I'm Tullina. Not Tully, not Lina, not Lin, not even Tee. Tullina, got it? Good. If you know when to speak and know when to keep your mouth shut, we'll get on just fine. I'm here to make bank, not friends, and I'm very good at what I do. — TullinaIntro |
The Boss is private to the point of paranoia. I've never visited his home, but I've heard he has some very particular requests of his guests. No boots. No cloaks or coats. No hats. No slacks. No dresses. Undergarments are strongly discouraged. You're given a robe for privacy. It has no sleeves. You're never to enter his kitchen or approach him from behind or from the side. Or above. Absolutely never above. No mention of approaching him from below, but I've also heard he lives underground, so that would be quite a task. — TullinaAboutTheBoss |
Look, as a rule I don't ask for help. I don't need someone getting involved in my business and messing everything up. Unfortunately, I must now break that rule. I need... I-... Ugh. Why is this so hard? Ineedyourhelp. There. I said it.
Before I was exiled, I was romantically involved with a man from a very good family. We kept it secret while he tested the waters with his mother and father -- it's not exactly ideal for the nobility to be fraternising with the 'uncouth', as they say. Less than a week before I was heaved overboard and my exile began in earnest, he proposed.
I know it's crazy, and I know it's almost certainly impossible, but I want so desperately to marry that man. Just taking his name would wash clean my past, and I know I could find happiness.
So I need a dress. When Merveil and Daresso wed, they held a most elaborate ceremony. Merveil was said to be the most beautiful visage ever to walk down the Basilica aisle. It took six people to carry the train on her dress. I want that dress. I need that dress. My beloved deserves to see me in that dress. So you're going to help me get it, got it? — TullinaContractOne |
The Lady Merveil's dress is even more beautiful than I'd imagined. It's held up well over the years, and fits nearly perfectly.
I appreciate your help on this matter. I'll add you to our invitees. No plus-ones. — TullinaContractOneEnd |
I'm fine. Sorry, I mean, hello. But, really, I'm fine. I don't need your help.
I... I do need your help. It's time to face reality. The wedding's off. Given our wildly different lifestyles, it no longer seems possible for my fiance and I to live happily ever after. Whakano has kept abreast of his movements, and, though he has remained faithful, he is... unhappy. I don't think it's because they have locked him up in an attempt to draw me out, but it couldn't have helped. I miss him dearly, and he misses me, but we cannot meet in person without jeopardising his safety or my freedom. He needs to move on, and so do I.
I want to return our engagement ring. He'll understand. I cannot bear to do it myself, hence the contract.
...Please? — TullinaContractTwo |
So... it's done. We're done. I feel... absolutely awful, actually. But I also feel lighter. He will no doubt grieve for a long time, and will, of course, never find another woman that meets the lofty bar I set, but he will meet someone eventually. He will fall in love. He will propose to her. She will be delighted. They will marry and start a family, and they will have their happy ending. It was the right thing to do, for both of us.
Thank you for your help, and your discretion. I'm keeping that dress, by the way. Lady Merveil's? That's mine now. — TullinaContractTwoEnd |
You need the best? Well here I am. — TullinaSelectedforContractOne |
Mmhm. — TullinaSelectedforContractTwo |
What's the job? — TullinaSelectedforContractThree |
Hmm. Seems simple enough. — TullinaSelectedforBlueprintOne |
Straightforward. Good. — TullinaSelectedforBlueprintTwo |
What's the play? — TullinaSelectedforBlueprintThree |
Nice and easy... — TullinaAgilityOne |
Not too challenging... — TullinaAgilityTwo |
