Weight information cannot be obtained.
Strongbox /513
名字 | Description |
木桶 | |
石块 | |
Loose Rubble | |
Egg | |
箱子 | |
货箱 | |
Sealed Remains | |
泥泞骨头 | |
大箱子 | |
[DNT] Templar Texts | |
乌娜的鲁特琴盒 | |
Renly's Workshop Materials | |
[DNT] Tribal Crafting Materials | |
书架 | |
Warmonger's Stash | |
Arcanist's Strongbox | 點金石, 渾沌石, 後悔石, 卡蘭德的魔鏡 等不影響品質的通貨 |
Grandmaster's Cache | |
Armourer's Strongbox | 防具 |
Blacksmith's Strongbox | 武器 |
Artisan's Strongbox | 護甲片, 磨刀石, 製圖釘, 寶石匠的稜鏡, 玻璃彈珠 等影響品質的通貨 |
Cartographer's Strongbox | 地圖 |
Chemist's Strongbox | 藥劑 |
Gemcutter's Strongbox | 寶石 |
Jeweller's Strongbox | 戒指, 護身符, 腰帶 |
Large Strongbox | 增加數量 |
Ornate Strongbox | 增加稀有度 |
Strongbox | 啥都有~ |
Diviner's Strongbox | |
Operative's Strongbox | |
瓦尔容器 | |
Arcane Strongbox | |
Researcher's Strongbox | |
Clasped Hand | |
Breachlord's Clasped Hand | |
Relic Vault | |
Hoard | |
石堆 | |
Abyssal Trove | |
Shipwrecked Booty | |
Vase of the Mariner | |
Supplies | |
Concealed Stash | |
秘藏 | |
Trove | |
War Chest | |
Ancient Hoard | |
Stockpile | |
Receptacle | |
Anomalous Objects | |
Pulsating Growth | |
Portentous Trunk | |
Regal Coffer | |
Sealed Trunk | |
Ancient Excavation | |
Augur's Wares | |
Stolen Remnants | |
Judicial Offerings | |
Ritualist Regalia | |
Heirloom Vessel | |
Ancient Cache | |
Dusty Charts | |
Ceremonial Adornments | |
Thaumaturgy Vessel | |
War Regalia | |
Ancient Armaments | |
War Vault | |
Guard Vault | |
Glittering Trove | |
Stone Coffer | |
Pools Coffer | |
Grove Vessel | |
Fortified Casket | |
Storm Coffer | |
Thunder Coffer | |
Fireproof Chest | |
Experimental Chest | |
Flashpowder Cache | |
Sealed Coffer | |
Strange Webbing | |
Flawed Azurite Vein | |
Azurite Vein | |
Rich Azurite Vein | |
Pure Azurite Vein | |
Flawed Azurite Chest | |
Azurite Chest | |
Rich Azurite Chest | |
Pure Azurite Chest | |
Mining Supplies | |
Flare Cache | |
Large Flare Cache | |
Dynamite Cache | |
Scorched Fossilised Remains | |
Frigid Fossilised Remains | |
Metallic Fossilised Remains | |
Jagged Fossilised Remains | |
Aberrant Fossilised Remains | |
Pristine Fossilised Remains | |
Dense Fossilised Remains | |
Corroded Fossilised Remains | |
Prismatic Fossilised Remains | |
Aetheric Fossilised Remains | |
Serrated Fossilised Remains | |
Bound Fossilised Remains | |
Perfect Fossilised Remains | |
Deft Fossilised Remains | |
Lucent Fossilised Remains | |
Shuddering Fossilised Remains | |
Fundamental Fossilised Remains | |
Faceted Fossilised Remains | |
Bloodstained Fossilised Remains | |
Hollow Fossilised Remains | |
Fractured Fossilised Remains | |
Glyphic Fossilised Remains | |
Tangled Fossilised Remains | |
Sanctified Fossilised Remains | |
Gilded Fossilised Remains | |
Resonator Stash | |
Resonator Cache | |
Resonator Trove | |
Forgotten Loot | |
Forgotten Armour | |
Forgotten Armaments | |
Forgotten Jewellery | |
Forgotten Wealth | |
Lost Loot | |
Lost Armour | |
Lost Armaments | |
Lost Jewellery | |
Lost Wealth | |
Hidden Loot | |
Hidden Armour | |
Hidden Armaments | |
Hidden Jewellery | |
