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Id: G3_WorldMap
Act: 3
Act 3
3장 Attr /3
이름상세 설명 표시
몬스터 레벨0

Community Wiki


Act 3

Sandswept Marsh
The Venom Crypts
Jungle Ruins
Ziggurat Encampment
The Drowned City
Apex of Filth
The Azak Bog
Infested Barrens
Ziggurat Encampment (Past) Temple of Kopec
The Molten Vault
The Matlan Waterways
Chimeral Wetlands
The Temple of Chaos
Jiquani's Machinarium
Jiquani's Sanctum
The Black Chambers

Sandswept Marsh

The Sandswept Marsh is the first town in Act 3. Look for a natural crossing at the edge of town and take it to transition into a combat zone. The primary quest objective is to cross the Sandswept Marsh, in search of a Ziggurat Encampment.

There are however, two secrets and one optional boss, which may provide valuable upgrades for your character:

  • Orok Campfire: Basket containing Lesser Jeweller's Orb
  • Hanging Tree: Corpses containing Magic Rings
  • Rootdredge: A unique physical & fire themed boss that drops an Uncut Skill Gem Level 9

Ziggurat Encampment (Town)

The Ziggurat Encampment is the second town in Act 3.

Speak to the treasure hunters, Alva and Oswald, and then to The Hooded One to learn more about lowering the water levels. Take the exit to the Jungle Ruins, near the top of the town.

The Ziggurat Encampment has 4 NPCs by default:

  • The Hooded One: Identifies items for free and Refunds Passive Points for Gold.
  • Alva: accompanies you for various quests.
  • Oswald: Sells Weapons, Body Armours, Helms, Gloves, Bloots, Shields, Quivers & Belts. Oswald can also purchase Idols for Gold.
  • Servi: Sells Sceptres, ES Shields, Wands, Staves, Life Flasks, Mana Flasks, Wisdom Scrolls, Rings, Amulets & Charms. Servi can also Disenchant Magic Items & Rare Items for Transmutation or Regal Shards. Furthermore, Servi can also provide “Local Knowledge,” a special version of the world map with information icons; click on an icon to hear zone specific dialogue.

Jungle Ruins

The Jungle Ruins is an open forested area. The primary quest objective is to search for Infested Barrens and processing to The Matlan Waterways.

There are however, two secrets, one optional unique boss and one side zone that are of potential interest:

  • Mighty Silverfist: is a hard-hitting physical damage boss that provides 2 Weapon Set Passive Skill Points if defeated. Precise Dodge Rolls are required to avoid either his swing or slam attacks. Might Silverfist also has a damaging Roll ability which is especially lethal if your character is low on armour.
  • The Venom Crypts: is an optional but recommended side zone that when completed, provides a permanent character buff. The entrance to the Venom Crypts is located near the Waypoint in the Jungle Ruins.
  • Troubled Camp: has a Vendor that may sell items of interest & drops rare items from a chest.
  • Jungle Grave: is a gravesite that when interacted with, summons Servi, who allows you to select one unidentified rare belt as a reward.

The Venom Crypts

  • Waypoint: No
  • Bosses: None
  • Quests: The Slithering Dead (Optional: 25% increased Stun Threshold, or 30% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold, or 25% increased Mana Regeneration Rate)

The Venom Crypts is an overgrown underground tomb, inhabited by venomous cobras, tentacle miscreations, rats and more. Search the Venom Crypts for Corpse-snake Venom and return it to Servi in town, who offers you a permanent character buff as a reward:

  • 25% increased Stun Threshold
  • 30% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
  • 25% increased Mana Regeneration Rate

Warning: you cannot change your choice later on!

Cruel reward:

  • +10% to Chaos Resistance
  • +5 to all Attributes
  • 15% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You

Infested Barrens

  • NPCs: Alva
  • Bosses: None
  • Quests: Legacy of the Vaal
  • Points of Interest: Troubled Camp, Chimeral Wetlands, The Azak Bog

The Infested Barrens is an outdoor zone that combines a forested jungle with narrow anthill columns.

The primary quest objective is to search for The Matlan Waterways, however it is currently submerged underwater! Collect the waypoint near its entrance, summon and speak to Alva, and search for the Chimeral Wetlands.

Also connected to the Infested Barrens is The Azak Bog, an optional side zone with a unique boss that provides +30 Spirit and a Persistent Skill gem.

Additionally, while exploring the zone you may find another Troubled Camp. Similar to the Jungle Ruins, the Troubled Camp has a Vendor that sells items and a chest that drops a rare item.

