My friends are dead, and now you come to me. Is it bravery? Or foolishness? — SirusExilEnters |
Did you really think this would work? — SirusProtectsBody |
I transcended all this long ago. — SirusMerges |
Destroying you is as easy as flicking a pest. — SirusAttacksZana |
How boring and small. — SirusSeesKiracWounded |
There is nothing left for me here. For a few brief days, destroying something real may make me feel alive again. — SirusTurnsTowardRealWorldA |
You slew my friends. You brought ruin to my worlds. You have invaded my very sanctum. I should be furious, and yet... I feel nothing. — SirusTurnsTowardRealWorldB |
You want the Atlas? Take it. It's yours. But Oriath? Oriath I will burn to the ground. Perhaps the suffering of my fellow citizens will finally stir something. — SirusTurnsTowardRealWorldC |
Meaningless. All meaningless. — SirusInvasionRandom |
Return to nothing. — SirusInvasion2 |
Bask in the emptiness. — SirusInvasion3 |
Immaterial. — SirusInvasion4 |
Wipe clean the slate. — SirusInvasion5 |
Cease to be. — SirusInvasion6 |
Be undone. — SirusInvasion7 |
The world unravels. — SirusInvasion8 |
Watch 'beauty' crumble. — SirusOffScreenApparition1 |
This city is nothing. — SirusOffScreenApparition2 |
Your lives are meaningless. — SirusOffScreenApparition3 |
Why run? What's the point? — SirusOffScreenApparition4 |
Fury of the cosmos! — SirusMeteorShower1 |
Rain of stars! — SirusMeteorShower2 |
Be utterly annihilated! — SirusFusionNukeBeam1 |
Creation itself! — SirusFusionNukeBeam2 |
Everlasting fire! — SirusFusionNukeBeamC |
Obliteration! — SirusCarpetBomb1 |
Glorious flames! — SirusCarpetBomb2 |
Die. — SirusShortCooldownAHuman |
Give in. — SirusShortCooldownBHuman |
Be silent. — SirusShortCooldownCHuman |
Die. — SirusShortCooldownA |
Give in. — SirusShortCooldownB |
SirusShortCoolDownCNoText — SirusShortCoolDownCNoText |
You are nothing. — SirusMediumCooldown1 |
Why resist? — SirusMediumCooldown2 |
Pointless. — SirusMediumCooldown3 |
Embrace nothingness. — SirusMediumCooldown4 |
This world is doomed. — SirusLongCooldown1 |
I have seen beyond. — SirusLongCooldown2 |
Beyond, there is only horror. — SirusLongCooldown3 |
What's this? A real challenge? You've finally caught my attention! — SirusDismountA |
The others found strength in their projections. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish. — SirusDismountB |
You assumed I share the same weakness as my fellows. I do not. — SirusDismountC |
A fellow exile? One more fool under Zana's sway. Allow me to destroy you before she has a chance to betray you, too. At least my way will be quick. — SirusAcknowledgesExile |
Feel the thrill of {the void!} — SirusHumanAndApparitionSkill1 |
You will long for {nonexistence!} — SirusHumanAndApparitionSkill2 |
Meaning {is an illusion.} — SirusHumanAndApparitionSkill3 |
You cling to life {only out of ignorance.} — SirusHumanAndApparitionSkillD |
Is life really interesting enough to warrant all this pain? — SirusDismountOneA |
Do you yet see the futility of your efforts? — SirusDismountOneB |
Why do you insist on continuing to exist? — SirusDismountTwoA |
Everything ends. Everything crumbles. Everything. — SirusDismountTwoB |
On the edge of death, my heart races. I {am} alive! — SirusDismountThreeA |
Savour your excitement, your fear... they are the last things you will feel. — SirusDismountThreeB |
At least I felt something... — SirusSimpleDeathLine |
You left me there, Zana... centuries alone in the Atlas... all I wanted was to feel something again... — SirusComplexDeathLineA |
Impressive... but now you will fight on {my} lands. — SirusComplexDeathLineBOne |
I feel... something... at last... — SirusComplexDeathLineBTwo |
The Atlas will fuel me. Behold. ...What?! No! — SirusComplexDeathLineCOne |
I always knew it would be you... Zana... to make me feel something... one last... time... — SirusComplexDeathLineCTwo |