Gems Summary /422
Supercharged Slam
Ancestral Warrior Totem
Scavenged Plating
Uses fragments of armour scavenged from enemies to bolster your own. Fully Breaking an enemy's Armour grants you stacks of Scavenged Plating for a duration based on the enemy's rarity, and you gain Armour and Thorns per stack. Normal enemies grant 1 stack, Magic enemies grant 2 stacks, Rare enemies grant 5 stacks and Unique enemies grant 10 stacks.
Molten Blast
Gouges molten rock from the ground and flings it at the target. The Projectile explodes on collision, damaging enemies and scattering shrapnel in a cone behind it.
Hammer of the Gods
Entreats the Ancestors to crush your enemies, manifesting a massive hammer that falls from the sky onto your target, Slamming into the ground after a short duration and dealing immense damage based on your weapon.
Charges forward, cracking the earth and leaving a patch of Jagged Ground with every footstep. At the end of your charge, a massive leaping Slam damages enemies and causes all nearby patches of Jagged Ground to explode, damaging enemies standing on them.
Shield Wall
Ram your Shield into the ground, throwing up a semi-circular wall of earth. Enemies can attack the walls and your Slams will instantly destroy them. Each wall segment explodes when destroyed, damaging enemies around it.
Time of Need
Invokes divine blessings, periodically healing you and removing Curses and Elemental Ailments from you.
Overwhelming Presence
While active, enemies in your Presence are easier to Stun and inflict Elemental Ailments upon.
Spiral Volley
Loads your Bow with a volley of enchanted arrows and fires them in a circle as you spin forward, firing directly at targets if possible. Consumes Frenzy Charges to cause the arrows to deal more damage and Chain to other targets. Each target can only be Hit once.
Detonating Arrow
Shockchain Arrow
Fires a Lightning-infused arrow that homes in on Shocked enemies. Hitting a Shocked enemy will Consume the Shock to charge the arrow, causing it to release a damaging shockwave and split beams towards up to two nearby targets, prioritising ones which are Shocked. If the beam hits a Shocked target, it will release another damaging shockwave and can continue to Chain.
Ice Shot
Voltaic Mark
Marks a target, making them more susceptible to being Shocked. When the Marked target dies, a Lightning nova erupts from their corpse. This nova does not use your Weapon Damage, and instead uses its own base Attack Damage.
Tornado Shot
Alchemist's Boon
While active, grants you Flask charges passively and causes Life and Mana recovery from your Flasks to also apply to Allies in your Presence.
Magnetic Salvo
Aims skyward and fires energy missiles at lingering bolts or arrows created by other Lightning Attacks in front of you. The missiles explode if they land close to a lingering bolt or arrow, dealing more damage in a larger area but destroying that bolt or arrow in the process.
Freezing Salvo
Passively coalesces icy missiles from the air over time. Using the skill fires a missile, firing an additional missile for each that has been accumulated.
Herald of Plague
Combat Frenzy
While active, grants you a Frenzy Charge when you Freeze, Electrocute or Pin an enemy. This can only occur once every few seconds.
Launches a spray of sparking Projectiles that travel erratically along the ground until they hit an enemy or expire.
从施法者散发出一圈闪电之环, 接着散发出更大范围的一圈闪电之环. 每次被击中的敌人会受到闪电伤害.
Conjures a torrent of Fire from your hand, Igniting enemies in front of you. The flames grow stronger the longer you Channel for, and at maximum strength also apply stacking Fire Exposure and creating Ignited Ground.
Purity of Fire
Purity of Ice
Purity of Lightning
Turns socketed Curse skills into vile Auras, applying their effects to all nearby enemies.
施放一个对敌人造成虚弱的范围效果, 造成缓速并且叠加一个使他们增加受到的混沌伤害之减益效果. 此减益效果可叠加 15 层.
Skeletal Reaver
Skeletal Brute
Skeletal Storm Mage
Skeletal Cleric
Fires a single Eye Projectile which does not Hit enemies. The Eye constantly releases damaging shard Projectiles in a spiral as it flies, plus an extra burst of shards at the end of its flight. If the Eye passes over an Elemental ground surface, it will take on that surface's effect, applying it to nearby enemies and causing shards to deal more damage of the corresponding Type.
Mana Tempest
Cast on Shock
Cast on Freeze
Cast on Ignite
Cast on Critical
Cold Snap
Soul Offering
Dark Effigy
While active, gains Energy when one of your Minions is Killed, and triggers socketed Spells upon reaching maximum Energy. Cannot socket Spells which create Minions.
Mana Drain
Siphons power from an enemy, briefly Hindering them and Leeching Mana.
Bone Blast
Conjures a circle of ritual inscriptions that last for a short duration. When the duration ends, spikes of bone erupt from enemies in the area, damaging them and potentially causing Bleeding.
Replaces your dodge roll with a short-cooldown Spell that allows you to tunnel through space, instantly reappearing a medium distance away.
Emits an Aura that continuously inflicts Critical Weakness on enemies in your Presence.
Living Bomb
Plant a seed of Fire inside an enemy, which grows over a duration. When the duration expires, the seed explodes, damaging the enemy and all other enemies nearby.
Ember Fusillade
Conjures a blazing Ember that hovers above you. After a short duration, the Ember launches at an enemy, dealing Fire damage in an area on impact and prioritising the last enemy targeted. Recasting this spell resets the duration for all active Embers. Multiple Embers fired in the same Fusillade will attempt to target different enemies.
Elemental Conflux
Tap into a current of raw and unpredictable Elemental power, causing you to deal greatly more damage of a randomly chosen Element. The Element affected changes frequently, though the same Element can be affected multiple times in succession.
While active, your undead Reviving Minions can be used in place of Corpses by your skills, but your Minions Revive more slowly.
While active, causes your Non-Channelling Spells to cost additional mana and deal extra Lightning damage, both based on your maximum Mana.
Withering Presence
While active, periodically Withers enemies in your Presence.
Ember Fusillade
Conjures a blazing Ember that hovers above you. After a short duration, the Ember launches at an enemy, dealing Fire damage in an area on impact and prioritising the last enemy targeted. Recasting this spell resets the duration for all active Embers. Multiple Embers fired in the same Fusillade will attempt to target different enemies.
Whirling Assault
Wave of Frost
Ripwire Ballista
Deploys a Ballista Totem that fires Pinning bolts which Maim Enemies.
Shattering Palm
Barrier Invocation
Cast on Dodge
Creates a short-lived illusory copy of yourself whenever you dodge roll. The copy can be damaged by enemies, and copies that are destroyed by an enemy will grant you a Power Charge.
Ghost Dance
Explosive Grenade
Flash Grenade
Gas Grenade
Oil Grenade
Voltaic Grenade
Fires a bouncing Grenade that discharges an Electrocuting Lightning blast when its fuse expires.
Charged Staff
High Velocity Rounds
Loads your Crossbow with Piercing bolts that can consume Fully Broken Armour on enemies to deal extra damage.
Fragmentation Rounds
Loads your Crossbow with Piercing bolts that fragment in flight. Bolts that hit a Frozen enemy consume the Freeze and cause an explosion of shrapnel. Bolts that hit an Ice Crystal cause it to explode.
Siege Cascade
Loads your Crossbow with enemy-seeking payloads which are fired into the air, dropping a bolt near every enemy in the target area. These bolts lodge in the ground and explode after a short delay.
Armour Piercing Rounds
Loads your Crossbow with a clip of bolts that can be fired rapidly and Break enemy Armour. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Explosive Shot
Loads your Crossbow with flaming bolts that explode on impact. The explosion will cause any Grenades in its area of effect to also explode.
Incendiary Shot
Loads your Crossbow with flaming bolts that fragment in flight, damaging and Igniting enemies on hit and in a small cone behind their final target.
Rapid Shot
Loads your Crossbow with a large clip of heavily modified bolts that cause Heat to build up on your crossbow, before unleashing a stream of flaming bolts that gain Fire Damage based on your Heat. Heat also grants bonus damage to Grenades you fire, but dissipates rapidly when not building up. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Glacial Bolt
Loads your Crossbow with icy bolts that create two walls of Ice Crystals at the end of their flight.
Permafrost Bolts
Loads your Crossbow with icy bolts that fragment in flight, damaging enemies on hit and in a small cone behind their final target. The icy coating on the bolts makes them extremely potent at Freezing enemies.
Hailstorm Rounds
Passively generates bolts of ice at a frequency equal to reload time, up to a cap. Activate to Load the accumulated bolts into your Crossbow. All loaded bolts are fired at once, causing them to rain down over the target area.
