The King in the Mists 传奇 /5
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (200–300)%
所有元素抗性 +(10–20)%
混沌抗性 -17%
Charms use no Charges
获得技能: 威能法印
施法速度加快 (20–30)%
Skills gain 1% of Damage as Chaos Damage per 3 Life Cost
移动速度加快 (20–30)%
该装备的闪避与能量护盾提高 (60–120)%
Aggravate Bleeding on Enemies when they Enter your Presence
荆棘伤害提高 100%
Passive Skill范围内的天赋可以在
20% 的药剂回复量立即生效
(40–80)% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Rings
驱灵仪式 物品 /19
Omen of Amelioration
While this item is active in your inventory will
prevent 75% of Experience loss when you die
Omen of Corruption
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Vaal Orb will be more unpredictable
Omen of Dextral Alchemy
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Orb of Alchemy will result in the maximum number of suffix modifiers
Omen of Dextral Annulment
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Orb of Annulment will remove only suffix modifiers
Omen of Dextral Coronation
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Regal Orb will add only suffix modifiers
Omen of Dextral Erasure
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Chaos Orb will remove only suffix modifiers
Omen of Dextral Exaltation
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Exalted Orb will add only suffix modifiers
Omen of Greater Annulment
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Orb of Annulment will remove two modifiers
Omen of Greater Exaltation
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Exalted Orb will add two random modifiers
Omen of Refreshment
While this item is active in your inventory will
fully recover your flask and charm charges when you reach Low Life
Omen of Resurgence
While this item is active in your inventory
fully recover your Life, Mana and Energy Shield when you reach Low Life
Omen of Sinistral Alchemy
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Orb of Alchemy will result in the maximum number of prefix modifiers
Omen of Sinistral Annulment
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Orb of Annulment will remove only prefix modifiers
Omen of Sinistral Coronation
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Regal Orb will add only prefix modifiers
Omen of Sinistral Erasure
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Chaos Orb will remove only prefix modifiers
Omen of Sinistral Exaltation
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Exalted Orb will add only prefix modifiers
Omen of Whittling
While this item is active in your inventory your next
Chaos Orb will remove the lowest level modifier
Ritual Precursor Tablet
(5–10) Maps in Range contain Ritual Altars
Ritual Doodad Category /4
Small Looted Table
Creates an object in your hideout
Relic Display
Creates an object in your hideout
Looted Display
Creates an object in your hideout
Relic Table
Creates an object in your hideout
Ritual Altars are sacrificial sites that absorb the monsters slain within their ritual circles. After an amount of monsters have been slain, the Ritual can be activated.
Activating the Ritual will resurrect the slain monsters, requiring you slay them once more.