Hidden Wealth | |
Hidden Riches | |
Hidden Opulence | |
Sealed Lockbox | |
Hidden Treasures | |
Murmuring Lockbox | |
Bloodstained Lockbox | |
Opulent Lockbox | |
Encrusted Lockbox | |
Light Lockbox | |
Foreboding Lockbox | |
Enchanted Lockbox | |
Eldritch Lockbox | |
Astral Lockbox | |
Pale Lockbox | |
Clean Lockbox | |
Treasured Lockbox | |
Hidden Heirlooms | |
Abandoned Armour | |
Twisted Armour | |
Traveller's Armour | |
Vital Armour | |
Pocked Armour | |
Resistant Armour | |
Unusual Armour | |
Superior Armour | |
Astral Armour | |
Eldritch Armour | |
Triumphant Armour | |
Intricate Armour | |
Flexible Armour | |
Exceptional Armour | |
Shattered Armour | |
Amalgamated Armour | |
Abandoned Armaments | |
Twisted Armaments | |
Heavy Armaments | |
Runed Armaments | |
Light Armaments | |
Superior Armaments | |
Eldritch Armaments | |
Astral Armaments | |
Triumphant Armaments | |
Honed Armaments | |
Hexed Armaments | |
Exceptional Armaments | |
Masterwork Armaments | |
Shattered Armaments | |
Amalgamated Armaments | |
Abandoned Jewellery | |
Abandoned Amulets | |
Abandoned Rings | |
Abandoned Jewels | |
Twisted Jewellery | |
Flexible Jewellery | |
Light Jewellery | |
Eldritch Jewellery | |
Astral Jewellery | |
Triumphant Jewellery | |
Unusual Jewellery | |
Ritualistic Jewellery | |
Superior Jewellery | |
Shattered Jewellery | |
Amalgamated Jewellery | |
Twisted Jewels | |
Compacted Jewels | |
Abandoned Gems | |
Gemcutter's Gems | |
Superior Gems | |
Ancient Gems | |
Inscribed Gems | |
Exceptional Gems | |
Abandoned Riches | |
Pocked Riches | |
Bloodstained Riches | |
Light Riches | |
Glimmering Riches | |
Packed Riches | |
Cartographer's Riches | |
Shattered Riches | |
Abandoned Fortune | |
Abandoned Charts | |
Cartographer's Charts | |
Bloodstained Charts | |
Strange Charts | |
Explorer's Charts | |
Beautiful Charts | |
Puzzling Charts | |
Maddening Charts | |
Remembered Charts | |
Prehistoric Riches | |
Grim Armour | |
Grim Jewellery | |
Grim Loot | |
Grim Treasures | |
Heavy Armour | |
Heavy Jewellery | |
Heavy Loot | |
Heavy Treasures | |
Smouldering Armour | |
Smouldering Armaments | |
Smouldering Jewellery | |
Smouldering Loot | |
Smouldering Treasures | |
Frosty Armour | |
Frosty Armaments | |
Frosty Jewellery | |
Frosty Loot | |
Frosty Treasures | |
Charged Armour | |
Charged Armaments | |
Charged Jewellery | |
Charged Loot | |
Charged Treasures | |
Malignant Armour | |
Malignant Armaments | |
Malignant Jewellery | |
Malignant Loot | |
Malignant Treasures | |
Feral Talismans | |
Feral Armour | |
Feral Jewellery | |
Whispering Coffer | |
Inspiring Armour | |
Inspiring Jewellery | |
Inspiring Loot | |
Inspiring Treasures | |
Gazing Jewellery | |
Bloodstained Loot | |
Handcrafted Antiques | |
Mythical Crate | |
Disturbing Loot | |
Rattling Coffer | |
Abyssal Jewellery | |
Abyssal Treasures | |
Prehistoric Ore | |
Prehistoric Fossils | |
Prehistoric Resonators | |
Prehistoric Rings | |
Prehistoric Jewels | |
Concealed Opulence | |
Concealed Oddities | |
Concealed Adornments | |
