I am Nenet. — IntroductionNenetNenetToExile |
I can see a man's heart beat its last from a distance of two thrown stones. — IntroductionNenetNenetToExileTwo |
The dead own nothing and feel nothing. — EntryBanterTullinaNenetReply |
Time passes through us like a ghost. — EntryBanterNenetToTullina |
There is no speed great enough to escape death. — EntryBanterNenetToTullinaTwo |
By our unity, we escaped with our lives. — ExitBanterTullinaNenetReply |
The snakes leave the rabbit's nest bare and barren. — ExitBanterNenetToTullina |
I do not have a diary, and do not dare look for it! — ExitBanterNenetToTullinaTwo |
We are to gain entry to this location and take everything we can carry. — SelectionBanterTullinaNenetReply |
Yes. The usual. — SelectionBanterTullinaNenetReplyTwo |
I have answered your call. — SelectionBanterNenetToExile |
What business have we? — SelectionBanterNenetToTullinaTwo |
And the plans are complete? — SelectionBanterNenetToTullinaThree |
Then I will watch in silence. Proceed. — SelectionBanterNenetToTullinaFour |
Left any children to die lately, Maraketh? — ExitBanterNenetToAdiyah |
So you admit you are evil! — ExitBanterNenetToAdiyahTwo |
I'm not so certain. — ExitBanterNenetToAdiyahThree |
That's personal. — ExitBanterAdiyahNenetReply |
My own mother was willing to abandon me over it. — ExitBanterAdiyahNenetReplyTwo |
I expect us all to die. Any better than that is a victory. — EntryBanterTibbsNenetReply |
There is death on the wind. Beware. — EntryBanterNenetToTibbs |
The day is not done yet. Our 'friends' back home might backstab us to take our spoils. — ExitBanterTibbsNenetReply |
I believed we would face our deaths in there. I am glad to have been wrong. — ExitBanterNenetToTibbs |
Painfully. Yes. — ExitBanterNenetToTibbsTwo |
I did not see the need. — ExitBanterNenetToTibbsThree |
No. Early. — SelectionBanterTibbsNenetReply |
You worry about much. Why is that? — SelectionBanterTibbsNenetReplyTwo |
I never worry, because the worst has already happened to me. This isn't even my life. It's just a shadow. Do you worry about stepping on your shadow? — SelectionBanterTibbsNenetReplyThree |
Not my mother, that's for certain. — SelectionBanterTibbsNenetReplyFour |
Selarim to all. — SelectionBanterNenetToTibbs |
I see you also, large man. These plans appear adequate. — SelectionBanterNenetToTibbsTwo |
Always for you, lady Kurai. It would be a great honour. — SelectionBanterNenetToKuraiThree |
Mister Tibbs, do you ache in your large skeleton? — SelectionBanterNenetToTibbsFour |
I will try. — SelectionBanterNenetToTibbsFive |
That you felt compelled to say this does not fill me with confidence. — EntryBanterKarstNenetReply |
Clear skies. A good omen. — EntryBanterNenetToKarst |
I see everything. Flaws and all. — ExitBanterKarstNenetReply |
Success, but still room for improvement. — ExitBanterNenetToKarst |
I greet you, thief. — SelectionBanterKarstNenetReply |
And your money, if you intend to cheat at cards against me. — SelectionBanterKarstNenetReplyTwo |
You should have known, with my sharp eyes... — SelectionBanterKarstNenetReplyThree |
Warm greetings to all. — SelectionBanterNenetToKarst |
My apologies, Kurai. Karst despises me, but I do not care what he thinks, and that has caused him some emotional distress. — SelectionBanterNenetToKurai |
Of course, my lady. — SelectionBanterNenetToKuraiTwo |
I'm here. What is that ticking noise? — SelectionBanterNenetToIsla |
The second one. — SelectionBanterNenetToIslaTwo |
I have very good ears. — SelectionBanterNenetToIslaThree |
Are you... going to check on that ticking? — SelectionBanterNenetToIslaFour |
