIntroduction |
A man of style, the Boss. A thief of course wants to be rich and live a life of luxury, but once you hit a certain point of wealth, I imagine you might be motivated by other things.
Apparently, the Boss was living very comfortably indeed, but felt the need to challenge himself. He entered the First Bank of Theopolis in the middle of the day, entered the vault, and just started... movin' stuff around. Octavius family fortunes into the Maxius deposit box, Avarius riches split across every small safe, each of which he popped open as if there weren't even a lock on 'em. Mixing all the money up like it were caught in the tides. Then he goes and finds the records of deposits and withdrawals, and sets 'em on fire. Walks out like nothing happened.
Well, of course the bank puts the fire out, but the records are gone. So they notify all the big customers, telling them to come in with their copy of the deposit slips... and wouldn't you know it, they're gone too.
No bloody idea how he pulled it off. 'Course, the bank and all the clients will deny it ever happened. Be foolish not to. — KarstAboutTheBoss |
Got my contract, do ya? Ran with some low-life criminal scum in the back alleys of Oriath in my younger days. Real good blokes. Loyal to the last, or so I thought. Right before I was exiled, they beat me half to death and took off with my finest lock picks. If I'd had 'em when the Law came for me, I probably wouldn't be here, so in a sense, I 'spose I should be thankful, eh?
Well I'm not. I want those picks back, and I spent a lot of markers to find out where they went. Now I know, and you're gonna help me get 'em. — KarstContractOne |
Strange. I thought having these picks back would make me feel whole again, but...
Well, it's not your problem, rookie. Not yet. — KarstContractOneEnd |
Been good having my old picks back. Real good. Just not good enough. It's like there's a lock inside me, and not even my beautiful antique picks can open it. But I been thinkin' about it long and hard, and I reckon I know what might.
One of me old crew recently got out of the game. Livin' a life of luxury now while everyone around him is suffering and strugglin' just to survive. That should've been my life, but he took it from me when he took my picks. I want to send him, and the rest of my old crew, a message. So, rather than take something, we're going to leave something. Something that'll put the fear of Sin into the lot of 'em. — KarstContractTwo |
Bet you're wondering what happens now, eh? Interesting little toxin we left. Slowly fills the air, then the lungs. Never leaves the body. Just keeps building up. First you start feeling light headed. Then you start hearing things, start seeing things. Start getting paranoid. A day or two later, you feel tingly. The tingling turns to pain, and the pain keeps building until your heart just stops beating.
I'd wash your hands if I was you. — KarstContractTwoEnd |
Word of our last job has started gettin' round. Unfortunately, all the credit is goin' to an old rival of ours. That don't sit right with me. It's one thing to steal a man's property, but to steal a man's hard work? No, I ain't gonna let that stand.
So we're going to leave a little present at my ol' rival's abode. One of my prized lockpicks, dipped in the very same toxin. — KarstContractThree |
You know what, rookie? I do believe I feel whole again. It's only a matter of time 'til that old rival of mine suffers the same fate as my traitorous crewmate. With both the bastards dead, and my pick the only common thread, the message is crystal clear:
Don't steal from a thief. — KarstContractThreeEnd |
Forgot to tell ya, bringing this lug with us on this job. — IntroductionKarstToHuck |
He's an absolute nutter. Ain't ya Huck? — IntroductionKarstToHuckTwo |
Absolute nutter. But useful. — IntroductionKarstToHuckThree |
Just keep me alive. I'll do the rest. — KarstContractSelectOne |
A job's a job. — KarstContractSelectTwo |
Yeah, alright. — KarstContractSelectThree |
Hope this ain't all on me. — KarstBlueprintSelectOne |
Keep it simple, yeah? — KarstBlueprintSelectTwo |
