ハンター、アルヘズミン Text Audio /64
名前 |
I've been watching you. You show promise, but I can't let just anyone traipse through my lands. — AlHezminNoStoneEncounterOne |
You and I are going to have quite the dance if you persist in your invasion! — AlHezminNoStoneEncounterTwo |
This is going to be fun... for one of us. — AlHezminNoStoneEncounterThree |
Fun... for you... — AlHezminNoStoneFleeing |
Back for another sparring session, exile? I've learned a few new techniques since our last clash. — AlHezminOneStoneEncounterOne |
Hah! A determined one. Chase me down a second time. Consider it a dare. — AlHezminOneStoneEncounterTwo |
You're not dealing with the average hunter anymore! — AlHezminOneStoneEncounterThree |
This is no longer enjoyable... — AlHezminOneStoneFleeing |
Not you again! Can't you bother Drox instead? — AlHezminTwoStoneEncounterOne |
You're still pursuing me? This is untenable! — AlHezminTwoStoneEncounterTwo |
I won't hold back this time. You've crossed the line. — AlHezminTwoStoneEncounterThree |
This is not the wondrous land we imagined. We should have listened to Zana. — AlHezminTwoStoneFleeing |
Are you even real? I can't tell anymore. — AlHezminThreeStoneEncounterOne |
Yes, I understand now. You're a spectre out of the mists of the Atlas, sent to torment me. — AlHezminThreeStoneEncounterTwo |
I will unmake you, whatever you are. — AlHezminThreeStoneEncounterThree |
Not... possible... — AlHezminThreeStoneFleeing |
Why are you doing this? Leave me be, foul dream! — AlHezminFourStoneEncounter1a |
In pursuit of my lauded fortress, no doubt. It's always the same. — AlHezminFourStoneEncounter1b |
Home is a dream. I no longer remember why I fight. — AlHezminFourStoneEncounter1c |
Have we done this before? I'm having the strangest sense of repetition. — AlHezminFourStoneEncounter2a |
Exile! The dance never ends, does it? — AlHezminFourStoneEncounter2b |
You draw nearer to my sanctuary, as always. — AlHezminFourStoneEncounter2c |
Dream becomes nightmare in this place. — AlHezminFourStoneEncounter3a |
The pursuit, endless. The hunt, ceaseless. — AlHezminFourStoneEncounter3b |
お前から逃れられる安全な場所などないのだろう? — AlHezminFourStoneFighta |
さぁ、怪物よ。いくらでもやってみろ。 — AlHezminFourStoneFightb |
私は戦わずに倒れることはないぞ、獣よ。 — AlHezminFourStoneFightc |
霧の中の亡霊がまた私の前に現れたか。 — AlHezminFourStoneFightd |
お前の死によって、この悪夢はようやく終わるだろう。 — AlHezminFourStoneFighte |
お前は私を何度も殺したが、それはただの夢だった... — AlHezminFourStoneDeatha |
溶けし者よ、この終わりのない悪夢から私を助けてくれ! — AlHezminFourStoneDeathb |
出してくれ...頼む、私をここから出してくれ... — AlHezminFourStoneDeathc |
この悪夢からついに目覚めた...ついに... — AlHezminFourStoneDeathd |
勝利だ。だが私が得られるものは何もない。 — AlHezminFourStoneWina |
私はお前を何度も殺したが、それはただの夢にすぎない... — AlHezminFourStoneWinb |
お前はきっと戻ってくるだろう。毎晩、同じ夢を見るが、その間に目覚めることはない... — AlHezminFourStoneWinc |
生きたまま皮を剥いでやる! — AlHezminCombatDoubleStrike1 |
じっとしてろ! — AlHezminCombatDoubleStrike2 |
抵抗してみろ。 — AlHezminCombatDoubleStrike3 |
私と踊ってみろ。 — AlHezminCombatSpin1 |
私が負けるわけがない。 — AlHezminCombatSpin2 |
楽な獲物だな。 — AlHezminCombatSpin3 |
私は素早すぎたな。 — AlHezminCombatDash1 |
こっちだ! — AlHezminCombatDash2 |
逃げられないぞ。 — AlHezminCombatDash3 |
どんな時でも見つけ出してやる。 — AlHezminCombatDash4 |
私を捕まえてみろ! — AlHezminCombatBackDash1 |
そう簡単にはいかないぞ! — AlHezminCombatBackDash2 |
追い続けてみろ! — AlHezminCombatBackDash3 |
外に出ろ!攻撃しろ! — AlHezminCombatWyvern1 |
ハンターは私だけじゃないんだ。 — AlHezminCombatWyvern2 |
餌の時間だ! — AlHezminCombatWyvern3 |
お前の早さはどれくらいかな? — AlHezminCombatSnakeBarrage1 |
踊れ!ハハ!踊るんだ! — AlHezminCombatSnakeBarrage2 |
見えているぞ! — AlHezminCombatSnakeBarrage3 |
私のほうが強いんだ! — AlHezminCombatPhaseChangeMelee1 |
私のほうが優れているんだ! — AlHezminCombatPhaseChangeRanged2 |
私のほうが速いんだ! — AlHezminCombatPhaseChangeRanged1 |
Damn! That was too close. Too close! — AlHezminResponseToSirus0 |
What did you do to anger Sirus like this? — AlHezminResponseToSirus2 |
Wake up. Wake up wake up! — AlHezminResponseToSirus3 |
Effective, but not so subtle. — AlHezminResponseToSirus4 |
If I were you I'd just jump in the flames, Exile. — AlHezminResponseToSirus5 |
He's... he's just so strong... I don't understand it! — AlHezminResponseToSirus6 |