Skill Gem /1
Support Gem /1
Monsters mods /1
1UniqueYou cannot Recharge Energy Shield defences
Unique /1
(100–150)% increased Energy Shield
+(20–30) to Strength
+(20–30) to Intelligence
+(17–23)% to Chaos Resistance
Life Recharges
Passive /4
Increases and Reductions to Armour also apply to Energy Shield
Recharge Rate at 40% of their value
30% increased Curse Duration
Enemies Cursed by you have 50% reduced Life Regeneration Rate
Enemies you Curse cannot Recharge Energy Shield
Excess Life Recovery from Regeneration is applied to Energy Shield
Energy Shield does not Recharge
Life Recharges instead of Energy Shield
Life Recovery from Flasks applies to Energy Shield instead
Ascendancy Passive /1
Ascendancy: Acolyte of Chayula
Character: Monk
You cannot Recharge Energy Shield
Mana Leech effects also Recover Energy Shield

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