异界天赋树 /92
Arbiter has 20% chance to drop an additional Unique item
Arbiter drops an additional Corrupted Rare Precusor Tablet
Map Boss has +15% chance to drop a Waystone of the current tier or higher
Arbiter has 10% chance to drop a valuable Socket Currency
仲裁官有 10% 的几率掉落一个珍贵宝石
Areas with Map Bosses have 30% chance to contain Corruption when entered
Areas with Map Bosses contain an additional Essence
Areas with Map Bosses are Irradiated
Areas with Map Bosses contain an additional Shrine
Areas with Map Bosses contain an additional Strongbox
25% increased Rarity of Items dropped by the Arbiter
Arbiter drops 3 additional tier 15 Waystones
地图首领掉落的物品数量提高 15%
地图首领掉落的物品稀有度提高 25%
Map Bosses grant 50% increased Experience
数量: 2
Map Boss has +6% chance to drop a Waystone of the current tier or higher
Skills from Ritual Altars in your Maps deal 25% increased Damage
你地图中在驱灵祭坛延时恩典消耗的贡品降低 50%
你地图中驱灵祭坛上延时的恩典重现速度加快 50%
Ritual Altars in your Maps spawn a Wildwood Wisp
你地图中驱灵祭坛产生怪物的速度加快 25%
Ritual Favours in your Maps have 50% increased chance to contain Omens
Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have 20% increased chance to be Magic
Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have 20% increased chance to be Rare
Ritual Favours in your Maps have 50% increased chance to contain an Audience with the King
Revived monsters from Rituals in your Maps have 20% increased Toughness
and 10% increased Damage for each time they have been Revived
and 10% increased Damage for each time they have been Revived
Revived monsters from Rituals in your Maps have no penalty to Tribute granted
Rituals in your Maps contain 2 additional packs of Wildwood Monsters
地图内的惊悸迷雾遭遇战有 30% 的几率产生一个额外奖励类型
Manifested Delirium Demons in your Maps deal 30% increased Damage
Delirium Fog in your Maps spawns 50% increased Fracturing Mirrors
地图内的惊悸迷雾遭遇战产生传奇首领的几率总增 25%
Slaying Rare Monsters in your Maps pauses the Delirium Mirror Timer for 4 seconds
Delirium Bosses in your Maps have 50% increased maximum Life
地图内惊悸迷雾首领掉落的梦魇拟像裂片提高 100%
地图内的惊悸迷雾消散减慢 30%
Delirium Fog in your Maps has doubled difficulty scaling with distance from the Mirror
100% increased Stack size of Simulacrum Splinters found from non-Unique Monsters in your Maps
Waystones found in your Maps have 20% chance to have random Instilled Emotions applied
你地图中的残骸效果提高 35%
地图内的炸药范围扩大 150%
你地图中产生的先祖秘藏怪物额外失去 20% 生命值
地图内炸药放置范围扩大 100%
地图内的炸药范围扩大 150%
你地图中产生的先祖秘藏怪物额外失去 20% 生命值
地图内炸药放置范围扩大 100%
50% increased number of Rare Expedition Monsters in your Maps
Expedition encounters in your Maps contain 3 additional Chest Markers
Expedition Chests in your Maps despawn after 5 seconds
地图内符纹怪物掉落的先祖秘藏日志数量提高 50%
Expedition Logbooks found in your Maps always have 3 Implicit Modifiers
地图内符纹怪物之印的数量提高 50%
你地图中裂隙怪物掉落的裂隙碎片的数量提高 75%
Players take 20% increased Damage from Breach Monsters in your Maps
Catalysts dropped from Rare Breach Monsters in your Maps have 10% chance to be a full stack
Rare Breach Monsters in your Maps have the Soul Eater Modifier
地图内裂隙的怪物密集度提高 40%
地图内裂隙开合的速度减慢 30%
Clasped Hands in your Maps have 25% chance to be guarded by a pack of Magic monsters
Breaches in your Maps have 50% more Clasped Hands
你地图中的稀有和传奇怪物额外具有 1 - 2 个词缀
Waystones have 25% more effect of Prefix Modifiers or 25% more effect of Suffix Modifiers when opening Maps
Corrupted Waystones are Corrupted an additional time when used to traverse a Map
3% increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on your Waystones for each Precursor Tower affecting Map area
地图内被囚禁的怪物有 15% 的几率有 2 个额外的精华
20% chance for double Effect of Precursor Tablets on your Maps
10% increased number of Monster Packs in your Maps
30% increased Quantity of Precursor Tablets found in your Maps
地图内有精华的几率 +10%
沼泽和水域生态圈地图掉落基础通货物品的几率提高 40%
高山生态圈地图掉落金币的几率提高 40%
森林生态圈地图掉落珠宝的几率提高 40%
沙漠生态圈地图掉落巴雅和贪婪战书的几率提高 40%
草原生态圈地图掉落插槽通货物品的几率提高 40%
20% increased Quantity of Waystones found in your Maps
2% increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on your Waystones for each Explicit Modifier
30% increased amount of Magic Chests in your Maps
20% increased amount of Rare Chests in your Maps
Waystones found have 20% chance to be a tier higher
100% increased Rarity of Waystones found in your Maps
地图内有保险箱的几率 +10%
25% increased Magic Monsters in your Maps
1 Rare Monster in your Maps is Duplicated
Explicit Modifiers on Strongboxes in your Maps have 50% increased Effect
20% increased Magic Pack Size in your Maps
15% increased Rare Monsters in your Maps
10% increased Magic Monsters in your Maps
5% increased Rare Monsters in your Maps
Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
「舆图天赋点数」藉由完成指定任务来取得点数。目前开放的舆图天赋共 7 种。
- 完成 地图钥匙(阶级 15) 获得 2 点
- T16/T17/T18 每完成高一阶获得 2 点
- 找到 丰碑 并放入 远古危机碎片, 褪色危机碎片, 风化危机碎片 后击败 灰烬仲裁者 获得最后 2 点
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.