Skill Gem /1
名字 |
箭雨 |
怪物 词缀 /1
名字 | 等级 | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
1 | 传奇 | monster drop additional currency items with quality [2] |
其他属性 词缀 /19
名字 | 等级 | Domain | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (1–20)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (4–6)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (1–15)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (15–20)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (5–14)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (5–18)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (5–9)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (5–16)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (8–15)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (5–24)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (10–27)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (15–30)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (6–14)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (6–9)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (10–14)% 的品质 | ||
1 | Chest | 传奇 | 内含的物品具有 (5–20)% 的品质 | ||
强化之 | 1 | Strongbox | 后缀 | 内含的物品具有 (5–15)% 的品质 | |
1 | Atlas | 前缀 | 地图首领的伤害提高 20% 你的地图的品质为20% 使用剩余 3 次 伤害 | ||
1 | Atlas | 前缀 | 地图首领的生命提高 20% 地图的品质加成也会影响掉落物品的稀有度 使用剩余 3 次 生命 |
物品 /28
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
Improves the quality of an armour
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
Improves the quality of a wand, staff or sceptre
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
Improves the quality of a martial weapon
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
Improves the quality of a flask
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
Improves the quality of a skill gem
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
Improves the quality of a map
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
增加保险箱的品质(越高级的宝箱 增加的品质越少 至多20%)
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
击败 {0} 个怪物后掉落
击败 {0} 个怪物后掉落
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
击败 {0} 个怪物后掉落
击败 {0} 个怪物后掉落
Flesh Catalyst
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Life modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
Neural Catalyst
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Mana modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
Carapace Catalyst
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Defence modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
Uul-Netol's Catalyst
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Physical modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
Xoph's Catalyst
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Fire modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
Tul's Catalyst
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Cold modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
Esh's Catalyst
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Lightning modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
Chayula's Catalyst
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Chaos modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Attack modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Caster modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Speed modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
