スキルジェム ジェム/231
移動 トラベル 呪印 アタック 範囲効果 近接 ストライク スラム 持続時間 物理 ウォークライ トリガー チャネリング トーテム ノヴァ バフ 永続 ヘラルド 投射物 維持 ペイオフ 冷気 連鎖 混沌 スペル 起爆 オーラ ミニオン オーブ クリティカル 呪い 弾薬 グレネード
ボーンシャッター (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク
アースクエイク (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム, 持続時間
ローリングスラム (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム
アーマーブレイカー (3)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク, 物理
インファーナルクライ (3)
ウォークライ, 範囲効果, トリガー, , 持続時間
シールドチャージ (3)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, 物理, チャネリング, トラベル
ショックウェーブトーテム (3)
アタック, トーテム, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム, 物理, 持続時間, ノヴァ
ヘラルドオブアッシュ (4)
バフ, 永続, 範囲効果, , 持続時間, ヘラルド
マグマバリアー (4)
バフ, アタック, 永続, 範囲効果, 近接, トリガー, , 持続時間
スカベンジドプレーティング (4)
バフ, 永続, 物理, 持続時間
モルテンブラスト (5)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物,
パーフェクトストライク (5)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク, , 持続時間, チャネリング
レゾーネーティングシールド (5)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, 維持, 物理, チャネリング
アースシャッター (7)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム, 持続時間
リープスラム (7)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム, トラベル, ペイオフ
シールドウォール (7)
アタック, 範囲効果, 物理, 持続時間
オーバーウェルミングプレッシャー (8)
バフ, 永続
タイムオブニード (8)
バフ, 永続, 持続時間
サンダー (9)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム, ペイオフ
ヴォルカニックフィッシャー (9)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム, 維持, , 持続時間
サイズミッククライ (11)
ウォークライ, 範囲効果, 物理, 持続時間
スタンピード (11)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム, 持続時間, トラベル
スーパーチャージドスラム (11)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム, チャネリング
神のハンマー (13)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム, 持続時間
バーサーク (14)
バフ, 永続
エスケープショット (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, 冷気
ライトニングアロー (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, , 連鎖
ライトニングロッド (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, 維持, , 持続時間
ポイズンバーストアロー (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, 混沌, 持続時間
スナイプ (3)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, チャネリング
ストームコーラーアロー (3)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, , 持続時間
ヴァインアロー (3)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, 混沌, 持続時間
ヘラルドオブサンダー (4)
バフ, アタック, 永続, 範囲効果, , ヘラルド, ペイオフ
プレイグベアラー (4)
バフ, 永続, 範囲効果, 物理, 混沌, ノヴァ
ウィンドダンサー (4)
バフ, アタック, 永続, 範囲効果, 近接
バラージ (5)
スペル, バフ, 持続時間
エレクトロカッティングアロー (5)
アタック, 投射物, , 持続時間
フリージングサルヴォ (5)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, 冷気
トキシックグロース (5)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, 混沌, 持続時間
ガスアロー (7)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, , 混沌, 持続時間
スナイパーの呪印 (7)
スペル, 呪印, 持続時間
電流の呪印 (7)
スペル, アタック, 範囲効果, 呪印, , 持続時間, ノヴァ
コンバットフレンジー (8)
バフ, 永続
ヘラルドオブプレイグ (8)
バフ, 永続, 混沌, ヘラルド
デトネーティングアロー (9)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, , チャネリング, 起爆
アイスショット (9)
アタック, 投射物, 冷気
レインオブアロー (9)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, 維持
ショックチェインアロー (11)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, , 連鎖, ペイオフ
トルネードショット (11)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, 物理, 持続時間
マグネティックサルヴォ (13)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物,
スパイラルボレー (13)
アタック, 投射物, 維持
錬金術師の恩恵 (14)
バフ, 永続, オーラ
ボーンブラスト (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, 物理, 持続時間
混沌ボルト (1)
スペル, 投射物, 混沌
デコンポーズ (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, , 混沌, 持続時間
ダークパクト (1)
スペル, ミニオン, 範囲効果, 混沌, ノヴァ
ディシプリン (1)
バフ, 永続, オーラ
火ボルト (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, 投射物,
フリージングシャード (1)
スペル, 投射物, 冷気
ガルヴァニックフィールド (1)
スペル, バフ, 範囲効果, , 持続時間, 連鎖, オーブ
ライトニングボルト (1)
スペル, 範囲効果,
リビングボム (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, , 持続時間
マリス (1)
バフ, 永続, オーラ, 持続時間, クリティカル
マナドレイン (1)
パワーサイフォン (1)
スペル, 物理
ピュリティオブファイヤー (1)
バフ, 永続, オーラ,
ピュリティオブアイス (1)
バフ, 永続, オーラ, 冷気
ピュリティオブライトニング (1)
バフ, 永続, オーラ,
