For the job? Or just generally...? I s'pose the answer to both is no, really. — EntryBanterTullinaVinderiReply |
Who would like to hear my bordello story? — EntryBanterVinderiToTullina |
I promise it is very, very graphic. — EntryBanterVinderiToTullinaTwo |
No, we're all still quite separate. — ExitBanterTullinaVinderiReply |
Not the people down stairs... — ExitBanterTullinaVinderiReplyTwo |
I always get a little sad when a job like this ends. — ExitBanterVinderiToTullina |
I know, I know... But I really enjoyed this one. — ExitBanterVinderiToTullinaTwo |
Tullina! I was just talking about you. — SelectionBanterTullinaVinderiReply |
Yes. I was just saying to Tullina that I was talking about her. — SelectionBanterTullinaVinderiReplyTwo |
Just now! — SelectionBanterTullinaVinderiReplyThree |
That reminds me! Did I tell you that I was just talking to Tullina? She says hello. — SelectionBanterTullinaVinderiReplyFour |
Greetings one and all! — SelectionBanterVinderiToTullina |
Ah! Isla, how are your brilliant inventions? — SelectionBanterVinderiToTullinaTwo |
Wonderful. Is that some new slang term? — SelectionBanterVinderiToTullinaThree |
These plans are absolutely, what was it? Tullina? These plans are tullina, pal! — SelectionBanterVinderiToTullinaFour |
Thank you for introducing me to this tullina new word, Isla. — SelectionBanterVinderiToTullinaFive |
You've got fire magic, don't you, Adiyah? — ExitBanterVinderiToAdiyah |
Where do you draw it from? Is it in the palms? The fingers? If your hand were accidentally severed, could it still light a flame? — ExitBanterVinderiToAdiyahTwo |
They went off with a bang! Which was quite a lot quieter than I'd intended, actually... — ExitBanterAdiyahVinderiReply |
Reddy! I'd always wondered what your first name was. Teddy Ribbs. Got it. — EntryBanterTibbsVinderiReply |
Sometimes I think about retiring. — EntryBanterVinderiToTibbs |
But what? — EntryBanterVinderiToTibbsTwo |
And if anyone else gets sad when they're alone with their thoughts, I'll be at the bar! — ExitBanterTibbsVinderiReply |
Gods I feel so young again! Tibbs! Let me lift you up! — ExitBanterVinderiToTibbs |
I can do it! — ExitBanterVinderiToTibbsTwo |
Ribs! — SelectionBanterTibbsVinderiReply |
Tight! Ribs! Err, right! Tibbs! I've got a new formula for you to try. — SelectionBanterTibbsVinderiReplyTwo |
Just like the last one, but I've enriched the quicksilver with Chimeral blood. Really gives it a kick. — SelectionBanterTibbsVinderiReplyThree |
Just don't give it an actual kick. — SelectionBanterTibbsVinderiReplyFour |
Anytibbs, Time. — SelectionBanterTibbsVinderiReplyFive |
Hello, hello, hello! — SelectionBanterVinderiToTibbs |
Never better, never better. Spent the last hour in a very enclosed space with far more voltaxic sulphite than I've ever laid eyes on before, and I must say, I do not see what all the fuss was about. So, what's this we're looking at. Some sort of cuboid creature? Where's the heart? — SelectionBanterVinderiToTibbsTwo |
Did it step in paint? Can we just trace the prints back and find its nest? — SelectionBanterVinderiToTibbsThree |
Ah! A job! I see it now. Yes. Good. This means I'll need to prepare more sulphite. — SelectionBanterVinderiToTibbsFour |
Of course. Last time was an anomaly, I swear. — EntryBanterKarstVinderiReply |
Which way? Ah. Right. — EntryBanterVinderiToKarst |
Right! — EntryBanterVinderiToKarstTwo |
Right. — EntryBanterVinderiToKarstThree |
Celebrate what? What did I miss? — ExitBanterKarstVinderiReply |
Wait, is this where we came in? — ExitBanterVinderiToKarst |
Ah! Yes! What you're smelling is actually a new powder blend I'm trialling. Eggs and decaying meat, yes? — SelectionBanterKarstVinderiReply |