堆叠数量: 1 / 10
Adds quality that enhances Attribute modifiers on a ring or amulet
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
堆叠数量: 1 / 40
堆叠数量: 1 / 20
Breach Ring
需求: 等级 40
品质上限为 50%
技能宝石 画质 /201
物品 | Stats |
冰霜新星 | (0–20)% more Damage with Hits against Enemies that are Chilled |
跃击 | (0–20)% more Damage with Hits against Enemies with Fully Broken Armour |
重盾冲锋 | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–10)% |
爆灵术 | 爆炸范围为 (0–0.4) 米 |
灵体火球 | 被辅助技能消耗的灵柩有 (0–10)% 的几率不被摧毁 |
魔卫复苏 | 召唤生物的总移动速度额外增加 (0–20)% |
闪现打击 | (0–20)% 的几率不移除能量球,但仍视作消耗了它们 |
电球 | 发射 (0–4) 个投射物 |
Spectre: {0} | 保留效果降低 (0–5)% |
冰墙 | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–20)% |
闪电新星 | 钓鱼线强度提高 (0–10)% |
时空锁链 | 诅咒效果提高 (0–10)% |
衰弱 | 诅咒效果提高 (0–10)% |
狙击之印 | 对被标记敌人的下一次暴击的暴击伤害加成 +(0–15)% |
Despair | 诅咒范围为 (0–0.2) 米 |
闪电传送 | (0–10)% increased Magnitude of Shock inflicted |
摧甲重击 | Break (0–20)% increased Armour |
箭雨 | 发射 (0–10) 个投射物 |
烈炎风暴 | 冲击范围为 (0–0.2) 米 |
霹雳闪 | (0–10)% 的几率不移除能量球,但仍视作消耗了它们 |
力量抽取 | (0–10)% chance to grant an additional Power Charge on Cull |
闪电箭矢 | 向目标周围的额外 (0–1) 个敌人发射光束 |
纪律 | 能量护盾充能率提高 (0–20)% |
震波图腾 | [图腾]基础攻击时间为 (-0.55–0) 秒 |
电弧 | 每次剩余的[连锁]使伤害总增 (0–5)% |
极地装甲 | Gains a Stage every seconds, up to a maximum of (0–1) Stages |
易燃 | 诅咒效果提高 (0–10)% |
Hypothermia | 诅咒效果提高 (0–10)% |
导电 | 诅咒效果提高 (0–10)% |
烧毁 | (0–20)% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict |
Purity of Fire | 友军额外获得 (0–8)% 火焰抗性 |
Purity of Ice | 友军额外获得 (0–8)% 冰霜抗性 |
Purity of Lightning | 友军额外获得 (0–8)% 闪电抗性 |
烈焰爆破 | 施法速度总增 (0–10)% |
弹幕 | Repeats deal (0–15)% more damage |
天雷之珠 | Fires Beams at targets within (0–0.4) metres |
骸骨奉献 | 物理伤害总增 (0–40)% |
灰烬之捷 | 如果溢出伤害至少为敌人生命上限的 (0–2)%,将周围的敌人[点燃] |
寒冰之捷 | Explosion radius is (0–0.4) metres |
闪电之捷 | 用攻击伤害击败感电的敌人后 你的下 (0–2) 次攻击击中会以闪电打击目标 |
渎神 | 保留效果降低 (0–10)% |
炼狱战吼 | 范围内敌人的每 5 点威力值使[强化]的攻击获得相当于伤害 (0–10)% 的额外火焰伤害的敌人时,最多 (0–50)% |
熔岩奔涌 | (0–4)% more Damage with Hits for each time this Skill has Chained |
寒霜爆 | (0–20)% increased Cold Exposure Effect |
风暴漩涡 | 连锁 (0–3) 次 |
震地 | Maximum (0–2) Jagged Ground patches |
瘟疫 | 减益每次扩散造成的伤害总增%, 最多 (0–100)% |
灵魂吸取 | 减益持续时间为 (0–1) 秒 |
大地震击 | |
寒冰弹 | (0–20)% more Projectile Damage after Piercing an Enemy |
暗夜血契 | 牺牲 (0–2.5)% 魔侍的生命,并造成等量混沌伤害 |
魔侍武士 | Minions have +(0–15)% Chance to Block |
Skeletal Reaver | Minions have (0–20)% increased effect of Rage |
Skeletal Brute | 召唤生物的最大生命总增 (0–20)% |
魔侍神射手 | 保留效果降低 (0–10)% |
魔侍冰霜法师 | 保留效果降低 (0–10)% |
Skeletal Storm Mage | 召唤生物获得相当于生命上限 (0–20)% 的能量护盾上限 |
Skeletal Cleric | 召唤生物的最大生命总增 (0–30)% |
脆弱 | 诅咒效果提高 (0–10)% |
裂魂术 | 减益持续时间为 (0–0.1) 秒 |
瘟疫使徒 | 存储预期[中毒]伤害的 (0–2)% |
火力弩炮 | 攻击速度加快 (0–20)% |
震地战吼 | 战吼速度加快 (0–40)% |
尖刺战吼 | 最多 (0–3) 个尖刺 |
威能法印 | Sigil radius is (0–0.8) metres |
烈焰之墙 | (0–20)% more Magnitude of Ignite inflicted |
魔蛊爆炸 | (0–20)% more Chaos Damage |
赤炼魔光 | 魔光的目标数量 +(0–1) |
赤炼绝命 | 暴击弱点的持续时间为 (0–0.5) 秒 |
七伤破 | 攻击速度总增 (0–20)% |
凛冬之眼 | 投射物速度提高 (0–30)% |
闪电通道 | (0–20)% 的几率消耗敌人的一个感电效果并重新施加 |
电流场 | 每 (-0.01–0) 秒发射一道光束 |
火山裂缝 | 裂缝持续时间为 (0–4) 秒 |
Whirling Assault | 攻击速度总增 (0–15)% |
轰动猛击 | Causes Daze buildup equal to (0–50)% of Physical damage dealt |
逃脱射击 | 冻结积蓄值总增 (0–80)% |
Supercharged Slam | 最多 (0–2) 层 达到最大层数 1 秒后结束吟唱 每层释放 1 次余震 |
迅风爆 | 击退距离延长 (0–30)% |
Wave of Frost | (0–20)% 冰霜抗性穿透 |
幽寒打 | 攻击速度总增 (0–10)% |
