Baran, the Crusader Text Audio /55
Name |
You reek of antipathy. Whatever you are, stay far from my sanctuary. — BaranNoStoneEncounterOne |
Oh yes... I understand your darkness now. Sin has sent his lackey to defile the devout. — BaranNoStoneEncounterTwo |
I will not allow Sin to overtake purity. — BaranNoStoneEncounterThree |
No minion of Sin could be this powerful... what are you? — BaranNoStoneFleeing |
I see now. You are a test sent to me by God as I reach the threshold of worthiness. — BaranOneStoneEncounterOne |
Draw closer. Bring the holy fires. I shall not burn. — BaranOneStoneEncounterTwo |
To prove oneself to God is the ultimate trial. — BaranOneStoneEncounterThree |
... yours is no righteous strength. Deceiver! You are no servant of Innocence! — BaranOneStoneFleeing |
Ah, my fellow forsaken soul. You, too, found the void lonely. You seek my wisdom. — BaranTwoStoneEncounterOne |
Good and evil have abandoned us. From whence does morality spring in the absence of God? — BaranTwoStoneEncounterTwo |
In this blasted land unseen by the divine, we must make our own truths. I shall show you the light. — BaranTwoStoneEncounterThree |
You reject... my wisdom...? Blasphemer... — BaranTwoStoneFleeing |
Yet again, the void in your soul draws you back to my domain. — BaranThreeStoneEncounterOne |
Intrude upon my citadel. I promise you a revelation. — BaranThreeStoneEncounterTwo |
You seek the light, and you have found it. I am become God, Creator and Shaper of Worlds. — BaranThreeStoneEncounterThree |
I see now... what you are... even God has his opposite... — BaranThreeStoneFleeing |
The Creator and the Destroyer meet once more, and in that eternal struggle, the world is forged. — BaranFourStoneEncounter1a |
My soul is free of doubt, for I cast it aside, and it became you. — BaranFourStoneEncounter1b |
You are drawn to me like a moth to a flame, for you cannot exist without me. — BaranFourStoneEncounter1c |
Like Sin and Innocence before us, we two are bound forever; God and his shadow. — BaranFourStoneEncounter2a |
You mean to torment me, but you are the weakness I once had. I reject you. — BaranFourStoneEncounter2b |
The Fire of Creation burns within me, and it will reshape you into something worthy. Only then will you be Forgiven. — BaranFourStoneEncounter2c |
Here, whole worlds come into existence at my whim. What hope can you possibly have? — BaranFourStoneEncounter3a |
I seek to create a land of pure righteousness. What do you seek, except to destroy? — BaranFourStoneEncounter3b |
Shadow can never overtake light, demon. — BaranFourStoneFighta |
How dare you question God?! — BaranFourStoneFightb |
You seek Forgiveness, but you do not deserve it. — BaranFourStoneFightc |
I am the Fire of Creation, and I shall purify your soul. — BaranFourStoneFightd |
I shall cast you into a pit of infinite tortures. — BaranFourStoneFighte |
Kirac... sent you? You must keep him out of the Atlas... I cannot be saved... he will find only his own doom, endlessly pursuing my rescue... he will end up... like me... Tell Zana... she was right... to seal us away... Sirus must never... be... — BaranFourStoneStoryDeathTalk |
Tell Zana... ... ... — BaranFourStoneDeatha |
... tell my brother... that I cannot be saved... — BaranFourStoneDeathb |
Keep Kirac... out of the Atlas... at all costs... — BaranFourStoneDeathc |
A brief moment of sanity... it never lasts... — BaranFourStoneDeathd |
In death, you are Forgiven. — BaranFourStoneWina |
You were nothing before God. — BaranFourStoneWinb |
You were a fool to challenge me, mortal child. — BaranFourStoneWinc |
Faithless! — BaranRuneActivation1 |
Banished! — BaranRuneActivation2 |
Face your destiny! — BaranRuneActivation3 |
Faith empowers! — BaranRuneActivation4 |
Heretic! — BaranRuneActivation5 |
Release your soul! — BaranSlam1 |
Die, and be forgiven! — BaranSlam2 |
Sinners must be punished! — BaranSlam3 |
Repent! — BaranSlam4 |
Atone! — BaranSlam5 |
Righteousness prevail! — BaranGenericSkill |
The lamb has woken the lion, and damned us all. — BaranResponseToSirus0 |
You've awoken the slumbering giant, Exile. — BaranResponseToSirus2 |
Even God fears the wrath of Sirus. — BaranResponseToSirus3 |
There are some beyond even God's judgement. — BaranResponseToSirus4 |
If Sirus casts his eyes upon you, not even your soul shall remain. — BaranResponseToSirus5 |
Seek God's Forgiveness before Sirus seeks your head. — BaranResponseToSirus6 |
And with his burning gaze, God swept clean the Land of Sin. — BaranResponseToSirus7 |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.