Гвендолин Олбрайт Text Audio /35
Имя |
I could've gone my whole life without watching snakes coil around a corpse or getting pounded into the dirt by a homicidal ape. It's enough to make a girl question her career choices. — Здешние места |
They make an odd pair of colleagues, don't they? Oswald's the kind to worry about the jungle eating him, and Alva's the type to dare it to try. Perhaps that's why their partnership has been more lucrative than most - they balance each other out. — Освальд и Альва |
Survivors, halfwits and the occasional lunatic - that's our expedition in a nutshell. Used to be, we were seasoned veterans out here. These days, if a newcomer lasts more than a week, it's a cause for celebration. — Охотники за сокровищами |
Apes are one thing, but Quadrillas? Now they're fearsome. — Квадриллы |
You saw the Mighty Silverfist and lived to tell the tale? Few can say the same. In fact, I've half a mind to call you a liar. But if you're telling the truth, don't let it go to your head. — Могучий Седой кулак |
You killed him? Well... remind me not to cross you then. Should be a lot easier to move through the jungle without him around, so in that sense, you have my thanks. In another... wasn't really necessary, was it? — Могучий Седой кулак |
You won't find these in any old market. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_OpenShop_Random |
Rare finds, rarer prices. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_OpenShop_2 |
I've got the goods if you've got the coin. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_OpenShop_3 |
Another day, another treasure. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_OpenShop_4 |
Don't ask me how I got it. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_Buy_Random |
Risked my neck for that beauty. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_Buy_2 |
Careful with that. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_Buy_3 |
You'll never guess where I found that. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_Buy_4 |
Bit of a treasure hunter yourself, I see. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_Sell_Random |
Quite the find. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_Sell_2 |
One man's trash... — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_Sell_3 |
I'll take that. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_Sell_4 |
Come back if you've got the coin. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_CloseShop_Random |
Nothing catch your eye? — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_CloseShop_2 |
Off so soon? — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_CloseShop_3 |
I'll try not to take offense. — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_CloseShop_4 |
Careful - it's a jungle out there. Ha! — TreasureHunterGwendolyn_CloseShop_5 |
— GwendolynAlbright_Greeting_01.ogg |
— GwendolynAlbright_Greeting_02.ogg |
— GwendolynAlbright_Greeting_03.ogg |
— GwendolynAlbright_Greeting_04.ogg |
— GwendolynAlbright_Greeting_05.ogg |
— GwendolynAlbright_Greeting_06.ogg |
— GwendolynAlbright_Farewell_01.ogg |
— GwendolynAlbright_Farewell_02.ogg |
— GwendolynAlbright_Farewell_03.ogg |
— GwendolynAlbright_Farewell_04.ogg |
— GwendolynAlbright_Farewell_05.ogg |
— GwendolynAlbright_Farewell_06.ogg |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.