Ogham Topic /2
WulfsbaneThe Counts of Ogham share a
legacy of cunning and power.
Ogham Candelabra"Those Eternal bastards looted everything that wasn't bolted to the floor when we
finally drove them from our island! That candelabra belongs with us!"
Ogham FlavourText /54
Ogham Candelabra
"Those Eternal bastards looted everything that wasn't bolted to the floor when we
finally drove them from our island! That candelabra belongs with us!"
Ogham deserves one last execution.
Disgusting. Everything is wet and vile in Ogham.
Your name has long been maligned in Ogham, Draven. This was my pleasure.
So... the Mad Wolf's 'justice' now razes Ogham to the ground. This must end.
The once proud Wolf of Ogham... Now a rabid dog.
The misery in Ogham never ends!
It seems something has tainted the bounty of Ogham.
I will cleanse every last bit of Ogham.
Mysterious Campsite
...whispers of an Ogham scouting party slain by a rogue, their supplies left untouched...
Cemetery of the Eternals
The bootprint of the Eternals upon the face of Ogham.
Ogham Farmlands
Those on the fringes were the first to draw the ire of the Count.
Ogham Village
Madness boils over into fire and death.
Ogham Manor
Paranoia and tyranny go hand in hand.
The 'Devourer' is just another victim of the sickness infecting our precious land. Many of Ogham's beasts are fearsome and dangerous... but not like this. The infection in the soil, water and air is changing them. {All} of them. It is sad to see such a great creature slain... but it was no longer what it once was. I suppose it had to be done.
You've lived in Ogham most of your life. Did you ever meet the Count before his madness took hold? As a child, I met him once, and he was kind to me. His smile was even, dare I say it - inspiring. The role of Count has always been reserved for the best of us, and yet here we are. Everything has changed. From the moment this curse fell upon our lands, our way of life has been slowly eroding. If the best of us can fall so far, what hope do {we} have? Do what you must.
This is home now. Our songs tell of times of renewal, when bloodshed, strife, and courage forge stronger bonds. That is how we will regard this era of Ogham, and how we will remember you in our songs.
So this is the source of my shadowed dreams... Not the Tree, but the shade upon it. As strange as it sounds, I believe we should help this creature. For the Count to bind it to the tree, it must be involved in all of this somehow. There is something very wrong in Ogham, and it may know something of it.
The Red Vale played host to the final and bloodiest battle of countless conflicts. It was in the heart of that vale that we fought for our freedom against the Eternals. We did win... in a sense... but the cost was far greater than anyone expected. Many generations of able-bodied men and women gave their lives to push off the boot of oppression. Ogham's clans haven't been the same since, even centuries on.
Our village, a burning ruin... we find ourselves in the darkest of days. One stark truth is clear: Count Geonor, tasked by birthright with stewardship of Ogham, has betrayed us.
Enacting ruthless laws was bad enough, but actually attacking his own people? I despise myself for this request, but I must ask you to enter the Manor and remove him from power.
He has become a tyrannical madman, and if you must resort to violence... so be it.
Count Geonor is dead. I never thought there'd come a day when such a statement brought relief.

We can finally start rebuilding our poor damaged Ogham. It's going to be a long and difficult struggle, but it's not nearly the first time we Ezomytes have had to rise from the ashes.
This place is our new start. Clearfell Encampment was just a logging site, but now it's the seed of the Ezomyte people in Ogham. We're gon'a have to fight back the darkness and rebuild. It'll take all the strength we have, and more, but I believe we can do it.
This part of Phaaryl has been a fair home for many an Ezomyte generation. The clans didn't always get along, but we had to settle our feuds when the Eternals laid their savage boot upon us.
We weren't able to take part in the Bloody Flowers Rebellion, but we had our share of conflict with them here. Their ruins run over top of ours, fighting a silent war in stone.
A curse has befallen this land. That's what Una feels. That's what I say, too. The beasts of Ogham have been friendly to men until a shadow started oozing out of the Manor.
These rabid and misshapen animals are not to blame. They've been driven mad by something we can't see, only feel in our bones. Last time I felt something like this, I was a much younger man...
Now that the curse on this land has been broken, we can finally start rebuilding.
There are certainly survivors scattered throughout Ogham. We'll find them, and we'll start down the long hard road ahead.
I thank you, friend. I understand that you're leaving to pursue the ghastly thing at the heart of all this. May the First Ones grace your hunt with success.
By decree of the Count of Ogham,

Effective immediately, all crimes are now punishable by hanging until death.

Hanged criminals will have their bodies thrown into the pit.
By decree of the Count of Ogham,

Able-bodied men capable of excavation must present themselves at the Manor at once.