Fish!? ...Fish. Ah! Right! I've also brought a fish. — SelectionBanterKarstVinderiReplyTwo |
What powder? — SelectionBanterKarstVinderiReplyThree |
What fish? — SelectionBanterKarstVinderiReplyFour |
You needed me? — SelectionBanterVinderiToKarst |
Oh, you know, has its downs and ups. Still tack as a sharp though! — SelectionBanterVinderiToKarstTwo |
Hello, Isla. — SelectionBanterVinderiToIsla |
The new moon approaches. Shall we have that competition of explosions we spoke about? — SelectionBanterVinderiToIslaTwo |
And yet they do... — SelectionBanterVinderiToIslaThree |
I... I don't remember. Do you? — SelectionBanterIslaVinderiReply |
Badwyth Nems? Is that Ezomyte? I'll write it down so I don't forget. Right under Vinderi. I think that's the tall lad. — SelectionBanterIslaVinderiReplyTwo |
Do we really need to infiltrate anything? Between you and me, Isla, we could just blow the whole thing up. — EntryBanterVinderiToIsla |
Never met the lad. Knew a concubine, though. Loads of children. — EntryBanterIslaVinderiReply |
This mission is going to be spectacular. I've got all sorts of explosives to set, and they'll never even see it coming. — ExitBanterVinderiToIsla |
You'll have to excuse me for a moment once we're back home, then. — ExitBanterVinderiToIslaTwo |
Try out new powders, of course! — ExitBanterIslaVinderiReply |
No! It's MY share, and that includes any notes in it! — ExitBanterIslaVinderiReplyTwo |
Exile this is... This is... — IntroductionVinderiForGianna |
Gianna! Yes! And she's a... erm... — IntroductionVinderiForGiannaTwo |
A performer actress! Right! And... ehhh... — IntroductionVinderiForGiannaThree |
Exactly! Anything you'd like to add Gianna? — IntroductionVinderiForGiannaFour |
Lass, that might be the stupidest idea I've ever heard. — EntryBanterGiannaVinderiReply |
What happened to that little basement theatre where we first met, Gianna? — EntryBanterVinderiToGianna |
Hah! That's right. Good memories. — EntryBanterVinderiToGiannaTwo |
Please no, my bloody knees are giving me trouble. — ExitBanterGiannaVinderiReply |
Worthy of a grand play, eh Gianna? — ExitBanterVinderiToGianna |
Already? I thought we had at least a few weeks! What do we do?! WHAT DO WE DO!? — SelectionBanterGiannaVinderiReply |
What!? Oh, thank the gods. — SelectionBanterGiannaVinderiReplyTwo |
Nothing! Nothing! Just... if a living flame asks after me, I'm not here. — SelectionBanterGiannaVinderiReplyThree |
Whoops, must've taken a wrong turn. — SelectionBanterVinderiToGianna |
Well that's lucky! I'd just cancelled my plans for the rest of the day. — SelectionBanterVinderiToGiannaTwo |
Oh, just the usual armour. Helps protect the ol' bones. — SelectionBanterVinderiToGiannaThree |
I'm afraid I'm busy, dear. Got a heist to plan. Very flattered though. — SelectionBanterVinderiToGiannaFour |
Hm? Ah! Right, Ahem. Vinderi. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Err, pleased to make you. Hello.
Name's Vinderi. Did I mention that already? No one alive knows as much about the explosive arts as me. If you want something or someone, or several someones, turned into an unrecognisable, smouldering mess, I'm more than happy to oblige. — VinderiIntro |
I was walking around the catacombs beneath the square, trying to find my way to the sewers under the courts. Had a huge sack of the blue stuff on my back. Leaving a little trail as I go so I can find my way out. Little azurite fuse trail winding its way back to the storehouse. Cost me an arm and a leg, that powder. Anyway, I'm right under where I thought the High Templar's office was. Start piling the powder up right under his fat arse. Planning to blow him back to Innocence.