Your confidence is my confidence. — SelectionBanterNenetToIslaFive |
Why are you bringing that up here?! — SelectionBanterIslaNenetReply |
Sands swallow me, so that I die right here... — SelectionBanterIslaNenetReplyTwo |
EntryBanterNenetToIsla — EntryBanterNenetToIsla |
EntryBanterNenetToIslaTwo — EntryBanterNenetToIslaTwo |
EntryBanterNenetIslaReplyThree — EntryBanterNenetIslaReplyThree |
Bleak. — EntryBanterIslaNenetReply |
We made it. — ExitBanterNenetToIsla |
Thank you. — ExitBanterNenetToIslaTwo |
It is remarkable how we beat the odds when we are together. — ExitBanterIslaNenetReply |
And no one gets a happy ending. Yes? — EntryBanterGiannaNenetReply |
All mortal endeavour is sand cast to the winds. — EntryBanterNenetToGianna |
...Of course. That is the exception. — EntryBanterNenetToGiannaTwo |
No. All the battles are very real. — ExitBanterGiannaNenetReply |
By surviving. The dead feel great boredom. — ExitBanterGiannaNenetReplyTwo |
That was a... five thumb performance, yes? — ExitBanterNenetToGianna |
Yes. — SelectionBanterGiannaNenetReply |
I can. We have a job. You have a role to play. — SelectionBanterGiannaNenetReplyTwo |
Yes. — SelectionBanterGiannaNenetReplyThree |
I believe I was requested. — SelectionBanterNenetToGianna |
I suppose not. — SelectionBanterNenetToGiannaTwo |
Actually, I think I do mind. — SelectionBanterNenetToGiannaThree |
Please stop. — SelectionBanterNenetToGiannaFour |
Now. — SelectionBanterNenetToGiannaFive |
No. — EntryBanterVinderiNenetReply |
No. — EntryBanterVinderiNenetReplyTwo |
No. — EntryBanterVinderiNenetReplyThree |
No. — EntryBanterVinderiNenetReplyFour |
...Fine. — EntryBanterVinderiNenetReplyFive |
The air is sour. Something is ami-- — EntryBanterNenetToVinderi |
EntryBanterNenetToVinderiTwo — EntryBanterNenetToVinderiTwo |
I saw everything back there. — ExitBanterVinderiNenetReply |
Even that vile act, yes. — ExitBanterVinderiNenetReplyTwo |
Victory, and yet the buzzards circle. — ExitBanterNenetToVinderi |
Yes. You are required. — SelectionBanterVinderiNenetReply |
It's a building, not a bomb. — SelectionBanterVinderiNenetReplyTwo |
Hello. Nenet is here. — SelectionBanterNenetToVinderi |
Nenet. — SelectionBanterNenetToVinderiTwo |
Oh look. You found me. — SelectionBanterNenetToVinderiThree |
You are an exile? Then you, too, have had your rightful home stolen from you - unless you actually committed the crimes you were accused of.
But of course you haven't. We are all innocent here, yes? — NenetIntroduction |
I have been looking for someone to follow my entire life. Someone to inspire me, to give meaning and community to my days. The Boss is... to put it bluntly, not that man. However, he is better than nothing.
Because of what he has built here, we unwanted scum have what some could call a society. Here, everyone is welcome regardless of station or ability, provided they are willing to work. The Boss has made it so. — NenetAboutBoss |
I am honoured, Exile, that one of your strength would even speak to me, let alone help me. I am an outcast, and it is that very status which drives me for this mission. I have traveled far, and for many years, to find the resources and allies to do what I intend. Here I am in this place, before you now, ready.
Where I am from, the Plains of Vastiri, the Maraketh hold no pity for the weak or the supposedly useless. The other outcasts found me and raised me, and though our lives are harsh, we have a meager culture of our own. We call ourselves the Faridun. The Maraketh believe we are worthless and flawed, but I am convinced I can prove that is not true.
