I've brought an old mate of mine along for this job. Her name's Tullina. — IntroductionTullinaTibbsToExile |
She might not look like much-- — IntroductionTullinaTibbsToExileTwo |
--but she can get into places no one else can. — IntroductionTullinaTibbsToExileThree |
Not sure I could be a much bigger target... — EntryBanterTullinaTibbsReply |
Nerves are gettin' to me again. — EntryBanterTibbsToTullina |
Agreed. I've seen how bad it can get. — ExitBanterTullinaTibbsReply |
The burning pond. — ExitBanterTullinaTibbsReplyTwo |
A near-unbelievable success! — ExitBanterTibbsToTullina |
Easier than the Belltower gig. — SelectionBanterTullinaTibbsReply |
Everything's just a bit higher up for me than most people. — SelectionBanterTullinaTibbsReplyTwo |
All the eyes and legs! Who needs that many? — SelectionBanterTullinaTibbsReplyThree |
What're you supposed to do when a ghost attacks! Kill 'em? They're already bloody dead! — SelectionBanterTullinaTibbsReplyFour |
I'm packed and ready. — SelectionBanterTibbsToTullina |
Well, maybe not always, eh? — SelectionBanterTibbsToTullinaTwo |
I still have those nightmares. I wake up feeling like I'm covered in spiders. — SelectionBanterTibbsToTullinaThree |
...Ehh... Thanks, I guess. — SelectionBanterTibbsToTullinaFour |
I am absolutely bloody exhausted. — ExitBanterTibbsToAdiyah |
With bubbles? — ExitBanterTibbsToAdiyahTwo |
Huge success! — ExitBanterAdiyahTibbsReply |
Round here, people call me Tibbs. Not the quietest little sneak, and I'm not exactly nimble with these big sausage fingers, but if you find yourself on the wrong side of something heavy, you'll wish you thought to hire me. — TibbsIntro |
Heard the Boss got his start as a stable boy in the Grand Arena. Used to feed and care for the chariot horses. That was his first job, and it led to his first ... err, 'job'.
Apparently, someone asked him to slip something into the feed of the Octavius family's finest stallion, greatly favoured to win the race. Paid him a week's worth of his normal wages. Boss figured it was some sort of poison. So he watched the man place a bet, and poisoned that horse as well. Neither died, but neither won, and the Boss, betting his wages on a horse he knew to be fit as a gladiator, took home a killing.
'Course, that was also his last day of gainful employment at the arena. The man stalked those stables for months trying to find him. — TibbsAboutBoss |
Ah, my contract! A man of my build gets a lot of attention. By the time I was thirteen, I was taller than most adults. By my next birthday I was invited to join a little circus of sorts as the strongman. That's where I met Tullina, by the way.
One day, someone left a baby girl, named Opal, for the troupe leader. She had bright red eyes, but the most pale skin and whitest hair I'd ever seen. She became a sort of daughter of the whole troupe. We took turns looking after her.
By the time she was about seven, I'd grown quite attached to her, and she to me. The hardest part of being exiled is not knowing what has happened to her. So I want to find out. I know the troupe is disbanded, so I just want to make sure she's found a good home. — TibbsContractOne |
Well, it ain't great news. Templar took an interest in her because of her unique traits, but she dropped off the map before they could get her. Good instincts.
I have a hunch that she might've found some of the old troupe members. I'll see what Whakano can dig up. — TibbsContractOneEnd |
Got an update on Opal! She's living on the fringes with some of the old troupe, like I thought. Tough people to track down, but at least I know she's safe.
I want to keep it that way. I want to make sure she doesn't need to put herself at risk to work or eat, so we're going to do what is, essentially, the opposite of a bank robbery. We're breaking in to leave enough wealth for her to live safely out of harm's way in a vault under a pseudonym. — TibbsContractTwo |
I know I'm a lot poorer than I was a few days ago, but I feel like I've done some real good. Opal's a smart kid. She'll put that money to good use. Better than I would've anyway.
