Kosis, The Revelation 传奇 /7
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (50–100)%
+(200–400) 命中
全域暴击率提高 (30–50)%
Skills have a (100–150)% longer Perfect Timing window
Effect is not removed when Unreserved Mana is Filled
生效时间延长 (200–250)%
Every 3 seconds during Effect, deal 50% of Mana spent in those seconds as Chaos Damage to Enemies within 3 metres
Recover all Mana when Used
Deals 25% of current Mana as Chaos Damage to you when Effect ends
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (100–150)%
被击中时有 (10–40)% 的几率避免物理伤害
被击中时有 (10–40)% 的几率避免混沌伤害
Enemies in your Presence are Intimidated
攻击技能的元素伤害提高 100%
暴击几率 +(5–10)%
+(2–4) to Level of all Elemental Skills
触发技能有 100% 的几率返还消耗能量的一半
配置 Passive Skill
配置 Passive Skill
配置 Passive Skill
可以有额外 2 个附魔词缀
配置 Passive Skill
配置 Passive Skill
惊悸迷雾 物品 /13
Delirium Precursor Tablet
(5–10) Maps in Range contain Mirrors of Delirium
Distilled Despair
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Disgust
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Envy
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Fear
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Greed
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Guilt
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Ire
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Isolation
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Paranoia
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Suffering
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
堆叠数量: 1 / 300
Maps containing a Delirium Mirror can have the mirror walked through to unleash the rolling Delirium fog ring across the current area.
You must stay within this fog as it expands to maintain the Delirium or it will dissapear.

Defeating any monster while in this fog adds to a rewards counter, with the culminated rewards being dropped after the fog dissapears.
Simulacrum Splinters can be collected from Delirium Monsters to form a Simulacrum that allows access to a challenging Delirium encounter via the Realmgate.

