Halloween Doodad Category /2
Crumbled Boxes
Creates an object in your hideout
Crumbled Carts
Creates an object in your hideout
Halloween MTX /8
Bleeding Eyes
Bleeding Eyes replace or attach to any equipped helmet or headdress.
Spider Web Cloak
Adds the Spider Web Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Devil Horns
Adds a pair of Devil Horns to any equipped headdress.
Scare Mask Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Scare Mask Helmet.
Doomcrow Apparition Effect
The Doomcrow Apparition possesses your character.
Dancing Skeleton Pet
Summons your pet
Hallowed Grave
Creates an object in your hideout
Jack-o'-Lantern Patch
Creates an object in your hideout