Ice Shards
Loads your Crossbow with a clip of icy bolts that rapidly fire at the ground, leaving a shard of ice at the impact location unless the bolt hits an enemy. The ice shards shatter when enemies step on them, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Plasma Blast
Loads your Crossbow with unstable bolts that require a lengthy charging period to fire but deal devastating damage, Pierce through enemies, and explode upon hitting terrain.
Galvanic Shards
Loads your Crossbow with a clip of charged bolts that fragment in flight, releasing Chaining Lightning beams when they Hit enemies. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Stormblast Bolts
Loads your Crossbow with charged bolts that land around the target location and explode if hit by a Detonator Skill. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Shockburst Rounds
Loads your Crossbow with a clip of charged bolts which release damaging pulses upon Hitting an enemy affected by a Lightning Ailment. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Life Remnants
Drinks the blood of your enemies to restore your Life. While active, enemies you kill have a chance to spawn a Life Remnant, and Critically Hitting a target spawns a Life Remnant every few seconds. Picking up a Life Remnant grants you Life which can Overflow maximum Life.
Explosive Concoction
Consume charges from your Mana Flask to throw a bottle that explodes, dealing unarmed Fire attack damage in an area and inflicting Fire Exposure.
Fulminating Concoction
Consume charges from your Mana Flask to throw a bottle that explodes, dealing unarmed Lightning attack damage in an area and inflicting Lightning Exposure.
Shattering Concoction
Consume charges from your Mana Flask to throw a bottle that explodes, dealing unarmed Cold attack damage in an area and inflicting Cold Exposure.
Poisonous Concoction
Consume charges from your Mana Flask to throw a bottle that explodes, dealing unarmed Chaos attack damage in an area. Poison inflicted by this skill has more effect.
Bleeding Concoction
Consume charges from your Mana Flask to throw a bottle that explodes, dealing unarmed Physical attack damage in an area. Bleeding inflicted by this skill has more effect.
Elemental Storm
Vaulting Impact
Leaps forward and Slams the ground, sending out a Stunning shockwave that is especially potent against Dazed enemies.
Storm Wave
Sweep your Quarterstaff, projecting a bolt of Lightning through the ground in a long wave ahead of you.
Mantra of Destruction
Build Combo by successfully Striking Enemies with other skills. After reaching maximum Combo, use this skill to Empower your next Quarterstaff Attack, causing it to deal additional Chaos damage. Each kill with the Empowered Attack grants Purple Flames of Chayula for a duration.
Elemental Expression
Creates a fiery explosion, an arcing bolt of lightning, or an icy wave of projectiles. The chance for an explosion is proportional to your Strength, for a bolt proportional to your Dexterity, and for a wave proportional to your Intelligence.
War Banner
While active, killing enemies with Attacks or standing near a Unique enemy generates Valour. Using this Skill consumes its Valour to place an inspiring Banner with an Aura that grants you and nearby Allies Attack damage and Accuracy while the Banner lasts. The Banner cannot gain Valour while placed, and you cannot place a Banner while you already have a Banner placed.
Defiance Banner
While active, killing enemies with Attacks or standing near a Unique enemy generates Valour. Using this Skill consumes its Valour to place an inspiring Banner with an Aura that grants you and nearby Allies Armour, Evasion and movement speed while the Banner lasts. The Banner cannot gain Valour while placed, and you cannot place a Banner while you already have a Banner placed.
Dread Banner
While active, killing enemies with Attacks or standing near a Unique enemy generates Valour. Using this Skill consumes its Valour to place an inspiring Banner with an Aura that grants you and nearby Allies Stun Threshold, Elemental Ailment Threshold and Flask charges while the Banner lasts. The Banner cannot gain Valour while placed, and you cannot place a Banner while you already have a Banner placed.
Freezing Mark
Marks a target, making them more susceptible to being Frozen. When the Marked target dies, a Cold nova erupts from their corpse. This nova does not use your Weapon Damage, and instead uses its own base Attack Damage.
Unbound Avatar
Gain Unbound Fury by inflicting Elemental Ailments with Hits on enemies. Once you reach maximum Unbound Fury, consume it to become Unbound for a duration, vastly augmenting your Elemental prowess.
Hand of Chayula
Dash to an enemy and Strike them with an unarmed Attack, applying socketed Curses and Marks with reduced effect. This skill always Strikes with your bare fist, even if you have a Quarterstaff equipped.
Summon Infernal Hound
Encase in Jade
Consumes all stacks of Jade to grant a Buff for a duration that absorbs all Damage from Hits, up to a maximum based on the amount of Jade consumed. While encased you cannot move or perform actions.
Temporal Rift
Time Freeze
Releases a large wave that stops time for all affected enemies for a duration. Duration is lower the more times the enemy has had time stopped for them.
Time Snap
Manipulates time, resetting the cooldowns of your other Skills.
Demon Form
Shapeshift into a demon, vastly boosting the power of your Spells. You gain Demonflame every second you remain in demon form, causing your Life to be lost at an ever-increasing rate. Revert to human form if you reach 1 Life, use a Skill that isn't a Spell, or reactivate this Skill.
Sorcery Ward
Passively manifests a protective barrier which takes Elemental Damage from Hits for you until depleted. The barrier instantly recharges to its full value a short time after it stops taking damage or is fully depleted.
Elemental Invocation
While active, this Invocation gains Energy when you Freeze, Shock or Ignite an enemy. Using the Invocation once sufficient Energy is gathered will consume the Energy to trigger socketed Spells, and can trigger them multiple times if it has enough Energy.
While active, causes you to deal more Hit damage to Rare and Unique enemies the longer you've been fighting them, and gain Culling Strike against them once you've been fighting them for long enough.
Into the Breach
Creates a Breach around you, allowing you to see nearby Flames of Chayula. You are considered to be in a Breach while this skill is active.
Ancestral Spirits
Each of your Totems will summon an Ancestral Spirit Minion to fight for you. If the Totem that summoned the Minion dies then the Ancestral Spirit will too.
Emergency Reload
Instantly reloads your active Crossbow Ammunition and Empowers the loaded bolts to deal more damage.
Cluster Grenade
Fires a bouncing Grenade that explodes when its fuse expires, throwing out a nova of mini Grenades that explode when they come to a stop.
Teleports a fixed distance in the target direction.
Charge Infusion
While active, you gain powerful Buffs based on your active Charges. However, maintaining the Buff Consumes Charges every few seconds.
Shard Scavenger
While active, Consuming Freeze, Shock, Ignite, or Fully Broken Armour on an enemy reloads your Crossbow. This can only occur once every few seconds.
Reaper's Invocation
While active, this Invocation gains Energy when you kill an enemy with a Melee Attack. Using the Invocation once sufficient Energy is gathered will consume the Energy to trigger socketed Spells, and can trigger them multiple times if it has enough Energy.
Gathering Storm
Flips backward and Channels to charge your Quarterstaff with Lightning. Releasing dashes towards the target location, damaging enemies along the way. Releasing with perfect timing performs a Lightning-infused dash that releases shockwaves from enemies you dash through and leaves a trail of Shocked Ground in your wake.
Fire Infusion
Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Fire Damage but deal less Cold and Lightning Damage.
Supports any skill, making it cost less to use. Cannot support skills which reserve Spirit.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to Knock Back enemies.
Life Thief
Supports Attacks, causing their Physical damage to Leech Life.
Heavy Swing
Supports Melee Attacks, boosting their Physical damage at the cost of Attack Speed.
Supports Melee Attacks, causing them to deal more damage against Bleeding enemies, but preventing them from inflicting Bleeding.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making those Hits Penetrate enemy Fire resistance.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to inflict Bleeding.
Supports Attacks, granting them extra Fire damage against Ignited enemies but making them unable to Ignite enemies themselves.
Supports any skill that deals damage, boosting its Physical damage at the expense of all other Damage Types.
Supports Melee Attacks, causing them to grant Rage on Hit.
Supports skills which create Minions, granting them more life but making them deal less damage.
Supports skills which create Minions, causing them and enemies near them to Burn. Damage dealt by the Burning is based off the Life of the supported Minion.
Supports any Skill, turning a portion of its Mana cost into a Life cost. Does not support Skills which reserve Spirit.
Supports Strike skills, causing them to steal Modifiers from Rare monsters they kill.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal more damage against enemies on Low Life.
Supports Slam skills, granting them a chance to create patches of Jagged Ground.
Supports Attacks, causing repeated uses to be more effective at Stunning enemies.
Fast Forward
Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration shorter.
Supports Slams you use yourself, providing a powerful Ancestral Boost every few seconds.
Supports any skill that you can use, making you harder to Stun while using it.
Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration longer.