ショックノヴァ (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, , ノヴァ
シギルオブパワー (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, 持続時間
スケルトンウォーリアー (1)
ミニオン, 永続, 物理
ソウルレンド (1)
スペル, 投射物, 混沌, 持続時間
アンリーシュ (1)
スペル, バフ, 持続時間
ライトニングボルト (1)
スペル, 範囲効果,
エンバーフジレイド (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, 投射物, , 持続時間
スパーク (1)
スペル, 投射物, , 持続時間
ヴォラタイルデッド (1)
スペル, 範囲効果,
ウィザー (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, 混沌, 持続時間, チャネリング
コンテージョン (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, 混沌, 持続時間
フレイムウォール (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, , 持続時間
フロストボム (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, 冷気, 持続時間, オーブ
アイスノヴァ (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, 冷気, ノヴァ
スケルトンスナイパー (1)
ミニオン, 永続, 物理, , 混沌
スケルトンウォーリアー (1)
ミニオン, 永続, 物理
スパーク (1)
スペル, 投射物, , 持続時間
アンアース (1)
スペル, ミニオン, 範囲効果, 物理, 持続時間
エンバーフジレイド (3)
スペル, 範囲効果, 投射物, , 持続時間
ボーンケージ (3)
スペル, 範囲効果, 物理, 持続時間, ノヴァ
エンフィーブル (3)
スペル, 範囲効果, 持続時間, 呪い
エッセンスドレイン (3)
スペル, 投射物, 混沌, 持続時間
フロストボルト (3)
スペル, 範囲効果, 投射物, 冷気, 持続時間
オーブオブストーム (3)
スペル, 範囲効果, 維持, , 持続時間, 連鎖, オーブ
スケルトンアーソニスト (3)
ミニオン, 永続, , 起爆
アークティックアーマー (4)
バフ, スペル, 永続, 維持, 冷気
グリムフィースト (4)
バフ, ミニオン, 永続
マナレムナント (4)
バフ, 永続,
レイジングスピリット (4)
バフ, ミニオン, 永続, , 持続時間
ウィザリングプレゼンス (4)
バフ, 永続, 混沌, 持続時間
アーク (5)
スペル, , 連鎖
ボーンストーム (5)
スペル, 範囲効果, 投射物, 維持, 物理, 持続時間, チャネリング
コールドスナップ (5)
スペル, 範囲効果, 冷気, ペイオフ
インシネレート (5)
スペル, 範囲効果, 維持, , 持続時間, チャネリング
ペインオファリング (5)
ミニオン, バフ, 範囲効果, オーラ, 持続時間
ゾンビ蘇生 (5)
ミニオン, 物理, 持続時間
スケルトンフロストメイジ (5)
ミニオン, 永続, 冷気
ソーラーオーブ (5)
スペル, 範囲効果, 維持, , 持続時間, オーブ
コンダクティビティ (7)
スペル, 範囲効果, , 持続時間, 呪い
デトネートデッド (7)
スペル, 範囲効果, 物理, , 起爆
フラマビリティ (7)
スペル, 範囲効果, , 持続時間, 呪い
低体温化 (7)
スペル, 範囲効果, 冷気, 持続時間, 呪い
プロファンリチュアル (7)
スペル, 範囲効果, 混沌, 持続時間
ヴァルネラビリティ (7)
スペル, 範囲効果, 物理, 持続時間, 呪い
ダークエフィジー (9)
スペル, トーテム, 範囲効果, 投射物, 混沌, 持続時間
ディスペア (9)
スペル, 範囲効果, 混沌, 持続時間, 呪い
ファイヤーボール (9)
スペル, 範囲効果, 投射物,
フロストウォール (9)
スペル, 範囲効果, 冷気, 持続時間
ライトニングワープ (9)
スペル, 範囲効果, , 持続時間
マナテンペスト (9)
スペル, バフ,
スケルトンリーバー (9)
ミニオン, 永続, 物理
ボールライトニング (11)
スペル, 範囲効果, 投射物, 維持,
ボーンオファリング (11)
ミニオン, バフ, 範囲効果, 物理, 持続時間
コメット (11)
スペル, 範囲効果, 冷気
ファイヤーストーム (11)
スペル, 範囲効果, 維持, , 持続時間, ペイオフ
ヘックスブラスト (11)
スペル, 範囲効果, 混沌, ペイオフ
スケルトンストームメイジ (11)
ミニオン, 永続,
アイオブウィンター (13)
スペル, 投射物, 冷気
フレイムブラスト (13)
スペル, 範囲効果, , チャネリング, ノヴァ
ライトニングコンジット (13)
スペル, 範囲効果, , ペイオフ
スケルトンブルート (13)
ミニオン, 永続, 物理
スケルトンクレリック (13)
ミニオン, 永続
ソウルオファリング (13)
ミニオン, バフ, 持続時間
テンポラルチェーン (13)
スペル, 範囲効果, 持続時間, 呪い
アーチメイジ (14)
バフ, 永続,
ブリンク (14)
バフ, スペル, 永続
エレメンタルコンフラックス (14)
バフ, 永続, , 冷気, , 持続時間
サクリファイス (14)
ミニオン, バフ, 永続
ブリンク (1)
デコンポーズ (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, , 混沌, 持続時間
イグザングイネイト (1)
スペル, 物理, 持続時間, 連鎖
リープ (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, 物理, 持続時間, クリティカル
レイズシールド (1)
コンセクレート (1)
スペル, 範囲効果, 持続時間, ノヴァ
徹甲弾 (1)
アタック, 弾薬, 投射物, 物理
エクスプローシブグレネード (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, グレネード, , 持続時間, 起爆
落雷 (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム, 投射物,
分裂弾 (1)
アタック, 弾薬, 投射物, ペイオフ
フローズンローカス (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, 冷気, 持続時間, ノヴァ
グレイシャルカスケード (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, 冷気, ペイオフ
殺掌 (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク, 物理
氷結ボルト (1)
アタック, 範囲効果, 弾薬, 投射物, 冷気
フラッシュグレネード (3)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, グレネード, 持続時間
高速弾 (3)
アタック, 弾薬, 投射物, 物理, ペイオフ
インセンディアリ―ショット (3)
アタック, 範囲効果, 弾薬, 投射物,
強打掌 (3)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク, 投射物, 物理, 持続時間
テンペストベル (3)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, 維持, 持続時間, ノヴァ
ヴォルティングインパクト (3)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, スラム, トラベル
ゴーストダンス (4)
バフ, 永続, 持続時間
ヘラルドオブアイス (4)
バフ, アタック, 永続, 範囲効果, 冷気, ヘラルド, ペイオフ
ウォーバナー (4)
バフ, 永続, 範囲効果, 持続時間
ガルヴァニックシャード (5)
アタック, 弾薬, 投射物, , 連鎖
アイスシャード (5)
アタック, 範囲効果, 弾薬, 投射物, 維持, 冷気
氷撃 (5)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク, 冷気
