クルセイダー、バラン Text Audio /55
名前 |
You reek of antipathy. Whatever you are, stay far from my sanctuary. — BaranNoStoneEncounterOne |
Oh yes... I understand your darkness now. Sin has sent his lackey to defile the devout. — BaranNoStoneEncounterTwo |
I will not allow Sin to overtake purity. — BaranNoStoneEncounterThree |
No minion of Sin could be this powerful... what are you? — BaranNoStoneFleeing |
I see now. You are a test sent to me by God as I reach the threshold of worthiness. — BaranOneStoneEncounterOne |
Draw closer. Bring the holy fires. I shall not burn. — BaranOneStoneEncounterTwo |
To prove oneself to God is the ultimate trial. — BaranOneStoneEncounterThree |
... yours is no righteous strength. Deceiver! You are no servant of Innocence! — BaranOneStoneFleeing |
Ah, my fellow forsaken soul. You, too, found the void lonely. You seek my wisdom. — BaranTwoStoneEncounterOne |
Good and evil have abandoned us. From whence does morality spring in the absence of God? — BaranTwoStoneEncounterTwo |
In this blasted land unseen by the divine, we must make our own truths. I shall show you the light. — BaranTwoStoneEncounterThree |
You reject... my wisdom...? Blasphemer... — BaranTwoStoneFleeing |
Yet again, the void in your soul draws you back to my domain. — BaranThreeStoneEncounterOne |
Intrude upon my citadel. I promise you a revelation. — BaranThreeStoneEncounterTwo |
You seek the light, and you have found it. I am become God, Creator and Shaper of Worlds. — BaranThreeStoneEncounterThree |
I see now... what you are... even God has his opposite... — BaranThreeStoneFleeing |
The Creator and the Destroyer meet once more, and in that eternal struggle, the world is forged. — BaranFourStoneEncounter1a |
My soul is free of doubt, for I cast it aside, and it became you. — BaranFourStoneEncounter1b |
You are drawn to me like a moth to a flame, for you cannot exist without me. — BaranFourStoneEncounter1c |
Like Sin and Innocence before us, we two are bound forever; God and his shadow. — BaranFourStoneEncounter2a |
You mean to torment me, but you are the weakness I once had. I reject you. — BaranFourStoneEncounter2b |
The Fire of Creation burns within me, and it will reshape you into something worthy. Only then will you be Forgiven. — BaranFourStoneEncounter2c |
Here, whole worlds come into existence at my whim. What hope can you possibly have? — BaranFourStoneEncounter3a |
I seek to create a land of pure righteousness. What do you seek, except to destroy? — BaranFourStoneEncounter3b |
影は決して光を追い越せないのだ、悪魔め。 — BaranFourStoneFighta |
よくも神を疑うことができたな?! — BaranFourStoneFightb |
貴様は許しを求めているが、貴様はそれに値しない。 — BaranFourStoneFightc |
私は創造の火だ、貴様の魂を浄化してやろう。 — BaranFourStoneFightd |
無限に続く拷問の穴蔵へ放り込んでやろう。 — BaranFourStoneFighte |
キラックが...お前をよこしたのか?彼をアトラスから遠ざけてくれ...私を助けることはできない...さもないと私を永久に助けようとして、自らの破滅を見つけるだけになってしまう...彼も終わってしまう...私のように... ザナに伝えてくれ... 彼女は正しかった...我々を封印したのは...シラスは絶対に... — BaranFourStoneStoryDeathTalk |
ザナに伝えてくれ... ... ... — BaranFourStoneDeatha |
...兄に伝えてくれ... 私を助けることはできない、と... — BaranFourStoneDeathb |
キラックを... アトラスから遠ざけてくれ... 何としてでも... — BaranFourStoneDeathc |
一瞬の正気の瞬間... 決して長続きすることはない... — BaranFourStoneDeathd |
死ぬことによって、貴様は赦されたのだ。 — BaranFourStoneWina |
神の前では貴様は無価値だ。 — BaranFourStoneWinb |
私に挑むとは愚かなことだ、死すべき運命の子よ。 — BaranFourStoneWinc |
信仰なき者よ! — BaranRuneActivation1 |
追放されろ! — BaranRuneActivation2 |
運命に対峙しろ! — BaranRuneActivation3 |
信仰は力を与える! — BaranRuneActivation4 |
異端者め! — BaranRuneActivation5 |
魂を開放しろ! — BaranSlam1 |
死ね、そして赦しを受けろ! — BaranSlam2 |
罪人は罰されねばならない! — BaranSlam3 |
悔い改めよ! — BaranSlam4 |
償いをしろ! — BaranSlam5 |
正義は勝つ! — BaranGenericSkill |
The lamb has woken the lion, and damned us all. — BaranResponseToSirus0 |
You've awoken the slumbering giant, Exile. — BaranResponseToSirus2 |
Even God fears the wrath of Sirus. — BaranResponseToSirus3 |
There are some beyond even God's judgement. — BaranResponseToSirus4 |
If Sirus casts his eyes upon you, not even your soul shall remain. — BaranResponseToSirus5 |
Seek God's Forgiveness before Sirus seeks your head. — BaranResponseToSirus6 |
And with his burning gaze, God swept clean the Land of Sin. — BaranResponseToSirus7 |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.