I'll handle it. — TullinaAgilityThree |
I'm not charging you enough. — TullinaAgilityFour |
Okay, Tullina, just like you practised. — TullinaAgilityFive |
Careful... Careful... — TullinaAgilitySix |
I see what they've done here... — TullinaDisarmTrapOne |
Hmph. Who falls for this? — TullinaDisarmTrapTwo |
Huh. Ah. I see. — TullinaDisarmTrapThree |
Hmm. Yes. Devious. Very devious. — TullinaDisarmTrapFour |
What an ingenious little ploy. — TullinaDisarmTrapFive |
Clever. Almost... too clever. Almost. — TullinaDisarmTrapSix |
I'll get us in there. — TullinaLockpickOne |
Let's see what you're hiding. — TullinaLockpickTwo |
I can unlock this. — TullinaLockpickThree |
This might take some time, okay? — TullinaLockpickFour |
I can do it, but it won't be quick. — TullinaLockpickFive |
Sure. Just be patient. — TullinaLockpickSix |
Don't be impatient. — TullinaBusyOne |
I'm somewhat preoccupied. — TullinaBusyTwo |
Perhaps you should've planned this better. — TullinaBusyThree |
I can't be in two places at once. — TullinaBusyFour |
Wait. I'm busy. — TullinaBusyFive |
If I wasn't busy you'd be dead. — TullinaInterruptedOne |
Get them off me. Now. — TullinaInterruptedTwo |
I can't work while I'm being attacked. — TullinaInterruptedThree |
You will regret this. — TullinaInterruptedFour |
Security has spotted us. — TullinaCombatStartOne |
We've got a fight on our hands. — TullinaCombatStartTwo |
You want to dance? Let's dance. — TullinaCombatStartThree |
No witnesses. — TullinaCombatStartFour |
Let's take them out. — TullinaCombatStartFive |
Back to work. — TullinaCombatEndOne |
No. Witnesses. — TullinaCombatEndTwo |
Good. Now, focus. — TullinaCombatEndThree |
We have a job to do. — TullinaCombatEndFour |
No more distractions. — TullinaCombatEndFive |
A worthy prize. — TullinaLootOne |
That's why we do this. — TullinaLootTwo |
Good find, but don't lose focus. — TullinaLootThree |
Well, I've taken worse! — TullinaLootFour |
Not bad. Not bad at all. — TullinaLootFive |
We need to be careful. — TullinaAlertThresholdOne |
We're pushing our luck now. — TullinaAlertThresholdTwo |
Clumsy work is going to get us caught. — TullinaAlertThresholdThree |
Messy. I don't like where this is headed. — TullinaAlertThresholdFour |
Head for the exit. Quick as possible! — TullinaAlarmOne |
Time to leave! Come on! — TullinaAlarmTwo |
Now? Now we run! — TullinaAlarmThree |
Damn. Should've been more careful. — TullinaEarlyAlarmOne |
We've screwed this up. Time to leave! — TullinaEarlyAlarmTwo |
Ugh, what a mess. What an absolute mess. — TullinaEarlyAlarmThree |
We're here, but it isn't over yet. — TullinaFinalRoomOne |
Good. Now, take it and get ready to run. — TullinaFinalRoomTwo |
Ready? This is where it gets hairy. — TullinaFinalRoomThree |
Fun part's almost over. — TullinaFinalRoomFour |
That's the mark. You got it? — TullinaFinalRoomFive |
Good. Very good. — TullinaObjectiveLootedOne |
Safely tucked away? Good. — TullinaObjectiveLootedTwo |
Don't get overconfident. We're not done yet. — TullinaObjectiveLootedThree |
Now we've got their attention. — TullinaObjectiveLootedFour |
Most people think I don't like small talk... — TullinaEntryBanterExileOne |
Hope you know what you're doing. — TullinaEntryBanterExileTwo |
On a job like this, careful maneuvering is key. — TullinaEntryBanterExileThree |
Limbered up and ready to go. — TullinaEntryBanterExileFour |
Once we get in there, we have to have each other's backs. — TullinaEntryBanterExileFive |
Not as smooth as I'd hoped, but not too bad! — TullinaExitBanterExileOne |
Well done! Not as messy as I'd feared! — TullinaExitBanterExileTwo |
That could've gone better, but it could have gone a LOT worse! — TullinaExitBanterExileThree |
If you plan on working with me in the future, you ought to get used to the feeling of success. — TullinaExitBanterExileFour |
Ah, that's one for the books. — TullinaExitBanterExileFive |
Just get it done. — TullinaAgilityLoudOne |
