Fairgraves FlavourText /8
name | flavour |
Marauder14 CharacterTextAudio | The Karui remember you, Fairgraves. Your death will be much celebrated. |
Ranger5 CharacterTextAudio | You were a good man in a bad situation, Fairgraves. |
Duelist7 CharacterTextAudio | It's not everyday that I get to duel with a legend. Thank you, Fairgraves. |
Shadow8 CharacterTextAudio | I almost feel sorry for you, Fairgraves. Dying twice... can't be fun. |
Shadow34 CharacterTextAudio | Poor Fairgraves. Your plans just don't end well, do they. |
Templar35 CharacterTextAudio | The longer you run from God, Fairgraves, the more damned you become. |
FishChatFairgraves NPCTextAudio | It is relatively well known that Captain Sigmund Fairgraves was an explorer and sometimes a pirate. What's less known is that Fairgraves was a whaler of some significance. This is interesting, of course, because whales make up only one percent of all sea life. When you catch one, however, it pays for all the rest of the fish in your net. |
CadiroOnFairgravesTricorne NPCTextAudio | Looks like a good hat for fishing. Don't want the sun in your eyes, you know. Perandus Manor was always stocked with all sorts of exotic fish... |
Fairgraves Doodad Category /8
Colossus Head
Creates an object in your hideout
Colossus Leg
Creates an object in your hideout
Colossus Sword
Creates an object in your hideout
Oriath Supplies
Creates an object in your hideout
Oriath Armour Crate
Creates an object in your hideout
Colossus Hand
Creates an object in your hideout
Affliction Challenger Trophy
Creates an object in your hideout
Ruthless Affliction Challenger Trophy
Creates an object in your hideout
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.