There is a legend among my people of a bold warrior who tried to unite the scattered Faridun camps thousands of years ago. His name was Jamanra, and he wished only to unify us so that we might come into our own as a people. If I can prove that he existed by finding the Book of Jamanra, then I may be able to initiate a ritual challenge with the Maraketh to test Faridun warriors for worthiness. If we pass, they will have to accept us back into the lives we should have had! Will you help me win back my home, Exile? — NenetContractOneStart |
Jamanra did exist, Exile... and they killed him. The Sekhemas agreed to meet with him to discuss recognizing the Faridun nation, but it was a trick. They poisoned him. The supposedly honourable high-and-mighty Maraketh poisoned our greatest leader.
I suppose I should have expected nothing less from this brutal world we live in, Exile. You and I know best that hope is an illusion, and that raw force is the only way to take anything for oneself. In any case, I thank you for aiding me. — NenetContractOneEnd |
I have come to a decision, Exile. I do not believe the Maraketh will ever willingly give us a home, or let us make our own. The Book you helped me retrieve tells Jamanra's tale, but it goes a bit further than that. It also tells of his final resting place. You can already guess what I intend, yes? In this land of madness where the dead rise and legendary figures return, I have a reasonable suspicion Jamanra can be found and released from his tomb.
If the Maraketh will not listen to our peaceful pleas, then perhaps we Faridun will carve a home for ourselves on the Plains of Vastiri with the sharp edge of a sword. Jamanra can finish what he began thousands of years ago, and if he is empowered by Corruption this time around, then no cowardly poison will be able to stop him.
Help me find Jamanra in his tomb and convince him to lead our cause, Exile! — NenetContractTwoStart |
Jamanra was a raving mad monster... there is no hope, Exile. I appreciate your aid, but I no longer see a way forward. Who was I to think that I could change thousands of years of brutal tradition? This life of thievery and villainy is all that there is for me.
I think I'm going to take refuge in mead from now on. — NenetContractTwoEnd |
Although Isla is often distracted, she is quite kind. She has a strength I have never seen before, one born of machines and intellect rather than fighting skill. I would never admit this to anyone, of course, but her steadfast support makes this place almost feel like a home. That is, when her mechanical spider isn't chewing my belongings. — NenetAboutIsla |
It is an elegant lie, that name: the 'Plains' of Vastiri. I know it only as a harsh desert, a blasted wasteland of broken rock, crimson sands, and salted earth. Those who call it the 'Plains' see it as it was thousands of years ago. They are deluded.
But who am I to judge? I still believe I'll find a home someday, even with a face like mine. Perhaps we all need a few delusions to keep us sane. What's your flavour of madness, Exile? — NenetAboutPlainsOfVastiri |
Sometimes, when you are near, I hear whispers. Even though I have the best ears among all these thieves, I cannot make out the words... but they sound like my constant companions - my depression, paranoia, and hatred - when I am at my worst. Be careful, Exile. — NenetAboutStrangeVoice |
I will not fail you. — NenetContractSelectedOne |
Lead, and I shall follow. — NenetContractSelectedTwo |
Your orders shall be my law. — NenetContractSelectedThree |
I will not fail the group. — NenetBlueprintSelectedOne |
I will do my part. — NenetBlueprintSelectedTwo |
You will not regret including me. — NenetBlueprintSelectedThree |
I see. — NenetPerceptionShortOne |