ラピッドショット (5)
アタック, 弾薬, 投射物,
テンペストフラリィ (5)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク,
ガスグレネード (5)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, グレネード, , 混沌, 持続時間
突風 (5)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接
エクスプローシブショット (7)
アタック, 範囲効果, 弾薬, 投射物, , 起爆
凍結の呪印 (7)
スペル, アタック, 範囲効果, 呪印, 冷気, 持続時間, ノヴァ
グレイシャルボルト (7)
アタック, 範囲効果, 弾薬, 投射物, 冷気, 持続時間
リップワイヤーバリスタ (7)
アタック, トーテム, 投射物, 持続時間
ヴォルタイークグレネード (7)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, グレネード, , 持続時間
サイフォンストライク (7)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク, , ペイオフ
ストームウェーブ (7)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接,
ウェーブオブフロスト (7)
移動, アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, 冷気
ディファイアンスバナー (8)
バフ, 永続, 範囲効果, 持続時間
リンガーリングイリュージョン (8)
バフ, 永続, 持続時間
シャードスカベンジャー (8)
バフ, 永続, 物理, , 冷気,
アーティラリーバリスタ (9)
アタック, トーテム, 範囲効果, 投射物, , 持続時間
チャージドスタッフ (9)
スペル, アタック, バフ, 範囲効果, 持続時間
マントラオブデストラクション (9)
バフ, 混沌, 持続時間
オイルグレネード (9)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, グレネード, , 持続時間
ストームブラストボルト (9)
アタック, 範囲効果, 弾薬, 投射物, , 持続時間
緊急リロード (11)
バフ, 持続時間
ヘイルストーム弾 (11)
アタック, 範囲効果, 弾薬, 投射物, 維持, 冷気
砕掌 (11)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク, 冷気, ノヴァ
ショックバースト弾 (11)
アタック, 範囲効果, 弾薬, 投射物, , ペイオフ
回転撃 (11)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク
クラスターグレネード (13)
アタック, 範囲効果, 投射物, グレネード, , 持続時間
フリッカーストライク (13)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク
ギャザリングストーム (13)
アタック, 範囲効果, 近接, ストライク, , チャネリング, トラベル
プラズマブラスト (13)
アタック, 範囲効果, 弾薬, 投射物, , チャネリング
シージカスケード (13)
アタック, 範囲効果, 弾薬, 投射物, 維持, , ペイオフ
アトリション (14)
バフ, 永続
チャージインフュージョン (14)
バフ, 永続
ドレッドバナー (14)
バフ, 永続, 範囲効果, 持続時間
スキルジェム Summary /231
Jump into the air, damaging and Knocking Back enemies with your mace where you land. Enemies you would land on are pushed out of the way.
Channel to charge in the target direction. You will crash into enemies on your path, stopping your charge and dealing damage to enemies in an area, and extra damage to the enemies you collided with. While charging, your Shield is raised and you will Block all incoming Blockable hits.
Attack with a forceful blow, knocking enemies back and weakening their Armour.
Raises a Totem that Slams the ground around it, repeatedly damaging nearby enemies. Jagged Ground erupts when hit by this Slam, damaging enemies standing on it.
While active, enemies you sufficiently overkill with attacks will cause an explosion that Ignites nearby enemies based on the overkill damage dealt.
Performs a warcry, Empowering subsequent Attacks. Consumes all Endurance Charges to Empower additional attacks. Enemies in the warcry's area are destabilised and will Combust on death.
Smashes the ground, dealing damage in an area and leaving behind Jagged Ground that slows enemies. The Jagged Ground erupts in a powerful Aftershock after a duration. Cannot create Jagged Ground on top of an existing patch, or if you already have the maximum number of active patches.
Slams the ground, creating a roiling fissure that damages enemies in a sequence of areas in front of you. A number of enemies hit by the wave will release a shockwave, damaging other enemies.
Performs a damaging warcry, Knocking Back nearby enemies. If a Heavy Stunned enemy is hit, your next Slam is Empowered to perform an additional Aftershock. If not, this skill's cooldown is reset. Only counts Heavily Stunned enemies for purposes of counting Power Gained.
Slam the ground, sending out a fissure that deals area damage to enemies it passes under and thrusts a spike from the ground when it ends. Warcries performed near the spike will cause it to shatter, damaging surrounding enemies.
Attacks enemies with a melee Strike. The Strike will cause a Heavy Stun on enemies that are Primed for Stun. Upon causing a Heavy Stun it will also create a Shockwave, dealing a large amount of damage in an area.
