Weight information cannot be obtained.
Relics 传奇 /6
Zarokh, the Eternal drops Temporalis
Maximum Honour is 1
Cannot be used with Trials below level 80
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Eternal drops Blessed Bonds
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Eternal drops an additional Barya
You have no Defences
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Eternal drops Against the Darkness
Zarokh, the Eternal deals 100% more Damage
Zarokh, the Eternal takes 75% less Damage
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Eternal drops Sekhema's Resolve
Rooms are unknown on the Trial Map
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Zarokh, the Eternal drops Sandstorm Visage
Cannot restore Honour
This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial
Relic Mods /166
名字 | 等级 | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
坚韧的 | 1 | 前缀 | 生命上限提高 (5–8)% | |
持久的 | 40 | 前缀 | 生命上限提高 (9–12)% | |
金钟罩 | 55 | 前缀 | 生命上限提高 (13–16)% | |
炽热的 | 67 | 前缀 | 生命上限提高 (17–20)% | |
坚决的 | 76 | 前缀 | 生命上限提高 (21–25)% | |
Honourable | 1 | 前缀 | (9–12)% increased maximum Honour | |
Moral | 40 | 前缀 | (13–16)% increased maximum Honour | |
Principled | 55 | 前缀 | (17–20)% increased maximum Honour | |
Respected | 67 | 前缀 | (21–24)% increased maximum Honour | |
庄严的 | 76 | 前缀 | (25–30)% increased maximum Honour | |
Honourable | 1 | 前缀 | (17–20)% increased maximum Honour | |
Moral | 40 | 前缀 | (21–24)% increased maximum Honour | |
Principled | 55 | 前缀 | (25–30)% increased maximum Honour | |
Respected | 67 | 前缀 | (31–35)% increased maximum Honour | |
庄严的 | 76 | 前缀 | (36–45)% increased maximum Honour | |
活化的 | 1 | 前缀 | (16–20)% increased Honour restored | |
通电的 | 50 | 前缀 | (21–24)% increased Honour restored | |
精力的 | 70 | 前缀 | (25–29)% increased Honour restored | |
强化的 | 75 | 前缀 | (30–34)% increased Honour restored | |
Brightening | 80 | 前缀 | (35–45)% increased Honour restored | |
活化的 | 1 | 前缀 | (6–10)% increased Honour restored | |
通电的 | 50 | 前缀 | (11–15)% increased Honour restored | |
精力的 | 70 | 前缀 | (16–20)% increased Honour restored | |
强化的 | 75 | 前缀 | (21–24)% increased Honour restored | |
Brightening | 80 | 前缀 | (25–29)% increased Honour restored | |
抑制之 | 1 | 后缀 | Monsters have (5–6)% chance to drop double Sacred Water | |
of Soaking | 35 | 后缀 | Monsters have (7–8)% chance to drop double Sacred Water | |
of Drenching | 54 | 后缀 | Monsters have (9–10)% chance to drop double Sacred Water | |
of Saturating | 70 | 后缀 | Monsters have (11–15)% chance to drop double Sacred Water | |
of Flowing | 1 | 后缀 | Fountains have (5–6)% chance to grant double Sacred Water | |
盈满之 | 35 | 后缀 | Fountains have (7–8)% chance to grant double Sacred Water | |