Defeating these revived monsters earns you Tribute, a resource that you can trade for various Favours from the Ritual Altar.
The list of Favours tradable for Tribute can be rerolled, costing Tribute.
Favours can be deferred, paying a part of their cost but having them appear again later.
Skill Gem /2
Skill Gem 画质 /1
Bone Blast仪式范围为 (0–0.4)
工艺工作台 /1
map extra content weighting [1]
12x 混沌石地图等级 34
其他属性 词缀 /18
使用剩余 3
使用剩余 15
使用剩余 3
使用剩余 15
local sentinel drone difficulty + [4]
local sentinel drone difficulty + [6]
local sentinel drone difficulty + [8]
1Tower传奇(5–10) Maps in Range contain Ritual Altars
献祭之1Tower后缀在地图内驱灵祭坛上献祭怪物提供的贡品增加 (5–10)%
of the Dogma1Tower后缀在地图中的驱灵祭坛处重置恩典消耗的贡品减少(10–15)%
奉献之1Tower后缀你地图中在驱灵祭坛延时恩典消耗的贡品降低 (10–15)%
of the Appeal1Tower后缀你地图中驱灵祭坛上延时的恩典重现速度加快 (10–15)%
of the Occult1Tower后缀你地图中驱灵祭坛重置的恩典有 (1–3)% 几率不消耗贡品
of the Foundling1Tower后缀Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have (15–25)% increased chance to be Magic
of the Cult1Tower后缀Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have (10–15)% increased chance to be Rare
of Omens1Tower后缀Ritual Favours in your Maps have (5–10)% increased chance to contain Omens
物品 /1
Ritual Precursor Tablet
(5–10) Maps in Range contain Ritual Altars
Passive /8
Rituals in your Maps contain 2 additional packs of Wildwood Monsters
Revived monsters from Rituals in your Maps have 20% increased Toughness
and 10% increased Damage for each time they have been Revived
Revived monsters from Rituals in your Maps have no penalty to Tribute granted
map ritual additional daemon [1]
Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have 20% increased chance to be Magic
Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have 20% increased chance to be Rare
Ritual Favours in your Maps have 50% increased chance to contain an Audience with the King
你地图中驱灵祭坛产生怪物的速度加快 25%
Ritual Favours in your Maps have 50% increased chance to contain Omens
Ritual Altars in your Maps spawn a Wildwood Wisp
Skills from Ritual Altars in your Maps deal 25% increased Damage
你地图中在驱灵祭坛延时恩典消耗的贡品降低 50%
你地图中驱灵祭坛上延时的恩典重现速度加快 50%
Atlas passive skill Passive /17
数量: 8
虚无症结难度 +1
数量: 8
虚无症结难度 +1
数量: 8
虚无症结难度 +1
数量: 8
虚无症结难度 +1
数量: 8
虚无症结难度 +1
数量: 8
虚无症结难度 +1
数量: 8
虚无症结难度 +1
数量: 8
虚无症结难度 +1
Rituals in your Maps contain 2 additional packs of Wildwood Monsters
Revived monsters from Rituals in your Maps have 20% increased Toughness
and 10% increased Damage for each time they have been Revived
Revived monsters from Rituals in your Maps have no penalty to Tribute granted
map ritual additional daemon [1]
Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have 20% increased chance to be Magic
Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have 20% increased chance to be Rare
Ritual Favours in your Maps have 50% increased chance to contain an Audience with the King
你地图中驱灵祭坛产生怪物的速度加快 25%
Ritual Favours in your Maps have 50% increased chance to contain Omens
Ritual Altars in your Maps spawn a Wildwood Wisp
Skills from Ritual Altars in your Maps deal 25% increased Damage
你地图中在驱灵祭坛延时恩典消耗的贡品降低 50%
你地图中驱灵祭坛上延时的恩典重现速度加快 50%

Community Wiki



祭祀神坛是由神秘的迷雾之王 所建造的祭祀之地。

祭祀神坛需要贡礼。 你在圆圈中杀死的怪物 都会献给神坛。 献祭之后碰触神坛, 仪式便会开始。 你杀死的怪物都会因 迷雾之王的黑暗魔法而复生,而你必须奋战来保住小命。 你提供给神坛的贡礼 可用来购买强力的物品, 但耗费极高。

若要获得更多祭品, 你必须找到更多神坛。 区域范围内的连续祭祀 除了当前献祭的之外,也会使之前献祭的怪物复生。 最后,你将会与大量怪物战斗,但也会获得更多 可以花费的贡礼。


其中一个可用贡礼 购买的奖励便是预兆。 这些特殊物品可以 用於主要工艺: 也就是可影响其他 工艺物品的工艺物品。 有前缀不错,但后缀 不怎么样的物品吗? 这个预兆可以帮你移除 你不要的词缀,并保留你想要的。 游戏中有许多拥有 不同效果的预兆, 但我们会让各位自行探索。


也别忘了, 祭祀会掉落碑牌,可以特别用来获得更多祭祀。 若你想挑战祭祀的巅峰头目,那就要善加利用了。 你也可以对其进行工艺来赋予词缀, 来让祭祀给予更多奖励。


祭祀的巅峰遭遇战便是迷雾之王, 阿兹莫里人对他十分畏惧。 谣传他让荒林陷入了无尽黑暗之中。 我们不会向大家展示遭遇战, 但就跟裂痕一样,玩家击败他之后就可以 获得许多传奇物品 同时还可以获得舆图树中 祭祀区块的点数有些地图受到疯狂力量的影响。 有个神秘的实体也对你特别感兴趣。

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