Pfft. It was hardly unexpected. Just early! — EntryBanterTullinaIslaReply |
Tullina, how do you feel about having large, electrified metal rods jutting from your spine? — EntryBanterIslaToTullina |
What about your skull? — EntryBanterIslaToTullinaTwo |
Got it. Legs it is. — EntryBanterIslaToTullinaThree |
Smooth... Smooth... Hey, Tullina, what about a helmet that dissolves your hair while you wear it? — ExitBanterTullinaIslaReply |
We probably shouldn't dilly-dally. — ExitBanterIslaToTullina |
No reason. Totally unrelated, how upset would you be if everything you owned was shredded by a rogue mechanical spider? — ExitBanterIslaToTullinaTwo |
Only if I can't get my wall-crawler up and running in time. — SelectionBanterTullinaIslaReply |
Couldn't be more wrong. It's a brilliant, beautiful mechanical spider. — SelectionBanterTullinaIslaReplyTwo |
No, but that's what this is for, right lady Kurai? — SelectionBanterTullinaIslaReplyThree |
Oh... Fine. — SelectionBanterTullinaIslaReplyKurai |
I've just had the best idea. — SelectionBanterIslaToTullina |
Picture a wall, but completely transparent. You can stand on one side and see everything on the other side, but you can't touch it. — SelectionBanterIslaToTullinaTwo |
That's--, no, that's different. Windows are different. This is larger and more transparent. You're just not getting it. Just forget about it. What's your thing? — SelectionBanterIslaToTullinaThree |
Yeah, let's do your thing. — SelectionBanterIslaToTullinaFour |
My contraptions worked perfectly! — ExitBanterIslaToAdiyah |
Decently. — ExitBanterIslaToAdiyahTwo |
Parameters fell within the plan. — ExitBanterAdiyahIslaReply |
That's genius! If we make the plan sticky, we're less likely to drop it. I'll jot that down! — EntryBanterTibbsIslaReply |
Tibbs, can you see me? — EntryBanterIslaToTibbs |
Fantastic. My visibility oil works! — EntryBanterIslaToTibbsTwo |
Tibbs, are you left or right handed? — ExitBanterTibbsIslaReply |
So the evil reflection is still at large... — ExitBanterTibbsIslaReplyTwo |
Barely any malfunctions and plenty of data. — ExitBanterIslaToTibbs |
That's a funny word! {Loot}. — ExitBanterIslaToTibbsTwo |
The usual. Steal ALL of the THINGS! — SelectionBanterTibbsIslaReply |
Afraid not. The bone decoupler decoupled itself. The test bone is fine, though there are now several thin metal strips deeply embedded in it. — SelectionBanterTibbsReplyTwo |
Gave me an idea for intra-muscular springs. Tibbs, would you like to test something with me after this job? — SelectionBanterTibbsIslaReplyThree |
Made it! Had to put out a small fire, but I made it. — SelectionBanterIslaToTibbs |
No, sadly someone beat me to that invention a long while ago. And this particular fire completely engulfed my heat-powered-exo-strider. — SelectionBanterIslaToTibbsTwo |
Exo-strider. Yes. Put a few burning embers in the converter and off you stride! Just a prototype made of cheap materials, scrap metal, wood, oil-soaked rags--oh, dammit, Isla! You're better than this. — SelectionBanterIslaToTibbsThree |
Clandestine. — EntryBanterKarstIslaReply |
Even better! — EntryBanterKarstIslaReplyTwo |
Got a new word for you, Karst. Taciturn. It means silent. — EntryBanterIslaToKarst |
New materials to experiment with! I'll turn gold into lead! — ExitBanterKarstIslaReply |
Anyone got a quill? Had an idea on the run out of here. — ExitBanterIslaToKarst |
Karst! Did you finish it? — SelectionBanterKarstIslaReply |
The book! Did you get to the end? — SelectionBanterKarstIslaReplyTwo |
Yeah, but it's a great start! — SelectionBanterKarstIslaReplyThree |
Here I am! — SelectionBanterIslaToKarst |
No, the brain-bore still requires a few small optimisations. — SelectionBanterIslaToKarstTwo |
Oh! Sorry! You were making a joke! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! — SelectionBanterIslaToKarstThree |
What? No! It's already made. I'm just tweaking it a little. — SelectionBanterIslaToKarstFour |
Got somethin' needs made? Or unmade? I can take 'em apart as fast as I put them together, sometimes faster. Or is it the other way 'round? I've had an idea just now for a spinning device that - oh, yes, my name is Isla. I'm an engineer. Welcome.