Just don't get in my way. — KarstBlueprintSelectThree |
Easy. — KarstLockPickOne |
Blink and you'll miss it. — KarstLockPickTwo |
This'll be quick. — KarstLockPickThree |
Not quick, but not hard. — KarstLockPickFour |
That's what I'm here for. — KarstLockPickFive |
Shouldn't be a problem. — KarstLockPickSix |
I'll take a look. — KarstPerceptionOne |
What are you hiding... — KarstPerceptionTwo |
Something's not right... — KarstPerceptionThree |
Let's see... anything standing out? — KarstPerceptionFour |
What do we have here? — KarstPerceptionFive |
They're hiding something. I know it. — KarstPerceptionSix |
I'll crack it open. — KarstVaultcrackingOne |
What are you hiding, eh? — KarstVaultcrackingTwo |
I'll get us in there. — KarstVaultcrackingThree |
Curiosity always gets the better of me... — KarstVaultcrackingFour |
Love the smell of hot metal. — KarstVaultcrackingFive |
The more they try to keep me out, the more I want to get in. — KarstVaultcrackingSix |
Bit preoccupied. — KarstBusyOne |
You'll have to wait. — KarstBusyTwo |
Got my hands full here. — KarstBusyThree |
You blind? I'm busy. — KarstBusyFour |
Trying to concentrate on something else. — KarstBusyFive |
Oi, watch the hands! — KarstInterruptedOne |
Can't work while I'm gettin' hit. — KarstInterruptedTwo |
Any chance you could stop hitting me? — KarstInterruptedThree |
Piss off, ya shite. — KarstInterruptedFour |
Let you get this one, yeah? — KarstCombatStartOne |
Who put you in a bad mood? — KarstCombatStartTwo |
Nah, go on, you got 'em. — KarstCombatStartThree |
Quick, before they make too much noise. — KarstCombatStartFour |
We got company. — KarstCombatStartFive |
Incoming. — KarstCombatStartSix |
Too easy. — KarstCombatEndOne |
Yeah. Yeeaaaah! — KarstCombatEndTwo |
Wasn't worth it, was it? — KarstCombatEndThree |
Should've stayed out of it. — KarstCombatEndFour |
I got the best of ya. — KarstCombatEndFive |
If you don't want it, I'll take it. — KarstLootOne |
You sure you want that? — KarstLootTwo |
Ehh, reckon I'll find something better. — KarstLootThree |
Good. You take that. — KarstLootFour |
Plenty more where that came from, I reckon. — KarstLootFive |
Shh! Shut it. — KarstAlertLevelOne |
Keep it down, or else. — KarstAlertLevelTwo |
You trying to get us caught? — KarstAlertLevelThree |
Might need to bail soon. — KarstAlertLevelFour |
Oh boy, this is gonna get messy. — KarstAlarmOne |
Don't fail me now, rookie. — KarstAlarmTwo |
Let's make our escape. — KarstAlarmThree |
Eh?! We gotta move! Now! — KarstSurpriseAlarmOne |
You hear that? That's your fault. — KarstSurpriseAlarmTwo |
Great, now the whole bloody world's coming after us. — KarstSurpriseAlarmThree |
Got us here safe 'n' sound, didn't I? — KarstFinalRoomOne |
Got eyes on the prize. — KarstFinalRoomTwo |
Real close now. Real close. — KarstFinalRoomThree |
Almost there. Don't screw it up. — KarstFinalRoomFour |
I think this is what we're here for. — KarstFinalRoomFive |
Tuck it away somewhere safe. We gotta move quick. — KarstObjectiveOne |
Aw, I wanted to hold it. Fine. Whatever. Let's just go. — KarstObjectiveTwo |
Is it just me or is this as good as it gets? — KarstObjectiveThree |
Job done, right? Out we go. — KarstObjectiveFour |
Always get nostalgic before a job. Almost miss me ol' crew. — KarstEntryBanterOne |
Reckon I'll have a night out with the lads after this one. Can't remember the last time I blacked out. — KarstEntryBanterTwo |
You're pretty quiet, eh Exile? ... Yeah, you're pretty quiet. Good quality in a thief. — KarstEntryBanterThree |
If it starts gettin' hairy in there, you can handle yourself, yeah? — KarstEntryBanterFour |
Things start going south in there, don't expect me to save you. — KarstEntryBanterFive |
He does it again! Can anyone stop him! I sure bloody hope not. — KarstExitBanterOne |
And with that, the rookie was forever indebted to the mighty Karst! — KarstExitBanterTwo |
Hope you didn't leave anything down there rook! We ain't going back! — KarstExitBanterThree |
Ahh, my lovely Adiyah! How about a celebratory drink, on me. — KarstExitBanterFour |