冰川之刺 | 攻击速度加快 (0–10)% |
Comet | 暴击几率 +(0–2)% |
Consecrate | 施法速度加快 (0–10)% |
Mana Tempest | Effects of Mana Tempest linger for (0–1) second after leaving the Tempest |
戮命掌 | Mana Recovered over four seconds on Cull@(0–4)% |
Shattering Palm | 暴击几率 +(0–2)% |
Spiral Volley | 发射 (0–4) 个投射物 |
闪电 | 使敌人[感电]的几率总增 (0–40)% |
释出 | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–10)% |
Cast on Shock | Supported Skills gain (0–15)% increased Energy |
Cast on Freeze | Supported Skills gain (0–15)% increased Energy |
Cast on Ignite | Supported Skills gain (0–15)% increased Energy |
Cast on Critical | 保留效果降低 (0–10)% |
Barrier Invocation | Supported Skills gain (0–15)% increased Energy |
Cast on Dodge | 保留效果降低 (0–10)% |
Ghost Dance | ghost dance restore % evasion as energy shield when hit [0,2] |
Summon Companion | Summoned Companion has (0–10)% increased Attributes |
Ancestral Warrior Totem | 图腾持续时间为 (0–0.4) 秒 |
Explosive Grenade | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–20)% |
Flash Grenade | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–20)% |
Oil Grenade | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–10)% |
Gas Grenade | Gains (0–10)% more Area of Effect per second, up to a maximum of (0–60)% |
Voltaic Grenade | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–10)% |
苦痛奉献 | Aura radius is (0–2.4) metres |
风暴乱舞 | +(0–4) 近战打击范围 |
Charged Staff | 技能效果持续时间延长 (0–20)% |
汲能击 | [晕眩]积蓄值总增 (0–40)% |
风雷钟 | 风雷钟在受到 (0–6) 次击中后损毁 |
混沌箭 | 投射物速度提高 (0–40)% |
冰凌座 | (0–20)% more Magnitude of Chill inflicted |
白骨风暴 | 施法速度总增 (0–10)% |
白骨牢笼 | 对敌人造成相当于伤害总增 (0–50)% 的定身效果 |
开掘 | 白骨构造体持续时间为 (0–4) 秒 |
Detonating Arrow | to number of Maximum Stages |
毒爆箭 | (0–20)% increased Magnitude of Poison inflicted |
火焰弹 | 点燃敌人的几率总增 (0–20)% |
剧毒增生 | 发射 (0–3) 个投射物 |
唤雷箭 | (0–30)% increased Shock Duration |
引雷针 | 爆发范围为 (0–0.4) 米 |
狙击 | 暴击伤害加成提高 (0–50)% |
瓦斯之箭 | Impact radius is (0–0.4) metres |
日曜球 | 每 (-0.3–0) 秒产生脉冲 |
Fireball | +(0–10)% chance to fire 2 additional Projectiles |
电殛箭 | 箭矢持续时间为 (0–3) 秒 |
Cold Snap | 施法速度总增 (0–20)% |
完美一击 | (0–20)% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict |
共振护盾 | Break (0–20)% increased Armour |
魔力残片 | 每个残片提供 (0–30) 魔力 |
岩浆屏障 | 举起盾牌会为其注入熔岩,持续 (0–0.2) 秒 |
急冻碎片 | |
藤缠箭 | Poisoning the plant causes it to deal additional Chaos Damage per second equal to +(100–110)% of Poison Damage per second |
降解 | 云雾持续时间为 (0–1) 秒base secondary skill effect duration [0,1000] |
愤怒狂灵 | 最多召唤 (0–1) 个愤怒狂灵 |
Detonate Minion | 造成相当于[召唤生物]生命上限 (0–4)% 的额外[火焰]伤害 |
风舞者 | 最多 (0–1) 层 |
渎神仪式 | 被辅助技能消耗的灵柩有 (0–20)% 的几率不被摧毁 |
Soul Offering | 尖刺持续时间为 (0–1) 秒 |
Dark Effigy | 有 (0–50)% 的几率在击中时施加 2 秒枯萎状态 |
恐怖飨宴 | 恐怖遗物恢复 (0–20) 能量护盾 |
召唤生物死亡时施放 | Supported Skills gain (0–20)% increased Energy |
Scavenged Plating | 每个搜掠护板使护甲值总增 (0–2)% |
Mana Drain | Leeches (0–30) Mana |
Bone Blast | 仪式范围为 (0–0.4) 米 |
Molten Blast | 击中时有 (0–30)% 的几率施加火焰曝露 |
Malice | 暴击弱点的持续时间为 (0–1) 秒 |
Hammer of the Gods | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–20)% |
Living Bomb | 种子持续时间为 (-0.5–0) 秒 |
Stampede | (0–30)% chance to cause an Aftershock |
Shield Wall | Can have (0–2) Shield Walls active at a time |
Shielding Cry | 强化你的下 (0–0.5) 次[近战]攻击 |
Ember Fusillade | Embers deal (0–2)% more damage for each previous Ember fired in sequence |
Glacial Bolt | (0–2) Bolts loaded per clip |