— IslaIntro |
The Boss? Oof, it's inefficient to ask about the Boss. Believe me. You'll go round and round, a spinning gear 'na machine made of secret parts. The one thing you should never rely on is a mechanism you don't understand. It's liable to implode, or {ex}plode. Neither is pretty when your arse is sittin' upon it hopin' to fly somewhere. The Boss put in an order for an air-sail once, for a job. Impossible, I told Kurai. Turned out it worked! It just didn't go with the poor sod we hired. It stayed with us in flames while he took to the skies. He achieved a perfect parabolic arc right onto the tower we were aiming for. Survived the trip, too, judgin' by the screaming. But getting back down? Oof, the Boss never ordered a falling machine. That's on him. Gotta think things through, mind you! — IslaAboutBoss |
{You} want to work with {me}? I didn't realize we were that close. This is fantastic! I'll need a partner to retrieve my early prototypes from the hands of the Templars. I made a series of precursor contraptions before I was exiled that would have led to some of my greatest achievements. If you can imagine it, my inventions could have done it... eventually.
I didn't realise who I was working for until it was too late. They seized my prototypes and exiled me for the damage I caused in the process of building them. What's a few implosions in the pursuit of progress? Or maybe it was the sea tide of acid... or the glowing rock that made people sick... oh, yes.
Care to help me steal those prototypes back? — IslaContractOne |
My inventions! My babies! I missed them so much. I would never have found the proper materials to recreate them here on Wraeclast, not with all the horrific creatures roaming about. Thank you, Exile! — IslaContractOneEnd |
As I studied the prototypes you helped me retrieve, I realized that they'd already been examined... by someone else. The Templars must have lied about declaring my work heretical. They're trying to build them for their own gain! I cannot imagine what disaster they'll bring upon us if they manage to do so.
We already have the prototypes, so now we must steal the designs they created based on them. We'll need to steal the blueprints for my Extreme Warmth Beam, my Storm Wooing Rod... hmm, the Mind Sublimator... and the Unbreakable, of course! I don't claim to be the most imaginative namer, but it is what it is. They're all related, eventually intended to be part of one single superweapon, so the designs should all be in one place.
Let's go retrieve those blueprints!
— IslaContractTwo |
We did it, Exile, at least in part. The designs for the Unbreakable were missing... I fear that they may have begun construction on it. If they complete the Unbreakable, we'll never be able to... break it. Science deserves better masters than the Templars! — IslaContractTwoEnd |
My instruments have started going haywire. I believe the Templar have managed to build the Unbreakable, {my} greatest achievement. Normally, I would be thrilled at seeing my work given life, but I have a feeling the Unbreakable will be used against us, not for us.
It's time to do some deconstruction. You're good at smashing things, yes? Then perhaps you can break the Unbreakable. — IslaContractThree |
Stop, in the name of science! — IslaContractThreeEncounterStart |
My baby... my proudest work... Wait! I still have the blueprints! Let's go, Exile! — IslaContractThreeEncounterEnd |
The Unbreakable has been broken. You know what that means, don't you?