Slam the ground, creating a winding fissure that deals damage as it travels and remains for a duration. Using a different Slam on a fissure will cause an Aftershock, which spreads to all connected fissures.
Slam the ground to Stun enemies and knock them away, then continue forward and perform a devastating second Slam. Holding down the skill input allows you to change direction as you move.
Channel to charge up a heavy swing, drawing earth from the ground to enlarge your mace. Release to Slam the ground, dealing damage in an area around the impact, followed by Aftershocks dealing damage in a larger area.
Charge up your weapon while channelling. Releasing the moment you fully charge will release a wave of Fire.
Repeatedly strike your Shield with your weapon causing damaging shockwaves in an area around you. Enemies hit by the shockwave lose Armour for a duration. While using Resonating Shield, your Shield is raised and you will Block all incoming Blockable hits.
When you raise your Shield it is infused with magma for a short time. Blocking during this time will spray magma at the attacker and grant you an Endurance Charge.
Uses fragments of armour scavenged from enemies to bolster your own. Fully Breaking an enemy's Armour grants you a stack of Scavenged Plating for a duration, and you gain Armour and Thorns per stack.
Gouges molten rock from the ground and flings it at the target. The Projectile explodes on collision, damaging enemies and scattering shrapnel in a cone behind it.
Entreats the Ancestors to crush your enemies, manifesting a massive hammer that falls from the sky onto your target, Slamming into the ground after a short duration and dealing immense damage based on your weapon.
Charges forward, cracking the earth and leaving a patch of Jagged Ground with every footstep. At the end of your charge, a massive leaping Slam damages enemies and causes all nearby patches of Jagged Ground to explode, damaging enemies standing on them.
Ram your Shield into the ground, throwing up a semi-circular wall of earth. Enemies can attack the walls and your Slams will instantly destroy them. Each wall segment explodes when destroyed, damaging enemies around it.
Invokes divine blessings, periodically healing you and removing Curses and Elemental Ailments from you.
While active, enemies in your Presence are easier to Stun and inflict Elemental Ailments upon.
While active, strengthens your Rage and grants you Life Leech based on your Rage, but causes you to lose Life while Raging.
Marks a target. The next Critical Hit the target receives consumes the Mark to deal extra damage and grant you a Frenzy Charge.
Fire arrows into the air, causing them to rain from above. Consumes your Frenzy Charges to fire more arrows.
Fires a charged arrow at the target. On hitting an enemy or wall, the arrow will fire Chaining Lightning beams at nearby enemies.
Ready a volley of arrows, Empowering your next Bow Attack to repeat multiple times. Consumes your Frenzy Charges on use to add additional repeats.
While active, killing Shocked enemies with Attack damage, will cause subsequent Attack hits to release lightning bolts which deals Attack damage to all surrounding enemies.
Stores all Poison Damage you deal. Using the Plague Nova skill unleashes the stored Poison.
Leap backwards and fire an arrow which can Chill or Freeze enemies around the location you escaped from.
Loads your Bow with a volley of enchanted arrows and fires them in a circle as you spin forward, firing directly at targets if possible. Consumes Frenzy Charges to cause the arrows to deal more damage and Chain to other targets. Each target can only be Hit once.
Channel to build up power before firing off a burning arrow. At maximum charge, the arrow will detonate at the end of its flight, causing an explosion in an area around it.
Fires a virulent arrow that creates a burst of Poison on hit, affecting all enemies in an area.
Leap into the air and fire a volley of arrows which cause toxic pustules to sprout from the ground on impact. The pustules explode after a delay and can be Poisoned, causing them to explode faster and more violently.
Fires an arrow that embeds where it lands for a short duration. At the end of the duration, a Lightning bolt strikes the arrow, disintegrating it and damaging enemies with a high chance to Shock.
Fire an arrow that drops from above, creating a Lightning burst. The arrow remains in the ground, and any Chaining Lightning beams can Chain to it. When Chained to, the arrows release another Lightning burst.
Channel to charge up your bow before releasing a powerful shot. Releasing the moment you fully charge causes the arrow to explode on impact for a guaranteed Critical Hit.
Fires a noxious arrow at the ground, creating a cloud of flammable poisonous gas at the end of its flight. The cloud will detonate if hit by a Detonator skill or if an Ignited enemy touches it, creating a fiery explosion.
Leap forward into the air and fire downward. Hitting an enemy will attach an Electrocuting Rod to them, causing all incoming Lightning damage to build up Electrocution. This rod is removed when the enemy is next Electrocuted.
Fire an arrow into the air that lands after a short delay, causing a plant to spring up at the impact location. The plant sprouts vines that latch onto nearby enemies, Slowing their movement speed and dealing Chaos damage over time. The plant can be Poisoned, causing it to deal more damage.
Grants a buff that gives you more Evasion per stage. Being hit by a Melee Attack while you have this buff consumes all stages to damage and Knock Back enemies around you.
Fires a Lightning-infused arrow that homes in on Shocked enemies. Hitting a Shocked enemy will Consume the Shock to charge the arrow, causing it to release a damaging shockwave and split beams towards up to two nearby targets, prioritising ones which are Shocked. If the beam hits a Shocked target, it will release another damaging shockwave and can continue to Chain.
Fires an icy arrow that sprays a cone of ice shards when it hits a target.
Marks a target, making them more susceptible to being Shocked. When the Marked target dies, a Lightning nova erupts from their corpse. This nova does not use your Weapon Damage, and instead uses its own base Attack Damage.