溢出之 | 54 | 后缀 | Fountains have (9–10)% chance to grant double Sacred Water | |
丰收之 | 70 | 后缀 | Fountains have (11–15)% chance to grant double Sacred Water | |
慈爱之 | 1 | 后缀 | 商人处的出售价格减少 (6–7)% | |
外交之 | 74 | 后缀 | 商人处的出售价格减少 (8–10)% | |
强化之 | 1 | 后缀 | Restore (40–59) Honour on killing a Boss | |
冠军之 | 45 | 后缀 | Restore (60–79) Honour on killing a Boss | |
胜利之 | 60 | 后缀 | Restore (80–99) Honour on killing a Boss | |
征服之 | 72 | 后缀 | Restore (100–119) Honour on killing a Boss | |
凯旋之 | 78 | 后缀 | Restore (120–150) Honour on killing a Boss | |
恢复之 | 1 | 后缀 | Restore (25–35) Honour on venerating a Maraketh Shrine | |
康复之 | 45 | 后缀 | Restore (30–39) Honour on venerating a Maraketh Shrine | |
年轻之 | 60 | 后缀 | Restore (40–49) Honour on venerating a Maraketh Shrine | |
of Freshness | 72 | 后缀 | Restore (50–59) Honour on venerating a Maraketh Shrine | |
of Bloom | 78 | 后缀 | Restore (60–75) Honour on venerating a Maraketh Shrine | |
平民的 | 1 | 前缀 | Gain (30–39) Sacred Water at the start of the Trial | |
Dekhara's | 40 | 前缀 | Gain (40–49) Sacred Water at the start of the Trial | |
巨灵的 | 55 | 前缀 | Gain (50–59) Sacred Water at the start of the Trial | |
Sekhema's | 67 | 前缀 | Gain (40–49) Sacred Water at the start of the Trial | |
Divinity's | 76 | 前缀 | Gain (50–59) Sacred Water at the start of the Trial | |
of the Well | 1 | 后缀 | Gain (11–15) Sacred Water when you complete a Room | |
of the Fountain | 56 | 后缀 | Gain (16–20) Sacred Water when you complete a Room | |
of the Oasis | 77 | 后缀 | Gain (21–30) Sacred Water when you complete a Room | |
进步之 | 60 | 后缀 | Restore (10–14) Honour on room completion | |
发展之 | 70 | 后缀 | Restore (15–19) Honour on room completion | |
of Headway | 75 | 后缀 | Restore (20–24) Honour on room completion | |
of Betterment | 80 | 后缀 | Restore (25–30) Honour on room completion | |
启迪之 | 1 | 后缀 | An additional Room is revealed on the Trial Map | |
洞察之 | 76 | 后缀 | 2 additional Rooms are revealed on the Trial Map | |
启迪之 | 1 | 后缀 | (2–3) additional Rooms are revealed on the Trial Map | |
洞察之 | 76 | 后缀 | 4 additional Rooms are revealed on the Trial Map | |
of Dignity | 1 | 后缀 | (6–7)% 几率避免获得一个痛苦 | |
of Prestige | 55 | 后缀 | (8–9)% 几率避免获得一个痛苦 | |
荣耀之 | 69 | 后缀 | (10–11)% 几率避免获得一个痛苦 | |
of Honour | 78 | 后缀 | (12–15)% 几率避免获得一个痛苦 | |
碾压的 | 1 | 前缀 | Monsters take (11–15)% increased Damage | |
惩罚的 | 56 | 前缀 | Monsters take (16–20)% increased Damage | |
摧残的 | 77 | 前缀 | Monsters take (21–30)% increased Damage | |
违规者的 | 1 | 前缀 | Rare Monsters take (11–15)% increased Damage | |
违法者的 | 60 | 前缀 | Rare Monsters take (16–20)% increased Damage | |
Disgrace's | 78 | 前缀 | Rare Monsters take (21–30)% increased Damage | |