Thanks, Exile. Really. — TibbsContractTwoEnd |
Just don't ask me to help you move. — TibbsSelectedContractOne |
As long as you're paying. — TibbsSelectedContractTwo |
Right, what's the job? — TibbsSelectedContractThree |
You need muscle? — TibbsSelectedBlueprintOne |
Nothing's getting in our way. — TibbsSelectedBlueprintTwo |
Hey, as long as I don't have to do any of the planning... — TibbsSelectedBlueprintThree |
Right. — TibbsForcingObstacleOne |
On it, boss. — TibbsForcingObstacleTwo |
Easy. — TibbsForcingObstacleThree |
Lemme jus' get this outta the way for ya. — TibbsForcingObstacleFour |
Won't be a jiff. — TibbsForcingObstacleFive |
Oh, I'm going to be sore tomorrow. — TibbsForcingObstacleSix |
Consider it gone. — TibbsDemolitionOne |
Oughta be quick. — TibbsDemolitionTwo |
Looks fragile enough... — TibbsDemolitionThree |
If it ain't broke, it will be... — TibbsDemolitionFour |
This one might take a bit, but we'll get there. — TibbsDemolitionFive |
I think it'd look better in pieces too. — TibbsDemolitionSix |
One sec. — TibbsBusyOne |
In the middle of something here. — TibbsBusyTwo |
Can it wait? — TibbsBusyThree |
Mate, I'm busy. — TibbsBusyFour |
When I'm done with this, yeah? — TibbsBusyFive |
Ugh! Little help here? — TibbsInterruptedOne |
Oi, I'm getting hit! — TibbsInterruptedTwo |
Get the bastards off me! — TibbsInterruptedThree |
Damn. Help! — TibbsInterruptedFour |
Should've ignored the noise, mate. — TibbsCombatStartOne |
You ain't gonna like this. — TibbsCombatStartTwo |
Heads up, we got trouble! — TibbsCombatStartThree |
Hate this part of the job. — TibbsCombatStartFour |
You're gonna be sorry. Then I'm gonna be sorry. — TibbsCombatStartFive |
Right, well, carry on I guess. — TibssCombatEndOne |
Good stuff. — TibssCombatEndTwo |
Least we ain't cleaning up. — TibssCombatEndThree |
Keep it quick and quiet. — TibssCombatEndFour |
...Sorry. — TibssCombatEndFive |
Not too shabby, mate. — TibbsLootingOne |
Nice piece. — TibbsLootingTwo |
Now who just leaves something like that lying around? — TibbsLootingThree |
That is a keeper. — TibbsLootingFour |
Oh, know a girl who'd love that. — TibbsLootingFive |
We've gotta keep it down. — TibbsAlertThresholdOne |
I'm gettin' a bad feeling, mate. — TibbsAlertThresholdTwo |
Reckon we're cutting it close now. — TibbsAlertThresholdThree |
Right, we gotta make tracks soon. — TibbsAlertThresholdFour |
Time to leave! — TibbsAlarmOne |
Let's start making tracks. — TibbsAlarmTwo |
There it is. Let's go! — TibbsAlarmThree |
Woah, mate, we gotta move! — TibbsEarlyAlarmOne |
Hear that?! Let's head out! — TibbsEarlyAlarmTwo |
Now you've gone and done it. — TibbsEarlyAlarmThree |
Think this might be what we're after. — TibbsFinalRoomOne |
Ah, here it is. — TibbsFinalRoomTwo |
Right, let's nab it and go. — TibbsFinalRoomThree |
Here we go. Make it quick. — TibbsFinalRoomFour |
Gotta be in here somewhere. — TibbsFinalRoomFive |
Got it? Good. — TibbsObjectiveLootedOne |
Now let's get it back. — TibbsObjectiveLootedTwo |
Now we just gotta make it out alive! — TibbsObjectiveLootedThree |
Now for the hard part. — TibbsObjectiveLootedFour |
Always get butterflies before a job... — TibbsEntryBanterOne |
Whew, I'm sweating. Just nerves. Just harmless nerves. — TibbsEntryBanterTwo |
I always think this time I won't get nervous, and I always do. — TibbsEntryBanterThree |
Come on, Gil. You've got this. Easy as. Eeeaaasy as. — TibbsEntryBanterFour |
You ever get the feeling--... Nah. Nevermind. — TibbsEntryBanterFive |
Hooey! That's how it's done! — TibbsExitBanterOne |