Galvanic Shards | (0–2) Bolts loaded per clip |
Life Remnants | (0–10)% chance to spawn a Remnant on killing an enemy |
Explosive Concoction | (0–20)% increased Fire Exposure Effect |
Fulminating Concoction | (0–20)% increased Lightning Exposure Effect |
Shattering Concoction | (0–20)% increased Cold Exposure Effect |
Poisonous Concoction | 你施加的中毒伤害生效速度加快 (0–20)% |
Bleeding Concoction | 该技能造成的流血伤害生效速度加快 (0–20)% |
Meditate | (0–15)% more Energy Shield Recharge Rate |
Elemental Storm | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–10)% |
Unbound Avatar | Unbound duration is (0–1) second |
Summon Infernal Hound | 召唤生物的最大生命总增 (0–20)% |
Temporal Rift | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–10)% |
Time Freeze | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–10)% |
Time Snap | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–10)% |
Encase in Jade | Buff can take (0–70) damage per Jade consumed |
Sorcery Ward | Elemental Damage from Hits is taken from the Barrier before your Life, Mana or Energy Shield Barrier can take Elemental Damage up to (0–10)% of your Armour and Evasion Rating |
Into the Breach | A Flame of Chayula manifests nearby every (-0.3–0) seconds Flames of Chayula fade after 25 seconds if not picked up |
Ancestral Spirits | 召唤生物的最大生命总增 (0–20)% |
Shockchain Arrow | (0–20)% more Lightning Damage |
Vaulting Impact | (0–20)% chance to cause an Aftershock |
Storm Wave | Wave width is (0–1) metre |
Mantra of Destruction | 需要 (-2–0) 次连击才能使用 |
Elemental Expression | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–20)% |
Ice Shot | 攻击伤害总增 (0–20)% |
Freezing Mark | Hits against Marked enemy cause (0–20)% more Freeze buildup |
Voltaic Mark | Shock has (0–15)% increased effect on Marked enemy |
Time of Need | Blessing recovers (0–40) Life and removes Curses and Elemental Ailments |
Elemental Invocation | 最大能量为 (0–100) |
Attrition | You have Culling Strike against Rare and Unique enemies that have been in your Presence for a total of at least (-5–0) seconds |
Elemental Conflux | Buff grants (0–10)% more damage with the affected Element |
Emergency Reload | 冷却回复速度加快 (0–10)% |
Cluster Grenade | 引线持续时间为 (-0.4–0) 秒 |
Tornado Shot | tornado shot projectile damage +% final [0,15] |
Charge Infusion | Consumes one of each Charge every (0–0.8) seconds |
Shard Scavenger | 保留效果降低 (0–5)% |
Overwhelming Presence | Enemies in your Presence have (0–5)% reduced Elemental Ailment ThresholdEnemies in your Presence have (0–5)% reduced Stun Threshold |
Alchemist's Boon | Grants you (0–0.03) Flask charges per second |
Reaper's Invocation | Supported Skills gain (0–20)% increased Energy |
Sacrifice | Skills can use your undead Reviving Minions in place of Corpses Minions Revive (0–5)% more slowly |
Archmage | Non-Channelling Spells Gain (0–2)% of Damage as extra Lightning damage for each 100 maximum Mana you have |
Magnetic Salvo | 投射物伤害增加 (0–20)% |
Freezing Salvo | Accumulates a missile every (-0.2–0) seconds |
Berserk | Grants (0–10)% increased Rage effect |
Herald of Plague | (0–20)% chance to Hinder enemies on spreading Poison to them |
Withering Presence | Withered duration is (0–1) second |
Combat Frenzy | 被辅助技能有 (0–20)% 的几率 额外产生一个能量球 |
Cast on Block | Gains (0–5) Energy when you Block |
Gathering Storm | gathering storm perfect aoe limit [0,2] |