The Templar didn't build it right. I'll have to continue my work to prove it can be done! — IslaContractThreeEnd |
My mental gears are already turning! — IslaSelectedContractOne |
Creative solutions on the fly! — IslaSelectedContractTwo |
Long as I can bring my gadgets. — IslaSelectedContractThree |
Did someone say my name? — IslaSelectedBlueprintOne |
Engineer, reporting! — IslaSelectedBlueprintTwo |
Just tell me where to build! — IslaSelectedBlueprintThree |
A simple solution! — IslaEngineeringOne |
Just a matter of math! — IslaEngineeringTwo |
Hardly a hurdle! — IslaEngineeringThree |
The axles and the gears go 'round and 'round... — IslaEngineeringFour |
You put the axle in, you take the ball-bearing out... — IslaEngineeringFive |
Sometimes there's an elegant solution... sometimes. — IslaEngineeringSix |
I've got just the contraption for this! — IslaEngineeringSeven |
Leave it to your engineer. — IslaEngineeringEight |
Alright, alright! — IslaEngineeringLoudOne |
Carry the seven... — IslaEngineeringLoudTwo |
Such awful racket! — IslaEngineeringLoudThree |
Must go faster, must go faster. — IslaEngineeringLoudFour |
Can't think with all that racket! — IslaEngineeringLoudFive |
You can't rush engineering! — IslaEngineeringLoudSix |
I'll do what I can! — IslaEngineeringLoudSeven |
Time to take it apart! — IslaDisarmTrapOne |
Let's throw a wrench in the works. — IslaDisarmTrapTwo |
My turn! — IslaDisarmTrapThree |
Construction, deconstruction... it's all the same, in the end. — IslaDisarmTrapFour |
A beautiful design. A shame I have to wreck it. — IslaDisarmTrapFive |
Traps are the arse end of engineering. No artisanship. — IslaDisarmTrapSix |
Thrilling! — IslaDisarmTrapLoudOne |
The fun part! — IslaDisarmTrapLoudTwo |
Careful and quick! — IslaDisarmTrapLoudThree |
I'm just going to smack it with a wrench! — IslaDisarmTrapLoudFour |
Poor parts, bad craftsmanship! — IslaDisarmTrapLoudFive |
I can't even hear myself think! — IslaDisarmTrapLoudSix |
Open your mind... — IslaCounterThaumaturgyOne |
Empty-headed, that one. — IslaCounterThaumaturgyTwo |
Mind-contraption, activate! — IslaCounterThaumaturgyThree |
The mind is just another system of gears. — IslaCounterThaumaturgyFour |
Your mental machinery is mine to mould! — IslaCounterThaumaturgyFive |
Statistically, this should work. — IslaCounterThaumaturgySix |
Too loud to think! — IslaCounterThaumaturgyLoudOne |
Can't rush this! — IslaCounterThaumaturgyLoudTwo |
Ack! — IslaCounterThaumaturgyLoudThree |
Let's hope this works! — IslaCounterThaumaturgyLoudFour |
Bloody racket, can't think! — IslaCounterThaumaturgyLoudFive |
I'll do my best! — IslaCounterThaumaturgyLoudSix |
Just a moment. — IslaBusyOne |
A moment please. — IslaBusyTwo |
I'm in the middle of something. — IslaBusyThree |
I'm engaged already. — IslaBusyFour |
One job at a time! — IslaBusyFive |
I'm working! — IslaBusyLoudOne |
I'm on the job already! — IslaBusyLoudTwo |
Don't deviate from the plan! — IslaBusyLoudThree |
Machines have a limit! — IslaBusyLoudFour |
I can't, I can't! — IslaBusyLoudFive |
They're touching me! — IslaInterruptedOne |
Aren't you supposed to defend your engineer?! — IslaInterruptedTwo |
They're in my personal space! — IslaInterruptedThree |
I can't think when I'm under attack! — IslaInterruptedFour |
Get them away from me! — IslaInterruptedLoudOne |
They're going to deconstruct me! — IslaInterruptedLoudTwo |
Personal space, personal space! — IslaInterruptedLoudThree |
This plan is crumbling! — IslaInterruptedLoudFour |
We've been sighted! — IslaCombatStartOne |
Oh my, someone must do the fighting now. — IslaCombatStartTwo |
I hope you don't expect me to fight. — IslaCombatStartThree |
A better plan would have avoided this. — IslaCombatStartFour |
Not good. Not good at all! — IslaCombatStartFive |
Enemies approaching! — IslaCombatStartLoudOne |
Don't let them touch me! — IslaCombatStartLoudTwo |
The jig's up! — IslaCombatStartLoudThree |
Consarn it, a fight's on! — IslaCombatStartLoudFour |
Zooterkins, here comes a beating! — IslaCombatStartLoudFive |
We... survived? — IslaCombatEndOne |
