第 1 章
奖励: 未切割的辅助宝石

Lachlann has asked you to help him find the keys to the Memorial gate to save his family. Find Draven and his Consort in the Tomb of the Consort and the Mausoleum.
Sorrow Among Stones

# | 名字 |
1 | 找到【拉赫兰的家人】 Lachlann has asked you to help him find the keys to the Memorial gate to save his family. Find Draven and his Consort in the Tomb of the Consort and the Mausoleum. Area: 永恒墓场 NPC: |
2 | Enter the Tomb of the Consort Search the Tomb of the Consort for Draven and his Consort. Area: 永恒墓场 |
3 | Explore the Tomb of the Consort Search the Tomb of the Consort for Draven and his Consort. Area: 砌骨圣墓 |
4 | 击败【阿辛妮娅】 你找到了拉赫兰的儿子们,他们正被阿辛妮娅,执政官的伴侣看守着。击败她。 Area: 砌骨圣墓 |
5 | 解放【卡勒姆】和【托尔卡】的灵魂 你找到了拉赫兰的儿子们,但他们似乎早已离世。解放他们的灵魂。 Area: 砌骨圣墓 |
6 | Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals You have destroyed Asinia, but Draven remains yet to be found. Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals and search for the Mausoleum. Area: 永恒墓场 NPC: |
7 | 进入【倾颓王陵】 拉赫兰的妻子似乎就在【倾颓王陵】里。调查这里。 Area: 永恒墓场 |
8 | 搜索【倾颓王陵】 拉赫兰的妻子似乎就在【倾颓王陵】里。调查这里。 Area: 倾颓王陵 |
9 | 击败【德莱文,永恒执政官】 你找到了拉赫兰的妻子,但是她正被【德莱文,永恒执政官】囚禁着。击败他。 Area: 倾颓王陵 |
10 | 解放【伊莎贝尔】的灵魂 你找到了拉赫兰的妻子……但是她似乎早已离世。解放她的灵魂。 Area: 倾颓王陵 |
11 | Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals You have destroyed Praetor Draven and taken his Memorial Key piece, but his consort, Asinia, has yet to be found. Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals and search for the Tomb of the Consort. Area: 永恒墓场 NPC: |
12 | 进入【倾颓王陵】 拉赫兰的妻子和孩子们似乎就在【倾颓王陵】里。调查这里。 Area: 永恒墓场 |
13 | 搜索【倾颓王陵】 拉赫兰的妻子和孩子们似乎就在【倾颓王陵】里。调查这里。 Area: 倾颓王陵 |
14 | 击败【德莱文,永恒执政官】 你找到了拉赫兰的妻子,但是她正被【德莱文,永恒执政官】囚禁着。击败他。 Area: 倾颓王陵 |
15 | 解放【伊莎贝尔】的灵魂 你找到了拉赫兰的妻子……但是她似乎早已离世。解放她的灵魂。 Area: 倾颓王陵 |
16 | Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals You have destroyed Praetor Draven, but Asinia remains yet to be found. Search for the Tomb of the Consort. Area: 永恒墓场 |
17 | Enter the Tomb of the Consort Search the Tomb of the Consort for Asinia. Area: 永恒墓场 |
18 | Explore the Tomb of the Consort Search the Tomb of the Consort for Asinia. Area: 砌骨圣墓 |
19 | 击败【阿辛妮娅】 你找到了拉赫兰的儿子们,他们正被阿辛妮娅,执政官的伴侣看守着。击败她。 Area: 砌骨圣墓 |
20 | 解放【卡勒姆】和【托尔卡】的灵魂 你找到了拉赫兰的儿子们,但他们似乎早已离世。解放他们的灵魂。 Area: 砌骨圣墓 |
21 | Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals You have retrieved both pieces of the Memorial Gate key. Return to the Cemetery of the Eternals and open the gate. Area: 永恒墓场 |
22 | Follow Lachlann You have opened the Memorial Gate. Follow Lachlann. Area: 永恒墓场 |
23 | 终结【拉赫兰】的痛苦 你让【拉赫兰】和他的家人们团聚了。将他们从腐化中解救出来。 Area: 永恒墓场 |
24 | 任务完成 任务完成。你已将【拉赫兰】从腐化中解救出来。 NPC: |
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