Well, I start hearing a hissing noise. And I start seeing the blue light down the end of the tunnel turning an angry red. It's moving towards me quick. And I'm thinking, this is it. This is where it ends for me, but at least I'll blow that high pain in the arse skyward. Then it stops. No hissing. No light. Just a silhouette. Tall as a man ever was. Taller than Tibbs. Don't know how he even got through the storehouse hole. This man... this glorious man!
Put it down! He shouts. It's not worth the trouble. Come. It's time to go! So I put the bag down, and I start walking over to him. Running even. This man saved my life. I swear to myself I'll follow this Eternal Ideal of a man, this statue, this perfect specimen, as far as he will have me. And as I get close, my eyes adjust. This beautiful man comes into focus. His hand is extended to meet me. I reach out mine. There's an electricity between us. And as my fingers lock into his, he slaps a manacle around my wrist. I'm under arrest for attempted deicide and possession of a dangerous substance. Got me exiled, the pig. Once I got here I just started working for the boss.
What was your question? — VinderiAboutBoss |
Niko? Niko... Was he the lad with the club foot? No, wait, Niko was the haberdasher. The bordello owner? No? — VinderiOnNikoOne |
Niko... ah! Of course! The miner boy. That's miner, not, er, minor. I do believe he was of age when last I saw him. Strange lad. Always felt like he was talking at me, not to me, if you follow. Had an awful lot of yellow powder for sale. Wonder what ever happened to him? Lost track of many in that line of work. A shame, but not a surprise. — VinderiOnNikoTwo |
You've got a contract you want me to take a look at? Alright, why not.
Mmhm. Mmm. Yes. Well, everything seems to be in order.
...Oh! This was mine! Well, the designs have changed a bit, but the fundamentals are the same. It's a grocery list, except instead of the markets, we're going to an alchemy storehouse I'm not supposed to know exists. And instead of groceries, we're going to collect a number of powders, ichors and minerals I'm running low on. And instead of paying for them, we are going to steal them. So in that sense, it is very unlike a grocery list. Straightforward enough. Ready to go? — VinderiContractOne |
...Thirty three cubits of cerulean alloy thread, half an ounce of vitriolic talc, two quarts of bishop-blessed cleansing alcohol -- that's for me -- and enough barrel hoops to sink a bloated bonechewer. Perfect.
...Wait. Hold on. Hold on one dang minute. Where the--... Where is the fumarole tar? Don't tell me I forgot the fumarole tar! Without the tar I might as well be baking a tray of Keth flatbread.
Oh dear. I didn't even have it on the list. Sorry, Exile, the error is mine. You've earned your markers. Hopefully I'll have enough left to take out another contract. — VinderiContractOneEnd |
Hmm? Oh! At last! The Fumarole Tar job! Gods, I've been chomping at the bit for this contract.
I've drawn up plans for a bomb that, well, let's just say it'll put The Ring on the map. Or take it off the map. It might take quite a large area off the map, actually.
I tend to deal with controlled explosions, but who doesn't love an uncontrolled explosion? Whoever's nearby, that's who! But other than them, they're great! And this is going to be really, really great.
There's only one place I know of that houses enough Fumarole Tar for the job, and it has all sorts of other experimental goodies that I'd like to get my hands on, too.
Exile, this thing is really going to set your world on fire. I feel like a child again! — VinderiContractTwo |
I've finished it, Exile. It's all done! The Vinderi Bomb is complete at last! I've named it after myself. It's my legacy. Or, the ruins it will leave in its wake will be my legacy. I wonder if it works... Shall we try it out?
We only get one attempt! Let's do it! — VinderiContractTwoEnd |
Bwaaahahaha! Had you going there for a bit, didn't I? I may be old, but I've still got a little pop left in my powderkeg. Did you really think I was about to blow us all to Innocence? Give this old man a little credit!
I just wanted to give the good folk here a little show. I call these beauties "Explodey-make-good-lookers". Catchy, eh? Reckon there might be a business in it!
