Horticrafting Station /69
Horticrafting Station decoration now available in your Hideout
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Fire modifierWild Crystallised Lifeforce x50
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Cold modifierVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x50
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Lightning modifierPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x50
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Physical modifierVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x50
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Life modifierWild Crystallised Lifeforce x75
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Defence modifierPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x75
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Chaos modifierVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x100
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including an Attack modifierWild Crystallised Lifeforce x75
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Caster modifierPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x75
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Speed modifierVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x150
Reforge a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Critical modifierPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x150
Reforge a Rare item, being more likely to receive the same modifier typesWild Crystallised Lifeforce x200
Reforge a Rare item, being less likely to receive the same modifier typesWild Crystallised Lifeforce x200
Sacrifice a Rare Corrupted Map. Create a new Corrupted Map of the same tier and rarity.Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x200
Change a stack of Fossils into a different type of Fossil. The new Fossil type may have a smaller stack size. Cost is proportional to stack size.Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x30
Change a stack of Oils into a different colour of Oil. Cost is proportional to stack size.Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x30
Change a stack of Catalysts into a different type of Catalyst. Cost is proportional to stack size.Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x30
Change a stack of Essences into a different type of the same tier. Cost is proportional to stack size.Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x30
Change a stack of Timeless Splinters or a Timeless Emblem into Splinters or an Emblem of another type. Cost is proportional to stack size.Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x4
Change a stack of Breach Splinters or a normal or Flawless Breachstone into Splinters or a Breachstone of another type. Cost is proportional to stack size.Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x4
Change a stack of Scarabs to a different type of the same rarity. Cost is proportional to stack size.Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x30
Change a stack of Delirium Orbs into a different type of Delirium Orb. Cost is proportional to stack size.Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x30
Change a Divination Card into another random Divination CardVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x75
Change a modifier that grants Cold Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Fire ResistanceWild Crystallised Lifeforce x500
Change a modifier that grants Lightning Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Fire ResistanceWild Crystallised Lifeforce x500
Change a modifier that grants Fire Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Cold ResistanceVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x500
Change a modifier that grants Lightning Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Cold ResistanceVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x500
Change a modifier that grants Fire Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Lightning ResistancePrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x500
Change a modifier that grants Cold Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants Lightning ResistancePrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x500
Enchant a Flask with a modifier that grants increased Duration. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each useWild Crystallised Lifeforce x800
Enchant a Flask with a modifier that grants increased Maximum Charges. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each useWild Crystallised Lifeforce x800
Enchant a Flask with a modifier that grants increased Effect. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each useVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x800
Enchant a Flask with a modifier that grants reduced Charges used. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each usePrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x800
Change a stack of Shaper Fragments into other random Shaper Fragments. Cost is proportional to stack size.Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x500
Change a stack of Elder Fragments into other random Elder Fragments. Cost is proportional to stack size.Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x500
Change a stack of Conqueror Fragments into other random Conqueror Fragments. Cost is proportional to stack size.Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x500
Change a stack of Sacrifice or Mortal Fragments into other random Fragments of that type. Cost is proportional to stack size.Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x500
Sacrifice up to half a stack of Divination Cards to receive between 0 and twice that amount of the same CardVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x1500
Enchant a non-Unique Map with Map has 50% chance to not consume Sextant UsesVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x2500
Sacrifice a Corrupted Gem to gain 50% of the gem's total experience stored as a Facetor's LensVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x4000
Randomise the Influence types on an Influenced Normal, Magic or Rare Item, as well as reforging the item with new random modifiersPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x1000
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Maximum Life per 2% qualityWild Crystallised Lifeforce x3250
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Maximum Mana per 2% qualityPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x3250
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Strength per 2% qualityWild Crystallised Lifeforce x3250
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Dexterity per 2% qualityVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x3250
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Intelligence per 2% qualityPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x3250
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1% to Fire Resistance per 2% qualityWild Crystallised Lifeforce x3250
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1% to Cold Resistance per 2% qualityVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x3250
Enchant a Body Armour. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1% to Lightning Resistance per 2% qualityPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x3250
Enchant a Melee Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, has +1 Weapon Range per 10% QualityWild Crystallised Lifeforce x5000
Enchant a Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, grants 1% increased Area of Effect per 4% QualityWild Crystallised Lifeforce x5000
Enchant a Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, grants 1% increased Accuracy per 2% QualityVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x5000
Enchant a Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, has 1% increased Attack Speed per 8% QualityVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x5000
Enchant a Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, has 1% increased Critical Strike Chance per 4% QualityPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x5000
Enchant a Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, grants 1% increased Elemental Damage per 2% QualityPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x5000
Reforge the colour of a random socket on an item, turning it WhiteWild Crystallised Lifeforce x12500
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Add a new Fire modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced itemWild Crystallised Lifeforce x15000
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Add a new Cold modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced itemVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x15000
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Add a new Lightning modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced itemPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x15000
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Add a new Physical modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced itemVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x15000
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Add a new Life modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced itemWild Crystallised Lifeforce x17500
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Add a new Defence modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced itemPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x17500
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Add a new Chaos modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced itemVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x17500
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Add a new Attack modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced itemWild Crystallised Lifeforce x17500
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Add a new Caster modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced itemPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x17500
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Add a new Speed modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced itemVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x20000
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Add a new Critical modifier and remove another random modifier from a non-Influenced itemPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x20000
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Synthesise an item, giving random Synthesised implicits. Cannot be used on Unique, Influenced, Synthesised or Fractured itemsVivid Crystallised Lifeforce x5000
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1
Reforge an Influenced Rare item with random modifiers, including a Influence modifierPrimal Crystallised Lifeforce x5000
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce x1

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