Interesting tactics. — IslaCombatEndTwo |
Their strategy was incorrect. — IslaCombatEndThree |
They made a tactical error. — IslaCombatEndFour |
They should have thought this through. — IslaCombatEndFive |
Violence complete! — IslaCombatEndLoudOne |
Continue with the plan! — IslaCombatEndLoudTwo |
No time to waste! — IslaCombatEndLoudThree |
Like clockwork! — IslaCombatEndLoudFour |
Must get back on schedule! — IslaCombatEndLoudFive |
That'll fund a few inventions. — IslaLootingOne |
If they cannot prevent us from taking it, it is ours. — IslaLootingTwo |
A good plan reaps its own rewards. — IslaLootingThree |
Don't deviate too much. — IslaLootingFour |
I believe they call that loot. — IslaLootingFive |
Treasure. Check. Keep moving. — IslaLootingLoudOne |
The plan was to get treasure before the alarm! — IslaLootingLoudTwo |
Now's not the time for looting! — IslaLootingLoudThree |
We get nothing if the plan fails! — IslaLootingLoudFour |
Why are you doing that now?! — IslaLootingLoudFive |
We're at the limits of our plan now. — IslaAlertThresholdOne |
This clock is on the verge of chiming... — IslaAlertThresholdTwo |
We can afford no more unanticipated variables. — IslaAlertThresholdThree |
We will be detected if we are not careful. — IslaAlertThresholdFour |
The clock chimes at the appointed hour! — IslaAlarmOne |
According to plan. — IslaAlarmTwo |
Right on cue. — IslaAlarmThree |
I don't like surprises! — IslaEarlyAlarmOne |
This wasn't the plan! — IslaEarlyAlarmTwo |
Our design appears to have been flawed! — IslaEarlyAlarmThree |
Flawless execution... so far. — IslaFinalRoomOne |
Phase one complete. Acquire the treasure. — IslaFinalRoomTwo |
Remember, this is only the midpoint. — IslaFinalRoomThree |
From the blueprints, I thought it'd be bigger. — IslaFinalRoomFour |
I haven't even used half my contraptions yet! — IslaFinalRoomFive |
No time! — IslaFinalRoomLoudOne |
Accelerate the plan! — IslaFinalRoomLoudTwo |
Timetable's up! — IslaFinalRoomLoudThree |
Move quickly! — IslaFinalRoomLoudFour |
Hurry! — IslaFinalRoomLoudFive |
Objective achieved! — IslaObjectiveLootedOne |
Apex of the plan accomplished. Now, to survive! — IslaObjectiveLootedTwo |
Phase two begins now! — IslaObjectiveLootedThree |
Oh, that's it? Hmm. — IslaObjectiveLootedFour |
I recommend flight! — IslaObjectiveLootedLoudOne |
Time to flee! — IslaObjectiveLootedLoudTwo |
Let's run! — IslaObjectiveLootedLoudThree |
Got it? Let's go! — IslaObjectiveLootedLoudFour |
A strong plan is the best path to success. — IslaEntryBanterOne |
We can account for all the variables. No deviating! — IslaEntryBanterTwo |
I hope I get to use my contraptions. — IslaEntryBanterThree |
Is this the part where we make nervous small talk? — IslaEntryBanterFour |
You do know what you're doing, yes? — IslaEntryBanterFive |
The real treasure is the knowledge we gleaned along the way! — IslaExitBanterOne |
Does this mean we're friends now? — IslaExitBanterTwo |
Is this the part where we make relieved small talk? — IslaExitBanterThree |
Plan, execute, success! I love logic! — IslaExitBanterFour |
This has inspired an idea for a new invention! — IslaExitBanterFive |
...Of course. — SelectionBanterKuraiIslaReply |
I'm always thinking about my inventions. — SelectionBanterKuraiIslaReplyTwo |
Let's get to it! — SelectionBanterIslaToKurai |
I better be! We've only got a few hours! — SelectionBanterIslaToKuraiTwo |
It's not a major concern. The spores are currently harmless. Just have to be back to my devices before my vivarium germinates. — SelectionBanterIslaToKuraiThree |
Hurry now, let's get the job done! — SelectionBanterIslaToKuraiFour |
Is it a tunk... tunk... tunk, or more of a tick, tick, tick? — SelectionBanterNenetIslaReply |
You can hear that? — SelectionBanterNenetIslaReplyTwo |
Indeed! — SelectionBanterNenetIslaReplyThree |
Oh no, that won't go off for several hours, probably. — SelectionBanterNenetIslaReplyFour |
Oh, Nenet, there you are. I had a minor breakthrough on that humanoid golem you asked for. — SelectionBanterIslaToNenet |
