Speak to Renly Speak to Renly in Clearfell Encampment. Area: Clearfell Encampment
Renly Renly's Tools: I heard you're heading for the village. When I fled for my life, there was no time for me to grab my smithing tools. If you do manage to reach my forge, you should find them, and bring them here. I'll set up a bench, and we can see about working on your equipment.
Renly Renly's Tools: So you're going back to the village, Lad? You've probably been thinking this already, but we could do some proper smithing if you manage to bring back our tools. They should still be near the forge, right where I left them. Bring them here, and we'll set up a bench. Some honest work might do wonders to lift our spirits.
Una The Wound: He's unconscious, but he's breathing. Though... this wound... We should take him back to Clearfell. He may be the only one who knows what truly happened out here.
Una The Wound: He's unconscious, but he's breathing. Though... this wound... We should take him back to Clearfell. He may be the only one who knows what truly happened out here.
Travel to Ogham Village Travel to Ogham Village and find Renly's tools. Area: Ogham Village
Finn The Village: Una's house... Renly's house... They had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... they're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is {this} home now? You've caught me in a moment of sappiness, hero. My apologies.
Finn The Village: Una's house... Renly's house... They had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... they're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is {this} home now? You've caught me in a moment of sappiness, hero. My apologies.
Finn The Village: Una's house... {your} house!... You lot had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... you're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is this our home now? Does that make us bunkmates? I call the top bunk!
Finn The Village: Una's house... {your} house!... You lot had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... you're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is this our home now? Does that make us bunkmates? I call the top bunk!
The Hooded One The Village: The village has been destroyed? Then madness has already reached a boiling point in the minds of the Count's men. You must infiltrate the Manor and put a stop to this by any means necessary. The fate that befell Ogham Village is only a single raindrop in the storm that is coming.
Find Renly's tools Find Renly's tools. Area: Ogham Village
Bring the tools back to Renly Bring the tools back to Renly. Area: Clearfell Encampment
Renly Tools Found: You found my tools! Oh hoh, this is wonderful. Now I can set up a proper bench here for you.
Renly Tools Found: Our tools! Oh, this is wonderful, lad. Haven't felt right without a proper forge. Now I can set up a proper bench here for you.
Quest Complete Quest Complete - You have returned the Smithing Tools to Renly and he has restored his salvage bench to its former glory.