Fires a skyward shot that whips up a Tornado where it lands, dealing Physical damage over time and Hindering enemies standing in it. Arrows and Crossbow bolts fired at the Tornado are sucked into it, causing the Tornado to spit out a nova of copied Projectiles. Copied Projectiles cannot be copied again, even by further Tornados.
While active, grants you Flask charges passively and causes Life and Mana recovery from your Flasks to also apply to Allies in your Presence.
Aims skyward and fires energy missiles at lingering arrows or bolts created by other Lightning Attacks in front of you. The missiles explode if they land close to a lingering bolt or arrow, dealing more damage in a larger area but destroying that bolt or arrow in the process.
Passively coalesces icy missiles from the air over time. Using the skill fires a missile, firing an additional missile for each that has been accumulated.
While active, killing a Poisoned enemy spreads its Poison to other nearby enemies, and has a chance to also Hinder them.
While active, grants you a Frenzy Charge when you Freeze, Electrocute or Pin an enemy. This can only occur once every few seconds.
Launches a fiery Projectile towards a target. The Projectile explodes on impact, damaging foes in a small area.
A nova of ice expands from you, Knocking Back enemies based on how close they are to you. Casting Ice Nova targeting near a Frostbolt Projectile will cause it to originate from the Frostbolt instead of you, and cause more Freeze buildup.
Causes a Corpse to violently explode, damaging surrounding enemies.
Consumes a Corpse to create a fireball that seeks out enemies and explodes.
Consumes a Corpse or Power Charge to create a short-lived Zombie. Zombies created from Power Charges are Empowered.
Launches a spray of sparking Projectiles that travel erratically along the ground until they hit an enemy or expire.
Launches a spray of sparking Projectiles that travel erratically along the ground until they hit an enemy or expire.
Creates a wall of Ice Crystals which holds back enemies. The Crystals explode if sufficiently damaged, or if pushed hard enough, damaging nearby enemies.
Unleashes a Nova of Lightning damage to Electrocute enemies.
Curses all enemies in an area, Slowing them and making other effects on them expire more slowly.
Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, making them deal less damage.
Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Chaos resistance.
Teleports you inside the target's body, causing it to violently explode. Highlights enemies that can be Culled, and can only be used on these enemies or Ball Lightning Projectiles. The target is destroyed, and the explosion deals Lightning Damage to surrounding enemies and creates Shocked Ground.
Rains flaming bolts over the targeted area. Ignites on enemies in front of you are Consumed to fuel the Firestorm, causing one bolt to be improved for each Ignite Consumed.
Attempts to rip the lifeforce from an enemy. Enemies within Culling range will be highlighted and instantly killed on Hit, granting a Power Charge. Can only target Enemies in Culling range.
Emits an Aura that grants Allies in your Presence additional Total Energy Shield. The Aura does not affect you.
An arc of Lightning stretches from the caster to a targeted enemy and Chains on to other nearby enemies.
Conjures an icy barrier that gains stages over time. While the barrier has stages, Melee Attacks that hit you will remove a stage to cause a burst of ice that deals Cold Spell damage to the attacker.
Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Fire resistance.
Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Cold resistance.
Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Lightning resistance.
Conjures a torrent of Fire from your hand, Igniting enemies in front of you. The flames grow stronger the longer you Channel for, and at maximum strength also apply stacking Fire Exposure and creating Ignited Ground.
Emits an Aura that boosts the Fire Resistance of Allies in your Presence. The Aura does not affect you.
Emits an Aura that boosts the Cold Resistance of Allies in your Presence. The Aura does not affect you.
Emits an Aura that boosts the Lightning Resistance of Allies in your Presence. The Aura does not affect you.
Channels to build destructive energy around you or a targeted Solar Orb. Releasing the energy causes a devastating explosion that is larger and more intense the longer you Channelled for.
Fires a slow-moving Projectile that repeatedly shoots bolts of Lightning at nearby enemies.
Impales a Skeleton on a bone spike to shield your Minions while the spike remains. The shield absorbs all damage from the next Hit each Minion takes, then explodes. The bone spike is itself a Minion, and shields itself. If it dies, shields on your other Minions disappear.
Creates a pulsing Orb of frost. Each pulse inflicts Cold Exposure on nearby enemies. When the Orb's duration ends, it explodes, dealing Cold damage to surrounding enemies.
Creates an Orb of electricity that fires Chaining Lightning bolts at nearby enemies.
Afflicts a single enemy with a Debuff that deals Chaos damage over time. If the enemy dies while affected by Contagion, it and all other Chaos damage over time Debuffs spread to nearby enemies and refresh their durations. Reanimating or detonating a corpse affected by Contagion will cause the Minion or explosion to spread Contagion on hit.
Channels a debilitating hex that Withers enemies in the area.
Fires a Projectile that applies a powerful Chaos damage over time debuff to enemies it hits.
Fires a slow-moving Piercing Projectile that leaves a wake of Chilled Ground, deals Cold damage and explodes on colliding with terrain.
Sacrifices the life of a Reviving Minion to deal Chaos damage in an area around it. If you have no Minions, your own life is sacrificed instead.
Summons Reviving Skeletal Warriors.
Summons aggressive, Reviving Skeletal Reavers that can enrage on Command.
Summons hard-hitting, Reviving Skeletal Brutes that can Stun Primed enemies.
Summons long-ranged, Reviving Skeletal Snipers that can fire a gas arrow on Command.
