Vic Vox Text Audio /32
Name |
Well would you look at that. Didn't think you'd come in person! How are you, lady Kurai? Did you enjoy the book? — KuraiContractTwoVicToKuraiOne |
If you wish for this to be unpleasant, so be it. I want my book back. — KuraiContractTwoVicToKuraiTwo |
Where is it? — KuraiContractTwoVicToKuraiThree |
Kurai, Kurai, Kurai... Don't you feel you're being unfair? You did, after all, break into my home. You took something which I value. O' Eternal. A first edition. Signed by Victario himself. My parents, rest their souls, were so fond of his work that I was named after him! Am I not owed some sort of... reparations? — KuraiContractTwoVicToKuraiFour |
I want — KuraiContractTwoVicToKuraiFive |
Tell you what... You can keep the book. Give me the thief's head, and we'll call it even. — KuraiContractTwoVicToKuraiSix |
I am deadly serious. Kill them. Now. In front of me. — KuraiContractTwoVicToKuraiSeven |
Then I will consider the theft an act of aggression against the Vox family. An act of war. — KuraiContractTwoVicToKuraiEight |
A stupid decision by a weak little girl. — KuraiContractTwoVicToKuraiNine |
Every war has casualties, Kurai! Any bloodshed is on you! — KuraiContractTwoVicToKuraiTen |
The weak little girl brought her big strong bodyguard! — KuraiContractThreeVicToVinnyOne |
Lovely name. Beautiful cat. And so affectionate! — KuraiContractThreeVicToKuraiOne |
Hana swiped at us. Attacked us. We don't like being attacked, do we Vinny? — KuraiContractThreeVicToVinnyTwo |
Very mean. — KuraiContractThreeVicToVinnyThree |
Hana attacked her betters. She crossed a line. Do you see, Lady Kurai? Do you — KuraiContractThreeVicToKuraiTwo |
...It seems discussions have broken down. — KuraiContractThreeVicToVinnyFour |
Unfortunately, the party has drawn to a close. — KuraiContractFourVicToKuraiOne |
Brother! — KuraiContractFourVicToVinnyDeath |
All this... f-...for a book? For a cat? — KuraiContractFourVicToKuraiTwo |
Enough, enough! You win... what do you want? — KuraiContractFourVicToKuraiTwoAlt |
Bleed! — VicVoxBleed |
Bleed for me! — VicVoxBleedForMe |
Bow before your betters! — VicVoxBow |
You can't compete! — VicVoxCantCompete |
We control the people. — VicVoxControl |
Darkness of the Underworld! — VicVoxDarkness |
Gutter trash! — VicVoxGutterTrashRandom |
Gutter trash! — VicVoxGutterTrash2 |
No one will remember you! — VicVoxNoOne |
Pointless! — VicVoxPointless |
Spineless! — VicVoxSpineless |
You're nothing! — VicVoxYoureNothing |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.