Weapon 传奇 /36
local weapon implicit hidden % base damage is fire [50]
附加 (2–3) - (4–5) 物理伤害
附加 (2–3) - (4–5) 火焰伤害
击中粉碎 (30–50) 护甲
附加 (4–6) - (8–12) 物理伤害
附加 (4–6) - (8–12) 冰霜伤害
All Damage from Hits with this Weapon Contributes to Freeze Buildup
附加 (9–12) - (18–22) 冰霜伤害
附加 1 - (30–35) 闪电伤害
攻击速度加快 (10–20)%
Energy Generation is doubled
附加 1 - (60–80) 闪电伤害
+(300–400) 命中值
攻击速度加快 (5–30)%
On Hitting an enemy, gains maximum added Lightning damage equal to
the enemy's Power for 6 seconds, up to a total of 500
the enemy's Power for 6 seconds, up to a total of 500
造成的晕眩积蓄值提高 (30–50)%
物理伤害提高 (60–80)%
+(10–15) 力量
每击败一名敌人获得 (10–20) 点生命
Slam Skills you use yourself cause Aftershocks
附加 (7–10) - (12–18) 物理伤害
攻击速度加快 (10–15)%
造成的晕眩积蓄值提高 (30–50)%
Always deals Critical Hits against Heavy Stunned Enemies
附加 (10–12) - (18–22) 物理伤害
附加 1 - (36–42) 闪电伤害
攻击速度加快 (10–15)%
All damage with this Weapon causes Electrocution buildup
Causes Enemies to Explode on Critical kill, for 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
物理伤害提高 (80–120)%
+(10–15) 全属性
每击败一名敌人获得 30 点生命
该武器的暴击率为 100%
Critical Hits do not deal extra Damage
范围扩大 16%
2% increased Area of Effect for Attacks per 5 Intelligence
2% increased Attack Speed per 5 Dexterity
10% increased Weapon Damage per 5 Strength
物理伤害提高 (80–120)%
+(50–100) 命中值
晕眩持续时间延长 (10–20)%
Causes Daze buildup equal to 100% of Damage dealt
攻击技能的元素伤害提高 100%
暴击几率 +(5–10)%
+(2–4) to Level of all Elemental Skills
触发技能有 100% 的几率返还消耗能量的一半
获得技能: Bone Blast
法术伤害提高 (80–100)%
每击败一名敌人获得 (10–15) 点生命
击中时有 25% 的几率造成流血
25% of Spell Mana Cost Converted to Life Cost
获得技能: Mana Drain
+(10–20) 最大魔力
所有法术技能等级 +(1–3)
施法速度加快 (5–10)%
Leeches 1% of maximum Life when you Cast a Spell
获得技能: 急冻碎片
冰霜伤害提高 (80–120)%
施法速度加快 (10–20)%
冻结积蓄值提高 100%
Enemies Frozen by you take 50% increased Damage
获得技能: Living Bomb
火焰伤害提高 (80–120)%
施法速度加快 (10–20)%
[点燃]几率提高 100%
100% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
获得技能: 威能法印
施法速度加快 (20–30)%
Skill Mana Costs Converted to Life Costs
Skills gain 1% of Damage as Chaos Damage per 3 Life Cost
装备箭袋获得的加成提高 (150–250)%
(20–30)% increased Bolt Speed
物理伤害提高 (40–60)%
攻击速度加快 (30–40)%
100% chance to not consume a bolt if you've Reloaded Recently
30% reduced Reload Speed
获得技能: Malice
精魂提高 (30–50)%
+(40–60) 最大魔力
魔力再生率提高 (20–30)%
When a Party Member in your Presence Casts a Spell, you
Sacrifice 20% of Mana and they Leech that Mana
Sacrifice 20% of Mana and they Leech that Mana
获得技能: Purity of Fire
获得相当于伤害 (40–60)% 的额外火焰伤害
Allies in your Presence Gain (20–30)% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Allies in your Presence Regenerate (2–3)% of their Maximum Life per second
Enemies in your Presence Resist Elemental Damage based on their Lowest Resistance