Safehouse Stash | |
Fractured Chest | |
Flawless Fractured Chest | |
Perfect Fractured Chest | |
Synthesised Chest | |
Flawless Synthesised Chest | |
Perfect Synthesised Chest | |
Celestial Synthesised Chest | |
Synthesised Bloom | |
Synthesised Bones | |
Synthesised Explosives | |
Synthesised Cairn | |
Synthesised Nest | |
Synthesised Cursed Pot | |
Synthesised Sarcophagus | |
Synthesised Scribe's Rack | |
Synthesised Stash | |
Synthesised Vase | |
Karui Chest | |
Karui War Hoard | |
Maraketh Chest | |
Maraketh War Hoard | |
Eternal Chest | |
Eternal War Hoard | |
Templar Chest | |
Templar War Hoard | |
Vaal Chest | |
Vaal War Hoard | |
Vaal Reliquary | |
Blight Cyst | |
Blight Pustule | |
Blight Sack | |
Seed Cache | |
Safe | |
诅咒陶瓮 | |
Sentinel Cache | |
Submerged Chest | |
Tackle Box | |
Templar Cache | |
Templar Hoard | |
Sanctum Offers | |
棺木 | |
瓮 | |
储物台 | |
瓶子 | |
锈蚀武器 | |
锈蚀宝箱 | |
樵夫的柜子 | |
埋藏的宝箱 | |
猎手的宝藏 | |
缠结的箱子 | |
雕像 | |
遇害者 | |
爆炸蘑菇 | |
陨落的德卡拉 | |
壶 | |
遗骸 | |
墓穴 | |
Colosseum Weapon Rack | |
Hoard of Gemstones | |
Detritus | |
Rotten Log | |
陶瓷壶 | |
Barrels | |
Canister | |
Basin | |
保管箱 | |
Sarcophagus | |
Carcass | |
篮子 | |
Explosive Fruit | |
Vault | |
Cannister | |
Vase | |
Dye Pots | |
Vases | |
Nest | |
Stacked Rocks | |
Pod | |
Urns | |
Loose Brick | |
Grate | |
Loose Planks | |
Frozen Corpse | |
Stash | |
Cadavers | |
Cadaver | |
稻草人 | |
精致兵器 | |
遗弃的储藏箱 | |
大锅 | |
Bronze Mysterious Cache | |
Superior Bronze Mysterious Cache | |
Prime Bronze Mysterious Cache | |
Bronze Warrior's Cache | |
Superior Bronze Warrior's Cache | |
Prime Bronze Warrior's Cache | |
Bronze Ranger's Cache | |
Superior Bronze Ranger's Cache | |
Prime Bronze Ranger's Cache | |
Bronze Mage's Cache | |
Superior Bronze Mage's Cache | |
Prime Bronze Mage's Cache | |
Bronze Body Armour Cache | |
Superior Bronze Body Armour Cache | |
Prime Bronze Body Armour Cache | |
Bronze Helmet Cache | |
Superior Bronze Helmet Cache | |
Prime Bronze Helmet Cache | |
Bronze Gloves Cache | |
Superior Bronze Gloves Cache | |
Prime Bronze Gloves Cache | |
Bronze Boots Cache | |
Superior Bronze Boots Cache | |
Prime Bronze Boots Cache | |
Bronze Shield Cache | |
Superior Bronze Shield Cache | |
Prime Bronze Shield Cache | |
Bronze Belt Cache | |
Superior Bronze Belt Cache | |
Prime Bronze Belt Cache | |
Bronze Hoarder's Cache | |
Superior Bronze Hoarder's Cache | |
Prime Bronze Hoarder's Cache | |
Bronze Small Relic Cache | |
Silver Mysterious Cache | |
Superior Silver Mysterious Cache | |
Prime Silver Mysterious Cache | |
Silver Warrior's Cache | |
Superior Silver Warrior's Cache | |
Prime Silver Warrior's Cache | |
Silver Ranger's Cache | |
Superior Silver Ranger's Cache | |
Prime Silver Ranger's Cache | |
Silver Mage's Cache | |
Superior Silver Mage's Cache | |
Prime Silver Mage's Cache | |
Silver Body Armour Cache | |
Superior Silver Body Armour Cache | |
Prime Silver Body Armour Cache | |
Silver Helmet Cache | |
Superior Silver Helmet Cache | |
Prime Silver Helmet Cache | |
Silver Gloves Cache | |