I'm on it! — TullinaAgilityLoudTwo |
Power through, Tullina! — TullinaAgilityLoudThree |
Now? So unprofessional! — TullinaAgilityLoudFour |
This is what you've been training for! — TullinaAgilityLoudFive |
Fine, but you should know I hold grudges! — TullinaAgilityLoudSix |
Right, what's the quickest--... Ah! — TullinaTrapDisarmLoudOne |
Lucky it's straightforward! — TullinaTrapDisarmLoudTwo |
I think I've got this one figured out! — TullinaTrapDisarmLoudThree |
Even without this racket, it'd take me a while...! — TullinaTrapDisarmLoudFour |
I'll be as quick as I can, but that still won't be quick. — TullinaTrapDisarmLoudFive |
Wish we'd sorted this before we had to run! — TullinaTrapDisarmLoudSix |
Fine. Fine! — TullinaLockpickLoudOne |
I've got this one! — TullinaLockpickLoudTwo |
On it! — TullinaLockpickLoudThree |
This is going to take some time! — TullinaLockpickLoudFour |
Just keep us safe while I work! — TullinaLockpickLoudFive |
You just make sure we're all still alive when I'm done. — TullinaLockpickLoudSix |
Testing my patience! — TullinaBusyLoudOne |
Make up your mind! — TullinaBusyLoudTwo |
Not now, you--... Not now! — TullinaBusyLoudThree |
Really?! Don't test me! — TullinaBusyLoudFour |
Not now! This mess is on you! — TullinaBusyLoudFive |
I'm under attack! — TullinaInterruptedLoudOne |
Can't work with this harassment! — TullinaInterruptedLoudTwo |
Where's my protection!? — TullinaInterruptedLoudThree |
Hey! I need assistance! — TullinaInterruptedLoudFour |
Out of our way! — TullinaCombatStartLoudOne |
Let us through or die! — TullinaCombatStartLoudTwo |
No witnesses! — TullinaCombatStartLoudThree |
You must not value your lives! — TullinaCombatStartLoudFour |
Guards incoming! — TullinaCombatStartLoudFive |
Move! Move! — TullinaCombatEndLoudOne |
Good! Keep up the momentum! — TullinaCombatEndLoudTwo |
Very good! Stay focused! — TullinaCombatEndLoudThree |
Guards down! Let's go! — TullinaCombatEndLoudFour |
All clear! — TullinaCombatEndLoudFive |
If we die because you slowed us down, I'll kill you! — TullinaLootLoudOne |
Don't get too greedy! — TullinaLootLoudTwo |
Fine, but we have to keep moving! — TullinaLootLoudThree |
You're pushing it! Not in a good way! — TullinaLootLoudFour |
The stealing was meant to happen earlier! — TullinaLootLoudFive |
Made it in! Quick! — TullinaFinalRoomLoudOne |
Grab it and let's go! — TullinaFinalRoomLoudTwo |
There's our target! Hurry! — TullinaFinalRoomLoudThree |
We're not done yet! Grab it! — TullinaFinalRoomLoudFour |
Get it! Now! What a mess... — TullinaFinalRoomLoudFive |
Great! Let's go! — TullinaObjectiveLootedLoudOne |
Go! Go! Go! — TullinaObjectiveLootedLoudTwo |
Back out! Just gotta survive... — TullinaObjectiveLootedLoudThree |
Good! Time to leave! — TullinaObjectiveLootedLoudFour |
Yes? — TullinaGreetingsOneA |
Yes? — TullinaGreetingsOneB |
Yes? — TullinaGreetingsOneC |
Keep it quick. — TullinaGreetingsTwoA |
Keep it quick. — TullinaGreetingsTwoB |
Keep it quick. — TullinaGreetingsTwoC |
Well? — TullinaGreetingsThreeA |
Well? — TullinaGreetingsThreeB |
Well? — TullinaGreetingsThreeC |
Go on. — TullinaGreetingsFourA |
Go on. — TullinaGreetingsFourB |
Go on. — TullinaGreetingsFourC |
What? — TullinaGreetingsFiveA |
What? — TullinaGreetingsFiveB |
What? — TullinaGreetingsFiveC |
Bye. — TullinaFarewellsOneA |
Bye. — TullinaFarewellsOneB |
Bye. — TullinaFarewellsOneC |
Good. — TullinaFarewellsTwoA |
Good. — TullinaFarewellsTwoB |
Good. — TullinaFarewellsTwoC |
See you. — TullinaFarewellsThreeA |
See you. — TullinaFarewellsThreeB |
TullinaFarewellsFourA — TullinaFarewellsFourA |
TullinaFarewellsFourB — TullinaFarewellsFourB |
TullinaFarewellsFourC — TullinaFarewellsFourC |
Back to it! — TullinaFarewellsFiveA |
Back to it! — TullinaFarewellsFiveB |
Back to it! — TullinaFarewellsFiveC |
Pleasure to meet you. — IntroductionTullinaTullinaToExile |
--excuse me? — IntroductionTullinaTullinaToExileTwo |