Summons Reviving Skeletal Frost Mages that can be Commanded to cast icy explosions.
Summons Reviving Skeletal Storm Mages that can call down a lightning storm on dead Skeletons on Command.
Summons bomb-throwing, Reviving Skeletal Arsonists that can detonate other Minions on Command.
Summons Reviving Skeletal Clerics that heal other minions and revive fallen Skeletons.
Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, making Hits against them ignore a portion of their Armour.
Fires a Piercing Projectile that seeks out enemies. Enemies hit are inflicted with a Debuff that Hinders them and deals Chaos damage over time for a short duration.
Places a Sigil on the ground, providing a powerful Spell Damage Buff to you and Allies while standing in it. The Buff becomes more powerful the more mana you spend while standing in the Sigil.
Create a wall of Fire in front of the character, which Ignites everything within its area. Any Projectiles fired through the wall by you and Allies deal added Fire damage and inflict the Ignite on hit.
Detonates Curses on enemies in an area, causing explosions of Chaos damage but removing the Curse.
Fires a single Eye Projectile which does not hit enemies. The Eye constantly releases damaging shard Projectiles in a spiral as it flies, plus an extra burst of shards at the end of its flight. If the Eye passes over an Elemental ground surface, it will take on that surface's effect, applying it to nearby enemies and causing shards to deal more damage of the corresponding type.
Calls down lightning to strike all enemies in a cone in front of you. Deals significantly more damage to Shocked enemies but Consumes Shock from them after damaging them. Targeting close to you will cause you to jump back as you cast.
Grants a Buff that boosts your Shock chance. Shocking an enemy consumes the Buff to attach an Orb of electricity to that enemy. The Orb fires bolts of electricity at nearby enemies until it expires.
Calls down a mass of ice from the sky, dealing high damage at the targeted location. Targeting close to you will cause you to jump back as you cast.
Creates a storm of arcane energies that Empowers your Mana-costing Spells while you remain inside it. Maintaining the storm constantly drains your Mana, and each Spell you cast causes it to drain faster. The storm will dissipate when you exit it or run out of Mana.
Call down a Shocking bolt of Lightning to strike enemies in a small area.
Infuses your staff arcane energy for a short duration, Empowering the next spell you cast to reoccur.
Impales a Skeleton on a bone spike to send nearby Minions into a frenzy as long as the spike remains, causing them to use skills more quickly and deal more damage. The bone spike is itself a Minion. If it dies, the effect ends immediately.
Fires a burst of Chaos energy at the target.
Channel to conjure a swarm of bone spikes in the air, then release to fire them at enemies and explode. Shrapnel lodges in enemies hit, each causing the next Attack against that enemy to deal additional damage. Consumes your Power Charges to cause much larger explosions.
Raises a ring of bone spikes around you. The spikes are destroyed when enemies touch them, damaging and Pinning those enemies.
Raises spikes of bone from the earth in front of you, damaging enemies. The bones of Corpses in the area are ripped out and reassembled into short-lived Bone Construct Minions that fight for you.
Creates a fiery Orb that periodically releases fiery pulses. Enemies that are very close to the Orb are Ignited.
Launches a large ball of Fire which explodes on impact, creating a nova of smaller firebolts.
Shatters the frost on a Frozen enemy, Consuming the Freeze to deal a large amount of Cold Damage to enemies caught in the blast. Can also be cast on a Frostbolt to cause it to explode immediately. Any Frozen enemies hit by the Frostbolt's explosion will be dealt Cold Snap's damage and have their Freeze Consumed.
Conjures surging lightning to restore your Mana. While active, Shocked enemies you kill have a chance to spawn a Mana Remnant, and Critically Hitting a Shocked target spawns a Mana Remnant every few seconds. Picking up a Mana Remnant grants you Mana which can Overflow maximum Mana.
Launches icy Projectiles in a sweeping arc. Multiple Projectiles can hit the same enemy.
Consumes a Corpse to create a cloud of flammable Poisonous gas. Any Burning effects or Detonator skills will explode the gas cloud, creating a fiery explosion.
While active, your Fire Spells will also summon Raging Spirits, which are short-lived flaming skulls that rush at nearby enemies and rapidly Attack them. Enemies will not directly engage these Minions, and can pass through them.
Marks a Corpse with a profane rune, dealing Chaos damage over time to nearby enemies. When the ritual is complete the Corpse is consumed and you gain a Power Charge.
Impales a Skeleton on a bone spike, granting you a powerful Spell damage Buff as long as the spike remains. Does not affect your Minions. The bone spike is itself a Minion. If it dies, the effect ends immediately.
Raises a Totem that bombards enemies afflicted by Chaos damage over time Debuffs.
Summons Reviving Skeletal Warriors.
Feeds on corpses to bolster your Energy Shield. While active, enemies and Reviving Minions that die in your Presence have a chance to drop Grim Remnants. Picking up a Grim Remnant grants you Energy Shield which can Overflow maximum Energy Shield.
Siphons power from an enemy, briefly Hindering them and Leeching Mana.
Conjures a circle of ritual inscriptions that last for a short duration. When the duration ends, spikes of bone erupt from enemies in the area, damaging them and potentially causing Bleeding.
Replaces your dodge roll with a short-cooldown Spell that allows you to tunnel through space, instantly reappearing a medium distance away.
Emits an Aura that continuously inflicts Critical Weakness on enemies in your Presence.
