Horticrafting Station /69
Horticrafting Station decoration now available in your HideoutDescription | Cost |
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Fire modifier | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x50 |
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Cold modifier | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x50 |
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Lightning modifier | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x50 |
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Physical modifier | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x50 |
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Life modifier | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x75 |
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Defence modifier | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x75 |
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Chaos modifier | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x100 |
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including an Attack modifier | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x75 |
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Caster modifier | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x75 |
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Speed modifier | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x150 |
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Critical modifier | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x150 |
Reforge a Rare item, being more likely to receive the same modifier types | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x200 |
Reforge a Rare item, being less likely to receive the same modifier types | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x200 |
Sacrifice a Rare Corrupted Map. Create a new Corrupted Map of the same tier and rarity. | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x200 |
Change a stack of Fossils into a different type of Fossil. The new Fossil type may have a smaller stack size. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x30 |
Change a stack of Oils into a different colour of Oil. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x30 |
Change a stack of Catalysts into a different type of Catalyst. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x30 |
Change a stack of Essences into a different type of the same tier. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x30 |
Change a stack of Timeless Splinters or a Timeless Emblem into Splinters or an Emblem of another type. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x4 |
Change a stack of Breach Splinters or a normal or Flawless Breachstone into Splinters or a Breachstone of another type. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x4 |
Change a stack of Scarabs to a different type of the same rarity. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x30 |
Change a stack of Delirium Orbs into a different type of Delirium Orb. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x30 |
Change a Divination Card into another random Divination Card | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x75 |
Change a modifier that grants Cold Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Fire Resistance | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x500 |
Change a modifier that grants Lightning Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Fire Resistance | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x500 |
Change a modifier that grants Fire Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Cold Resistance | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x500 |
Change a modifier that grants Lightning Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Cold Resistance | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x500 |
Change a modifier that grants Fire Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Lightning Resistance | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x500 |
Change a modifier that grants Cold Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Lightning Resistance | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x500 |
Enchant a Flask with a modifier that grants increased Duration. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x800 |
Enchant a Flask with a modifier that grants increased Maximum Charges. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x800 |
Enchant a Flask with a modifier that grants increased Effect. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x800 |
Enchant a Flask with a modifier that grants reduced Charges used. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x800 |
Change a stack of Shaper Fragments into other random Shaper Fragments. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x500 |
Change a stack of Elder Fragments into other random Elder Fragments. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x500 |
Change a stack of Conqueror Fragments into other random Conqueror Fragments. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x500 |
Change a stack of Sacrifice or Mortal Fragments into other random Fragments of that type. Cost is proportional to stack size. | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x500 |
Sacrifice up to half a stack of Divination Cards to receive between 0 and twice that amount of the same Card | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x1500 |
Enchant a non-Unique Map with Map has 50% chance to not consume Sextant Uses | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x2500 |
Sacrifice a Corrupted Gem to gain 50% of the gem's total experience stored as a Facetor's Lens | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x4000 |
Randomise the Influence types on an Influenced Normal, Magic or Rare Item, as well as reforging the item with new random modifiers | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x1000 |
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Maximum Life per 2% quality | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x3250 |
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Maximum Mana per 2% quality | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x3250 |
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Strength per 2% quality | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x3250 |
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Dexterity per 2% quality | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x3250 |
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Intelligence per 2% quality | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x3250 |
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1% to Fire Resistance per 2% quality | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x3250 |
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1% to Cold Resistance per 2% quality | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x3250 |
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1% to Lightning Resistance per 2% quality | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x3250 |
Enchant a Melee Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, has +1 Weapon Range per 10% Quality | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x5000 |
Enchant a Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, grants 1% increased Area of Effect per 4% Quality | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x5000 |
Enchant a Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, grants 1% increased Accuracy per 2% Quality | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x5000 |
Enchant a Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, has 1% increased Attack Speed per 8% Quality | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x5000 |
Enchant a Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, has 1% increased Critical Strike Chance per 4% Quality | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x5000 |
Enchant a Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, grants 1% increased Elemental Damage per 2% Quality | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x5000 |
Reforge the colour of a random socket on an item, turning it White | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x12500 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Add a new Fire modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced item | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x15000 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Add a new Cold modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced item | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x15000 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Add a new Lightning modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced item | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x15000 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Add a new Physical modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced item | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x15000 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Add a new Life modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced item | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x17500 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Add a new Defence modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced item | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x17500 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Add a new Chaos modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced item | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x17500 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Add a new Attack modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced item | Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x17500 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Add a new Caster modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced item | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x17500 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Add a new Speed modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced item | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x20000 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Add a new Critical modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced item | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x20000 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Synthesise an item, giving random Synthesised implicits. Cannot be used on Unique, Influenced, Synthesised or Fractured items | Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x5000 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
Reforge an Influenced Rare item with random modifiers, including a Influence modifier | Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x5000 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1 |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.