Well, I hope you enjoyed it. Consider it a show of gratitude. — VinderiContractTwoFireworks |
Let me go get my things. — VinderiSelectedContractOne |
Ready, more or less. — VinderiSelectedContractTwo |
Good timing. I've been looking for something to do. — VinderiSelectedContractThree |
Needed a reason to stretch these old legs. — VinderiSelectedBlueprintOne |
Mmhm? Seems straightforward enough. — VinderiSelectedBlueprintTwo |
Got the perfect powder for this job. — VinderiSelectedBlueprintThree |
Huh. Not too hard. — VinderiVaultBreakingOne |
Cheap piece of junk anyway. — VinderiVaultBreakingTwo |
Let's pop this little sucker open. — VinderiVaultBreakingThree |
Hmm, tricky, but not impossible. — VinderiVaultBreakingFour |
Haven't come across this make before. Well, let's give it a go. — VinderiVaultBreakingFive |
Ooh. Solidly built. Open up to me. It's okay, be vulnerable. — VinderiVaultBreakingSix |
Now, how do I work this thing again? — VinderiEngineeringOne |
Con-fangled dang contraptions. — VinderiEngineeringTwo |
You don't expect me to jump, do you? — VinderiEngineeringThree |
I have the thing for this somewhere... — VinderiEngineeringFour |
I did bring the thing. Did I? Thought I did... — VinderiEngineeringFive |
I was hoping I wouldn't have to remember how to use this blasted thing — VinderiEngineeringSix |
Ah, clever. Not clever enough, but still. — VinderiDismantleTrapOne |
Not the worst trap. Not the best, but not the worst. — VinderiDismantleTrapTwo |
Just pop this spring and... — VinderiDismantleTrapThree |
Oh, those clever bastards. Hmm. Hmmmmmm. — VinderiDismantleTrapFour |
Easy pe--...oh. Oh no. Oh? Oh. — VinderiDismantleTrapFive |
Huh. Looks like a twist on a Maloney design. — VinderiDismantleTrapSix |
Hee hee hee hee hee!' — VinderiDemolitionOne |
Fun fun fun! — VinderiDemolitionTwo |
Hold onto your butts! — VinderiDemolitionThree |
This needs a BIG one. — VinderiDemolitionFour |
Yes, yes... I have just the thing! — VinderiDemolitionFive |
I've been saving this one just for you. — VinderiDemolitionSix |
Eh? It can wait. — VinderiBusyOne |
You blind? Or just daft? — VinderiBusyTwo |
Don't rush me. — VinderiBusyThree |
Oh, sure, rush the guy with the bombs. — VinderiBusyFour |
"It was all going so well, then Vinderi blew us all up because I got impatient." — VinderiBusyFive |
Pick on someone your own age. — VinderiInterruptedOne |
Moron. Moronic moron. — VinderiInterruptedTwo |
Stop hitting me, you nitwit. I have BOMBS. — VinderiInterruptedThree |
Idiot's trying to blow us both up! — VinderiInterruptedFour |
I'm old, but you'll still die sooner! — VinderiCombatStartOne |
Quick, get 'em. — VinderiCombatStartTwo |
We've been spotted! — VinderiCombatStartThree |
We have company! — VinderiCombatStartFour |
Oi, incoming. — VinderiCombatStartFive |
Feel so young again. — VinderiCombatEndOne |
Whew, that gets the ol' heart racing. — VinderiCombatEndTwo |
Tougher than I look, eh? — VinderiCombatEndThree |
Experience wins. — VinderiCombatEndFour |
Don't underestimate me. — VinderiCombatEndFive |
Well, well! — VinderiLootingOne |
That, my friend, is very expensive looking. — VinderiLootingTwo |
She's a beaut. — VinderiLootingThree |
In my younger days I'd fight you for that. — VinderiLootingFour |
Bit of advice: keep that little find to yourself. — VinderiLootingFive |
I think we're pushing it. — VinderiAlertThresholdOne |
We're going to get found out if we're not careful. — VinderiAlertThresholdTwo |
When even I think we're too loud, that's a problem. — VinderiAlertThresholdThree |
Cutting it close. — VinderiAlertThresholdFour |
We have to leave! — VinderiAlarmOne |
Let's go! Let's go! — VinderiAlarmTwo |
Storm the exit! — VinderiAlarmThree |
Oh no, OH NO! — VinderiEarlyAlarmOne |
That noise? That is not a good noise. — VinderiEarlyAlarmTwo |
I know that sound. That's a bad sound. — VinderiEarlyAlarmThree |