This one may've taken a few weeks off my life, but it was bloody worth it. — KarstExitBanterFive |
On it! — KarstLockPickLoudOne |
Yeah, I know! — KarstLockPickLoudTwo |
Easy! — KarstLockPickLoudThree |
Just keep 'em off me! — KarstLockPickLoudFour |
I'll try to make it quick! — KarstLockPickLoudFive |
You do your job, I'll do mine! — KarstLockPickLoudSix |
Focus, Karst! Focus! — KarstPerceptionLoudOne |
Nothing's--... There! — KarstPerceptionLoudTwo |
Ehh... Errrr... Eh?! — KarstPerceptionLoudThree |
I can't see--... wait, what's that!? — KarstPerceptionLoudFour |
Horrible time to just be standing 'round! — KarstPerceptionLoudFive |
Something... Something... Gotta be something. — KarstPerceptionLoudSix |
Easy does it! — KarstVaultcrackingLoudOne |
Nothing motivates like a little pressure! — KarstVaultcrackingLoudTwo |
Trying to get us killed!? — KarstVaultcrackingLoudThree |
Better lead to an escape hatch! — KarstVaultcrackingLoudFour |
Easier without guards after us! — KarstVaultcrackingLoudFive |
Normally enjoy this process! — KarstVaultcrackingLoudSix |
Stop ordering me around! — KarstBusyLoudOne |
One thing at a time! — KarstBusyLoudTwo |
Can't do it all at once! — KarstBusyLoudThree |
Make up your mind! — KarstBusyLoudFour |
You get hit in the head?! I'm busy! — KarstBusyLoudFive |
Lend a hand, rookie! — KarstInterruptedLoudOne |
Piss! Off! — KarstInterruptedLoudTwo |
Oi! Get! — KarstInterruptedLoudThree |
What'd I do to you!? — KarstInterruptedLoudFour |
This lot don't look friendly! — KarstCombatStartLoudOne |
Oh, no no no no! — KarstCombatStartLoudTwo |
Rookie!? ROOK!? — KarstCombatStartLoudThree |
Don't make me hurt you! — KarstCombatStartLoudFour |
I'll fight you! I'll bloody do it, mate! — KarstCombatStartLoudFive |
Keep moving! — KarstCombatEndLoudOne |
Yeah! Yeaaaaaah! — KarstCombatEndLoudTwo |
Good! Don't slow down! — KarstCombatEndLoudThree |
Dead now, ain't ya! — KarstCombatEndLoudFour |
Not even close, mate! — KarstCombatEndLoudFive |
Is lootin' still a priority!? — KarstLootLoudOne |
I get it, but is now the best time!? — KarstLootLoudTwo |
Yeah, okay, I wouldn't have let that one go either! — KarstLootLoudThree |
Good nab, but let's go! — KarstLootLoudFour |
I better not die because you needed that! — KarstLootLoudFive |
Not done yet! Grab it! — KarstFinalRoomLoudOne |
Get the bloody thing and let's move! — KarstFinalRoomLoudTwo |
Go get it, Rookie! — KarstFinalRoomLoudThree |
Pocket the goods! We gotta go! — KarstFinalRoomLoudFour |
Time's running out Rook! — KarstFinalRoomLoudFive |
Good! Go! — KarstObjectiveLoudOne |
Mooooove! — KarstObjectiveLoudTwo |
Run, rook! Run! — KarstObjectiveLoudThree |
Let's scarper! — KarstObjectiveLoudFour |
Oi Isla, what was that word again — EntryBanterKarstToIsla |
Yeah. Let's keep it clamdestine, everyone. — EntryBanterKarstToIslaTwo |
Vin, make sure you don't blow any powder near me, yeah? — EntryBanterKarstToVinderi |
No hard feelins, Nenet. Promise. — EntryBanterKarstToNenet |
Gods I hope this goes smoothly. — EntryBanterKarstToNiles |
Things go south in there, it's everyone for themselves. — EntryBanterKarstToHuck |
Stay loose. Think on your toes. — EntryBanterKarstToGianna |
Here goes. ...Hear that? No? Taciturn, but deadly. — EntryBanterIslaKarstReply |
No, follow the rookie. — EntryBanterVinderiKarstReply |
No, follow the rookie. — EntryBanterVinderiKarstReplyTwo |
Wish you'd pay that much attention to me. — EntryBanterNenetKarstReply |
Confidence, not cockiness, will ensure success. — EntryBanterNilesKarstMockingReply |
Not according to the rumours I heard about you. — EntryBanterHuckKarstReply |
Was there a script? I didn't get one. — EntryBanterGiannaKarstReply |
Triumph! Riches! — ExitBanterKarstToIsla |
You tryin' to make me angry? — ExitBanterKarstToIslaTwo |
Dunno 'bout you, but I'm ready to go home and celebrate. — ExitBanterKarstToVinderi |
See that, Nenet? See what you're missin' out on? — ExitBanterKarstToNenet |
Make way, Adiyah. Karst needs to pray at the altar of beer. — ExitBanterKarstToNiles |
Honestly didn't think we'd make it. — ExitBanterKarstToHuck |
Time to celebrate, yeah? — ExitBanterKarstToGianna |