获得技能: Purity of Fire
在场的友军附加 (4–6) - (7–10) 攻击火焰伤害
+(5–10) 全属性
照亮范围扩大 25%
50% of your Life Regeneration is granted to Allies in your Presence
Armour 传奇 /156
护甲提高 (120–160)%
击中时有 10% 的几率造成流血
50% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
(15–20) to (25–30) Physical Thorns damage
闪避值提高 (100–150)%
冰霜抗性 +(20–30)%
最多 10 次【脆弱重生】
每次【脆弱重生】都每秒回复 0.5% 生命
每层脆弱重生使魔力回复速度提高 10%
每秒获得 1 层脆弱重生
闪避值提高 (100–150)%
火焰抗性 (-15–-10)%
冰霜抗性 +(25–30)%
闪电抗性 +(10–15)%
1% increased Movement Speed per 500 Evasion Rating
Other Modifiers to Movement Speed do not apply
Other Modifiers to Movement Speed do not apply
该装备的能量护盾提高 (50–100)%
+(50–100) 最大魔力
能量护盾充能率提高 50%
Energy Shield Recharge starts when you use a Mana Flask
+(100–150) 最大能量护盾
所有元素抗性 +(10–20)%
Skills have (-4–-2) seconds to Cooldown
该装备的能量护盾提高 (60–100)%
+(10–15) 智慧
能量护盾充能时间延后 30%
Energy Shield Recharge is not interrupted by Damage if Recharge began Recently
该装备的能量护盾提高 (100–150)%
+(100–150) 最大生命
5% of Spell Damage Leeched as Life
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (100–150)%
+(100–150) 最大生命
+(100–150) 晕眩阈值
Life Recovery from Flasks is instant
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (50–100)%
+(60–80) 最大生命
Enemies in your Presence have Lightning Resistance equal to yours
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (100–150)%
被击中时有 (10–40)% 的几率避免物理伤害
被击中时有 (10–40)% 的几率避免混沌伤害
Enemies in your Presence are Intimidated
该装备的护甲与能量护盾提高 (100–150)%
火焰抗性 -10%
混沌抗性 +(13–17)%
使用的药剂充能提高 (25–50)%
你使用药剂时有 50% 的几率不消耗次数
该装备的护甲与能量护盾提高 (50–100)%
生命上限降低 25%
你受到的流血持续时间降低 (40–60)%
Life Leech can Overflow Maximum Life
+(50–70) 最大魔力
闪电抗性 +(20–30)%
击中时有 20% 的几率获得暴击球
护甲提高 (60–100)%
战吼速度加快 (20–30)%
Corpses in your Presence Explode when you Warcry,
dealing 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
dealing 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
战吼技能的效果范围提高 (20–30)%
+(100–150) 命中值
+(60–80) 最大生命
照亮范围扩大 25%
When you Leech Life from a Hit, Allies in your Presence also Leech the same amount of Life
闪避值提高 (80–100)%
火焰抗性 +(15–25)%
照亮范围扩大 30%
Enemies in your Presence are Ignited as though dealt 100 Base Fire Damage
闪避值提高 (40–60)%
+(100–150) 命中值
+(40–60) 最大魔力
100% increased Culling Strike Threshold
+(80–120) 最大能量护盾
+(20–30) 敏捷
Enemies in your Presence are Blinded
Enemies in your Presence gain Critical Weakness every second
该装备的能量护盾提高 (120–160)%
混沌抗性 +(17–23)%
Cannot have Energy Shield
Regenerate 0.05 Life per second per Maximum Energy Shield
+(40–60) 最大魔力
物品稀有度提高 (10–20)%
(20–25)% of Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield
获得等同 (25–30)% 最大生命的额外能量护盾
+(0–20) 护甲
+(0–15) 点闪避值
+(0–10) 最大能量护盾
+(0–30) 命中值
+(0–15) 最大生命