Supports Melee Strike skills, causing them to create an Aftershock that damages enemies around the target when they Heavy Stun an enemy.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more likely to Ignite.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing inflicted Ignites to deal more damage but its Hits to deal less damage.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing its Ignites to be inflicted less often but last longer.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to deal more Damage against enemies with Broken Armour but preventing them from Breaking Armour themselves. Cannot support skills that Consume Broken Armour.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to apply Broken Armour to enemies when causing a Heavy Stun to enemies.
Supports Warcries, causing them to consume Rage to further boost Empowered Attacks.
Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing it to build up Stun more quickly.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to gain an Endurance Charge when it Fully Breaks an enemy's Armour.
Supports skills that can Empower skills other than themselves, causing skills they Empower to deal more damage.
Raging Cry
Supports Warcry skills, causing them to grant you Rage on use depending on counted monster Power.
Supports any skill, causing Armour Break it inflicts to be stronger.
Supports any damaging skill that you use or trigger yourself, causing it to consume Rage to deal more damage. If you don't have enough Rage to consume, the damage bonus will not apply.
Armour Explosion
Supports Attacks, causing them to trigger a Fiery explosion when they Fully Break an enemy's Armour.
Stomping Ground
Supports Travel skills, causing your footsteps to crack the earth and emit damaging shockwaves while using the skill.
Fire Exposure
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to inflict Fire Exposure when it Ignites an enemy.
Deep Cuts
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal less damage but inflict more potent Bleeding.
Corrupting Cry
Supports Warcries, causing them to inflict Corrupted Blood on enemies in their area of effect.
Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain Life Regeneration while the Skill is active.
Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased Life recovery from Flasks while the Skill is active.
Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to recover Life on kill while the Skill is active.
Supports skills that Hit Enemies. Supported skills Aggravate Bleeding on Hitting Heavily Stunned Enemies.
Supports Skills that Hit Enemies, causing those Hits to Break Armour based on a portion of Physical Damage dealt.
Dazing Cry
Supports Warcries, causing them to Daze Enemies on use.
Primal Armament
Supports Attacks that use a weapon, causing them to deal more weapon Elemental damage.
Font of Blood
Supports Skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported Skills generate a Font of Blood, creating an Aura which grants Life regeneration.
Font of Rage
Supports Skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported Skills generate a Font of Rage, creating an Aura which grants Rage over time, as well as preventing Rage loss.
Supports Slams you use yourself, giving them a chance to create an Aftershock.
Holy Descent
Supports Skills that leap into the air, causing them to create Consecrated Ground when you land
Double Barrel
Supports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, causing them to load an extra bolt at the cost of reload speed.
Auto Reload
Supports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, causing them to automatically reload when they Heavy Stun an enemy.
Fresh Clip
Supports Crossbow Skills, granting them more damage for each bolt reloaded by that Skill in the last 6 seconds.
Supports Melee Attacks which create fissures in the ground, causing them to create additional fissures at the cost of damage and attack speed.
Supports Skills that create Ground Surfaces, causing those surfaces to last longer.
Ancestral Urgency
Supports Skills which place Totems, causing those skills to place Totems much more quickly.
Long Fuse
Supports Skills which fire Grenades, causing those Grenades to have much higher duration and damage.
Supports Skills which create Totems. Totems created by Supported Skills have additional Elemental Resistances.
Supports Skills which deal Damage, increasing the maximum Physical Damage of their Hits.
Supports Slam Skills you use yourself. Supported Skills gain multiple independent chances to cause Aftershocks, but deal less Damage.
Martial Tempo
Supports Attacks, causing them to Attack faster.
Supports Projectile skills, making them fire extra Projectiles. Also lowers Attack and Cast speed of supported skills, as well as lessening their damage.
Supports Projectile skills, making those Projectiles travel faster.
Supports Attacks, causing them to gain Accuracy.
Lightning Infusion
Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Lightning Damage but deal less Cold and Fire Damage.
Supports Projectile skills, making their Projectiles Pierce an enemy but deal less damage after doing so.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to Blind on Hit.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making those Hits Penetrate enemy Lightning resistance.
Supports Projectile skills and any other skills that Chain, causing them to Chain additional times.
Supports Projectile skills, making their Projectiles Fork.
Supports Projectile skills, making those Projectiles travel more slowly.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more likely to Shock.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to Poison enemies.
Supports Attacks, causing them to Maim enemies.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies or inflicts Shock, causing its Shocks to be inflicted less often but last longer.
Supports any damaging skill that you use yourself, causing it to deal more damage if you move a sufficient distance while using the skill. Teleportation does not count towards the distance travelled.
Supports Attacks, causing them to deal more damage to enemies based on how close they are to you.
Supports skills with cooldowns, giving them extra uses of that cooldown. Cannot support instant or triggered skills.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making its Shocks more effective but last for a shorter duration.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies. Nearby enemies are marked when they are Primed for Electrocution, and hitting a marked enemy with a supported skill will Electrocute them.
Supports skills that consume Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charges on use, giving them a chance not to remove each Charge while still gaining the benefits of consuming them.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing Poison it applies to also Break enemy Armour. Cannot support skills that Consume Fully Broken Armour.
Supports skills that can Poison enemies, causing Poisoned enemies to gain Plague over time and explode in a Plague Burst on death. Cannot support the skills of Minions.
Supports skills which can have a Limited number of effects active at once, increasing that Limit at the cost of their duration. Only applies to restrictions that use the word "Limit".
Supports any Skill which can deal Damage. Lightning Damage from Supported Skills can inflict Electrocute, but Supported Skills cannot inflict Shock.
Wind Wave
Supports any skill that you can use, triggering a blast of wind that Knocks Back enemies if you are Stunned while using it.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing any Pin buildup it inflicts to be stronger the closer the enemy is to you.
Supports skills that can be used while moving, allowing you to move faster while using them.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, allowing its Physical damage to Pin enemies but making it unable to Stun.
Mana Bounty
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing enemies it kills to grant more Mana Flask charges.
Life Bounty
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing enemies it kills to grant more Life Flask charges.
Life Drain
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing you to recover Life when it Culls an enemy.
Soul Drain
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing you to recover Mana when it Culls an enemy.
Supports Attacks you use yourself. Killing a Shocked enemy with supported skills infuses all of your Attacks with Lightning damage for a short time.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, allowing it to inflict an extra Poison on enemies but shortening the duration of those Poisons.
Supports skills that can generate Charges, giving them a chance to generate an additional Charge when they do so.
Murderous Intent
Supports skills that can Empower skills other than themselves, causing skills they Empower to Cull enemies.
Supports Strikes that perform a Final Strike at the end of a combination of attacks, allowing you to use the Final Strike twice in succession.
Lightning Exposure
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to inflict Lightning Exposure when it Shocks an enemy.
Deadly Poison
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal less damage but inflict more potent Poison.
Window of Opportunity
Supports Channelling skills that have special effects if released with Perfect Timing, causing them to deal much more damage if released with Perfect Timing but reducing the Perfect Timing window.
Swift Affliction
Supports any skill that deals damage, causing it to deal more damage over time but have a shorter duration.
Combo Finisher
Supports Melee Attacks you use yourself. Supported Skills cannot be used until enough Combo has been built up, but deal massively more damage. Cannot support skills which already Combo, or Triggered Skills.
Supports any skill, causing inflicted Slows to be more powerful.
Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased Accuracy while the Skill is active.
Culling Strike
Supports Attack Skills, causing them to Cull Rare and Unique Enemies on Hit.
Supports Attacks, causing them to deal more damage from farther away.
Supports Attacks, causing them to build up Daze based on a portion of Physical Damage dealt.
Break Posture
Supports Attacks, causing them to Daze Enemies when they fully Break Armour.
Supports skills with Cooldowns, increasing the rate at which those Cooldowns Recover.
Ammo Conservation
Supports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, granting a chance to not consume a Bolt when firing.
Nimble Reload
Supports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, causing them to Reload bolts significantly faster.
Supports any Skill which creates Projectiles, giving those Projectiles a chance to Chain when impacting terrain.
Supports Skills which fire Grenades, giving fired Grenades a chance to activate again, but lengthening their cooldowns.
Practiced Combo
Supports Strike Skills. Supported Skills have a chance to build additional Combo on Hit. Cannot support Skills used by Minions.
Supports Skills which Hit Enemies. Supported Skills gain increased chance to Critically Hit against Immobilised Enemies.
Supports Melee Attack Skills. Supported Skills gain Combo when you successfully Strike Enemies with other Melee Attacks. Supported Skills reset their Combo on use, dealing more Damage the higher Combo you had on use. Cannot support skills which already gain Combo. Cannot Support Skills used by Minions.