Maps instilled with Distilled Emotions will have constant Delirium Fog throughout the map, and not have any rewards that drop as Delirium fog does not dissapear in these maps.
夺宝奇兵装备 词缀 /4
迷惑之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的雾魇宝珠和裂片
迟疑之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的雾魇宝珠和裂片
声音之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的雾魇宝珠和裂片
疯病之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的雾魇宝珠和裂片
Trinket 词缀 /2
迷信之60后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 1% 的几率取得额外惊悸迷雾物品
迷信之80后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 2% 的几率取得额外惊悸迷雾物品
工艺工作台 /1
map affliction league [1]
12x 混沌石地图等级 34
其他属性 词缀 /17
1Atlas前缀地图内惊悸迷雾奖励条进度加快 100%
使用剩余 3
1Atlas前缀地图内惊悸迷雾奖励条进度加快 100%
使用剩余 15
使用剩余 3
map affliction league [1]
使用剩余 15
map affliction league [1]
local sentinel drone difficulty + [4]
local sentinel drone difficulty + [6]
local sentinel drone difficulty + [8]
map affliction league [1]
1Tower传奇(5–10) Maps in Range contain Mirrors of Delirium
of Eternity1Tower后缀地图内的惊悸迷雾消散前持续额外 (3–6)
of the Unending1Tower后缀地图内的惊悸迷雾消散减慢 (10–15)%
of Madness1Tower后缀地图内镜子远方的惊悸迷雾强化速度加快 (5–10)%
of Persecution1Tower后缀你地图中惊悸迷雾怪物的怪物群规模提高 (5–10)%
of Mirrors1Tower后缀Delirium Fog in your Maps spawns (5–10)% increased Fracturing Mirrors
of Freeze Time1Tower后缀Slaying Rare Monsters in your Maps pauses the Delirium Mirror Timer for 2 seconds
of Phobia1Tower后缀地图内的惊悸迷雾遭遇战产生传奇首领的几率总增 (5–10)%
of Envy1Tower后缀地图内的惊悸迷雾遭遇战有 (3–8)% 的几率产生一个额外奖励类型
物品 /13
击败 {0} 个怪物后掉落
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
击败 {0} 个怪物后掉落
Distilled Ire
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Guilt
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Greed
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Paranoia
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Envy
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Disgust
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Despair
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Fear
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Suffering
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Isolation
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Delirium Precursor Tablet
(5–10) Maps in Range contain Mirrors of Delirium
Passive /7
Delirium Fog in your Maps has doubled difficulty scaling with distance from the Mirror
100% increased Stack size of Simulacrum Splinters found from non-Unique Monsters in your Maps
地图内的惊悸迷雾消散减慢 30%
Delirium Bosses in your Maps have 50% increased maximum Life
地图内惊悸迷雾首领掉落的梦魇拟像裂片提高 100%
地图内的惊悸迷雾遭遇战产生传奇首领的几率总增 25%
Slaying Rare Monsters in your Maps pauses the Delirium Mirror Timer for 4 seconds
Delirium Fog in your Maps spawns 50% increased Fracturing Mirrors
你地图中击杀亢奋怪物提供的奖励进度提高 50%
地图内的惊悸迷雾消散速度加快 50%
地图内的惊悸迷雾遭遇战有 30% 的几率产生一个额外奖励类型
Manifested Delirium Demons in your Maps deal 30% increased Damage
Distilled Emotions Mods /10
1魔法怪物数量总增 20%
区域里的玩家 7% 亢奋
1区域里的玩家 9% 亢奋
怪物群规模扩大 8%
1区域里的玩家 10% 亢奋
该地图的物品稀有度提高 8%
区域里的玩家 12% 亢奋
1区域里的玩家 15% 亢奋
30% increased Waystones found in Area
1区域里的玩家 18% 亢奋
30% increased Precursor Tablets found in Area
1区域里的玩家 20% 亢奋
30% increased Stack size of Simulacrum Splinters found in Area
1区域里的玩家 22% 亢奋
稀有怪物有 25% 的几率额外具有一个词缀
1区域里的玩家 25% 亢奋
传奇怪物额外具有 1词缀
1区域里的玩家 50% 亢奋
惊悸迷雾 Mods /34
monster is in affliction fog [1]
空间扭曲corpse cannot be destroyed [1]
废败之触affliction monster debuff energy shield recovery rate +% on hit [-9]
affliction monster debuff life recovery rate +% on hit [-9] 生命 防御
瘫痪之触affliction monster debuff action speed +% on hit [-6] 速度
侵蚀之触affliction monster debuff damage taken +% on hit [6] 伤害
瓦解之触affliction monster debuff flask charges gained +% on hit [-9]
affliction monster debuff flask effect +% on hit [-9]
复仇跟踪者base monster will be deleted on death [1]
cannot die [1]
delete on death [1]
Delirium Stash Tab /12
堆叠数量: 1 / 300
Distilled Ire
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Guilt
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Greed
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Paranoia
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Envy
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Disgust
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Despair
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Fear
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Suffering
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Distilled Isolation
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets
with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Atlas passive skill Passive /17
数量: 8
梦魇拟像难度 +1
数量: 8
梦魇拟像难度 +1
数量: 8
梦魇拟像难度 +1
数量: 8
梦魇拟像难度 +1
数量: 8
梦魇拟像难度 +1
数量: 8
梦魇拟像难度 +1
数量: 8
梦魇拟像难度 +1
数量: 8
梦魇拟像难度 +1
Waystones found in your Maps have 20% chance to have random Instilled Emotions applied
Delirium Fog in your Maps has doubled difficulty scaling with distance from the Mirror
100% increased Stack size of Simulacrum Splinters found from non-Unique Monsters in your Maps
地图内的惊悸迷雾消散减慢 30%
Delirium Bosses in your Maps have 50% increased maximum Life
地图内惊悸迷雾首领掉落的梦魇拟像裂片提高 100%
地图内的惊悸迷雾遭遇战产生传奇首领的几率总增 25%
Slaying Rare Monsters in your Maps pauses the Delirium Mirror Timer for 4 seconds
Delirium Fog in your Maps spawns 50% increased Fracturing Mirrors
你地图中击杀亢奋怪物提供的奖励进度提高 50%
地图内的惊悸迷雾消散速度加快 50%
地图内的惊悸迷雾遭遇战有 30% 的几率产生一个额外奖励类型
Manifested Delirium Demons in your Maps deal 30% increased Damage

Community Wiki



穿过镜子之后,你就会发现, 你的梦魇全都会化作现实。 当你碰触一面镜子后, 谵妄迷雾就会在区域里扩散, 让你陷入疯狂。 你必须待在迷雾中才能让梦魇持续下去。

虽然令人感到恐惧, 但可以获得许多战利品。 你杀得越多, 奖励掉落得也越多。

但是,越是深入迷雾, 怪物也就越强。 切记,也不要待得太久。

稀有和传奇敌人将会变成 恐怖恶魔的躯壳, 它们会实体化 并对你施展强力攻击。


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