알바의 일지 Topic /1
알바의 일지[DNT] Oswald insists on coming with me whenever I go treasure hunting, but seems to accrue a new injury each time. He has complained of so many injuries that I can barely keep count. I'm keeping a record of them (mostly for my own amusement):

Bruises on his forearms (3)
A stubbed toe (1)
Exotic insect bites (17)
Light scratches on his skin – he insists that they were moderate, but I insist otherwise (2)

The man should be thankful that he hasn't lost a limb yet. This is dangerous terrain, after all, populated with all sorts of hostile creatures... Most treasure hunters don't come back in one piece.
알바의 일지 Text Audio /1
[DNT] Oswald insists on coming with me whenever I go treasure hunting, but seems to accrue a new injury each time. He has complained of so many injuries that I can barely keep count. I'm keeping a record of them (mostly for my own amusement):

Bruises on his forearms (3)
A stubbed toe (1)
Exotic insect bites (17)
Light scratches on his skin – he insists that they were moderate, but I insist otherwise (2)

The man should be thankful that he hasn't lost a limb yet. This is dangerous terrain, after all, populated with all sorts of hostile creatures... Most treasure hunters don't come back in one piece.
알바의 일지