Supports Skills that you use yourself. Supported Skills will consume a Frenzy Charge on use if possible, and will gain significant Skill Speed if they do. Supported Skills cannot generate Frenzy Charges.
Cold Infusion
Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Cold Damage but deal less Fire and Lightning Damage.
Magnified Effect
Supports any skill with an area of effect, making it larger.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal more damage with Critical Hits but have less Critical Hit chance.
Soul Thief
Supports Attacks, causing their Physical damage to Leech Mana.
Chaos Infusion
Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Chaos Damage but deal less Damage of other Types.
Arcane Tempo
Supports Spells, causing them to cast faster.
Supports any skill with an area of effect, causing that area to be smaller but any area damage it deals to be higher.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making those Hits Penetrate enemy Cold resistance.
Supports Spells that affect an area around you or a target location. Supported Spells echo, causing their effects to happen again after a short delay. Cannot support Channelling skills or Remote skills.
Supports skills which create Minions, bolstering the Elemental Resistances of those Minions.
Supports Attacks you use yourself. Freezing an enemy with supported skills infuses all of your Attacks with Cold damage for a short time.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more effective at Freezing enemies.
Supports Spells that Hit enemies, boosting their damage but preventing them from dealing Critical Hits.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal more Elemental Damage but be unable to inflict Elemental Ailments.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, Spreading Ignites it inflicts to nearby enemies after a delay.
Supports Spells you cast yourself, tracking the mana you spend to cast them. Spending enough mana grants a burst of Mana Regeneration and Cast Speed.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to Wither enemies on Hit.
Supports Spells you cast yourself, making their effect reoccur when cast. Cannot support Channelling Skills or Skills with a Cooldown.
Supports skills which create Minions, making them deal and take more damage.
Supports Curse skills you cast yourself, causing them to trigger Doom Blast on Cursed enemies when the Curse expires.
Inevitable Critical
Supports any skill you use yourself that Hits enemies, causing it to accumulate Critical Hit chance over time.
Frost Nexus
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to create patches of Chilled Ground around Frozen enemies.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing you to recover Energy Shield when it kills a Shocked enemy.
Coursing Current
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to also Shock nearby enemies when you Shock an enemy.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing Freeze it inflicts to last longer.
Supports skills that create walls in a line, causing them to be created in a circle instead but deal less Hit damage.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to Consume Freeze on Igniting a Frozen enemy to boost the effect of the Ignite.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, prolonging Shocks they inflict on Ignited enemies.
Supports any skill that you can use, causing Energy Shield recharge to begin immediately if you are Stunned while using it.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to deal more damage to Frozen enemies but consume their Freeze. Cannot support skills that Consume Freeze.
Supports any Spell that Hits enemies, causing it to consume Elemental Ailments on hit to trigger an Elemental Discharge. Cannot support the skills of Minions.
Supports any damaging skill that you use yourself, causing it to deal significantly more damage but gain a long cooldown. Cannot support Skills which already have a cooldown.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing enemies it Ignites to have a chance to explode on death.
Supports any Spell that Hits enemies, causing it to trigger a Mana Flare on Critical Hit. The Mana Flare consumes your Mana to deal Fire damage. Cannot support the skills of Minions.
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more likely to Critically Hit enemies on full life.
Supports skills which create Minions, causing them to violently explode when reduced to Low Life.
Heightened Curse
Supports Curse Skills, magnifying their power.
Supports skills that consume Corpses, giving them a chance to take effect without destroying the Corpse.
Supports Curse skills. Cursed enemies' bodies decay, taking Chaos damage over time.
Supports Curse skills, causing them to Curse enemies more quickly after being cast.
Supports Curse skills, causing them to cover a larger area but take longer to Curse enemies.
Supports damaging skills you use yourself, draining the life from one of your Minions on use in order to boost the skill's damage. Only takes effect if you have a Minion with enough life to drain the full amount.
Supports skills that create Persistent Minions, causing those Minions to fight on for a short duration before dying when they are fatally wounded.
Cold Exposure
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to inflict Cold Exposure when it Critically Hits an enemy.
Fire Mastery
Supports Fire skills, granting them an additional level.
Cold Mastery
Supports Cold skills, granting them an additional level.
Lightning Mastery
Supports Lightning skills, granting them an additional level.
Chaos Mastery
Supports Chaos skills, granting them an additional level.
Physical Mastery
Supports Physical skills, granting them an additional level.
Minion Mastery
Supports Minion skills, granting them an additional level.
Intense Agony
Supports Spells that deal non-Ailment damage over time, causing them to have a shorter duration but deal substantially more damage over time with Debuffs inflicted against enemies on full life.
Drain Ailments
Supports Spells that deal non-Ailment damage over time, causing them to consume Ailments on enemies it applies damage over time Debuffs to in order to deal substantially more damage over time.
Chaotic Freeze
Supports Spells that deal non-Ailment Chaos damage over time. Enemies taking damage over time from Debuffs caused by supported skills will suffer Freeze build up from Chaos damage Hits from any source.
Supports Spells that deal non-Ailment Chaos damage over time, causing damage over time they inflict to also Hinder enemies.
Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased Mana Regeneration while the Skill is active.
Spell Cascade
Supports Spells that affect an area around you or a target location, causing those Spells to also target additional areas on either side of the target area, along a randomly chosen axis. Cannot support Channelling skills or Remote skills.
Cursed Ground
Supports Curse Skills. Supported Curse Skills no longer have an activation delay, instead creating areas which Curse Enemies so long as they are within them.
Font of Mana
Supports Skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported Skills generate a Font of Mana, creating an Aura which grants Mana regeneration.
Burning Inscription
Supports any Skill which creates Runic Inscriptions when Cast, causing those Runic Inscriptions to trigger Burning Inscription when they expire. Burning Inscription is a Spell which creates Ignited Ground based off of your Maximum Mana.
Strip Away
Supports Skills which apply Exposure to Enemies, increasing the effect of applied Exposure.
Considered Casting
Supports Spell Skills that Hit Enemies and you cast yourself, boosting Damage at the cost of Cast Speed.
Supports Spell Skills that fire Projectiles. Supported Skills have a chance to fire many additional Projectiles in a circle.
Supports any Skill which creates Ice Crystals, causing them to be created with lower Life.
Supports any Skill which creates Ice Crystals, causing them to be created with higher Life.
Rising Tempest
Supports Skills which deal Damage, raising Elemental Damage dealt for each Skill used Recently of a different Elemental type. Cannot support Minion Skills.
Supports Spell Skills. Using supported Spells will cause you to Sacrifice a portion of your Life on use, gaining extra Chaos Damage in exchange. Does not support Persistent Skills, Minion Skills, or Triggered Skills.
Astral Projection
Supports Nova Skills, causing those Skills to take place at the targeted location when used instead of around you.
Supports Skills that you use yourself. Supported Skills will consume a Power Charge on use if possible, and will be much more likely to Critically Hit if they do. Supported Skills cannot generate Power Charges.
Supports any Skill that you use yourself, granting it significantly higher Area of Effect but causing it to gain a long cooldown. Cannot support Skills which already have a cooldown.
Supports any damaging Skill that you use yourself, granting it significantly higher chance to Critically Hit, but causing it to gain a long cooldown. Cannot support Skills which already have a cooldown.
Supports any damaging Skill that you use yourself, granting it significantly higher chance to inflict Ailments on hit, but causing it to gain a long cooldown. Cannot support Skills which already have a cooldown.
Energy Retention
Supports Meta Skills. Supported Skills gain a chance to partially Refund a portion of Energy cost when Triggering or Invoking other Skills.
Supports Offering Skills. Supported Skills Sacrifice a portion of your life on use, but deal much more damage and have more powerful Buffs in return.
Danse Macabre
Supports Offering Skills. Supported Skills have increased Buff effect and deal more damage, but will target an additional skeletal Minion when cast. If there is not an additional skeletal Minion to target, no damage or Buff effect will be granted.
Supports Invocation Skills which Trigger other Skills. Supported Skills have significantly higher Maximum Energy.
Supports Meta Skills. Supported Skills generate Energy significantly faster.
Supports Minion Skills. Supported Minions deal significantly more damage with their Command Skills.
Supports Curses, spreading their effects when a Cursed enemy dies.