Oi, give your big brain a break, yeah? You earned it. — ExitBanterIslaKarstReply |
We're done, Vindy-boy! Enjoy it! — ExitBanterVinderiKarstReply |
Nothin's ever good enough for you, eh? — ExitBanterNenetKarstReply |
Oh, give it a rest. — ExitBanterNilesKarstReply |
Why're you singling me out? — ExitBanterHuckKarstReply |
And a drink! — ExitBanterGiannaKarstReply |
Lady Kurai... — SelectionBanterKarstToKurai |
Will you be gracing us with your presence on this job? — SelectionBanterKarstToKuraiTwo |
What a shame. — SelectionBanterKarstToKuraiThree |
Can you make sure I get an extra cut then? — SelectionBanterKarstToKuraiThreeB |
Will not, or cannot? — SelectionBanterKarstToKuraiFour |
'Ello ello! — SelectionBanterKarstToIsla |
I, uh, dunno what you're on about. — SelectionBanterKarstToIslaTwo |
Alright, no need to harp on about it. Mosty pictures, anyway. — SelectionBanterKarstToIslaThree |
I said drop it, yeah? Don't need you lot thinkin' I'm the sort of person who reads a book for fun. — SelectionBanterKarstToIslaFour |
Oi oi! Knew Vindy'd be on this one. Could smell him from upstairs! — SelectionBanterKarstToVinderi |
And fish. Mostly fish, actually. — SelectionBanterKarstToVinderiTwo |
To hide the powder? — SelectionBanterKarstToVinderiThree |
The new blend. You bring a fish to hide the smell? — SelectionBanterKarstToVinderiFour |
...Maybe best to leave it, yeah? — SelectionBanterKarstToVinderiFive |
'Ello everyone. — SelectionBanterKarstToNenet |
Why're we bringing her along? — SelectionBanterKarstToNenetTwo |
Shut up, Nenet. — SelectionBanterKarstToNenetThree |
I'm here, I'm here. — SelectionBanterKarstToNiles |
Lockpick. I don't make 'em, I break 'em. — SelectionBanterKarstToNilesTwo |
Oh, what an incredible power! How ever does he do it? — SelectionBanterKarstToNilesThree |
I'll show you a well-honed talent. — SelectionBanterKarstToNilesFour |
Sorry, Ku. — SelectionBanterKarstToKuraiAboutNiles |
Ready when you are. — SelectionBanterKarstToHuck |
Of course. — SelectionBanterKarstToKuraiAboutHuck |
Such a snitch. — SelectionBanterKarstToHuckTwo |
Fine. — SelectionBanterKarstToKuraiAboutHuckTwo |
Ello everyone. Particularly you, Gianna. — SelectionBanterKarstToGianna |
How about you an' I get ourselves a refreshing beverage after this job, ay? My treat. — SelectionBanterKarstToGiannaTwo |
Only the company of a beautiful young woman. — SelectionBanterKarstToGiannaThree |
I, uh, meant you. — SelectionBanterKarstToGiannaFour |
Eh? — SelectionBanterKuraiKarstReply |
Fine, fine. In my defense, the term bust is really misleading. — SelectionBanterKuraiKarstReplyTwo |
...Weeeell-- — SelectionBanterKuraiKarstReplyThree |
Fair point, Lady Kurai. Fair point. — SelectionBanterKuraiKarstReplyFour |
'Ere she is! Come to bore all the guards to sleep? — SelectionBanterIslaKarstReply |
The-... — SelectionBanterIslaKarstReplyTwo |
... Isla, you making a drill for people's heads? — SelectionBanterIslaKarstReplyThree |
'Ello Vindy. How's old age treatin' you? — SelectionBanterVinderiKarstReply |
What?! No one mentioned Nenet joining us. — SelectionBanterNenetKarstReply |
Well, I mean-- — SelectionBanterNenetKarstReplyTwo |
You don't need to-- — SelectionBanterNenetKarstReplyThree |
Yeah, but-- — SelectionBanterNenetKarstReplyFour |
No. Not him. — SelectionBanterNilesKarstReply |
No, I'm saying I don't want you along. — SelectionBanterNilesKarstReplyTwo |
Luckily for you. — SelectionBanterNilesKarstReplyThree |
Blackguard. — SelectionBanterHuckKarstReply |
You say that like it's a bad thing. — SelectionBanterHuckKarstReplyTwo |
Ahh, my beautiful Gianna. It seems you and I shall be reconnoitering once more! — SelectionBanterKarstToGiannaFive |
Did you get my gift? — SelectionBanterKarstToGiannaSix |
No, the other gift. — SelectionBanterKarstToGiannaSeven |, the-... — SelectionBanterKarstToGiannaEight |
No, the-...the, uh... krrshcrrl. — SelectionBanterKarstToGiannaNine |
The CAT SKULL. — SelectionBanterKarstToGiannaTen |
I knew you'd love it. — SelectionBanterKarstToGiannaEleven |
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