Before we set off, I'd like to introduce you to an associate of mine. This is Nenet. — IntroductionNenetTullinaToExile |
See? She's got better eyesight than anyone I know. — IntroductionNenetTullinaToExileTwo |
I believe she will be an asset in the future. — IntroductionNenetTullinaToExileThree |
Only do what's essential. Anything else makes you a bigger target. — EntryBanterTullinaToTibbs |
Remember, look out for each other when we get in there. — EntryBanterTullinaToKarst |
Keep it down when we're in there. That means no unexpected explosions, Isla. — EntryBanterTullinaToIsla |
Everyone know what they're doing? — EntryBanterTullinaToVinderi |
Any words of wisdom before we head in, Nenet? — EntryBanterTullinaToNenet |
... Good. Good advice. Thank you. — EntryBanterTullinaToNenetTwo |
Good luck, everyone. — EntryBanterTullinaToNiles |
Remember what Huck says: Heads on a pike-- — EntryBanterTullinaToExile |
On a swivel. — EntryBanterTullinaToExileTwo |
Kill any guards you come across quick. — EntryBanterTullinaToExileThree |
Try not to focus on how badly everything could go and how hurt everyone could get. Better? — EntryBanterTibbsTullinaReply |
Tullina — EntryBanterKarstTullinaReply |
Yep. All good. — EntryBanterKarstTullinaReplyTwo |
Strongly disfavourable. — EntryBanterIslaTullinaReply |
That isn't better. — EntryBanterIslaTullinaReplyTwo |
No one say yes. — EntryBanterVinderiTullinaReply |
No one say yes. — EntryBanterVinderiTullinaReplyThree |
...So should we hurry? — EntryBanterNenetTullinaReply |
So... Yes? — EntryBanterNenetTullinaReplyTwo |
Do you also wish to feel a dagger in your eye socket? No? There's your answer. — EntryBanterNilesTullinaReply |
And stay out of my way. — EntryBanterHuckTullinaToExile |
Mmhm? — EntryBanterGiannaTullinaReply |
What? Yeah, I guess. Whatever. — EntryBanterGiannaTullinaReplyTwo |
Near-flawless execution. Be proud. — ExitBanterTullinaToExile |
The burning pond? — ExitBanterTullinaToTibbsTwo |
Job well done, everyone. — ExitBanterTullinaToKarst |
That went as smooth as could realistically be expected. — ExitBanterTullinaToIsla |
...I need less of you right now. — ExitBanterTullinaToIslaTwo |
Everyone in one piece? — ExitBanterTullinaToVinderi |
I mean, is everyone healthy? — ExitBanterTullinaToVinderiTwo |
Excellent teamwork, everyone. — ExitBanterTullinaToNenet |
... Yeah. Great work all round. — ExitBanterTullinaToNenetTwo |
Let's get back and enjoy the fruits of our labour. — ExitBanterTullinaToNiles |
That was one I'll be telling my kids about. — ExitBanterTullinaToHuck |
Hmm. You're right. That was one I'll never tell my kids about. — ExitBanterTullinaHuckTwo |
I can already tell I'll be sore tomorrow. — ExitBanterTullinaToGianna |
Adiyah, get us home to a cold drink and a warm fire. — ExitBanterTullinaToAdiyah |
It will. — ExitBanterTullinaToAdiyahTwo |
And barely any spiders are on you this time! — ExitBanterTibbsTullinaReply |
Couldn't agree more. — ExitBanterKarstTullinaReply |
Dare I ask why not? — ExitBanterIslaTullinaReply |
Oh no. — ExitBanterIslaTullinaReplyTwo |
It's alright, Vinderi. There will be more. — ExitBanterVinderiTullinaReply |
You should write that down, Nenet. That was beautiful. — ExitBanterNenetTullinaReply |
What... vivid imagery. — ExitBanterNilesTullinaReply |
Please don't. — ExitBanterNilesTullinaReplyTwo |
Savour it. It doesn't happen all that often! — ExitBanterHuckTullinaReply |
Worth the price of entry, that's for sure! — ExitBanterGiannaTullinaReply |
Oh, come on Adiyah. I can see you holding back a smile. — ExitBanterAdiyahTullinaReply |
I'm here. Plans all drawn up? — SelectionBanterTullinaToKurai |
If you're overseeing them, I'm not too worried. Any word from the Boss? — SelectionBanterTullinaToKuraiTwo |
Good. — SelectionBanterTullinaToKuraiThree |
Job looks straightforward enough. — SelectionBanterTullinaToTibbs |
You never were fond of heights. — SelectionBanterTullinaToTibbsTwo |
Or spiders. — SelectionBanterTullinaToTibbsThree |