It's quite clear to me. — NenetPerceptionShortTwo |
Of course. — NenetPerceptionShortThree |
Allow me a moment to focus... — NenetPerceptionLongOne |
Seeing sometimes relies on more than one's eyes. — NenetPerceptionLongTwo |
Quiet, I'm listening... — NenetPerceptionLongThree |
Indeed! — NenetPerceptionShortAlarmOne |
Quickly, yes! — NenetPerceptionShortAlarmTwo |
Reporting! — NenetPerceptionShortAlarmThree |
I'm trying to focus! — NenetPerceptionLongAlarmOne |
Let me listen! — NenetPerceptionLongAlarmTwo |
Quickly! — NenetPerceptionLongAlarmThree |
No lock can bar me. — NenetVaultShortOne |
What's theirs is ours. — NenetVaultShortTwo |
Not a problem. — NenetVaultShortThree |
They might as well have left this unlocked. — NenetVaultLongOne |
Did they even try to secure this? — NenetVaultLongTwo |
I can break this vault. No problem. — NenetVaultLongThree |
Working quickly! — NenetVaultShortAlarmOne |
Smash and grab! — NenetVaultShortAlarmTwo |
On it! — NenetVaultShortAlarmThree |
You can do this, Nenet... — NenetVaultLongAlarmOne |
I'll do my best! — NenetVaultLongAlarmTwo |
I can do it! — NenetVaultLongAlarmThree |
Sorry, I am busy. — NenetBusyOne |
I cannot just now. — NenetBusyTwo |
I'll be with you in a moment. — NenetBusyThree |
I hear you, but cannot yet. — NenetBusyFour |
I am already tasked! — NenetBusyFive |
Busy! — NenetBusyAlarmOne |
I can't! — NenetBusyAlarmTwo |
I'm otherwise engaged! — NenetBusyAlarmThree |
No time! — NenetBusyAlarmFour |
I can't do that! — NenetBusyAlarmFive |
I am under attack! — NenetInterruptedOne |
I require aid! — NenetInterruptedTwo |
They've caught me! — NenetInterruptedThree |
They have me! — NenetInterruptedFour |
Help! — NenetInterruptedAlarmOne |
Ouch! — NenetInterruptedAlarmTwo |
To me, quickly! — NenetInterruptedAlarmThree |
Caught! — NenetInterruptedAlarmFour |
I do not fear death. — NenetCombatStartOne |
So the clash comes. — NenetCombatStartTwo |
So much for stealth. — NenetCombatStartThree |
Death, one way or another! — NenetCombatStartFour |
Fight together and we shall overcome! — NenetCombatStartFive |
We shall stand. — NenetCombatStartAlarmOne |
A fight, then. — NenetCombatStartAlarmTwo |
Unite! — NenetCombatStartAlarmThree |
Here they come! — NenetCombatStartAlarmFour |
Clash! — NenetCombatStartAlarmFive |
Today is not the end, then. — NenetCombatEndOne |
I knew we could do it. — NenetCombatEndTwo |
Back to stealth. — NenetCombatEndThree |
Death... for them. — NenetCombatEndFour |
Together. Success. — NenetCombatEndFive |
Good. Move! — NenetCombatEndAlarmOne |
Go! — NenetCombatEndAlarmTwo |
Thank you. — NenetCombatEndAlarmThree |
We must continue. — NenetCombatEndAlarmFour |
Good riddance. — NenetCombatEndAlarmFive |
Take what you can. Live for now. — NenetLootOne |
Treasure for the taking. — NenetLootTwo |
I hope you will share that. — NenetLootThree |
All that glitters. — NenetLootFour |
More is better than less. — NenetLootFive |
Is that wise?! — NenetLootAlarmOne |
Should we really delay like this? — NenetLootAlarmTwo |
We must make haste! — NenetLootAlarmThree |
Treasure or life? — NenetLootAlarmFour |
We need to escape! — NenetLootAlarmFive |
We may be spotted soon. — NenetAlertOne |
We are treading too heavily. — NenetAlertTwo |
We can ill afford any more mistakes. — NenetAlertThree |
They will catch on to our presence. — NenetAlertFour |
Swiftly, now. — NenetAlarmTriggeredOne |
As expected. — NenetAlarmTriggeredTwo |
We should escape now. — NenetAlarmTriggeredThree |
We have been spotted! — NenetAlarmTriggeredEarlyOne |
Too clumsy! — NenetAlarmTriggeredEarlyTwo |
They've seen us! — NenetAlarmTriggeredEarlyThree |
Here we are, then. — NenetFinalRoomOne |
Do you remember what to do? — NenetFinalRoomTwo |
If you need help, I am here. — NenetFinalRoomThree |