技能宝石 宝石/261
护卫 位移 旅行 印记 攻击 效果区域 近战 打击 猛击 持续时间 物理 战吼 触发 火焰 持续吟唱 图腾 新星 增益 持续性 投射物 Sustained Payoff 非凡 冰霜 闪电 连锁 混沌 法术 引爆器 光环 召唤生物 法球 暴击 诅咒 变形 Ammunition Grenade
七伤破 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
震地 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 持续时间
轰动猛击 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击
摧甲重击 (3)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 物理
炼狱战吼 (3)
战吼, 效果区域, 触发, 火焰, 持续时间
重盾冲锋 (3)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 物理, 持续吟唱, 旅行
震波图腾 (3)
攻击, 图腾, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 物理, 持续时间, 新星
灰烬之捷 (4)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 火焰, 持续时间, 捷
岩浆屏障 (4)
增益, 攻击, 持续性, 效果区域, 近战, 触发, 火焰, 持续时间
Scavenged Plating (4)
增益, 持续性, 物理, 持续时间
Molten Blast (5)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰
完美一击 (5)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 火焰, 持续时间, 持续吟唱
共振护盾 (5)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, Sustained, 物理, 持续吟唱
尖刺战吼 (7)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 持续时间
跃击 (7)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 旅行, Payoff
Shield Wall (7)
攻击, 效果区域, 物理, 持续时间
Overwhelming Presence (8)
增益, 持续性
Time of Need (8)
增益, 持续性, 持续时间
大地震击 (9)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, Payoff
火山裂缝 (9)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, Sustained, 火焰, 持续时间
震地战吼 (11)
战吼, 效果区域, 物理, 持续时间
Stampede (11)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 持续时间, 旅行
Supercharged Slam (11)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 持续吟唱
Ancestral Warrior Totem (13)
攻击, 图腾, 效果区域, 近战, 物理, 持续时间, 非凡
Hammer of the Gods (13)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 持续时间
Berserk (14)
增益, 持续性
逃脱射击 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 冰霜
闪电箭矢 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 闪电, 连锁
引雷针 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, Sustained, 闪电, 持续时间
毒爆箭 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 混沌, 持续时间
狙击 (3)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 持续吟唱
唤雷箭 (3)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 闪电, 持续时间
藤缠箭 (3)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 混沌, 持续时间
闪电之捷 (4)
增益, 攻击, 持续性, 效果区域, 闪电, 捷, Payoff
瘟疫使徒 (4)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 物理, 混沌, 新星
风舞者 (4)
增益, 攻击, 持续性, 效果区域, 近战
弹幕 (5)
法术, 增益, 持续时间
电殛箭 (5)
攻击, 投射物, 闪电, 持续时间
Freezing Salvo (5)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 冰霜
剧毒增生 (5)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 混沌, 持续时间
瓦斯之箭 (7)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰, 混沌, 持续时间
狙击之印 (7)
法术, 印记, 持续时间
Voltaic Mark (7)
法术, 攻击, 效果区域, 印记, 闪电, 持续时间, 新星
Combat Frenzy (8)
增益, 持续性
Herald of Plague (8)
增益, 持续性, 混沌, 捷
Detonating Arrow (9)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰, 持续吟唱, 引爆器
Ice Shot (9)
攻击, 投射物, 冰霜
箭雨 (9)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, Sustained
Shockchain Arrow (11)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 闪电, 连锁, Payoff
Tornado Shot (11)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 物理, 持续时间
Magnetic Salvo (13)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 闪电
Spiral Volley (13)
攻击, 投射物, Sustained
Alchemist's Boon (14)
增益, 持续性, 光环
Bone Blast (1)
法术, 效果区域, 物理, 持续时间
混沌箭 (1)
法术, 投射物, 混沌
降解 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 火焰, 混沌, 持续时间
暗夜血契 (1)
法术, 召唤生物, 效果区域, 混沌, 新星
纪律 (1)
增益, 持续性, 光环
火焰弹 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰
急冻碎片 (1)
法术, 投射物, 冰霜
电流场 (1)
法术, 增益, 效果区域, 闪电, 持续时间, 连锁, 法球
闪电 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 闪电
Living Bomb (1)
法术, 效果区域, 火焰, 持续时间
Malice (1)
增益, 持续性, 光环, 持续时间, 暴击
Mana Drain (1)
力量抽取 (1)
法术, 物理
Purity of Fire (1)
增益, 持续性, 光环, 火焰
Purity of Ice (1)
增益, 持续性, 光环, 冰霜
Purity of Lightning (1)
增益, 持续性, 光环, 闪电
闪电新星 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 闪电, 新星
威能法印 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 持续时间
魔侍武士 (1)
召唤生物, 持续性, 物理
裂魂术 (1)
法术, 投射物, 混沌, 持续时间
释出 (1)
法术, 增益, 持续时间
Ember Fusillade (1)
法术, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰, 持续时间
Spark (1)
法术, 投射物, 闪电, 持续时间
灵体火球 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 火焰
死亡凋零 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 混沌, 持续时间, 持续吟唱
瘟疫 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 混沌, 持续时间
烈焰之墙 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 火焰, 持续时间
寒霜爆 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 冰霜, 持续时间, 法球
冰霜新星 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 冰霜, 新星
魔侍神射手 (1)
召唤生物, 持续性, 物理, 火焰, 混沌
魔侍武士 (1)
召唤生物, 持续性, 物理
电球 (1)
法术, 投射物, 闪电, 持续时间
开掘 (1)
法术, 召唤生物, 效果区域, 物理, 持续时间
Ember Fusillade (3)
法术, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰, 持续时间
白骨牢笼 (3)
法术, 效果区域, 物理, 持续时间, 新星
衰弱 (3)
法术, 效果区域, 持续时间, 诅咒
灵魂吸取 (3)
法术, 投射物, 混沌, 持续时间
寒冰弹 (3)
法术, 效果区域, 投射物, 冰霜, 持续时间
风暴漩涡 (3)
法术, 效果区域, Sustained, 闪电, 持续时间, 连锁, 法球
魔侍焚焰狂魔 (3)
召唤生物, 持续性, 火焰, 引爆器
极地装甲 (4)
增益, 法术, 持续性, Sustained, 冰霜
恐怖飨宴 (4)
增益, 召唤生物, 持续性
魔力残片 (4)
增益, 持续性, 闪电
愤怒狂灵 (4)
增益, 召唤生物, 持续性, 火焰, 持续时间
Withering Presence (4)
增益, 持续性, 混沌, 持续时间
电弧 (5)
法术, 闪电, 连锁
白骨风暴 (5)
法术, 效果区域, 投射物, Sustained, 物理, 持续时间, 持续吟唱
Cold Snap (5)
法术, 效果区域, 冰霜, Payoff
烧毁 (5)
法术, 效果区域, Sustained, 火焰, 持续时间, 持续吟唱
苦痛奉献 (5)
召唤生物, 增益, 效果区域, 持续时间
魔卫复苏 (5)
召唤生物, 物理, 持续时间
魔侍冰霜法师 (5)
召唤生物, 持续性, 冰霜
日曜球 (5)
法术, 效果区域, Sustained, 火焰, 持续时间, 法球
导电 (7)
法术, 效果区域, 闪电, 持续时间, 诅咒
爆灵术 (7)
法术, 效果区域, 物理, 火焰, 引爆器
易燃 (7)
法术, 效果区域, 火焰, 持续时间, 诅咒
Hypothermia (7)
法术, 效果区域, 冰霜, 持续时间, 诅咒
渎神仪式 (7)
法术, 效果区域, 混沌, 持续时间
脆弱 (7)
法术, 效果区域, 物理, 持续时间, 诅咒
渎神 (8)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 光环, 非凡
Cast on Freeze (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 冰霜, 非凡
Cast on Ignite (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 火焰, 非凡
召唤生物死亡时施放 (8)
增益, 召唤生物, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Cast on Shock (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 闪电, 非凡
Dark Effigy (9)
法术, 图腾, 效果区域, 投射物, 混沌, 持续时间
Despair (9)
法术, 效果区域, 混沌, 持续时间, 诅咒
Fireball (9)
法术, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰
冰墙 (9)
法术, 效果区域, 冰霜, 持续时间
闪电传送 (9)
法术, 效果区域, 闪电, 持续时间
Mana Tempest (9)
法术, 增益, 闪电
Skeletal Reaver (9)
召唤生物, 持续性, 物理
天雷之珠 (11)
法术, 效果区域, 投射物, Sustained, 闪电
骸骨奉献 (11)
召唤生物, 增益, 效果区域, 物理, 持续时间
Comet (11)
法术, 效果区域, 冰霜
烈炎风暴 (11)
法术, 效果区域, Sustained, 火焰, 持续时间, Payoff
魔蛊爆炸 (11)
法术, 效果区域, 混沌, Payoff
Skeletal Storm Mage (11)
召唤生物, 持续性, 闪电
凛冬之眼 (13)
法术, 投射物, 冰霜
烈焰爆破 (13)
法术, 效果区域, 火焰, 持续吟唱, 新星
闪电通道 (13)
法术, 效果区域, 闪电, Payoff
