Weight information cannot be obtained.
Overseer Precursor Tablet / Crafting Bench, Fossil, Harvest, Catalyst / Tiers / iLvl / Weights
011(10–20)% increased Quantity of Items found in your Maps
011(10–20)% increased Rarity of Items found in your Maps
011(3–8)% increased Pack Size in your Maps
011(15–25)% increased Magic Monsters in your Maps
011(10–15)% increased Rare Monsters in your Maps
011(5–10)% increased Gold found in your Maps
011(5–10)% increased Experience gain in your Maps
011Areas with Map Bosses contain an additional Strongbox
011Areas with Map Bosses contain an additional Shrine
011Areas with Map Bosses contain an additional Essence
011Map Boss has +(10–20)% chance to drop a Waystone of the current tier or higher
011Map Bosses grant (20–40)% increased Experience
011(15–25)% increased Rarity of Items dropped by Map Bosses
011(10–15)% increased Quantity of Items dropped by Map Bosses
Overseer Precursor Tablet
Up to (3–7) Maps in Range contain Bosses
Can be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.

Overseer Precursor Tablet MapBossAugment /7
Name | Show Full Descriptions |
DropLevel | 65 |
BaseType | Overseer Precursor Tablet |
Class | Tablet |
Flags | AlwaysAllocate |
Type | Metadata/Items/TowerAugment/MapBossAugment |
Tags | tower_augment_map_boss |
Icon | Art/2DItems/Currency/PrecursorTablets/PrecursorTabletBoss |
Up to (3–7) Maps in Range contain Bosses
Family | TowerAddContent |
Domains | Tower (34) |
GenerationType | Unique (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.