There she is. — VinderiFinalRoomOne |
Well, go on then. That's what we're here for. — VinderiFinalRoomTwo |
That's what we're after, right? — VinderiFinalRoomThree |
We've made it this far. Why stop now? — VinderiFinalRoomFour |
Pride cometh before the alarm. — VinderiFinalRoomFive |
And now we run. — VinderiObjectiveLootedOne |
Come on, legs, don't fail me now. — VinderiObjectiveLootedTwo |
Great! ...How do we get out of here again? — VinderiObjectiveLootedThree |
How about you get us out of here, huh? — VinderiObjectiveLootedFour |
Wait. Powder, sparks, probe aaaand... Yep. We're good. — VinderiEntryBanterOne |
Even at my age, the quiet before a job gives me goosebumps. — VinderiEntryBanterTwo |
Remember to breathe when we get in. Can't tell you how many good men and women I've lost to forgetting to breathe. — VinderiEntryBanterThree |
Bit of advice from an old hand: Whatever you do, and this is really, really important, — VinderiEntryBanterFourA |
so listen carefully. Don't, and I repeat, don't, DO NOT, forget to follow this advice. Here it is: — VinderiEntryBanterFourB |
I suggest you listen, because if you listen, you'll really take it on board. — VinderiEntryBanterFourC |
Too many of your generation forget to listen, especially when good advice is being given. — VinderiEntryBanterFourD |
Are you listening? Don't get distracted. — VinderiEntryBanterFourE |
It's easy to hear someone, but listening and hearing are two totally different things. So don't just hear; listen. — VinderiEntryBanterFourF |
Here. Where? What? — VinderiEntryBanterFourG |
What are you looking at me for? — VinderiEntryBanterFourH |
We're on a job. Don't just stare at me. Focus! — VinderiEntryBanterFourI |
Ridiculous. — VinderiEntryBanterFourJ |
Why do they keep taking on these glassy-eyed dimwits. — VinderiEntryBanterFourK |
People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude. — VinderiEntryBanterFive |
Oh, me heart! I auugh-- ...Oh, thank the gods. False alarm. — VinderiExitBanterOne |
Glad I didn't tell you I nearly blew my arms off during prep! — VinderiExitBanterTwo |
You are mad, Exile. Mad! And I love it! — VinderiExitBanterThree |
What a rush! Can't pay for that kind of experience. Even crazier that we're getting paid to do it! — VinderiExitBanterFour |
Hahaha! I'd never've told my kids this, but gods, I love crime. I just love doing a good crime! — VinderiExitBanterFive |
You sure?! Okay...! — VinderiVaultBreakingLoudOne |
Really? Now?! — VinderiVaultBreakingLoudTwo |
Gods, you're serious...! — VinderiVaultBreakingLoudThree |
"Vinderi, you're not busy running for your life are you?!" — VinderiVaultBreakingLoudFour |
You're insane, you know that, right?! — VinderiVaultBreakingLoudFive |
I don't work well under pressure! — VinderiVaultBreakingLoudSix |
Where's the blasted thing!? — VinderiEngineeringLoudOne |
How in the--... oh! Found it! — VinderiEngineeringLoudTwo |
Go, go you stupid-...! — VinderiEngineeringLoudThree |
You have the thing!? Wait, I have the thing! — VinderiEngineeringLoudFour |
Ah! I've got the thing for this! Here we go--no, that's not it. AH! Here we go! — VinderiEngineeringLoudFive |
A gap! I have just the tool for this. Somewhere. Did I drop it? Ha! I was holding it! Don't you just hate that?! — VinderiEngineeringLoudSix |
This is meant to be DELICATE work! — VinderiDismantleTrapLoudOne |
The whole place is a damnable death trap! — VinderiDismantleTrapLoudTwo |
Wait! This thing's rigged to kill us! — VinderiDismantleTrapLoudThree |
Gods! You were planning to blunder into this thing! — VinderiDismantleTrapLoudFour |
Trap! Trap! Stop! There's a trap! A trap! — VinderiDismantleTrapLoudFive |
This is exactly the sort of thing we should have handled earlier! — VinderiDismantleTrapLoudSix |
VinderiDemolitionLoudOne — VinderiDemolitionLoudOne |