Skeletal Brute (13)
召唤生物, 持续性, 物理
Skeletal Cleric (13)
召唤生物, 持续性
Soul Offering (13)
召唤生物, 增益, 持续时间
时空锁链 (13)
法术, 效果区域, 持续时间, 诅咒
Archmage (14)
增益, 持续性, 闪电
Blink (14)
增益, 法术, 持续性
Cast on Critical (14)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Elemental Conflux (14)
增益, 持续性, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰, 持续时间
Sacrifice (14)
召唤生物, 增益, 持续性
Ancestral Spirits (1)
召唤生物, 触发, 持续时间
Bleeding Concoction (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 物理
Elemental Expression (1)
法术, 效果区域, 投射物, 触发, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰, 连锁
Elemental Storm (1)
法术, 效果区域, 触发, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰, 持续时间, 法球
Encase in Jade (1)
护卫, 法术, 增益, 物理, 持续时间
Explosive Concoction (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰, 持续时间
Fulminating Concoction (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 闪电, 持续时间
Life Remnants (1)
增益, 持续性
Meditate (1)
法术, 持续吟唱
Poisonous Concoction (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 混沌
Shattering Concoction (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 冰霜, 持续时间
Summon Infernal Hound (1)
召唤生物, 持续性, 火焰
Unbound Avatar (1)
增益, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰, 持续时间
Blink (1)
Decompose (1)
法术, 效果区域, 火焰, 混沌, 持续时间
Demon Form (1)
变形, 增益, 持续性
赤炼魔光 (1)
法术, 物理, 持续时间, 连锁
Into the Breach (1)
增益, 持续性
赤炼绝命 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 物理, 持续时间, 暴击
架盾 (1)
Sorcery Ward (1)
法术, 增益, 持续性, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰
Consecrate (1)
法术, 效果区域, 持续时间, 新星
Temporal Rift (1)
法术, 增益, 持续性
Time Freeze (1)
法术, 效果区域, 持续时间
Time Snap (1)
Armour Piercing Rounds (1)
攻击, Ammunition, 投射物, 物理
Explosive Grenade (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, Grenade, 火焰, 持续时间, 引爆器
霹雳闪 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 投射物, 闪电
Fragmentation Rounds (1)
攻击, Ammunition, 投射物, Payoff
冰凌座 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 冰霜, 持续时间, 新星
冰川之刺 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 冰霜, Payoff
戮命掌 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 物理
Permafrost Bolts (1)
攻击, 效果区域, Ammunition, 投射物, 冰霜
Flash Grenade (3)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, Grenade, 持续时间
High Velocity Rounds (3)
攻击, Ammunition, 投射物, 物理, Payoff
Incendiary Shot (3)
攻击, 效果区域, Ammunition, 投射物, 火焰
惊风掌 (3)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 投射物, 物理, 持续时间
风雷钟 (3)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, Sustained, 持续时间, 新星
Vaulting Impact (3)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 旅行
Ghost Dance (4)
增益, 持续性, 持续时间
寒冰之捷 (4)
增益, 攻击, 持续性, 效果区域, 冰霜, 捷, Payoff
War Banner (4)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 持续时间
Galvanic Shards (5)
攻击, Ammunition, 投射物, 闪电, 连锁
Ice Shards (5)
攻击, 效果区域, Ammunition, 投射物, Sustained, 冰霜
幽寒打 (5)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 冰霜
Rapid Shot (5)
攻击, Ammunition, 投射物, 火焰
风暴乱舞 (5)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 闪电
Gas Grenade (5)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, Grenade, 火焰, 混沌, 持续时间
迅风爆 (5)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战
Explosive Shot (7)
攻击, 效果区域, Ammunition, 投射物, 火焰, 引爆器
Freezing Mark (7)
法术, 攻击, 效果区域, 印记, 冰霜, 持续时间, 新星
Glacial Bolt (7)
攻击, 效果区域, Ammunition, 投射物, 冰霜, 持续时间
Ripwire Ballista (7)
攻击, 图腾, 投射物, 持续时间
Voltaic Grenade (7)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, Grenade, 闪电, 持续时间
汲能击 (7)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 闪电, Payoff
Storm Wave (7)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 闪电
Wave of Frost (7)
位移, 攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 冰霜
Barrier Invocation (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Defiance Banner (8)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 持续时间
Elemental Invocation (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰, 非凡
徘徊幻影 (8)
增益, 持续性, 持续时间
Shard Scavenger (8)
增益, 持续性, 物理, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰
火力弩炮 (9)
攻击, 图腾, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰, 持续时间
Charged Staff (9)
法术, 攻击, 增益, 效果区域, 持续时间
Hand of Chayula (9)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 混沌, 非凡
Mantra of Destruction (9)
增益, 混沌, 持续时间
Oil Grenade (9)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, Grenade, 火焰, 持续时间
Stormblast Bolts (9)
攻击, 效果区域, Ammunition, 投射物, 闪电, 持续时间
Emergency Reload (11)
增益, 持续时间
Hailstorm Rounds (11)
攻击, 效果区域, Ammunition, 投射物, Sustained, 冰霜
Shattering Palm (11)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 冰霜, 新星
Shockburst Rounds (11)
攻击, 效果区域, Ammunition, 投射物, 闪电, Payoff
Whirling Assault (11)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Cluster Grenade (13)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, Grenade, 火焰, 持续时间
闪现打击 (13)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Gathering Storm (13)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 闪电, 持续吟唱, 旅行
Plasma Blast (13)
攻击, 效果区域, Ammunition, 投射物, 闪电, 持续吟唱
Siege Cascade (13)
攻击, 效果区域, Ammunition, 投射物, Sustained, 火焰, Payoff
Attrition (14)
增益, 持续性
Cast on Dodge (14)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Charge Infusion (14)
增益, 持续性
Dread Banner (14)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 持续时间
Reaper's Invocation (14)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
辅助宝石 宝石/206
辅助 攻击 火焰 近战 物理 战吼 持续时间 猛击 打击 效果区域 召唤生物 增益 持续性 触发 Payoff 图腾 法术 Grenade 闪电 投射物 连锁 混沌 持续吟唱 冰霜 暴击 诅咒
Fire Infusion (1)
辅助, 攻击, 火焰
Lifetap (1)
血怒 (1)
辅助, 攻击, 近战, 物理
残暴 (1)
辅助, 物理
Lacerate (1)
辅助, 物理
点燃 (1)
辅助, 火焰
Corrupting Cry (1)
辅助, 战吼, 物理, 持续时间
Double Barrel (1)
Premeditation (1)
崩解耐力 (1)
处决 (1)
战争铁拳 (1)
辅助, 攻击, 近战, 猛击
长明烈焰 (1)
辅助, 火焰
冲击震波 (1)
辅助, 攻击, 近战, 打击
启迪 (1)
崎岖之面 (1)
辅助, 攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 持续时间
Fast Forward (1)
辅助, 持续时间
肉盾 (1)
辅助, 召唤生物
Persistence (1)
辅助, 持续时间
碾压 (1)
怒火 (1)
辅助, 攻击, 近战
无情 (1)
Stomping Ground (1)
辅助, 攻击, 效果区域, 物理
不屈不破 (1)
Vitality (1)
辅助, 增益, 持续性
Aftershock (2)
辅助, 攻击, 近战, 猛击
Splinter (2)
Armour Explosion (2)
辅助, 攻击, 效果区域, 触发, 火焰, Payoff
Auto Reload (2)
Font of Blood (2)
辅助, 图腾
摧残 (2)
开发要害 (2)
辅助, Payoff
火焰穿透 (2)
辅助, 火焰
Fresh Clip (2)
Herbalism (2)
辅助, 增益, 持续性
Holy Descent (2)
Demolisher (2)
辅助, 法术
炎军 (2)
辅助, 召唤生物, 效果区域, 火焰
Ironwood (2)
辅助, 图腾
Bludgeon (2)
Life Thief (2)
辅助, 攻击, 物理
Heavy Swing (2)
辅助, 攻击, 近战, 物理
Raging Cry (2)
辅助, 战吼
Ancestral Urgency (2)
辅助, 图腾
Primal Armament (2)
辅助, 攻击
斩首 (3)
辅助, 攻击, 近战, 打击
Cannibalism (3)
辅助, 增益, 持续性