We bloody did it mate! We bloody did it! — TibbsExitBanterTwo |
Yes! I'm comin' home with the goods! — TibbsExitBanterThree |
Honestly, for a while there, I thought we were done for. — TibbsExitBanterFour |
I'ma be sore tomorrow for sure! Good sore. — TibbsExitBanterFive |
Rarhgh! — TibbsForcingObstacleLoudOne |
Outa the way! — TibbsForcingObstacleLoudTwo |
Huuurrrraagh — TibbsForcingObstacleLoudThree |
I. Am. Stressed! — TibbsForcingObstacleLoudFour |
I'll do my best, but damn! — TibbsForcingObstacleLoudFive |
I'm taking the longest, bubbliest damn bath after this! — TibbsForcingObstacleLoudSix |
Stand back! — TibbsDemonlitionLoudOne |
Hope this works! — TibbsDemonlitionLoudTwo |
Ere we go! — TibbsDemonlitionLoudThree |
This is a bloody ruckus! — TibbsDemonlitionLoudFour |
This one might hurt. — TibbsDemonlitionLoudFive |
This is gonna leave a mark! — TibbsDemonlitionLoudSix |
Bit busy! — TibbsBusyLoudOne |
Got my hands full! — TibbsBusyLoudTwo |
Now!? WHY NOW!? — TibbsBusyLoudThree |
NO! LATER! — TibbsBusyLoudFour |
Not. Now! — TibbsBusyLoudFive |
I can't work under these conditions! — TibbsInterruptedLoudOne |
Help or we ain't moving! — TibbsInterruptedLoudTwo |
Quit hittin' me! — TibbsInterruptedLoudThree |
Agh! Buzz off mate! — TibbsInterruptedLoudFour |
Comin' through! — TibbsCombatStartLoudOne |
Guess we're doin' this! — TibbsCombatStartLoudTwo |
Ain't gonna be gentle! — TibbsCombatStartLoudThree |
Hate this part! Hate it! — TibbsCombatStartLoudFour |
"Go on Tibbs, you're a big guy!" — TibbsCombatStartLoudFive |
Can we go?! — TibbsCombatEndLoudOne |
Part of the job. Part of the job. — TibbsCombatEndLoudTwo |
We had to, right!? — TibbsCombatEndLoudThree |
Should've just let us leave. — TibbsCombatEndLoudFour |
Doesn't get any easier. — TibbsCombatEndLoudFive |
Nice, but we gotta move! — TibbsLootingLoudOne |
Better be worth the delay, mate! — TibbsLootingLoudTwo |
What, you need more?! — TibbsLootingLoudThree |
Your greed better not get us killed! — TibbsLootingLoudFour |
You good now?! — TibbsLootingLoudFive |
This is it! — TibbsFinalRoomLoudOne |
We made it! Hurry! — TibbsFinalRoomLoudTwo |
Quick, we don't have long! — TibbsFinalRoomLoudThree |
That's our mark! Grab it and go! — TibbsFinalRoomLoudFour |
Wait, that's the target! — TibbsFinalRoomLoudFive |
Go! Go!! — TibbsObjectiveLootedLoudOne |
Let's Go! — TibbsObjectiveLootedLoudTwo |
Move, or we're dead! — TibbsObjectiveLootedLoudThree |
Great! We have to move! — TibbsObjectiveLootedLoudFour |
Good luck everyone. — EntryBanterTibbsToKarst |
Stick to the plan and this'll be quick and easy. — EntryBanterTibbsToIsla |
Right, I'm ready. — EntryBanterTibbsToVinderi |
It never goes as bad as you expect. Remember that. — EntryBanterTibbsToNenet |
Check your gear, say a prayer, whatever you need to do before we go in. — EntryBanterTibbsToNiles |
Remember the target. Don't get too sidetracked. — EntryBanterTibbsToHuck |
Safety first. If it gets too dangerous, leave. — EntryBanterTibbsToGianna |
Thanks for the... heads up! ... Nothing? — EntryBanterKarstTibbsReply |
Uhh... Yes. — EntryBanterIslaTibbsReply |
I guess it does! — EntryBanterIslaTibbsReplyTwo |
... But...? — EntryBanterVinderiTibbsReply |
Not the sort of thing I like hearing before a job. — EntryBanterNenetTibbsReply |
Maybe you shouldn't be snooping around in there. — EntryBanterNilesTibbsReply |
... Hungry?-- — EntryBanterHuckTibbsReply |
Close. — EntryBanterHuckTibbsReplyTwo |
Ehh... Sorry Gianna. Maybe practice that one more. — EntryBanterGiannaTibbsReply |