The thing is, I can't get his movement right. He's as stiff as granite, which is to be expected. Also, he doesn't cook very well. — SelectionBanterIslaToNenetTwo |
About what? — SelectionBanterNilesIslaReply |
One of my machines detects divine energies. Divinity is real. — SelectionBanterNilesIslaReplyTwo |
If I use two parts Voltaxic Sulphite with three parts Trarthan... oh my, who are you? — SelectionBanterIslaToNiles |
Oh yes, yes, I have trouble with faces. Especially handsome faces. — SelectionBanterIslaToNilesTwo |
The human body is just another machine, my dear... joints... pistons... — SelectionBanterIslaToNilesThree |
Oh, hello! — SelectionBanterVinderiIslaReply |
My inventions aren't supposed to explode. — SelectionBanterVinderiIslaReplyTwo |
Then compete we shall! — SelectionBanterVinderiIslaReplyThree |
Hello. What's your name again? — SelectionBanterIslaToVinderi |
I'm bad with names. — SelectionBanterIslaToVinderiTwo |
Oh my. — SelectionBanterHuckIslaReply |
Of course. — SelectionBanterHuckIslaReplyTwo |
You wanted to see me, Huck? — SelectionBanterIslaToHuck |
Oh, there's a job on. — SelectionBanterIslaToHuckTwo |
Inventions are, by definition, new! — SelectionBanterGiannaIslaReply |
Can I bring my glowing red rocks along on this mission? — SelectionBanterIslaToGianna |
The rocks don't make people sick. It's the Corruption they leak that does that. — SelectionBanterIslaToGiannaTwo |
Wear a dress lined with six-inch-thick armour and you'll be fine. — SelectionBanterIslaToGiannaThree |
EntryBanterNenetIslaReply — EntryBanterNenetIslaReply |
EntryBanterNenetToIslaThree — EntryBanterNenetToIslaThree |
How are you today, Nenet? — EntryBanterIslaToNenet |
That's my girl! — EntryBanterIslaToNenetTwo |
As you should! — EntryBanterNilesIslaReply |
Niles, have you thought about those interrogation devices I suggested? — EntryBanterIslaToNiles |
You think I've got a pleasant smile? — EntryBanterIslaToNilesTwo |
How about you go in front instead of behind us? — EntryBanterHuckIslaReply |
You can rely on my contraptions, Huck! Have no fear! — EntryBanterIslaToHuck |
So does Voltaxic-powered battle armour! — EntryBanterIslaToHuckTwo |
That's what they all say... — EntryBanterIslaToHuckThree |
But then what would we take? Oh, the scrap! Of course! — EntryBanterVinderiIslaReply |
Just remember when we're in there, combustion is the mother of invention! — EntryBanterIslaToVinderi |
An enormous mirror-- — EntryBanterGiannaIslaReply |
--that focuses all the light to a white-hot point, and sets everything it touches on fire! — EntryBanterGiannaIslaReplyTwo |
I'll be watching your art. I'm not great with people. — EntryBanterIslaToGianna |
You're so eloquent! — EntryBanterIslaToGiannaTwo |
Told you I'd never let anything happen to you. — ExitBanterNenetIslaReply |
Your skills and my inventions carried the day! — ExitBanterIslaToNenet |
That's what science is for! — ExitBanterIslaToNenetTwo |
Nonsense. A good plan always succeeds. — ExitBanterNilesIslaReply |
Oops, did I not tell you the contingencies? No wonder you were terrified! — ExitBanterNilesIslaReplyTwo |
That was impressive. I should study your brain. — ExitBanterIslaToNiles |
No drills, I promise. I could do it with a trepan. — ExitBanterIslaToNilesTwo |
I could replace your muscles with pistons if you like. — ExitBanterHuckIslaReply |
Your chances for survival would have been much better with my Voltaxic-powered battle armour. — ExitBanterIslaToHuck |
I thought you were STRONGER than a mannequin... — ExitBanterIslaToHuckTwo |
We just did the mission. We're going home now. — ExitBanterVinderiIslaReply |
What are you going to do with your share, Vinderi? — ExitBanterIslaToVinderi |
Can I come take notes? — ExitBanterIslaToVinderiTwo |
If I'm not making people cower in terror from the inexplicability of my inventions, then I'm not really doing science right! — ExitBanterGiannaIslaReply |
If I copy what you did with your art, will I have the same effect on men? — ExitBanterIslaToGianna |
First thing I'm going to do is go terrorise Niles some more. — ExitBanterIslaToGiannaTwo |
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