Superior Silver Gloves Cache | |
Prime Silver Gloves Cache | |
Silver Boots Cache | |
Superior Silver Boots Cache | |
Prime Silver Boots Cache | |
Silver Shield Cache | |
Superior Silver Shield Cache | |
Prime Silver Shield Cache | |
Silver Belt Cache | |
Superior Silver Belt Cache | |
Prime Silver Belt Cache | |
Silver Ring Cache | |
Superior Silver Ring Cache | |
Prime Silver Ring Cache | |
Silver Amulet Cache | |
Superior Silver Amulet Cache | |
Prime Silver Amulet Cache | |
Silver Arcanist's Cache | |
Superior Silver Arcanist's Cache | |
Prime Silver Arcanist's Cache | |
Silver Hoarder's Cache | |
Superior Silver Hoarder's Cache | |
Prime Silver Hoarder's Cache | |
Silver Royal Cache | |
Superior Silver Royal Cache | |
Prime Silver Royal Cache | |
Silver Small Relic Cache | |
Silver Medium Relic Cache | |
Gold Mysterious Cache | |
Superior Gold Mysterious Cache | |
Prime Gold Mysterious Cache | |
Gold Warrior's Cache | |
Superior Gold Warrior's Cache | |
Prime Gold Warrior's Cache | |
Gold Ranger's Cache | |
Superior Gold Ranger's Cache | |
Prime Gold Ranger's Cache | |
Gold Mage's Cache | |
Superior Gold Mage's Cache | |
Prime Gold Mage's Cache | |
Gold Body Armour Cache | |
Superior Gold Body Armour Cache | |
Prime Gold Body Armour Cache | |
Gold Helmet Cache | |
Superior Gold Helmet Cache | |
Prime Gold Helmet Cache | |
Gold Gloves Cache | |
Superior Gold Gloves Cache | |
Prime Gold Gloves Cache | |
Gold Boots Cache | |
Superior Gold Boots Cache | |
Prime Gold Boots Cache | |
Gold Shield Cache | |
Superior Gold Shield Cache | |
Prime Gold Shield Cache | |
Gold Belt Cache | |
Superior Gold Belt Cache | |
Prime Gold Belt Cache | |
Gold Ring Cache | |
Superior Gold Ring Cache | |
Prime Gold Ring Cache | |
Gold Amulet Cache | |
Superior Gold Amulet Cache | |
Prime Gold Amulet Cache | |
Gold Arcanist's Cache | |
Superior Gold Arcanist's Cache | |
Prime Gold Arcanist's Cache | |
Gold Hoarder's Cache | |
Superior Gold Hoarder's Cache | |
Prime Gold Hoarder's Cache | |
Gold Cartographer's Cache | |
Superior Gold Cartographer's Cache | |
Prime Gold Cartographer's Cache | |
Gold Royal Cache | |
Superior Gold Royal Cache | |
Prime Gold Royal Cache | |
Gold Time-Lost Cache | |
Gold Small Relic Cache | |
Gold Medium Relic Cache | |
Gold Large Relic Cache | |
Gold Spectrum Cache | |
Excavated Chest | |
Pustule | |
Skeleton | |
Impaled Corpse | |
Xesht-Ula's Clasped Hand | |
Kamasa's Treasury | |
Mound | |
Arohongui's Hoard | |
Vaal Pedestal | |
Beast Skin |
Strongboxes are locked chests that contain various items.
Attempting to unlock a Strongbox will unleash packs of monsters that must be defeated in order to get the items within.
Strongboxes can be modified to increase the difficulty and reward of the monsters and rewards within respectively.
Attempting to unlock a Strongbox will unleash packs of monsters that must be defeated in order to get the items within.
Strongboxes can be modified to increase the difficulty and reward of the monsters and rewards within respectively.