+(0–10) 最大魔力
物品稀有度提高 (0–10)%
全域暴击率提高 (0–15)%
+(0–5) 力量
+(0–5) 敏捷
+(0–5) 智慧
火焰抗性 +(0–5)%
冰霜抗性 +(0–5)%
闪电抗性 +(0–5)%
生命每秒再生 (0–3)
+(50–100) 命中值
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (30–50)%
全域暴击率提高 (15–25)%
Aggravate Bleeding on targets you Critically Hit with Attacks
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (60–100)%
+(75–125) 命中值
生命每秒再生 (10–15)
Deal 4% increased Damage with Hits to Rare or Unique Enemies for each second they've ever been in your Presence, up to a maximum of 200%
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (50–100)%
+(200–400) 命中值
全域暴击率提高 (30–50)%
Skills have a (100–150)% longer Perfect Timing window
移动速度减慢 10%
该装备的护甲与能量护盾提高 (50–100)%
+(40–60) 最大生命
你受到的冰缓效果降低 (35–50)%
(35–50)% reduced effect of Ignite on you
(35–50)% reduced effect of Shock on you
该装备的护甲与能量护盾提高 (100–150)%
生命每秒再生 (15–25)
魔力再生率提高 (15–25)%
受到的击中伤害总降 30% ,持续 5 秒
5 秒后受到的持续伤害总降 30% ,持续5秒
受到的击中伤害总降 30% ,持续 5 秒
5 秒后受到的持续伤害总降 30% ,持续5秒
该装备的闪避与能量护盾提高 (100–150)%
全域暴击率提高 (20–30)%
混沌抗性 +(13–17)%
Equipment and Skill Gems have 50% reduced Attribute Requirements
该装备的闪避与能量护盾提高 (40–60)%
所有元素抗性 +(10–20)%
Fire Damage from Hits Contributes to Shock Chance instead of Ignite Chance and Magnitude
Cold Damage from Hits Contributes to Ignite Chance and Magnitude instead of Chill Magnitude
Lightning Damage from Hits Contributes to Freeze Buildup instead of Shock Chance
(10–15)% increased Skill Speed
+(40–60) 最大生命
魔力上限降低 (10–15)%
Share Charges with Allies in your Presence
护甲提高 (50–80)%
Gain (1–3) random Charge on reaching Maximum Rage
Lose all Rage on reaching Maximum Rage
(-10–10) 最大怒火
闪避值提高 (30–50)%
攻击附加 (3–5) - (6–8) 基础冰霜伤害
冻结积蓄值提高 (40–50)%
(20–30)% increased Magnitude of Chill you inflict
闪避值提高 (40–60)%
+(60–100) 命中值
+(5–10) 智慧
25% increased Attack Speed while on Full Mana
达到或高于魔力上限的 90% 时将你视作满魔
闪避值提高 (40–60)%
混沌抗性 +(7–17)%
击中时有 20% 的几率使目标中毒
Targets can be affected by +1 of your Poisons at the same time
该装备的能量护盾提高 (30–50)%
+(10–20) 敏捷
攻击与施法速度减慢 (10–15)%
Lightning damage from Hits Contributes to Electrocution Buildup
攻击附加 (2–3) - (5–6) 物理伤害
+(30–50) 最大生命
攻击速度加快 (4–8)%
Strength can satisfy other Attribute Requirements of Melee Weapons and Melee Skills
该装备的护甲与能量护盾提高 (40–60)%
每击败一名敌人获得 (7–10) 点生命
每击败一名敌人获得 (4–6) 点魔力
Enemies killed by anyone in your Presence count as being killed by you instead
该装备的护甲与能量护盾提高 (30–50)%
你被冰缓后在接下来 6 秒不能被冰缓
你被冻结后在接下来 6 秒不能被冻结
你被点燃后在接下来 6 秒不能被点燃
被感电后,你有 6 秒免疫感电
该装备的闪避与能量护盾提高 (30–50)%
攻击速度加快 (4–6)%
击中时有 (5–10)% 的几率使目标中毒
All Damage from Hits Contributes to Poison Magnitude
该装备的闪避与能量护盾提高 (30–60)%
+(30–50) 最大生命
Life Flasks do not recover Life
On-Kill Effects happen twice
+(60–100) 点闪避值
+(30–50) 最大能量护盾
每击败一名敌人获得 (25–35) 点魔力
