Weight information cannot be obtained.
Gloves / Str / str / dex / int / str_dex / str_int / dex_int / Crafting Bench, Fossil, Harvest, Catalyst / Tiers / iLvl / Weights
0569life# to maximum Life
07712mana# to maximum Mana
0477defences# to Armour
0757defences#% increased Armour
0786lifedefences#% increased Armour
# to maximum Life
0769damagephysicalattackAdds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
0769damageelementalfireattackAdds # to # Fire damage to Attacks
0779damageelementalcoldattackAdds # to # Cold damage to Attacks
0769damageelementallightningattackAdds # to # Lightning damage to Attacks
0769attack# to Accuracy Rating
0748attribute# to Strength
0819attribute# to Dexterity
0828elementalfireresistance#% to Fire Resistance
0828elementalcoldresistance#% to Cold Resistance
0828elementallightningresistance#% to Lightning Resistance
0816chaosresistance#% to Chaos Resistance
0605#% reduced Attribute Requirements
0412attack# to Level of all Melee Skills
0815lifephysicalattackLeech #% of Physical Attack Damage as Life
0815manaphysicalattackLeech #% of Physical Attack Damage as Mana
0778lifeGain # Life per Enemy Killed
0788manaGain # Mana per Enemy Killed
0404lifeattackGain # Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks
0604attackspeed#% increased Attack Speed
0595damagecritical#% increased Critical Damage Bonus
0755#% increased Rarity of Items found
011+12% to Fire Resistance
011+12% to Cold Resistance
011+12% to Lightning Resistance
01120% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
011+25 to maximum Life
011+20 to maximum Mana
011Regenerate 0.3% of Life per second
01115% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
011+40 to Stun Threshold
01110% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks
011+7% to Chaos Resistance
01110% increased Charm Charges gained
0112% increased maximum Life
0112% increased maximum Mana
011+5% to all Elemental Resistances
011+1% to Maximum Fire Resistance
011+1% to Maximum Cold Resistance
011+1% to Maximum Lightning Resistance
01110% increased Rarity of Items found
01115% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
01110% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
011Hits against you have 10% reduced Critical Damage Bonus
011Convert 20% of Requirements to Strength
011Convert 20% of Requirements to Dexterity
011Convert 20% of Requirements to Intelligence

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