Failure to do so will constitute a crime.
By decree of the Count of Ogham,

All men must work a third shift and continue excavating until further notice. Any man caught resting will meet the Executioner's axe... or the Gallow's noose.
By decree of the Count of Ogham,

Those condemned to hang from these branches are to be left until their hearts no longer beat, their lungs no longer fill with air, and their flesh is no longer warm. In death, you are not forgiven.

Your souls will remain trapped here by this ancient maw of maligned wood, and the Grove will be forever denied you.

Rot here in the Grelwood for all time, and good riddance.
By decree of the Count of Ogham,

To the scoundrels and cowards hiding among the trees of the Clanless Perch,

As the loyal men of Ogham lay down their lives to protect those who support them, you hide.
As the women of Ogham sweat and ache, skinning beasts upon which we feed, you hide.
As the children of Ogham play at war, preparing to serve the greater needs of the people, you traitors hide.

I will offer clemency only once. Return to the manor immediately and serve Ogham, as is your duty, and your punishment will be deferred.
Soldiers of Ogham,

The outside threat grows ever stronger. Whispers of betrayal echo within my very halls. We can no longer tolerate any risk.

Use lethal force against those you suspect of foul play. Speak carefully with your men. Ensure they are who they claim. Hang any suspects. Seek out resistance within the village and raze their homes to the ground.

We must send a clear message. Leave no stone unturned.
By decree of the Count of Ogham,

Your whispering and conspiring has not gone unnoticed. I see your disloyalty. I hear your mockery. However, your plots against me all lay dead in their tracks. Every villager must report to the Manor immediately for questioning. I alone will crush this revolt. Anyone who resists will not only be considered a criminal, but an avowed traitor.
I sense Oriana knows... And I cannot deny that which I know deep down to be true.

That fair haired villager, an Eternal descendent... She knew.

At that moment when our eyes locked... We both knew.

She clung to her children like I would end them then and there. She is of no risk now but... How many others must I fear? Is my blood truly impure?

Oriana assures me, we can right some of the wrongs of the past.
She promises a way forward for Ogham. A way forward for the clans and the clanless alike. And... A way forward for me. We must continue with our task.
Spirits in the trees be damned, you actually entered the Red Vale and survived? Every Ogham kid knows, {"If you step one foot in there, you'll be skewered and eaten!"} Well, those kids that are lucky enough to have a mother, that is. Oh, shite—no offense. I was talking about me, not you... Although, I guess we do have that in common.
Spirits in the trees be damned, you actually entered the Red Vale and survived? Every Ogham kid knows, {"If you step one foot in there, you'll be skewered and eaten!"} Well, those kids that are lucky enough to have a mother, that is. Oh, shite—no offense. I was talking about me, not you... Although, I guess we do have that in common. How rusted is the gear? Any of it salvageable? Worth anything? Just... uh... thinking out loud.
Spirits in the trees be damned, you actually entered the Red Vale and survived? Every Ogham kid knows, {"If you step one foot in there, you'll be skewered and eaten!"} Well, those kids that are lucky enough to have a mother, that is.
Spirits in the trees be damned, you actually entered the Red Vale and survived? Every Ogham kid knows, {"If you step one foot in there, you'll be skewered and eaten!"} Well, those kids that are lucky enough to have a mother, that is. How rusted is the gear? Any of it salvageable? Worth anything? Just... uh... thinking out loud.
As an esteemed member of no clan at all, I had the distinct honour of wandering through the lovely sights of all four seasons. Summer heat, winter chill, take your pick. For company, it was my pleasure to sup with the outlaws, the deranged, and the unwanted. It's simply unthinkable that I never met a nice girl to settle down with, isn't it? It won't be like this forever. I'm going to build my palace someday. Been planning it since I was small and found myself on my own. Imagine with me, if you will, a vast span of wood above you in the trees. That's the foundation you're looking at. You ascend a tremendous spiral staircase around an ancient trunk, and find yourself approaching a treehouse worthy of the First Ones. Dozens of lavish bedrooms, two—{two!}—stocked kitchens, tall spires, a tower that looks out over all of Ogham, and half of Phaaryl for good measure. Isn't it glorious? {That's} where I really live. This cold, damp, hungry world is just an illusion.
Ah, you heard about him have you? Some of the scoundrels up in the enclave would spin all sorts of tales after a few too many drinks. {"The legend of the Great Hunter"} was one of their favorites. They say that many moons ago he'd frequent Ogham, specifically for the Hunting Grounds. Over time, he grew to be someone that the clanless idolized. But honestly, the whole idea of him to me sounds like some drunken man's dream.
Isabel... Torcall... Calum... the family of Count Lachlann of Ogham... my family...! This doesn't make any sense! They're {dead!} Those bastard Eternals... I must make them pay... I must make them {suffer!}
Ogham? Oh yes, Ogham... this is the oldest home of the Ezomytes as we know ourselves. Past generations departed from here to settle Ezomyr and the Isles of Skothe. We did not always call this part of Phaaryl our homeland... and now the Eternals have come with their armies and laid claim to this place. It'll be a cold day in the Vastiri Desert before we submit!
The family of Count Lachlann of Ogham, murdered by the savage Eternals, laid to rest here for all time, together.