Can't even take the time to enjoy this! — VinderiDemolitionLoudTwo |
I hate everything about this! — VinderiDemolitionLoudThree |
If I die, I hope this blows you up too! — VinderiDemolitionLoudFour |
Gods, these are NOT ideal conditions for handling explosive materials! — VinderiDemolitionLoudFive |
I wanted to save this one for a special occasion. You owe me a new bomb! — VinderiDemolitionLoudSix |
You've lost the plot! — VinderiBusyLoudOne |
I don't have a twin you know! He's long dead!! — VinderiBusyLoudTwo |
What!? Now!? — VinderiBusyLoudThree |
I. Am. Busy! — VinderiBusyLoudFour |
I'm too old for this! — VinderiBusyLoudFive |
Old man under attack! — VinderiInterruptedLoudOne |
Elder abuse! — VinderiInterruptedLoudTwo |
Not like this! Not like this! — VinderiInterruptedLoudThree |
Help! I'm too young to die! — VinderiInterruptedLoudFour |
They just keep coming! — VinderiCombatStartLoudOne |
To arms! — VinderiCombatStartLoudTwo |
Ready yourselves! — VinderiCombatStartLoudThree |
Fight your way out! — VinderiCombatStartLoudFour |
Out of the way! — VinderiCombatStartLoudFive |
Gods that was satisfying! — VinderiCombatEndLoudOne |
Can't celebrate yet! — VinderiCombatEndLoudTwo |
Just keep moving! — VinderiCombatEndLoudThree |
Any more? Huh!? — VinderiCombatEndLoudFour |
Old, but strong! — VinderiCombatEndLoudFive |
Why are you still grabbing things!? — VinderiLootingLoudOne |
Can't use it if you're dead! — VinderiLootingLoudTwo |
Focus on escaping! — VinderiLootingLoudThree |
Attention span of a toddler! — VinderiLootingLoudFour |
Great, now you got more loot than brains! — VinderiLootingLoudFive |
Can't believe it, that's it! — VinderiFinalRoomLoudOne |
That's what we're after! — VinderiFinalRoomLoudTwo |
There it is! What are you waiting for?! — VinderiFinalRoomLoudThree |
Get it! Get it now! — VinderiFinalRoomLoudFour |
If you don't get it now, you don't get it at all! — VinderiFinalRoomLoudFive |
Get a move on! — VinderiObjectiveLootedLoudOne |
That's it! Now out! Out! — VinderiObjectiveLootedLoudTwo |
Got it? Then move! — VinderiObjectiveLootedLoudThree |
Go on then! Make a path! — VinderiObjectiveLootedLoudFour |
Found a weird mole this morning. Nenet? — EntryBanterVinderiToNenet |
Will you-- — EntryBanterVinderiToNenetTwo |
--take a look-- — EntryBanterVinderiToNenetThree |
--at this mole later? — EntryBanterVinderiToNenetFour |
You all know what we're doing, right? — EntryBanterVinderiToNiles |
Of course I do you freaky bastard. ...But I'll follow your lead. For safety's sake. — EntryBanterVinderiToNilesTwo |
Call out if you need a powderkeg. — EntryBanterVinderiToHuck |
Now? Righto, catch! — EntryBanterVinderiToHuckTwo |
Bwaaahahaha! Still funny! So many times, and it's still very, very funny. — EntryBanterVinderiToHuckThree |
Gods, that stew was too old, wasn't it. Sorry, everyone. — EntryBanterNenetVinderiReply |
Why, you looking for a little time off? Ha! — EntryBanterNilesVinderiReply |
Gods, you almost make it sound tempting. A nice, long nap. — EntryBanterHuckVinderiReply |
Did you see that back there? — ExitBanterVinderiToNenet |
Oh... Even when I, err... — ExitBanterVinderiToNenetTwo |
Gods, that was exhilarating. — ExitBanterVinderiToNiles |
Best watch your mouth, interrogator. Got a powderkeg that fits right in it. — ExitBanterVinderiToNilesTwo |
Got enough loot in there to choke an ex-blackguard in his sleep! — ExitBanterVinderiToHuck |
Err, not you. Different guy. Goes by, uh, Buck. — ExitBanterVinderiToHuckTwo |
Oh, they're here for me. Buzz off! Blasted birds. I'm not dead yet! — ExitBanterNenetVinderiReply |
Your bedroom? — ExitBanterNilesVinderiReply |
Wait... Damn! — ExitBanterNilesVinderiReplyTwo |
What'd you expect? — ExitBanterHuckVinderiReply |
Kurai! Just the lady I was looking for. — SelectionBanterVinderiToKurai |
Looking for a reason to destroy Niles? — SelectionBanterVinderiToKuraiTwo |
