Etchings of Varashta Text Audio /5
The proving grounds for the sisterhood is complete. Though it broke many bones and some backs, the triumph is ours to behold. Zarokh has been a most helpful aid.

He came to us a taljari but now he is something more.
Varashta's Etchings
The akharas have embraced the trial. It is fortuitous that the sisters of the sands understand the value of tradition, even those that are forged anew.

Zarokh has started the process of blessing the halls within. It worried some sisters, but he means well and I believe it will bring luck to the aspirants who come here.

Varashta's Etchings
The air has cooled. The sun is low... And I am betrayed. I see what he is. I see what a fool I have been. He is more than just some deceitful soothesayer though.... Zarokh... He manipulates time itself. Where did he gain such power?

I must find a way to fix this.

Varashta's Etchings
I have managed to trap him in the farthest halls of the Trial. Halls that are unrequired of the Sekhemas who will come here. I have also invoked the ritual. He is bound there for his crimes... A djinn. But as he is bound there, I am here.

Whatever foul curse he has placed upon these halls has sealed me here... Not so much in place but in time. Caught between now and tomorrow, but never thereafter.

I'm tired but... I must find my escape.

Varashta's Etchings
Future Sekhema, should you read this message, do not venture further. My eyes are as dry as the sands in these halls. My lips shrivel and my bones ache.

He has robbed me of everything. He and I shall remain bound in this eternal torment. But you must not continue.

Now, I shall rest awhile.

Varashta's Etchings