Dazing Cry (3)
辅助, 战吼
焚躯烈焰 (3)
辅助, 火焰
Deep Cuts (3)
辅助, 物理
燃怒战吼 (3)
辅助, 战吼
Fire Exposure (3)
辅助, 火焰, 持续时间
Despoiler (3)
Heft (3)
献祭 (3)
辅助, 火焰, Payoff
Long Fuse (3)
辅助, Grenade
Font of Rage (3)
辅助, 图腾
Rageforged (3)
Rupture (3)
辅助, 物理
Tremors (3)
辅助, 攻击, 近战, 猛击
Upheaval (3)
辅助, 攻击, 近战
Lightning Infusion (1)
辅助, 攻击, 闪电
Ammo Conservation (1)
连锁 (1)
辅助, 投射物, 连锁
Envenom (1)
辅助, 混沌
传导 (1)
辅助, 闪电
Combo Finisher (1)
辅助, 攻击, 打击
腐蚀 (1)
辅助, 物理, 混沌
Crescendo (1)
辅助, 攻击, 近战, 打击
Murderous Intent (1)
Encumbrance (1)
辅助, 法术, 召唤生物
Martial Tempo (1)
辅助, 攻击
Acceleration (1)
辅助, 投射物
Overabundance (1)
亢奋 (1)
辅助, 攻击, 闪电, 持续时间
Wind Wave (1)
辅助, 效果区域, 触发
持久感电 (1)
辅助, 闪电
Leverage (1)
Life Drain (1)
封锁 (1)
辅助, 物理
Profusion (1)
Comorbidity (1)
辅助, 混沌
Scattershot (1)
辅助, 投射物
永续充能 (1)
穿透 (1)
辅助, 投射物
定身 (1)
辅助, 物理
Precision (1)
辅助, 增益, 持续性
助力之风 (1)
Deceleration (1)
辅助, 投射物
迸发之疫 (1)
辅助, 效果区域, 触发, 物理, 混沌
Swift Affliction (1)
辅助, 持续时间
Window of Opportunity (1)
辅助, 持续吟唱
Bullseye (2)
辅助, 攻击
致盲 (2)
近战 (2)
辅助, 攻击
Ingenuity (2)
Break Posture (2)
辅助, 攻击
电殛 (2)
辅助, 闪电
Longshot (2)
辅助, 攻击
Ferocity (2)
闪电穿透 (2)
辅助, 闪电
瘫痪 (2)
辅助, 攻击
动量 (2)
Practiced Combo (2)
辅助, 攻击, 近战, 打击
Ricochet (2)
辅助, 投射物
Culling Strike (3)
辅助, 攻击
Culmination (3)
辅助, 攻击, 近战
Discombobulate (3)
辅助, 攻击, 物理
Deadly Poison (3)
辅助, 混沌
分叉 (3)
辅助, 投射物
Life Bounty (3)
Lightning Exposure (3)
辅助, 闪电, 持续时间
Mana Bounty (3)
Soul Drain (3)
机动 (3)
神经超载 (3)
辅助, 闪电
Nimble Reload (3)
过载 (3)
辅助, 闪电
Payload (3)
辅助, Grenade
Cold Infusion (1)
辅助, 攻击, 冰霜
伏击 (1)
辅助, 暴击
秘术增强 (1)
辅助, 法术, 持续时间
Frost Nexus (1)
辅助, 效果区域, 冰霜
Clarity (1)
辅助, 增益, 持续性
集中效应 (1)
辅助, 效果区域
精准破坏 (1)
辅助, 法术, 暴击
Heightened Curse (1)
辅助, 诅咒
衰颓魔蛊 (1)
辅助, 混沌, 诅咒
元素大军 (1)
辅助, 召唤生物
能量屏障 (1)
Expanse (1)
辅助, 效果区域
Arcane Tempo (1)
辅助, 法术
急冻 (1)
辅助, 冰霜
时之沙漏 (1)
霜咬 (1)
辅助, 攻击, 冰霜, 持续时间
末日将至 (1)
辅助, 法术, 效果区域, 触发, 混沌
Magnified Effect (1)
辅助, 效果区域
亡命之息 (1)
辅助, 召唤生物, 持续性, 持续时间
深度冻结 (1)
辅助, 冰霜
复仇之灵 (1)
辅助, 召唤生物, 火焰
召唤契约 (1)
辅助, 召唤生物
Spell Cascade (1)
释出 (1)
辅助, 法术
Fortress (1)
凋零之触 (1)
辅助, 混沌, 持续时间
Bidding (2)
Intense Agony (2)
辅助, 法术, 持续时间
冰霜穿透 (2)
辅助, 冰霜
Considered Casting (2)
辅助, 法术
灵柩留存 (2)
Coursing Current (2)
辅助, 效果区域, 闪电
感电虹吸 (2)
辅助, 闪电
Excise (2)
狂噬 (2)
辅助, 召唤生物
炽灭 (2)
辅助, 法术, 火焰
聚焦诅咒 (2)
辅助, 诅咒
Glacier (2)
Hinder (2)
辅助, 法术, 混沌
Icicle (2)
Impetus (2)
Inevitable Critical (2)
辅助, 暴击
魔力耀斑 (2)
辅助, 法术, 火焰, 暴击
Font of Mana (2)
辅助, 图腾
Soul Thief (2)
辅助, 攻击, 物理
Potential (2)
仪祭诅咒 (2)
辅助, 诅咒
施法回响 (2)
辅助, 法术, 效果区域
Strip Away (2)
辅助, 法术
Rising Tempest (2)
Wildfire (2)
辅助, 效果区域, 火焰
Ablation (3)
Chaos Infusion (3)
辅助, 攻击, 混沌
Astral Projection (3)
刺骨寒意 (3)
辅助, 冰霜, Payoff
Burning Inscription (3)
辅助, 效果区域, 火焰
Capacitor (3)
Chaos Mastery (3)
辅助, 混沌
Chaotic Freeze (3)
辅助, 法术, 混沌
Cold Exposure (3)
辅助, 冰霜, 持续时间, 暴击
Cold Mastery (3)
辅助, 冰霜
Cursed Ground (3)
Danse Macabre (3)
Drain Ailments (3)
辅助, 法术
元素解放 (3)
辅助, 法术, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰, Payoff
元素集中 (3)
Energy Retention (3)
Execrate (3)
Extraction (3)
Fire Mastery (3)
辅助, 火焰
霜火 (3)
辅助, 冰霜, 火焰, Payoff
魔蛊绽放 (3)
辅助, 效果区域, 诅咒
Supercritical (3)
辅助, 暴击
Lightning Mastery (3)
辅助, 闪电
Minion Mastery (3)
辅助, 召唤生物
Physical Mastery (3)
辅助, 物理
风暴之炎 (3)
辅助, 闪电, 火焰
Wildshards (3)
辅助, 法术, 投射物
Meta Skill Gem 宝石/12
攻击 图腾 效果区域 近战 物理 持续时间 非凡 增益 持续性 光环 触发 冰霜 火焰 召唤生物 闪电 打击 混沌
Ancestral Warrior Totem (13)
攻击, 图腾, 效果区域, 近战, 物理, 持续时间, 非凡
渎神 (8)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 光环, 非凡
Cast on Freeze (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 冰霜, 非凡
Cast on Ignite (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 火焰, 非凡
召唤生物死亡时施放 (8)
增益, 召唤生物, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Cast on Shock (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 闪电, 非凡
Cast on Critical (14)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Barrier Invocation (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Elemental Invocation (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰, 非凡
Hand of Chayula (9)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 混沌, 非凡
Cast on Dodge (14)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Reaper's Invocation (14)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
精神宝石 宝石/49
增益 持续性 效果区域 火焰 持续时间 攻击 近战 触发 物理 闪电 Payoff 混沌 新星 光环 法术 Sustained 冰霜 召唤生物 非凡
灰烬之捷 (4)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 火焰, 持续时间, 捷
岩浆屏障 (4)
增益, 攻击, 持续性, 效果区域, 近战, 触发, 火焰, 持续时间
Scavenged Plating (4)
增益, 持续性, 物理, 持续时间
Overwhelming Presence (8)
增益, 持续性
Time of Need (8)
增益, 持续性, 持续时间
Berserk (14)
增益, 持续性
闪电之捷 (4)
增益, 攻击, 持续性, 效果区域, 闪电, 捷, Payoff
瘟疫使徒 (4)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 物理, 混沌, 新星
风舞者 (4)
增益, 攻击, 持续性, 效果区域, 近战
Combat Frenzy (8)
增益, 持续性
Herald of Plague (8)
增益, 持续性, 混沌, 捷
Alchemist's Boon (14)
增益, 持续性, 光环
极地装甲 (4)
增益, 法术, 持续性, Sustained, 冰霜
恐怖飨宴 (4)
增益, 召唤生物, 持续性
魔力残片 (4)
增益, 持续性, 闪电
愤怒狂灵 (4)
增益, 召唤生物, 持续性, 火焰, 持续时间
Withering Presence (4)
增益, 持续性, 混沌, 持续时间
渎神 (8)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 光环, 非凡
Cast on Freeze (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 冰霜, 非凡
Cast on Ignite (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 火焰, 非凡
召唤生物死亡时施放 (8)
增益, 召唤生物, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Cast on Shock (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 闪电, 非凡
Archmage (14)
增益, 持续性, 闪电
Blink (14)
增益, 法术, 持续性
Cast on Critical (14)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Elemental Conflux (14)
增益, 持续性, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰, 持续时间
Sacrifice (14)
召唤生物, 增益, 持续性
Ghost Dance (4)
增益, 持续性, 持续时间
寒冰之捷 (4)
增益, 攻击, 持续性, 效果区域, 冰霜, 捷, Payoff
War Banner (4)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 持续时间
Barrier Invocation (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Defiance Banner (8)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 持续时间
Elemental Invocation (8)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰, 非凡
徘徊幻影 (8)
增益, 持续性, 持续时间
Shard Scavenger (8)
增益, 持续性, 物理, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰
Attrition (14)
增益, 持续性
Cast on Dodge (14)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Charge Infusion (14)
增益, 持续性
Dread Banner (14)
增益, 持续性, 效果区域, 持续时间
Reaper's Invocation (14)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
未知 宝石/157
位移 旅行 攻击 近战 打击 猛击 增益 持续性 触发 非凡 战吼 效果区域 物理 持续时间 火焰 投射物 辅助 法术 冰霜 闪电 Sustained 召唤生物 暴击 混沌 持续吟唱 光环 图腾 法球
[DNT] Axe Chop (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
[DNT] Axe Execute (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