The Azak Bog

  • Bosses: Ignagduk, the Bog Witch (Gembloom Skull: +30 Spirit, Uncut Spirit Gem Level 10: Creates a Persistent Buff Skill Gem at Level 10)
  • Quests: Tribal Vengeance (Optional: A Magic Rarity Thawing, Staunching, Antidote, Dousing or Grounding Charm)
  • Points of Interest: Flameskin Ritual

The Azak Bog is an outdoor zone, featuring narrow wooden walkways, wooden encampments, dangerous fire themed enemies, and the unique Boss: Ignagduk, the Bog Witch.

Upon entering the zone, summon and speak to Servi to begin the Tribal Vengeance quest to defeat Ignaduk.

Ignaduk is a multi-phase, physical and fire themed boss, with many spell abilities. To mitigate Ignaduks fire damage, in addition to equipping a Ruby Charm or fire resistance gear, players can search for the Flameskin Ritual. Interacting with all the effigies surrounding the ritual temporarily buffs your characters with Ignagduk's Harvest: significantly increasing fire resistance.

Acquiring Ignaduk's Harvest can significantly reduce the difficulty of the upcoming boss fight.

After defeating Ignaduk, loot the Gembloom Skull and consume it for a +30 Spirit Buff and an Uncut Spirit Gem Level 10. Head to town and return Ignagduk's Ghastly Spear to Servi for a Magic Rarity Charm. Select one charm and progress further.

Chimeral Wetlands

The Chimeral Wetlands is a dense jungle filled with toxic flora and undead explorers, and is home to Xylucian, the Chimera; a tri-elemental, physical and chaos themed boss.

Begin by searching the Chimeral Wetlands for the entrance to Jiquani's Machinarium, guarded by Xylucian; a challenging boss with a large array of abilities and mechanics.

After defeating Xylucian, loot the Chimeral Inscribed Ultimatum quest item and progress forward to Jiquani's Machinarium.

Connected to the Chimeral Wetlands is the Temple of Chaos; the second available method for ascension. During progression, completing the Temple of Chaos may be difficult. It is recommended to acquire extra levels and gear before attempting the ascendancy trial.

While exploring the Chimeral Wetlands, players may encounter the following two secrets

  • Ravaged Camp: contains a chest that drops a rare item.
  • Toxic Bloom: contains a Rare Monster that drops a Magic Amulet when killed.

Jiquani's Machinarium

Jiquani's Machinarium is an underground puzzle-like zone that requires Small Soul Cores to unlock different sections:

  • One Small Soul Core is required to unlock the initial puzzle.
  • A second Small Soul Core is required to unlock the entrance to Jiquani's Sanctum.
  • (Optional) gain access to the optional boss: Blackjaw, the Remnant
  • (Optional) a secret room with loot.

Blackjaw is a physical and fire themed boss; who uses a combination of devastating slams and fire spells which can be avoided with either Dodge Roll invincibility frames or careful positioning. Defeating Blackjaw provides The Flame Core, which when consumed provides a permanent +10% to Fire Resistance buff.

Jiquani's Sanctum

Jiquani's Sanctum is another underground puzzle-like zone that requires two Medium Soul Cores to activate Zicoatl, Warden of the Core; a physical and lightning themed unique boss.

Defeating Zicoatly provides a Large Soul Core, which is used to open the entrance to The Matlan Waterways. Begin by summoning and speaking to Alva, located near the start of the area and then search for two Medium Soul Cores. The Soul Cores are randomly located and need to be placed into two separate generators. Once you've activated the generators, speak to Alva once more and interact with the Large Soul Core to begin the fight.

Zicoatl has a wide array of physical and lightning abilities. Most abilities have a telegraphed windup that can be avoided by playing in melee range and Dodge Rolling behind the boss. One of Zicoatl's most lethal abilities is his triangular expanding slam. Stand near the vertices to avoid taking damage.

After defeating Zicoatl, loot the Large Soul Core, return to the Infested Barrens and interact with the Stone Altar to resurface the entrance to The Matlan Waterways.

Note: while clearing Jiquani's Sanctum you may discover a corruption altar, allowing the player to unpredictably modify an item.

The Matlan Waterways

  • Waypoint: No
  • Bosses: None
  • Quests: Legacy of the Vaal
  • Points of Interest: Narag's Hut (Optional)

The Matlan Waterways is an open zone composed of a series of interconnected canals. Players need to interact with many levers to drain water-filled sections to progress forward.

At the end of the zone, players encounter one final, larger lever. Interact with it, return to town, speak to Alva at the base of the Ziggurat and enter The Drowned City.

Note: While progressing through The Matlan Waterways, players may find Narag's hut. Host to a rare enemy that drops a rare weapon.

The Drowned City

The Drowned City is an open zone composed of water-damaged ruins and is inhabited with large packs of cannibals, colossal volatile enemies who explode on death and more. This zone also introduces the drowning mechanic, a moving teal orb that reduces vision, and if you stand in it for too long, brings your character to a short and timely end.