Exile, make your move. — NenetFinalRoomFour |
We made it. — NenetFinalRoomFive |
Make your move quickly! — NenetFinalRoomAlarmOne |
Clumsy but speedy, now! — NenetFinalRoomAlarmTwo |
Get it done! — NenetFinalRoomAlarmThree |
Forward! — NenetFinalRoomAlarmFour |
Move like the wind! — NenetFinalRoomAlarmFive |
We have it! — NenetObjectiveOne |
Very good. — NenetObjectiveTwo |
It is done. — NenetObjectiveThree |
Ready? — NenetObjectiveFour |
Good, go! — NenetObjectiveAlarmOne |
Run! — NenetObjectiveAlarmTwo |
Escape! — NenetObjectiveAlarmThree |
Move! — NenetObjectiveAlarmFour |
Truly? — SelectionBanterKuraiNenetReply |
Then I will do my best to serve! — SelectionBanterKuraiNenetReplyTwo |
I have been requested, Kurai? — SelectionBanterKuraiToNenetThree |
I will not let you down. — SelectionBanterKuraiToNenetFour |
Reporting for duty, Captain Huck! — SelectionBanterHuckNenetReply |
Maybe someday, sir. — SelectionBanterHuckNenetReplyTwo |
I'm ready! — SelectionBanterNenetToHuck |
Just tell me what to do! — SelectionBanterNenetToHuckTwo |
Ah, the Templar. — SelectionBanterNilesNenetReply |
What's a god? — SelectionBanterNilesNenetReplyTwo |
Hello. What is the plan? — SelectionBanterNenetToNiles |
Niles, I can feel you trying to read my thoughts. — SelectionBanterNenetToNilesTwo |
I do not mind. — SelectionBanterNenetToNilesThree |
Good thing for you that I am not a man. — EntryBanterNilesNenetReply |
Perhaps this is the day that we shall die. — EntryBanterNenetToNiles |
I shall likely let you know soon. — EntryBanterNenetToNilesTwo |
Like the ribcage of a dunewalker as the buzzards pick out his organs. — EntryBanterHuckNenetReply |
Where we go, death follows swiftly. — EntryBanterNenetToHuck |
If you insist. — EntryBanterNenetToHuckTwo |
You never asked. — ExitBanterNilesNenetReply |
That's my favourite. — ExitBanterNilesNenetReplyTwo |
This was a doomed run, yet we cheated fate. — ExitBanterNenetToNiles |
I certainly hope so. — ExitBanterNenetToNilesTwo |
Be glad that you are not. Immortality dulls the senses. To be mortal is to feel all life has to offer. — ExitBanterHuckNenetReply |
Death's pursuit is inescapable, but we have delayed it this day. — ExitBanterNenetToHuck |
I shall make it happen. — NenetThaumaturgyShortOne |
My will is their command. — NenetThaumaturgyShortTwo |
Open your mind... — NenetThaumaturgyShortThree |
I'll crack their minds like so many rhoa eggs. — NenetThaumaturgyLongOne |
I can almost hear their thoughts... — NenetThaumaturgyLongTwo |
Isla says the mind is just another system of gears... — NenetThaumaturgyLongThree |
Focusing! — NenetThaumaturgyShortLoudOne |
I shall try. — NenetThaumaturgyShortLoudTwo |
I hope this works. — NenetThaumaturgyShortLoudThree |
My bleakness shall become theirs! — NenetThaumaturgyLongLoudOne |
Empty heads, easy puppets! — NenetThaumaturgyLongLoudTwo |
Peering into their thoughts! — NenetThaumaturgyLongLoudThree |
Thank you for letting me participate. — NenetEntryBanterOne |
I will not let you down. — NenetEntryBanterTwo |
I just want to be useful. — NenetEntryBanterThree |
We will survive this. I trust. — NenetEntryBanterFour |
We will succeed. — NenetEntryBanterFive |
I knew we would make it. — NenetExitBanterOne |
That was harrowing. — NenetExitBanterTwo |
Let's return to that rat-ridden place we call home. — NenetExitBanterThree |
I hope the Boss approves of my performance. — NenetExitBanterFour |
My prediction of our deaths appears to have been wrong. — NenetExitBanterFive |
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— Nenet_Farewell_01.ogg |
— Nenet_Farewell_02.ogg |
— Nenet_Farewell_03.ogg |
— Nenet_Farewell_04.ogg |
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— Nenet_Farewell_10.ogg |
— Nenet_Farewell_11.ogg |
— Nenet_Farewell_12.ogg |