Inflict Cold Exposure on Igniting an Enemy
Inflict Fire Exposure on Shocking an Enemy
Inflict Lightning Exposure on Critical Hit
移动速度加快 10%
护甲提高 (50–100)%
属性需求提高 50%
Deal 30% of Overkill damage to enemies within 2 metres of the enemy killed
移动速度加快 15%
+(40–60) 最大生命
火焰抗性 +(10–20)%
Drop Ignited Ground while moving, which lasts 8 seconds and Ignites as though dealing Fire Damage equal to 10% of your maximum Life
闪避值提高 (100–140)%
+(10–15) 敏捷
闪电抗性 +(5–15)%
Gain 0% to 40% increased Movement Speed at random when Hit, until Hit again
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (150–200)%
生命每秒再生 (20–25)
200% increased Stun Recovery
你被冰缓的持续时间缩短 (30–50)%
你被冰冻的持续时间缩短 (30–50)%
你被感电的持续时间缩短 (30–50)%
该装备的护甲与能量护盾提高 (30–60)%
攻击附加 1 - (30–50) 基础闪电伤害
Drop Shocked Ground while moving, lasting 8 seconds
移动速度加快 (20–30)%
该装备的闪避与能量护盾提高 (60–120)%
Aggravate Bleeding on Enemies when they Enter your Presence
100% increased Thorns damage
获得技能: 架盾
移动速度减慢 10%
护甲提高 (100–150)%
+(100–150) 晕眩阈值
Can Block damage from all Hits
Cannot use Shield Skills
获得技能: 架盾
(40–60)% increased Block chance
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (60–100)%
生命在击败敌人时失去 1%
魔力在击败敌人时失去 1%
技能效果持续时间延长 (30–50)%
获得技能: 架盾
(30–50)% increased Block chance
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (60–80)%
+(60–80) 晕眩阈值
Allies in your Presence have Block Chance equal to yours
获得技能: 架盾
+(10–20) 力量
+(10–20) 敏捷
火焰抗性 +(10–20)%
冰霜抗性 +(10–20)%
No Movement Speed Penalty while Shield is Raised
获得技能: 架盾
火焰抗性 +(15–25)%
冰霜抗性 +(15–25)%
闪电抗性 +(15–25)%
You cannot Block
Modifiers to Maximum Block Chance instead apply to Maximum Resistances
+(30–40) 最大能量护盾
召唤生物的最大生命提高 (20–30)%
魔力再生率提高 (20–30)%
Minions' Resistances are equal to yours
所有元素抗性 +(5–40)%
Elemental Ailment Threshold is increased by Overcapped Chaos Resistance
Energy Shield is increased by Overcapped Cold Resistance
Evasion Rating is increased by Overcapped Lightning Resistance
该装备的护甲、闪避和能量护盾提高 (200–300)%
10% increased Rarity of Items found per Socketed Rune or Soul Core
+10 to Spirit per Socketed Rune or Soul Core
[4 Rune Sockets]
+(60–100) 最大魔力
照亮范围扩大 25%
该装备的护甲、闪避和能量护盾提高 (100–150)%
Equipment and Skill Gems have 25% increased Attribute Requirements
You can use two copies of the same Support Gem in different Skills
(10–15)% increased Skill Speed
该装备的护甲、闪避和能量护盾提高 (40–60)%
Immobilise enemies at 50% buildup instead of 100%
Enemies Immobilised by you take 25% less Damage
移动速度加快 (15–30)%
该装备的护甲、闪避和能量护盾提高 (60–80)%
Dodge Roll avoids all Hits
10% less Movement and Skill Speed per Dodge Roll in the past 20 seconds
Other 传奇 /75
以夏巴夸亚的名义用 (100–8000) 名祭品之血浸染
local unique jewel break timeless jewel calculators [0]
