The Arbiter of Ash 传奇 /8
+(60–100) 最大魔力
照亮范围扩大 25%
该装备的护甲、闪避和能量护盾提高 (100–150)%
Equipment and Skill Gems have 25% increased Attribute Requirements
You can use two copies of the same Support Gem in different Skills
(10–15)% increased Skill Speed
该装备的护甲、闪避和能量护盾提高 (40–60)%
Immobilise enemies at 50% buildup instead of 100%
Enemies Immobilised by you take 25% less Damage
移动速度加快 (15–30)%
该装备的护甲、闪避和能量护盾提高 (60–80)%
Dodge Roll avoids all Hits
10% less Movement and Skill Speed per Dodge Roll in the past 20 seconds
获得技能: Purity of Fire
获得相当于伤害 (40–60)% 的额外火焰伤害
Allies in your Presence Gain (20–30)% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Allies in your Presence Regenerate (2–3)% of their Maximum Life per second
Enemies in your Presence Resist Elemental Damage based on their Lowest Resistance
该装备的护甲、闪避和能量护盾提高 (200–300)%
10% increased Rarity of Items found per Socketed Rune or Soul Core
+10 to Spirit per Socketed Rune or Soul Core
[4 Rune Sockets]
以夏巴夸亚的名义用 (100–8000) 名祭品之血浸染
local unique jewel break timeless jewel calculators [0]
+(1–3) to Level of all Specific Skills
珠宝插槽天赋效果提高 (0–100)%
The Burning Monolith 物品 /3

The Burning Monolith

The Burning Monolith
Id: MapUberBoss_Monolith
Act: 10
Area 等级: 80
The Burning Monolith Attr /5
BossThe Arbiter of Ash
Tags异界地图, 闪电, maraketh, bloodbather, area_with_water, machinarium, giant, earth_elemental, construct, bones, reptile_beast, beach, 瓦尔, devourer, rodent_beast, insect, demon, rust, cultist, mutewind, avian_beast, spider, stone_construct, corrupted, 混沌, gardens, desert_area, inca, forest, undead, mammal_beast, primate_beast, cenobite, amphibian_beast, skeleton, snake, cavern, feline_beast, crustacean_beast, canine_beast, urban, 冰霜, 火焰, swamp, ghost, werewolf
等级名字经验值伤害Attack Time生命[护甲]闪避值能量护盾
80The Arbiter of Ash3,400,0009572.08746,789,9156,86764406060600
Atlas passive skill Passive /13
数量: 6
+1 to Arbiter Difficulty
数量: 6
+1 to Arbiter Difficulty
数量: 6
+1 to Arbiter Difficulty
数量: 6
+1 to Arbiter Difficulty
数量: 6
+1 to Arbiter Difficulty
数量: 6
+1 to Arbiter Difficulty
Arbiter drops 3 additional tier 15 Waystones
25% increased Rarity of Items dropped by the Arbiter
Arbiter has 10% chance to drop a valuable Gem
Arbiter has 10% chance to drop a valuable Socket Currency
Arbiter drops an additional Corrupted Rare Precusor Tablet
Arbiter has 20% chance to drop an additional Unique item

Community Wiki



探索地图的过程中可能会遇到一个丰碑, 其中心会从地下升起一个带有火焰与灰烬的柱子,还有充满危险的巨大迷宫环绕四周。 这个迷宫是在抵挡什么东西闯入吗? 抑或是阻止它逃出去呢?这座堡垒有著古老的历史,其建物 也与你在终局过程中使用的高塔和碑牌相似。

从入口可以明显发现, 要三把钥匙(远古危机碎片, 褪色危机碎片, 风化危机碎片)才能进入。当地势力试图争夺进入堡垒, 以夺取他们认为隐藏其中的力量。 各方势力的领袖皆已取得一把钥匙, 所以你必须击败他们。 每个势力都会由一名终极章节头目引领。 你可以看到其中一名 就在这座城市当中, 但要挑战他,你必须先击败相邻区域里的两名副手。

  • 青铜城塞
  • 岩石城塞
  • 钢铁城塞

千万要小心,如果你无法 击败副手或杀死领袖,他们就会移到其他地方, 而你必须从头找起。 杀死所有终极头目之后, 你就可以进入丰碑了。

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