Or ghosts. — SelectionBanterTullinaToTibbsFour |
Need me? — SelectionBanterTullinaToKarst |
Tullina. — SelectionBanterTullinaToKarstTwo |
It's... complicated. I'd rather we just focus on the job, if you don't mind. — SelectionBanterTullinaToKarstThree |
Tullina. — SelectionBanterTullinaToKarstFour |
I'd like that. Thank you. — SelectionBanterTullinaToKarstFive |
Heard you might need me for a job? — SelectionBanterTullinaToIsla |
That sounds like some sort of horrifying mechanical spider. — SelectionBanterTullinaToIslaTwo |
...and you've tested it? — SelectionBanterTullinaToIslaThree |
Thank you. — SelectionBanterTullinaToKuraiFour |
Hello, all. — SelectionBanterTullinaToVinderi |
You were? — SelectionBanterTullinaToVinderiTwo |
...Huh? — SelectionBanterTullinaToVinderiThree |
I don't-- — SelectionBanterTullinaToVinderiFour |
So what's the play? — SelectionBanterTullinaToNenet |
So, the usual. — SelectionBanterTullinaToNenetTwo |
Hope I didn't keep you waiting. — SelectionBanterTullinaToNiles |
Niles, do we really need to do this every time? — SelectionBanterTullinaToNilesTwo |
Or, I suppose, until I slit your throat? — SelectionBanterTullinaToNilesThree |
You are. — SelectionBanterTullinaKuraiToNiles |
Plans drawn up? — SelectionBanterTullinaToHuck |
The Sin is in the details. — SelectionBanterTullinaToHuckTwo |
Or no door. — SelectionBanterTullinaToHuckThree |
Well, I'm glad we can discuss doors in such detail. — SelectionBanterTullinaToHuckFour |
Can we keep this short? — SelectionBanterTullinaToGianna |
Anywhere but here. Meetings make me fidgety. — SelectionBanterTullinaToGiannaTwo |
That can't be true. What about... — SelectionBanterTullinaToGiannaThree |
... Huh. Sorry... If it helps, it's nothing to do with you. I guess I'm not much of a people-person. — SelectionBanterTullinaToGiannaFour |
Thanks, Ku. What's the latest? — SelectionBanterKuraiTullinaReply |
A blueprint. — SelectionBanterKuraiTullinaReplyTwo |
Well, I'm keen. If you'll have me, that is. — SelectionBanterKuraiTullinaReplyThree |
Gil, always a pleasure. — SelectionBanterTibbsTullinaReply |
The Bleakworth Alley job? — SelectionBanterTibbsTullinaReplyTwo |
Well now we know to look for webs. And eggs. And legs. And, if it happens again, I'll put you out of your misery. Sound good? — SelectionBanterTibbsTullinaReplyThree |
A little anxious, but, you know... — SelectionBanterKarstTullinaReply |
Exactly. — SelectionBanterKarstTullinaReplyTwo |
We're actually in the middle of-- — SelectionBanterIslaTullinaReply |
A window. — SelectionBanterIslaTullinaReplyTwo |
The heist we're planning? — SelectionBanterIslaTullinaReplyThree |
Nice to see you, Vinderi. — SelectionBanterVinderiTullinaReply |
Tullina. — SelectionBanterVinderiTullinaReplyTwo |
No, I'm Tul-- — SelectionBanterVinderiTullinaReplyThree |
It's my na-- — SelectionBanterVinderiTullinaReplyFour |
Hello, Nenet. — SelectionBanterNenetTullinaReply |
Another job is in the works. — SelectionBanterNenetTullinaReplyTwo |
Not quite, but nearly. — SelectionBanterNenetTullinaReplyThree |
Hi Niles. — SelectionBanterNilesTullinaReply |
It wasn't my decision. — SelectionBanterNilesTullinaReplyTwo |
Huck. — SelectionBanterHuckTullinaReply |
What's ne-- — SelectionBanterHuckTullinaInteruptOneB |
You go-- — SelectionBanterHuckTullinaInteruptTwoA |
I was just going to ask-- — SelectionBanterHuckTullinaInteruptThreeA |
I-- — SelectionBanterHuckTullinaInteruptFourA |
...Thanks Kurai, yeah, thank you. — SelectionBanterHuckTullinaToKuraiB |
Welcome aboard, Gi. — SelectionBanterGiannaTullinaReply |
I was planning to take a nap... — SelectionBanterGiannaTullinaReplyTwo |
..but I suppose I can squeeze you in beforehand? — SelectionBanterGiannaTullinaReplyThree |
[DNT] This Sniper has been keeping me here all day. I need you to navigate through the Estates and kill this Sniper. Be sure to hide behind objects and buildings to avoid their fire! — TullinaA5Introduction |