怪物 词缀 /1
名字 | 等级 | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
1 | 传奇 | strongbox monsters actor scale +% [0] strongbox monsters attack speed +% [0] strongbox monsters damage +% [0] strongbox monsters item quantity +% [0] strongbox monsters life +% [0] strongbox monsters movement velocity +% [0] 攻击 速度 |
工艺工作台 /1
Mod | Require | ItemClasses | 解锁 |
区域内有 4 个额外的保险箱 map extra content weighting [1] | 4x ![]() | 地图 | 等级 6 |
其他属性 词缀 /15
名字 | 等级 | Domain | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 保险箱里的怪物已暴怒 保险箱里怪物的掉落物品品质提高 500% | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 保险箱里的怪物已暴怒 保险箱里怪物的掉落物品品质提高 600% | ||
1 | Atlas | 前缀 | 地图内有 2 个额外的保险箱 该地图内的保险箱已被腐化 地图内的保险箱里至少为稀有物品 使用剩余 3 次 map extra content weighting [1] | ||
1 | Atlas | 前缀 | 地图内有 3 个额外的保险箱 该地图内的保险箱已被腐化 地图内的保险箱里至少为稀有物品 使用剩余 15 次 map extra content weighting [1] | ||
1 | Atlas | 前缀 | 保险箱里的怪物已暴怒 保险箱里怪物的掉落物品品质提高 500% 地图内有一个额外的保险箱 使用剩余 3 次 map extra content weighting [1] map strongbox monsters movement velocity +% [25] 攻击 速度 | ||
1 | Atlas | 前缀 | 保险箱里的怪物已暴怒 保险箱里怪物的掉落物品品质提高 600% 地图内有一个额外的保险箱 使用剩余 15 次 map extra content weighting [1] map strongbox monsters movement velocity +% [30] 攻击 速度 | ||
1 | MapDevice | 传奇 | 区域内有 3 个额外的保险箱 map extra content weighting [1] | ||
1 | MapDevice | 传奇 | 区域内有 4 个额外的保险箱 map extra content weighting [1] | ||
1 | MapDevice | 传奇 | 区域内有 5 个额外的保险箱 map extra content weighting [1] | ||
1 | MapDevice | 传奇 | 区域内有 9 个额外的保险箱 map extra content weighting [1] | ||
1 | MemoryLines | 传奇 | 区域内有 5 个额外的保险箱 | ||
无尽财富之 | 1 | MemoryLines | 后缀 | 这些区域包含额外的保险箱 发现依次摆放的保险箱 解锁前一个保险箱才能接连打开同一列的下一个保险箱 memory line type hash [-18946] | |
隐秘巨兽之 | 1 | MemoryLines | 后缀 | 这些区域包含额外的保险箱 保险箱中含传奇地图首领 memory line type hash [-31908] | |
of Strongboxes | 1 | Tower | 后缀 | 地图内有保险箱的几率 +(10–20)% | |
of Compartments | 1 | Tower | 后缀 | Areas with Map Bosses contain an additional Strongbox |
物品 /4
Passive /3
Explicit Modifiers on Strongboxes in your Maps have 50% increased Effect
地图内有保险箱的几率 +10%
Areas with Map Bosses contain an additional Strongbox
Strongbox Mods /31
等级 | Pre/Suf | Description |
1 | 后缀 | 内含物品的数量提高 (30–80)% |
1 | 后缀 | 内含物品的稀有度总增 (100–200)% |
1 | 后缀 | 内含 1 个额外的传奇物品 |
1 | 后缀 | +(1–2) 宝箱等级 |
1 | 后缀 | 内含已鉴定物品 |
1 | 后缀 | 内含的物品具有 (5–15)% 的品质 |
1 | 后缀 | 内含的物品拥有 1 个额外插槽 |
1 | 后缀 | Contains (1–2) additional Rune |
1 | 后缀 | Contains 1 additional Djinn Barya |
1 | 后缀 | Contains 1 additional Inscribed Ultimatum |
1 | 后缀 | Contains 1 additional Unusual Tablet |
2 | 前缀 | 召唤魔侍 chest delay drops until daemons finish [1] |
8 | 前缀 | 开启后将你冰冻 |
1 | 前缀 | 施放冰霜新星 chest play warning sound [1] |
35 | 前缀 | 由 1 个稀有怪物群守卫 chest delay drops until daemons finish [1] |
10 | 前缀 | 由 (2–4) 个魔法怪物群守卫 chest delay drops until daemons finish [1] |
1 | 前缀 | 由 (4–8) 个怪物群守卫 chest delay drops until daemons finish [1] |
12 | 前缀 | 被 1 个【盗贼流放者】守护 |
1 | 前缀 | 开启时复活附近已死亡的怪物,并使它们带有猛攻效果 |
35 | 前缀 | 被一大群怪物守护 |
4 | 前缀 | 引爆附近的灵柩 chest play warning sound [1] |
1 | 前缀 | 被【伪装的怪物】守护 |
15 | 前缀 | 启动时施放一种随机魔蛊 |
1 | 前缀 | 开启后将你点燃 |
10 | 前缀 | 施放烈炎风暴 chest play warning sound [1] |
1 | 前缀 | Summons Volatile Crags chest play warning sound [1] |
1 | 前缀 | Casts Lightning Storms chest play warning sound [1] |
1 | 前缀 | Casts Ice Spikes chest play warning sound [1] |
1 | 前缀 | Casts Chaos Barrages chest play warning sound [1] |
8 | 前缀 | 释放腐蚀地面 chest play warning sound [1] |
1 | 前缀 | 爆炸 chest play warning sound [1] |
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.