The Ezomytes will have their vengeance!

1215 I.C.
There have been rumours that the forest paths have been somehow changing their shape. I can only ask the First Ones to aid this courier in finding his way to you.

I will not be able to bring potion supplies to the outcasts this High Moon. I've seen signs that the behavioural changes of the forest beasts may be afflicting men as well. There is something deeply wrong in the Manor; a leering energy that vitalises sickly men and slows the healthy. The shadows are starker, a glaring absence, as though darkness yearns to snuff out the light.

These fears must sound absurd, but I urge you to keep yourself and your fellow clanless safe. Pull up your ladders and do not eat the meat of the disturbed animals until we understand more.

Lachlann, Head Servant of Ogham Manor
To Provost Connal Preas:
The Count's 'interest' in his heritage has grown into mania. At first, I thought our alliance with the outsiders was beneficial, but now I believe Ogham may be in great danger. The Manor's soldiers have been ordered to rip up the floor and dig, and I fear what they found beneath the layer of ash they hit this morning; twisted shapes, ancient agonies cast in stone, horrible proof of some event of colossal horror that burned the sky... I slipped away, that I might write to you. You were right. I was wrong.

Gather the village men as you planned. There is one final task I must endure for the Count, but when I return from the Eternal graveyard, I will give you entrance to the Manor in the dead of night, so that the Count can be secured and this madness put to an end. This is not a betrayal, it is a rescue. It is what our Lord needs to regain his sense. It is what we all need to quell our troubled dreams.

And that Maraketh wife of his, that Whisperer of Paranoias and Hatreds... I shall leave her fate up to you, Provost.

Lachlann, Head Servant of Ogham Manor
These strange occurrences. The wild beasts growing mad, the dead rising. These are not a coincidence. The source of this affliction may be found in Ogham Village. The count has stolen something. Something that can not be left in mortal hands. If we do not intervene quickly, we will all be at risk. The Tree of Souls is connected to this ancient forest. It knows a quicker way. I will... persuade it... to allow passage.
The village has been destroyed? Then madness has already reached a boiling point in the minds of the Count's men. You must infiltrate the Manor and put a stop to this by any means necessary. The fate that befell Ogham Village is only a single raindrop in the storm that is coming.
[DNT] Now that the darkness has been driven back, we can reach Ogham's boats. They'll get you across the water to the shores of the Vastiri Plains.
We did send a single {dekhara} to the island of Ogham to glean what clues we can about Corruption. She verified much of what your shade told us, and brought back a few tales as well. It seems you are a natural fit for the mercenary role you serve with us, given that you did the same in Ogham for their legendary hero, Finn. New Ezomyte myths are rare in these parts. The other tale-women will be quite impressed when I tell them how Finn saved Ogham and built a grand treetop mansion in which to house and feed his loyal vassals. How unbelievable! A fortress {in the trees?} I've hardly seen a single healthy tree in my time, but Ogham is covered with trunks as tall as the Ancient Gates themselves! Whole forests, and rivers, too! Truly, a wondrous land.
Ogham is mine!
Fool, do not send me missives here at Ogham! There is no way to guarantee that prying eyes do not see our letters.

The Countess of Ogham
The greatsword Agnar is {currently} in Count Geonor's possession... but the mighty runed blade was not always his to wield. It is an ancient weapon of the old magicks, inspired by the Greatwolf himself. Legend says it was forged and runed for the original clan leader so he might lead his people to a new, safer land. This brought them to Phaaryl where they founded Ogham. Ever since, Agnar was passed down to the leader of the strongest clan. When the position of Count was established in Ogham, the sword was bound to the role. But now... Geonor sullies its remarkable history with his misdeeds. I hope I will live to see the day when someone worthy takes up the sword once more.
The wound... It should be fatal, but somehow he clings to life... I fear it will not be long until his song ends. He will never heal while the count's binding still holds sway. Only by a Count's hand can this binding be released. I know an old tale. One that speaks of a ring we might be able to recover, buried three centuries ago in our ancient graveyard... A count's signet ring, bearing his rune of Authority. But how to reach it in time... The Grim Tangle! The overgrown sinkholes and gullies that run beneath Ogham can lead you there. The path is dangerous but... go back to the Grelwood. Find the entrance. We shall see if the spirits of this land still have the will to see you through.
This...'Seed'... is that the source of Ogham's affliction?
The Counts of Ogham share a
legacy of cunning and power.

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