Plant a seed of Fire inside an enemy, which grows over a duration. When the duration expires, the seed explodes, damaging the enemy and all other enemies nearby.
Conjures a blazing Ember that hovers above you. After a short duration, the Ember launches at an enemy, dealing Fire damage in an area on impact. Recasting this spell resets the duration for all active Embers. Multiple Embers fired in the same Fusillade will attempt to target different enemies.
Tap into a current of raw and unpredictable Elemental power, causing you to deal greatly more damage of a randomly chosen Element. The Element affected changes frequently, though the same Element can be affected multiple times in succession.
While active, your undead Reviving Minions can be used in place of Corpses by your skills, but your Minions Revive more slowly.
While active, causes your Non-Channelling Spells to cost additional mana and deal extra Lightning damage, both based on your maximum Mana.
While active, periodically Withers enemies in your Presence.
Conjures a blazing Ember that hovers above you. After a short duration, the Ember launches at an enemy, dealing Fire damage in an area on impact. Recasting this spell resets the duration for all active Embers. Multiple Embers fired in the same Fusillade will attempt to target different enemies.
Call down a Shocking bolt of Lightning to strike enemies in a small area.
Teleport to a enemy and Strike them. Consumes Power Charges to perform additional teleporting Strikes on nearby enemies.
Infuses your Quarterstaff with electrical energies, then Slams the ground to deal damage in a large cone in front of you. Consumes your Power Charges to fire Lightning Projectiles forwards from the impact.
While active, Shattering an enemy with an Attack Hit will cause an icy explosion that deals Attack damage to surrounding enemies.
Deploys a Ballista Totem that fires bolts skyward, to explode a short time after landing.
Expel your own blood as Chaining blood tendrils in a cone in front of you. Enemies hit by the tendrils take Physical damage and are inflicted with a Debuff that deals Physical damage over time.
Conjures a bloody scythe that sweeps across the targeted area, dealing Physical damage to enemies and applying Critical Weakness.
Advance while hitting enemies around you with a series of spinning Strikes.
Strike enemies at range by generating a gust of wind as you swing. Enemies will be Knocked Back based on how close they are to you.
Flips backwards and sends forth a Freezing wave in front of you.
Perform a fast icy Strike. Using this Attack three times in quick succession causes a final strike that is slower and more powerful.
Sweep your Quarterstaff upwards, releasing an icy fissure which deals damage in a series of bursts culminating in a large spike. Frozen enemies hit by the final spike are dealt heavy damage but the Freeze is Consumed. Ice Crystals hit by the final spike explode.
Creates an area of Consecrated Ground around you.
Deploys a Ballista Totem that fires Pinning bolts which Maim Enemies.
Dash to an enemy and Strike them with an unarmed Attack, Culling enemies if their life is low enough. Each enemy killed by this strike grants a Power Charge. Enemies around you that can be Culled will be highlighted. This skill always Strikes with your bare fist, even if you have a Quarterstaff equipped.
Dash to an enemy and Strike them with an Unarmed Attack that manifests a wave of cold, coating nearby enemies in shards of ice. Dealing enough damage to these enemies will shatter the shards, causing an icy explosion that deals Attack damage. This skill always Strikes with your bare fist, even if you have a Quarterstaff equipped.
Creates a short-lived illusory copy of yourself whenever you dodge roll. The copy can be damaged by enemies, and copies that are destroyed by an enemy will grant you a Power Charge.
Periodically gain Ghost Shrouds. If you are Hit while you have a Ghost Shroud, it is immediately consumed to recover Energy Shield based on your Evasion.
Fires a bouncing Grenade that unleashes a devastating fiery blast when its fuse expires.
Fires a bouncing grenade that unleashes a Blinding, Stunning explosion when its fuse expires. This explosion can Blind both Allies and Enemies.
Fires a bouncing Grenade that causes a burst of Poison gas when its fuse expires, damaging enemies and leaving behind a growing Poison cloud. Burning effects or Detonator skills will cause the cloud to explode in a fiery blast.
Fires a bouncing grenade that bursts in a spray of Oil when the fuse expires or when it impacts an Enemy, dealing minimal damage but covering the ground and nearby enemies in Oil. Oil created this way can be Ignited by Detonator Skills or Ignited Ground.
Fires a bouncing grenade that discharges an Electrocuting Lightning blast when its fuse expires.
Perform a series of aggressive Strikes. When used in quick succession, the third use Strikes three times, and the fourth use performs a Final Strike that calls down a powerful Shocking bolt.
Dash to an enemy and Strike them with an Unarmed Attack. Heavy Stunning an enemy with this Skill grants you a Buff that causes your Quarterstaff and Unarmed Attacks to also fire Projectiles for a short duration. Enemies which are Primed for Stun will instantly be Heavily Stunned. This skill always Strikes with your bare fist, even if you have a Quarterstaff equipped.
Consume all Power Charges to infuse your Quarterstaff with electricity, adding Lightning damage and a Lightning shockwave to your Quarterstaff Attacks. Reusing this skill while the Buff is active adds to the Buff's duration and damage.
Dash to a target and Strike them with your Quarterstaff. If the target is Shocked, consumes the Shock to release a Lightning shockwave around the target and grant you a Power Charge.
Build Combo by successfully Striking Enemies with other skills. After reaching maximum Combo, use this skill to cause the Bell on your staff to grow to massive size as you drop it on the ground. The Bell damages enemies on impact and can be Hit by your skills, creating a damaging shockwave. Elemental Ailments applied to the Bell cause its shockwaves to deal extra damage of the corresponding type, and Hits which would have caused Knockback increase the area of effect of the shockwaves.