挑战者的 | 1 | 前缀 | 首领受到的伤害增加 (11–15)% | |
篡位者的 | 60 | 前缀 | 首领受到的伤害增加 (16–20)% | |
弑君的 | 78 | 前缀 | 首领受到的伤害增加 (21–30)% | |
丰富的 | 60 | 前缀 | 商人会提供 2 个额外选择 | |
聚宝的 | 72 | 前缀 | 商人会提供 3 个额外选择 | |
弹力的 | 1 | 前缀 | Monsters deal 6% reduced Damage | |
强化的 | 56 | 前缀 | Monsters deal (7–8)% reduced Damage | |
无法通过的 | 77 | 前缀 | Monsters deal (9–12)% reduced Damage | |
Bulwark | 1 | 前缀 | Rare Monsters deal 5% reduced Damage | |
Bastion | 60 | 前缀 | Rare Monsters deal (6–7)% reduced Damage | |
Citadel | 78 | 前缀 | Rare Monsters deal (8–10)% reduced Damage | |
Aegis | 1 | 前缀 | Bosses deal 5% reduced Damage | |
Vanguard | 60 | 前缀 | Bosses deal (6–7)% reduced Damage | |
Phalanx | 78 | 前缀 | Bosses deal (8–10)% reduced Damage | |
披露之 | 1 | 后缀 | 怪物掉落的遗物数量提高 (6–10)% | |
学习之 | 50 | 后缀 | 怪物掉落的遗物数量提高 (11–15)% | |
调查之 | 80 | 后缀 | 怪物掉落的遗物数量提高 (16–20)% | |
增强的 | 1 | 前缀 | (20–29)% increased Defences | |
分层的 | 50 | 前缀 | (30–39)% increased Defences | |
加厚的 | 65 | 前缀 | (40–49)% increased Defences | |
围城的 | 75 | 前缀 | (50–70)% increased Defences | |
Light-footed | 1 | 前缀 | Traps deal (6–8)% reduced Damage | |
Acrobatic | 55 | 前缀 | Traps deal (9–11)% reduced Damage | |
Limber | 78 | 前缀 | Traps deal (12–15)% reduced Damage | |
灵敏的 | 1 | 前缀 | 移动速度加快 (3–4)% | |
迅猛的 | 55 | 前缀 | 移动速度加快 (5–6)% | |
Hasted | 78 | 前缀 | 移动速度加快 (7–10)% | |
of Lunging | 1 | 后缀 | 闪避翻滚距离 +(0.3–0.4) 米 | |
of Eluding | 70 | 后缀 | 闪避翻滚距离 +(0.5–0.7) 米 | |
of Unyielding | 1 | 后缀 | (8–11)% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You | |
of Unrelenting | 55 | 后缀 | (12–15)% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You | |
of the Pathfinder | 76 | 后缀 | (16–20)% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You | |
of Stoutness | 1 | 后缀 | 对你的击中的暴击伤害加成降低 (12–15)% | |
of Tenacity | 55 | 后缀 | 对你的击中的暴击伤害加成降低 (16–19)% | |
of Unwavering | 76 | 后缀 | 对你的击中的暴击伤害加成降低 (20–25)% | |
Pilferer's | 1 | 前缀 | When you gain a Key (7–9)% chance to gain another | |
Picklock's | 60 | 前缀 | When you gain a Key (10–12)% chance to gain another | |
游荡者的 | 78 | 前缀 | When you gain a Key (13–16)% chance to gain another | |
of Donation | 1 | 后缀 | Restore (25–35) Honour on picking up a Key | |
of Offering | 45 | 后缀 | Restore (30–39) Honour on picking up a Key | |
of Entrusting | 60 | 后缀 | Restore (40–49) Honour on picking up a Key | |
of Bestowing | 72 | 后缀 | Restore (50–59) Honour on picking up a Key | |
of Bequeathing | 78 | 后缀 | Restore (60–75) Honour on picking up a Key | |
Time-warping | 1 | 前缀 | 怪物的攻击,施法,移动速度减慢 4% | |
Chronomancy | 60 | 前缀 | 怪物的攻击,施法,移动速度减慢 5% | |
时空 | 78 | 前缀 | 怪物的攻击,施法,移动速度减慢 (6–7)% | |
of Worth | 1 | 后缀 | +(8–10)% to Honour Resistance | |
of Deserving | 40 | 后缀 | +(11–13)% to Honour Resistance | |