The primary quest objective is to travel to the Apex of Filth. However, players can also choose to enter The Molten Vault, an optional side zone.

While navigating The Drowned City, you may come across underground cellars, filled with enemies, gold and loot.

The Molten Vault

The Molten Vault is an indoor forge inhabited by Mektul, the Forgemaster; a physical and fire themed boss. Defeating Mektul rewards the player with an Uncut Skill Gem Level 10.

To find Mektul, begin by searching for a large vat of molten gold. Pull the nearby lever to open the path forward. Follow the flow of molten gold, exploring side rooms as alternate paths, when reaching dead ends. Continue following the flow of gold until you reach the boss Arena. Pull the Sluice Gate Lever and take the lift down to Mektul.

Mektul is a challenging boss with a strict time limit. Players may need to improve their gear and level up before attempting the fight.

Players have less than four minutes to defeat Mektul before molten gold completely covers the aqueduct.

Apex of Filth

The Apex of Filth is an open runic area, once again inhabited by large packs of cannibals, volatile exploding enemies, shamans and more. The Filthy Crone's in particular pay homage to Path of Exiles 1's Doedre and use similar abilities such as casting curses or firing physical projectile attacks.

Located in the centre of the zone is the Queen of Filth, a physical and chaos themed unique boss. Despite their appearance, the Queen of Filth is extremely mobile and requires careful positioning and timely Dodge Roll's to survive. Furthermore, similar to the Filthy Crone's encountered earlier, the Queen of Filth can cast circular patches of stationary cursed ground; avoid standing in these areas to prevent being debuffed.

After defeating the Queen of Filth, loot the Temple Door Idol quest item, return to town and speak to Alva, opening the entrance to the Temple of Kopec.

While searching for the Queen of Filth, players may find the Cauldron Keeper; a friendly Filthy Crone who sells caster gear and jewellery. Players can also find Red Mushroom, Green Mushroom, and Blue Mushrooms, which can be placed into the Cauldron Keeper's cauldron for a Life and Mana Flask reward.

Temple of Kopec

The Temple of Kopec is an enclosed temple, inhabited by fiery enemies and introduces a unique environmental hazard: an indoor sun that applies a stacking burning debuff when standing in its light. Stay in the shade to avoid being burnt to a crisp.

Carefully search the corners of the Temple for stairs to ascend to the top floor, to find Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun; a fire themed boss.

Follow Alva through the gateway to the Vaal Empire moments before the Cataclysm. Take the steps down to Utzaal of the past to continue your journey.

Utzaal (Past)

Utzaal of the Past is an open area inhabited by legions of threatening Vaal enemies:

  • The Eye of Winter casters are particularly dangerous. If possible, equip a Sapphire Charm or Cold Resistance gear, and avoid travelling along the Eye of Winter's trajectory.
  • Larger physical damage dealing Vaal Overseers and Vaal Goliaths are also present. If your character is low on physical damage mitigation, play with extra caution to avoid their attacks.
  • Search the zone for Viper Napuatzi, an incredibly difficult fight. Consider farming Utzaal or a zone of your choosing for additional gear and character levels beforehand.

After dealing with stragglers, progress forward and search for Aggorat from the Past.

While clearing Utzaal from the past, you may find a Chaos Statue, Secret Peculiar Fortunes and a Sacrificial Heart.

  • Chaos Statue: provides an Inscribed Ultimatum that can be used in the Temple of Chaos
  • Peculiar Fortunes: hidden across the map, interact with them to acquire golden idols which can be sold to Oswald in town for gold.
  • The Sacrificial Heart: droped by Vaal Goliath, is stabbed in the Aggorat to acquire 2 Weapon Set Passive Skill Points.
  • Napuatzi's Quarters: Gold and Chest

Aggorat (Past)

Aggorat of the past is another open area inhabited by legions of threatening Vaal enemies. The primary objective is to explore Aggorat for the entrance to The Black Chambers.

  • Peculiar Fortunes: hidden across the map, interact with them to acquire golden idols which can be sold to Oswald in town for gold.
  • Sacrificial Dais: Interact with the altar to place the Sacrificial Heart, loot the Sacrificial Dagger and stab it to acquire 2 Weapon Set Passive Skill Points. Sacrificial Heart dropped by Vaal Goliath.

The Black Chambers (Past)

The Black Chambers of the Past hosts Doryani, Royal Thaumaturge, Act 3's penultimate boss. Search for the Testing Pit to begin the final campaign battle.

After defeating Doryani's Triumph, Alva escapes from her prison and convinces Doryani to assist you in defeating the Beast. Portal to town and take the Gateway to Cruel Difficulty.

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