Only affects Passives in Medium-Large Ring
所有元素抗性 (-20–-5)%
混沌抗性 (-23–-3)%
+(1–3) to Level of all Specific Skills
珠宝插槽天赋效果提高 (0–100)%
珠宝插槽天赋效果提高 (0–100)%
local jewel effect base radius [1300]
Small Passive Skills in Radius also grant 混沌抗性 +(2–3)%
Notable Passive Skills in Radius also grant +1% 冰霜抗性上限
Zarokh, the Eternal drops an additional Barya
You have no Defences
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Eternal drops Against the Darkness
Zarokh, the Eternal deals 100% more Damage
Zarokh, the Eternal takes 75% less Damage
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Eternal drops Sandstorm Visage
Cannot restore Honour
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Eternal drops Blessed Bonds
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Eternal drops Sekhema's Resolve
Rooms are unknown on the Trial Map
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Eternal drops Temporalis
Maximum Honour is 1
Cannot be used with Trials below level 80
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
攻击附加 1 - 3 物理伤害
攻击速度加快 (5–10)%
冰霜抗性 +(5–10)%
Enemies Chilled by your Hits increase damage taken by Chill Magnitude
Attacks Gain (5–10)% of Damage as Extra Cold Damage
攻击附加 3 - 5 基础火焰伤害
+(30–50) 最大魔力
[点燃]几率提高 50%
Attacks Gain (5–10)% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
攻击暴击率提高 (20–30)%
攻击速度减慢 (10–15)%
Chaos Damage from Hits also Contributes to Freeze Buildup
Chaos Damage from Hits also Contributes to Electrocute Buildup
Attacks Gain (10–20)% of Physical Damage as extra Chaos Damage
生命每秒再生 (2–4)
火焰抗性 +(10–20)%
魔力再生率提高 (20–30)%
照亮范围扩大 25%
每隔 4 秒,恢复中每有 0.2 点每秒生命回复,为你回复 1 点生命
+(10–15) 力量
+(40–60) 最大生命
药剂生命回复速度加快 (20–30)%
Life Flasks gain (0.17–0.25) charges per Second
+(10–15) 敏捷
获得技能: 闪电
闪电抗性 +(20–30)%
Critical Hits Ignore Enemy Monster Lightning Resistance
Trigger Lightning Bolt Skill on Critical Hit
+(10–15) 敏捷
生命上限提高 (6–10)%
+(10–20) 力量
魔力再生率提高 (25–40)%
Recover 5% of Missing Life before being Hit by an Enemy
+(20–30) 最大能量护盾
(15–30)% increased Skill Speed
全域暴击率提高 (20–30)%
所有元素抗性 -30%
伤害提高 (30–50)%
+(30–40) 最大生命
移动速度减慢 10%
10% reduced Skill Speed
护甲提高 (25–50)%
[格挡]几率提高 20%
+(3–5)% to maximum Block chance
+(5–7) 全属性
+100 最大生命
在场的友军的暴击几率提高 (30–50)%
在场的友军的暴击伤害加成提高 (30–50)%
在场的友军的攻击速度加快 (10–20)%
在场的友军的施法速度加快 (10–20)%
同场效果范围缩小 50%
物品稀有度提高 (12–20)%
+(10–20) 全属性
混沌抗性 +(17–23)%
魔力再生率提高 (20–30)%
Gain an additional Charge when you gain a Charge
+(20–30) 最大魔力
+(40–60) 最大魔力
药剂魔力回复速度加快 (20–30)%
Mana Flasks gain (0.17–0.25) charges per Second
火焰抗性 +(20–30)%
火焰伤害提高 (20–30)%
生命每秒再生 (3.1–6)
魔力再生率提高 (20–30)%
Ignites you inflict spread to other Enemies that stay within 1.5 metres for 2 seconds
火焰抗性 +(20–30)%
+(40–60) 最大生命
火焰抗性 +(20–30)%