Not at all, no, nothing of the sort. Got plenty of reasons! Just looking for permission. — SelectionBanterVinderiToKuraiThree |
Well, can I ask the Boss? — SelectionBanterVinderiToKuraiFour |
Hello, everyone. Ah, plans! — SelectionBanterVinderiToNenet |
The scale of the bomb... where are we supposed to get all the powder? — SelectionBanterVinderiToNenetTwo |
Oh! Oh. ...Oh. — SelectionBanterVinderiToNenetThree |
Happy to be ab--... Niles. — SelectionBanterVinderiToNiles |
Unfortunately. — SelectionBanterVinderiToNilesTwo |
I know, I'm a professional. — SelectionBanterVinderiToNilesThree |
You are a jackass. — SelectionBanterVinderiToNilesFour |
Nice to see you all. — SelectionBanterVinderiToHuck |
Trying to make me obsolete, are ya? — SelectionBanterVinderiToHuckTwo |
Gonna run back to Dominus with my precious formulas!? I know your game. — SelectionBanterVinderiToHuckThree |
Forget what? — SelectionBanterVinderiToHuckFour |
Thanks for what? — SelectionBanterVinderiToHuckFive |
Not a problem. What do you need from me? — SelectionBanterKuraiVinderiReply |
Just me? Or... — SelectionBanterKuraiVinderiReplyTwo |
Good, good. I'm in. — SelectionBanterKuraiVinderiReplyThree |
That easy. — SelectionBanterKuraiVinderiReplyFour |
Is she? Where's she hiding? Help me look... erm... — SelectionBanterNenetVinderiReply |
Yes, help me look for Nenet, erm... uhh... — SelectionBanterNenetVinderiReplyTwo |
Ah! There she is. Thank you, uh, you. — SelectionBanterNenetVinderiReplyThree |
Was that directed at me? — SelectionBanterNilesVinderiReply |
Keep your greasy little head out of mine, or else. — SelectionBanterNilesVinderiReplyTwo |
SelectionBanterNilesVinderiReplyThree — SelectionBanterNilesVinderiReplyThree |
I did warn y-- — SelectionBanterNilesVinderiReplyFour |
I did warn you. I did warn him. — SelectionBanterNilesVinderiReplyFive |
A bloody big stupid head! Boom! — SelectionBanterHuckVinderiReply |
Oh, come on. He was asking for it. — SelectionBanterHuckVinderiReplyTwo |
Sorry, Huck. — SelectionBanterHuckVinderiReplyThree |
Nice to meet you, Vinderi. My name's Vinderi too! Isn't that funny? — IntroductionVinderiVinderiToExile |
Sorry to hear that. Luckily I'm fiddle as a fit! — IntroductionVinderiVinderiToExileTwo |
— Vinderi_Greeting_A.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_B.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_C.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_D.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_E.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_F.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_G.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_H.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_I.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_J.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_K.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_L.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_M.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_N.ogg |
— Vinderi_Greeting_O.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_A.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_B.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_C.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_D.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_E.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_F.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_G.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_H.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_I.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_J.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_K.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_L.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_M.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_N.ogg |
— Vinderi_Farewell_O.ogg |