of Justification | 55 | 后缀 | +(14–16)% to Honour Resistance | |
of Entitlement | 67 | 后缀 | +(17–19)% to Honour Resistance | |
of Merit | 76 | 后缀 | +(20–22)% to Honour Resistance | |
of Worth | 1 | 后缀 | +(15–20)% to Honour Resistance | |
of Deserving | 40 | 后缀 | +(21–25)% to Honour Resistance | |
of Justification | 55 | 后缀 | +(26–30)% to Honour Resistance | |
of Entitlement | 67 | 后缀 | +(31–35)% to Honour Resistance | |
of Merit | 76 | 后缀 | +(36–40)% to Honour Resistance | |
杰出之 | 60 | 后缀 | +(2–3)% to Maximum Honour Resistance | |
of Brilliance | 78 | 后缀 | +(4–5)% to Maximum Honour Resistance | |
of Access | 1 | 后缀 | (6–10)% increased quantity of Keys dropped by Monsters | |
of Admission | 50 | 后缀 | (11–15)% increased quantity of Keys dropped by Monsters | |
of Entry | 65 | 后缀 | (16–20)% increased quantity of Keys dropped by Monsters | |
of Entrance | 75 | 后缀 | (21–25)% increased quantity of Keys dropped by Monsters | |
Cheater's | 1 | 前缀 | (5–8)% chance if you were to lose all your Honour to have 1 Honour instead | |
诈欺的 | 75 | 前缀 | (9–12)% chance if you were to lose all your Honour to have 1 Honour instead | |
Enhancing | 1 | 前缀 | (3–4)% chance for each of your Keys to upgrade on completing a Floor | |
Reforging | 60 | 前缀 | (5–6)% chance for each of your Keys to upgrade on completing a Floor | |
Upgrading | 77 | 前缀 | (7–9)% chance for each of your Keys to upgrade on completing a Floor | |
1 | 已腐化 | (8–10)% increased Honour restored | ||
80 | 传奇 | This item is destroyed when applied to a Trial | ||
1 | 传奇 | 击败天灾先驱时复制最多 2 个随机贡品奖励 | ||
1 | 传奇 | 击败天灾先驱时复制最多 4 个随机贡品奖励 | ||
1 | 传奇 | Zarokh, the Eternal drops an additional Barya | ||
1 | 传奇 | Zarokh, the Eternal drops 2 additional Baryas | ||
1 | 传奇 | Zarokh, the Eternal drops Blessed Bonds | ||
1 | 传奇 | Zarokh, the Eternal drops Temporalis | ||
1 | 传奇 | Zarokh, the Eternal drops Sekhema's Resolve | ||
1 | 传奇 | Zarokh, the Eternal drops Sandstorm Visage | ||
1 | 传奇 | Zarokh, the Eternal drops Against the Darkness | ||
1 | 传奇 | Zarokh, the Eternal takes 50% less Damage | ||
1 | 传奇 | Zarokh, the Eternal takes 75% less Damage | ||
1 | 传奇 | Zarokh, the Eternal deals 50% more Damage | ||
1 | 传奇 | Zarokh, the Eternal deals 100% more Damage | ||
1 | 传奇 | 耀金币在击败天灾先驱时转换为经验值 | ||
1 | 传奇 | 耀金币在击败天灾先驱时转换为遗物 | ||
1 | 传奇 | 耀金币在击败天灾先驱时转换为污秽通货 | ||
1 | 传奇 | 不能获得恩赐 | ||
1 | 传奇 | Rooms are unknown on the Trial Map | ||
1 | 传奇 | Cannot restore Honour | ||
1 | 传奇 | sanctum cannot have inspiration [1] | ||
1 | 传奇 | Maximum Honour is 1 | ||
1 | 传奇 | You have no Defences | ||
1 | 传奇 | |||
1 | 传奇 | |||
1 | 传奇 | |||
1 | 传奇 | Cannot be used with Trials below level 80 |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.