Sorrow Among Stones
Act 1
Lachlann has asked you to help him find the keys to the Memorial gate to save his family. Find Draven and his Consort in the Tomb of the Consort and the Mausoleum.
1Find Draven and his Consort
Lachlann has asked you to help him find the keys to the Memorial gate to save his family. Find Draven and his Consort in the Tomb of the Consort and the Mausoleum.
Area: Cemetery of the Eternals
  • Finn Una: Oh, Una? Yeah, yeah, I know her. I was, um... elsewhere... when the Count tried to arrest her family, but I certainly heard about it! It's just a coincidence we both ended up here. Don't get the wrong idea. I didn't follow her or anything like that. It would be unheard of for a clanned girl and an outcast to—well, whatever you're thinking, don't. That's where I stand on it. You gotta be grounded in the real world. Don't get hung up on things that can never be. It'll just break your heart.
  • Renly Cemetery of the Eternals: Tread as heavily as you like. The Eternals stomped their graves all over ours when they had a conqueror's foothold here. Now if those graves have turned up and released their dead, take our vengeance on them.
    Some even say, when the night is darkest, our ancestors still fight theirs among the tombs–and I don't doubt it. A true Ezomyte never surrenders their land, not even in death.
  • 2Enter the Tomb of the Consort
    Search the Tomb of the Consort for Draven and his Consort.
    Area: Cemetery of the Eternals
    3Explore the Tomb of the Consort
    Search the Tomb of the Consort for Draven and his Consort.
    Area: Tomb of the Consort
    4Destroy Asinia
    You have found Asinia, Praetor Draven's Consort. Destroy her and retrieve her piece of the Memorial Gate key.
    Area: Tomb of the Consort
    5Pick up Asinia's Memorial Key Piece
    Pick up Asinia's Memorial Key Piece.
    Area: Tomb of the Consort
    6Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals
    You have destroyed Asinia, but Draven remains yet to be found. Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals and search for the Mausoleum.
    Area: Cemetery of the Eternals
  • Lachlann the Lost Asinia Defeated: You defeated Asinia? The Praetor will be devastated! He gets what he deserves. But... there's no time to waste. We must get through the gate. Find Draven... Find the other key...
  • Lachlann the Lost The Gate: Do my eyes again deceive me? You have the keys! You showed those Eternal bastards! Use the keys to open the gate. Let's go and free my family!
  • 7Enter the Mausoleum
    Search the Mausoleum for Praetor Draven.
    Area: Cemetery of the Eternals
    8Search the Mausoleum
    Search the Mausoleum for Praetor Draven.
    Area: Mausoleum of the Praetor
    9Destroy Praetor Draven
    You have found Praetor Draven. Destroy him and retrieve his piece of the Memorial Gate key.
    Area: Mausoleum of the Praetor
    10Pick up Draven's Memorial Key Piece
    Pick up Draven's Memorial Key Piece.
    Area: Mausoleum of the Praetor
    11Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals
    You have destroyed Praetor Draven and taken his Memorial Key piece, but his consort, Asinia, has yet to be found. Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals and search for the Tomb of the Consort.
    Area: Cemetery of the Eternals
  • Lachlann the Lost Draven Defeated: You {felled} the Praetor? By the First Ones! I... I can't quite believe it. But... there's no time to waste. We must get through the gate. Find the Praetor's Witch... Find the other key...
  • Lachlann the Lost The Gate: Do my eyes again deceive me? You have the keys! You showed those Eternal bastards! Use the keys to open the gate. Let's go and free my family!
  • 12Enter the Mausoleum
    Search the Mausoleum for Draven and his Consort.
    Area: Cemetery of the Eternals
    13Search the Mausoleum
    Search the Mausoleum for Draven and his Consort.
    Area: Mausoleum of the Praetor
    14Destroy Praetor Draven
    You have found Praetor Draven. Destroy him and retrieve his piece of the Memorial Gate key.
    Area: Mausoleum of the Praetor
    15Pick up Draven's Memorial Key Piece
    Pick up Draven's Memorial Key Piece.
    Area: Mausoleum of the Praetor
    16Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals
    You have destroyed Praetor Draven, but Asinia remains yet to be found. Search for the Tomb of the Consort.
    Area: Cemetery of the Eternals
    17Enter the Tomb of the Consort
    Search the Tomb of the Consort for Asinia.
    Area: Cemetery of the Eternals
    18Explore the Tomb of the Consort
    Search the Tomb of the Consort for Asinia.
    Area: Tomb of the Consort
    19Destroy Asinia
    You have found Asinia, Praetor Draven's Consort. Destroy her and retrieve her piece of the Memorial Gate key.
    Area: Tomb of the Consort
    20Pick up Asinia's Memorial Key Piece
    Pick up Asinia's Memorial Key Piece.
    Area: Tomb of the Consort
    21Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals
    You have retrieved both pieces of the Memorial Gate key. Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals and open the gate.
    Area: Cemetery of the Eternals
    22Follow Lachlann
    You have opened the Memorial Gate. Follow Lachlann.
    Area: Cemetery of the Eternals
    23End Lachlann's Suffering
    You have reunited Lachlann with his family... but it isn't going well. Give him the rest he deserves.
    Area: Cemetery of the Eternals
    24Quest Complete
    Quest Complete — You have reunited Lachlann with his family.
  • The Hooded One Madness: Corruption once had a purpose. Let us term it a disorganiser of what would otherwise be ordered. One consequence of this chaos is the warping of pathways, both through the woods, and in the mind. The land so afflicted is never the same when trod upon a second time; men afflicted by Corruption know not where or when they are, only that they are in pain, and you appear as a horrible creature to their distorted senses.
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