Earning Passage
Act 2
Reward: Uncut Skill Gem, 200 Gold
Speak to the Hooded One concerning what to do next.
1Speak to the Hooded One
Speak to the Hooded One concerning what to do next.
Area: Vastiri Outskirts
2Earn passage on the caravan
The Hooded One believes the Maraketh will lend aid in pursuit of the Seed of Corruption. Find a caravan on the nearby trade route.
Area: Vastiri Outskirts
3Defeat the Hyenic Raiders
The Maraketh Caravan cannot travel while hyenic raiders are harassing the trade route. Find them and destroy them.
Area: Vastiri Outskirts
4Defeat Rathbreaker
You have found the Sun Clan leader, Rathbreaker. Defeat him.
Area: Vastiri Outskirts
5Speak to Zarka
You have defeated the Sun Clan hyenas and their leader, Rathbreaker. Return to Zarka and give her the news.
Area: Vastiri Outskirts
  • Zarka The Ardura Caravan: {You} defeated the raiders? Fate sends us a fortuitous stranger! Welcome to the Ardura {akhara}. You may travel with us in exchange for your service, as a {jingakh}, and you will have nearly the respect of one of our own for as long as you stay.
  • Zarka The Ardura Caravan: {You} defeated the raiders? Despite your past, we could use someone of your skill. Welcome to the Ardura {akhara}. You may travel with us in exchange for your service. You will even have the respect of one of our own for as long as you stay. If anyone says otherwise, tell them to speak to me.
  • 6Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have rescued the Ardura Caravan and earned passage upon it.

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