Brutus FlavourText /4
name | flavour |
Ranger3 CharacterTextAudio | 手負いの動物のためにするであろうことを、貴様のためにもしただけだ、ブルータス。 |
Witch55 CharacterTextAudio | ブルータスの後、これ以上あなたの作品を見なくてすむと思うと嬉しいわ。 |
Goddess31 CharacterTextAudio | あいつがブルータスを作ったのね…...なるほどね。 |
TutorialNPCBrutus NPCTextAudio | Well done on defeating Brutus. He was a strong foe. Powerful enemies will telegraph their attacks, rearing back to strike or summoning powerful magic. This shows they are about deal a lot of damage. It is good to learn their telegraph, so you can avoid the damage before it hits you. Here is a reward that should help you on your journey. |
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