[DNT] Axe Heavy Cleave (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
[DNT] Axe Leaping Chop (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
[DNT] Axe Raised Chop (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击, 猛击
[DNT] Axe Slash (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
[DNT] Axe Whirling Slash (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
Cast on Melee Stun (1)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
[DNT] Leaping Axe Catch (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
Shielding Cry (1)
攻击, 战吼, 效果区域, 近战, 触发, 物理, 持续时间
Spinning Inferno (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 火焰
[DNT] Spinning Throw (1)
攻击, 投射物
[DNT] Spiral Throw (1)
攻击, 投射物
Blazing Lance (1)
攻击, 投射物, 火焰
灌注 (1)
辅助, 增益
冻结几率 (1)
[DNT] Claw Rake (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击, 猛击
致命之捷 (1)
辅助, 捷
Detonate Minion (1)
法术, 效果区域, 火焰
[DNT] Evasive Strike (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击, 猛击
Fusillade (1)
辅助, 投射物
冰矛 (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 冰霜
Rapid Assault (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
[DNT] Spear Mine (1)
攻击, 效果区域
[DNT] Sandstorm Swipe (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 持续时间
Impale (1)
位移, 攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 旅行
[DNT] Infusing Strike (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 闪电, 冰霜, 火焰
Storm Surge (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 旅行
Puncture (1)
位移, 攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击, 物理, 旅行
[DNT] Spear Vortex (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战
Spearfield (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, Sustained, 物理
Storm Spear (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物, 闪电
Summon Rhoa Mount (1)
法术, 召唤生物, 增益, 持续性
Whirling Slash (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Bind Spectre (1)
Cast when Stunned (1)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Cast while Channelling (1)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Demon Magus (1)
法术, 召唤生物, 持续性, 非凡
Expanding Ground (1)
冰封漩涡 (1)
辅助, 效果区域, 冰霜, 持续时间
Hydra Familiar (1)
召唤生物, 增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
咒祈 (1)
辅助, 法术, 触发
Lightning Storm (1)
法术, 效果区域, 闪电, 持续时间
收割精华 (1)
辅助, 召唤生物
精准暴击 (1)
辅助, 暴击
熔岩奔涌 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰
Sacrificial Lamb (1)
辅助, 召唤生物
弱能 (1)
Soulbreaker (1)
辅助, 效果区域, 混沌
弥漫寒霜 (1)
辅助, 冰霜
Spectre: {0} (1)
召唤生物, 持续性
Greater Lightning Bolt (1)
法术, 效果区域, 闪电
Maul (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
Rampage (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 持续时间, 持续吟唱, 旅行
[DNT] Blade Dance (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击, 猛击
[DNT] Blade Nova (1)
法术, 投射物, 物理, 持续时间
Cast on Block (1)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Cast on Death (1)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Cast on Melee Kill (1)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
Cast when Damage Taken (1)
增益, 持续性, 触发, 非凡
[DNT] Combo Knife Throw (1)
法术, 投射物, 物理, 持续时间
[DNT] Dodge Roll (1)
[DNT] Dominating Aura (1)
法术, 召唤生物, 持续性, 效果区域, 光环, 持续时间
凶蛮咆哮 (1)
战吼, 效果区域, 非凡
[DNT] Flame Slice (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
Furious Slam (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击
Metadata/Items/Gem/SkillGemHeraldOfBlood (1)
增益, 持续性, 捷
[DNT] Hyper Slash (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
[DNT] Knife Flip (1)
法术, 投射物, 物理, 持续时间
[DNT] Meta Bow Totem (1)
图腾, 持续时间, 非凡
[DNT] Meta Spell Totem (1)
图腾, 持续时间, 非凡
Axe Slash (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Mace Strike (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Sword Slash (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Axe Slash (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Mace Strike (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Sword Slash (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Axe Slash (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Bow Shot (1)
攻击, 投射物
Claw Stab (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Claw Stab (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Crossbow Shot (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 投射物
Dagger Stab (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Dagger Stab (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Flail Strike (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Mace Strike (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Quarterstaff Strike (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Spear Stab (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Sword Slash (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Punch (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Playtest Attack (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 打击
Playtest Slam (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 猛击, 旅行
Playtest Spell (1)
法术, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰
[DNT] Plunging Blade (1)
攻击, 近战
[DNT] RingOfBlades (1)
法术, 投射物
[DNT] Shadow Ambush (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
[DNT] Shadow Dash (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
[DNT] Shadow Thief Slash (1)
攻击, 近战
Shroud (1)
法术, 增益, 持续性
[DNT] Spinning Flail (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击, 持续吟唱
[DNT] Storm Blade (1)
攻击, 效果区域, 近战, 冰霜
Summon Companion (1)
法术, 召唤生物, 持续性, 非凡
Summon Wolf (1)
法术, 召唤生物
[DNT] Sword Leap Slash (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
[DNT] Sword Lunge (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
龙卷旋风 (1)
法术, 效果区域, 物理, 持续时间, 法球
[DNT] Detonation (1)
[DNT] Gas Cloud (1)
效果区域, 持续时间
[DNT] Triple Slash Combo (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击
Volcano (1)
法术, 效果区域, 投射物, 火焰, 持续时间, 持续吟唱
[DNT] Howl (1)
[DNT] Leaping Claw (1)
攻击, 近战, 打击

Community Wiki




  • 魔力消耗在整个技能中消耗,而不是在使用时消耗;取消技能或被击晕不会消耗魔力。
  • 扑杀分别以 30%、20%、10% 和 5% 生命杀死普通、魔法、稀有和独特敌人。


  • 角色一开始有 9 个技能宝石插槽。
  • 技能宝石至少有 2 个辅助宝石插槽。
  • 宝石等级对伤害影响更大。
  • 插槽制作(额外的插槽)是确定性的。
  • 工匠石额外的插槽是确定性的,每个升级等级都比前一个等级更稀有。
    • 小型工匠石:升级技能宝石上的 2 → 3 个额外宝石插槽
    • 工匠石:升级技能宝石上的 3 → 4 个额外宝石插槽
    • 高级工匠石:升级技能宝石上的 4 → 5 个额外宝石插槽
  • 使用 技能宝石 来升级技能宝石,怪物不提供宝石经验值


  • 每个辅助宝石只能使用一次
  • 辅助宝石等级固定为 1
  • 辅助宝石根据辅助的属性为技能宝石添加额外的属性要求。







  • 烙印与图腾有些融合
  • 地雷和陷阱不再是法术或攻击,而是一种单独的伤害类型。它们也是一种独立的武器类型,具有不同的爆炸类型(近距离、手动等)
  • 法杖技能现在是法术(因为魔杖没有攻击属性)

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