Leap backward and crack the ground with your staff to call forth an Ice Crystal, which creates Chilled Ground around it and can be damaged by you and enemies. If the Crystal is destroyed it causes an icy explosion that deals Attack damage but does not use your weapon's damage.
Raise your shield to Block all incoming blockable hits. Blocking too much damage while your shield is raised may stagger you.
Loads your Crossbow with Piercing bolts that can consume Fully Broken Armour on enemies to deal extra damage.
Loads your Crossbow with Piercing bolts that fragment in flight. Bolts that hit a Frozen enemy consume the Freeze and cause an explosion of shrapnel. Bolts that hit an Ice Crystal cause it to explode.
Loads your Crossbow with enemy-seeking payloads which are fired into the air, dropping a bolt near every enemy in the target area. These bolts lodge in the ground and explode after a short delay.
Loads your Crossbow with a clip of bolts that can be fired rapidly and Break enemy Armour. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Loads your Crossbow with flaming bolts that explode on impact. The explosion will cause any Grenades in its area of effect to also explode.
Loads your Crossbow with flaming bolts that fragment in flight, damaging and Igniting enemies on hit and in a small cone behind their final target.
Loads your Crossbow with a large clip of heavily modified bolts that cause Heat to build up on your crossbow, before unleashing a stream of flaming bolts that gain Fire Damage based on your Heat. Heat also grants bonus damage to Grenades you fire, but dissipates rapidly when not building up. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Loads your Crossbow with icy bolts that create two walls of Ice Crystals at the end of their flight.
Loads your Crossbow with icy bolts that fragment in flight, damaging enemies on hit and in a small cone behind their final target. The icy coating on the bolts makes them extremely potent at Freezing enemies.
Passively generates bolts of ice at a frequency equal to reload time, up to a cap. Activate to Load the accumulated bolts into your Crossbow. All loaded bolts are fired at once, causing them to rain down over the target area.
Loads your Crossbow with a clip of icy bolts that rapidly fire at the ground, leaving a shard of ice at the impact location unless the bolt hits an enemy. The ice shards shatter when enemies step on them, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Loads your Crossbow with unstable bolts that require a lengthy charging period to fire but deal devastating damage, pierce through enemies, and explode upon hitting terrain.
Loads your Crossbow with a clip of charged bolts that fragment in flight, releasing Chaining Lightning beams when they Hit enemies. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Loads your Crossbow with charged bolts that land around the target location and explode if hit by a Detonator Skill. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Loads your Crossbow with a clip of charged bolts which release damaging pulses upon Hitting an enemy affected by a Lightning Ailment. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Leaps forward and Slams the ground, sending out a Stunning shockwave that is especially potent against Dazed enemies.
Sweep your Quarterstaff, projecting a bolt of Lightning through the ground in a long wave ahead of you.
Build Combo by successfully Striking Enemies with other skills. After reaching maximum Combo, use this skill to Empower your next Quarterstaff Attack, causing it to deal additional Chaos damage. Each kill with the Empowered Attack grants Purple Flames of Chayula for a duration.
Consumes a Corpse to create a cloud of flammable Poisonous gas. Any Burning effects or Detonator skills will explode the gas cloud, creating a fiery explosion.
While active, killing enemies with Attacks or standing near a unique enemy generates Valour. Using this Skill consumes its Valour to place an inspiring Banner with an Aura that grants you and nearby Allies Attack damage and Accuracy while the Banner lasts. The Banner cannot gain Valour while placed, and you cannot place a Banner while you already have a Banner placed.
While active, killing enemies with Attacks or standing near a unique enemy generates Valour. Using this Skill consumes its Valour to place an inspiring Banner with an Aura that grants you and nearby Allies Armour, Evasion and movement speed while the Banner lasts. The Banner cannot gain Valour while placed, and you cannot place a Banner while you already have a Banner placed.
While active, killing enemies with Attacks or standing near a unique enemy generates Valour. Using this Skill consumes its Valour to place an inspiring Banner with an Aura that grants you and nearby Allies Stun Threshold, Elemental Ailment Threshold and Flask charges while the Banner lasts. The Banner cannot gain Valour while placed, and you cannot place a Banner while you already have a Banner placed.
Marks a target, making them more susceptible to being Frozen. When the Marked target dies, a Cold nova erupts from their corpse. This nova does not use your Weapon Damage, and instead uses its own base Attack Damage.
While active, causes you to deal more Hit damage to Rare and Unique enemies the longer you've been fighting them, and gain Culling Strike against them once you've been fighting them for long enough.
Instantly reloads your active Crossbow Ammunition and Empowers the loaded bolts to deal more damage.
Fires a bouncing Grenade that explodes when its fuse expires, throwing out a nova of mini Grenades that explode when they come to a stop.
While active, you gain powerful Buffs based on your active Charges. However, maintaining the Buff Consumes Charges every few seconds.
While active, Consuming Freeze, Shock, Ignite, or Fully Broken Armour on an enemy reloads your Crossbow. This can only occur once every few seconds.
Flips backward and Channels to charge your Quarterstaff with Lightning. Releasing dashes towards the target location, damaging enemies along the way. Releasing with perfect timing performs a Lightning-infused dash that releases shockwaves from enemies you dash through and leaves a trail of Shocked Ground in your wake.
Skill Gems Gemcutting /42
Tier Level /14
TierReq Level