冰霜抗性 (-15–-10)%
You take Fire Damage instead of Physical Damage from Bleeding
冰霜抗性 +(20–30)%
(5–10)% increased Skill Speed
+(10–20) 敏捷
魔力再生率提高 (25–35)%
100% of Cold Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
闪电抗性 +(20–30)%
冰霜抗性 (-15–-10)%
闪电抗性 +(20–30)%
魔力再生率提高 (25–35)%
Lightning Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky
混沌抗性 +(7–13)%
魔力再生率提高 (15–30)%
敌人被点燃的持续时间缩短 50%
50% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
use unique blackflame ignite effect [1]
+(120–160) 命中值
物品稀有度提高 (30–40)%
所有元素抗性 +(10–15)%
你的攻击击中每个敌人会回复 25 生命
受到诅咒的持续时间缩短 50%
施法速度加快 (7–10)%
法术伤害提高 (20–30)%
施法速度加快 (10–15)%
右戒指栏位:法术的投射物会额外弹射 1 次
施法速度加快 (7–10)%
召唤生物的最大生命提高 (10–15)%
生命每秒再生 (10–15)
魔力再生率提高 (20–40)%
当你的召唤生物死亡时,承受 300 点物理伤害
召唤生物的复活速度加快 (10–15)%
物品稀有度提高 (6–15)%
+(30–50) 最大魔力
+(5–10) 全属性
(10–15)% increased Quantity of Gold Dropped by Slain Enemies
物品稀有度提高 (6–15)%
+(0–80) 最大生命
+(0–20) 精魂
物品稀有度降低 (-40–40)%
火焰抗性 (-40–40)%
冰霜抗性 (-40–40)%
闪电抗性 (-40–40)%
药剂的生命回复提高 (20–30)%
+(40–50) 力量
冰霜抗性 +(10–15)%
使用的药剂充能提高 50%
100% increased Flask Charges gained
药剂的魔力回复提高 (20–30)%
药剂生命回复速度减慢 (-25–25)%
药剂魔力回复速度减慢 (-25–25)%
Life Flasks gain (0–0.25) charges per Second
Mana Flasks gain (0–0.25) charges per Second
(20–30)% increased Flask Charges gained
+(100–150) 护甲
使用的药剂充能降低 (10–15)%
(20–30)% increased Flask Charges gained
Life Flasks used while on Low Life apply Recovery Instantly
Mana Flasks used while on Low Mana apply Recovery Instantly
(15–20)% increased Charm Effect Duration
+(40–60) 最大能量护盾
+(20–30) 智慧
每秒失去 5% 能量护盾
Excess Life Recovery from Leech is applied to Energy Shield
(10–15)% reduced Charm Charges used
+(80–100) 最大生命
药剂生命回复速度加快 (30–50)%
物理攻击伤害上限总增 (30–40)%
物理攻击伤害下限总降 (30–40)%
晕眩阈值提高 (20–30)%
+(40–60) 最大生命
+(20–40) 力量
+(20–40) 敏捷
When you Kill a Rare monster, you gain its Modifiers for 20 seconds
晕眩阈值提高 (20–30)%
+(10–30) 力量
50% of charges used by Charms granted to your Life Flasks
(10–30)% increased Charm Charges used
20% of Flask Recovery applied Instantly
(40–80)% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Rings
Flasks gain 0.17 charges per Second
药剂生命回复速度减慢 (20–30)%
+(20–30) 智慧
(20–30)% increased Flask Charges gained
Life Recovery from Flasks also applies to Energy Shield
Effect is not removed when Unreserved Mana is Filled
生效时间延长 (200–250)%
Every 3 seconds during Effect, deal 50% of Mana spent in those seconds as Chaos Damage to Enemies within 3 metres
Recover all Mana when Used
Deals 25% of current Mana as Chaos Damage to you when Effect ends
物品稀有度提高 (10–20)%
+(10–20) 全属性
Lightning Resistance is unaffected by Area Penalties
You can only Socket Emerald Jewels in this item
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.