Polished Bestiary Scarab
Map Fragment
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Einhar
Area contains 2 additional Red Beasts
None among us understand the beasts of this world better than you,
honoured Agnar. You will root out the mysteries of wild-artefacts.
Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map. Shift click to unstack.
Polished Bestiary Scarab ScarabBeasts2 /8
Show Full Descriptions
DropLevel 68
BaseType Polished Bestiary Scarab
Class Map Fragments
FlagsAllocateToMapMaker, AlwaysAllocate
MTX Tab Stacks5000
Scarab Item /64
Rusted Breach Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Breach
Polished Breach Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Breach
Breaches in Area contain an additional Breach Boss' Clasped Hand
Gilded Breach Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Breach
Breaches in Area contain an additional Breach Boss' Clasped Hand
Breach Hands in Area drop double Breach Splinters
Winged Breach Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 2 additional Breaches
Breaches in Area contain an additional Breach Boss' Clasped Hand
Breach Hands in Area drop double Breach Splinters
Rusted Cartography Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
20% increased Maps found in Area
Polished Cartography Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
35% increased Maps found in Area
Gilded Cartography Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
50% increased Maps found in Area
Winged Cartography Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
85% increased Maps found in Area
Rusted Reliquary Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
50% more Unique Items found in Area
Polished Reliquary Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
100% more Unique Items found in Area
Gilded Reliquary Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
150% more Unique Items found in Area
Winged Reliquary Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
250% more Unique Items found in Area
Rusted Bestiary Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Einhar
Area contains an additional Red Beast
Polished Bestiary Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Einhar
Area contains 2 additional Red Beasts
Gilded Bestiary Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Einhar
Area contains 3 additional Red Beasts
Winged Bestiary Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Einhar
Area contains 5 additional Red Beasts
Rusted Shaper Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Adds Shaper Influence outcome to Map Area
30% more Rare Shaper Items found in Area
Polished Shaper Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Adds Shaper Influence outcome to Map Area
60% more Rare Shaper Items found in Area
Gilded Shaper Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Adds Shaper Influence outcome to Map Area
90% more Rare Shaper Items found in Area
Winged Shaper Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Adds Shaper Influence outcome to Map Area
150% more Rare Shaper Items found in Area
Rusted Elder Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Adds Elder Influence outcome to Map Area
30% more Rare Elder Items found in Area
Polished Elder Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Adds Elder Influence outcome to Map Area
60% more Rare Elder Items found in Area
Gilded Elder Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Adds Elder Influence outcome to Map Area
90% more Rare Elder Items found in Area
Winged Elder Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Adds Elder Influence outcome to Map Area
150% more Rare Elder Items found in Area
Rusted Sulphite Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Niko
Map owner gains 20% more Sulphite
Polished Sulphite Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Niko
Map owner gains 40% more Sulphite
Gilded Sulphite Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Niko
Map owner gains 60% more Sulphite
Winged Sulphite Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Niko
Map owner gains 100% more Sulphite
Rusted Divination Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
50% more Divination Cards found in Area
Polished Divination Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
100% more Divination Cards found in Area
Gilded Divination Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
150% more Divination Cards found in Area
Winged Divination Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
250% more Divination Cards found in Area
Rusted Torment Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 3 additional Tormented Spirits
Polished Torment Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 5 additional Tormented Spirits
Gilded Torment Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 7 additional Tormented Spirits
Winged Torment Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 12 additional Tormented Spirits
Rusted Ambush Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 3 additional Strongboxes
Polished Ambush Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 4 additional Strongboxes
Gilded Ambush Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 5 additional Strongboxes
Winged Ambush Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 9 additional Strongboxes
Rusted Harbinger Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 2 additional Harbingers
Polished Harbinger Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 3 additional Harbingers
Gilded Harbinger Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 4 additional Harbingers
Winged Harbinger Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 7 additional Harbingers
Rusted Expedition Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
Polished Expedition Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
Area contains 25% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
20% increased number of Explosives
Gilded Expedition Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
Area contains 50% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
20% increased number of Explosives
Winged Expedition Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
Area contains 50% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
20% increased number of Explosives
Remnants in area have an additional Suffix
Rusted Legion Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Legion Encounter
Polished Legion Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Legion Encounter
Each Legion contains a War Hoard
Gilded Legion Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Legion Encounter
Each Legion contains a War Hoard
Each Legion is accompanied by a General
Winged Legion Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 2 additional Legion Encounters
Each Legion contains a War Hoard
Each Legion is accompanied by a General
Rusted Metamorph Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Metamorph Monsters
Polished Metamorph Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Metamorph Monsters
Metamorph Bosses which drop an Itemised Sample drop an additional Itemised Sample
Gilded Metamorph Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Metamorph Monsters
Metamorph Bosses which drop an Itemised Sample drop an additional Itemised Sample
All Metamorph Monsters have Rewards
Winged Metamorph Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains Metamorph Monsters
Metamorph Bosses which drop an Itemised Sample drop two additional Itemised Samples
All Metamorph Monsters have Rewards
Rusted Blight Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains a Blight Encounter
Polished Blight Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains a Blight Encounter
Blight Encounters contain an additional Blight Boss
Gilded Blight Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains a Blight Encounter
Blight Encounters contain an additional Blight Boss
50% chance for Blight Chests to contain an additional Reward
Winged Blight Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains a Blight Encounter
Blight Encounters contain an additional Blight Boss
50% chance for Blight Chests to contain an additional Reward
Lanes of Blight Encounters in Areas have an additional Reward Chest
Rusted Abyss Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Abyss
Polished Abyss Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Abyss
Abysses in Area spawn 50% increased Monsters
Gilded Abyss Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains an additional Abyss
Abysses in Area spawn 50% increased Monsters
Abysses in Area that do not lead to an Abyssal Depths lead to a Stygian Spire
Winged Abyss Scarab
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Area contains 2 additional Abysses
Abysses in Area spawn 50% increased Monsters
Abysses in Area that do not lead to an Abyssal Depths lead to a Stygian Spire

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