Can't believe we pulled that off. Even Karst did good! — ExitBanterTibbsToKarst |
Everyone safely out? Good. — ExitBanterTibbsToIsla |
Right... Why? — ExitBanterTibbsToIslaTwo |
The--... wait, what? — ExitBanterTibbsToIslaThree |
I think we've all earned an evening off. — ExitBanterTibbsToVinderi |
I had a terrible feeling about this earlier. So glad I was wrong. — ExitBanterTibbsToNenet |
That could've gone a lot worse! — ExitBanterTibbsToNiles |
...what did I even say to warrant that? Honestly. — ExitBanterTibbsToNilesTwo |
Nearly more loot than I can carry! — ExitBanterTibbsToHuck |
Nah mate, you're strong. — ExitBanterTibbsToHuckTwo |
No, Huck. You're strong. — ExitBanterTibbsToHuckThree |
Good job everyone, let's head back. — ExitBanterTibbsToGianna |
Fine, but you're only getting pondwater, Karst. — ExitBanterKarstTibbsReply |
...and loot? — ExitBanterIslaTibbsReply |
No way, mate. — ExitBanterVinderiTibbsReply |
Absolutely not. — ExitBanterVinderiTibbsReplyTwo |
Wait... You thought we were going to die? — ExitBanterNenetTibbsReply |
And you didn't want to tell us? — ExitBanterNenetTibbsReplyTwo |
What do you mean? — ExitBanterNilesTibbsReply |
You've set the bar pretty low, mate. — ExitBanterHuckTibbsReply |
Hoora--...aw. — ExitBanterGiannaTibbsReply |
Heard you could use a bit of muscle! — SelectionBanterTibbsToKurai |
Every time, I think I might get used to the stress, but... — SelectionBanterTibbsToKuraiTwo |
Of course, lady Kurai. — SelectionBanterTibbsToKuraiThree |
Understood. — SelectionBanterTibbsToKuraiFour |
G'day — SelectionBanterTibbsToKarst |
Do we have to do this every time? — SelectionBanterTibbsToKarstTwo |
Fine, get it over with. — SelectionBanterTibbsToKarstThree |
Uh huh? — SelectionBanterTibbsToKarstFour |
Good try, champ. Now we grownups can focus on the job. — SelectionBanterTibbsToKarstFive |
What's the job? — SelectionBanterTibbsToIsla |
My favourite kind. You bringing any new gadgets with us? — SelectionBanterTibbsToIslaTwo |
Maybe for the best, eh? — SelectionBanterTibbsToIslaThree |
... Can't. Got plans. Very busy. — SelectionBanterTibbsToIslaFour |
Hello everyone. — SelectionBanterTibbsToVinderi |
Tibbs. — SelectionBanterTibbsToVinderiTwo |
Oh yeah? — SelectionBanterTibbsToVinderiThree |
Sounds promising. — SelectionBanterTibbsToVinderiFour |
Good. I won't. Thank you for the warning. — SelectionBanterTibbsToVinderiFive |
Am I late? — SelectionBanterTibbsToNenet |
I always worry I'm late, even when I'm early. — SelectionBanterTibbsToNenetTwo |
That... is a really tough question to answer. — SelectionBanterTibbsToNenetThree |
Wow, Nenet, you're really quite profound. Anyone ever told you that? — SelectionBanterTibbsToNenetFour |
I'm up to speed. — SelectionBanterTibbsToNiles |
Niles, do you think I'm stupid because I'm strong? — SelectionBanterTibbsToNilesTwo |
You think that a strong man cannot be a smart man, eh? The two are somehow mutually exclusive? — SelectionBanterTibbsToNilesThree |
You're a mindreader, right? How about you jump on in here and have a look around. — SelectionBanterTibbsToNilesFour |
Hey mates. — SelectionBanterTibbsToHuck |
Seems that way. — SelectionBanterTibbsToHuckTwo |
Ha! You're still a plenty big target. — SelectionBanterTibbsToHuckThree |
Sorry. — SelectionBanterTibbsToKuraiFive |
Glad to be here. — SelectionBanterTibbsToGianna |
Thanks Gi. How was your date with-- — SelectionBanterTibbsToGiannaTwo |
Oh, no! What happened? — SelectionBanterTibbsToGiannaThree |
Ah. Well, always more men in the sea. — SelectionBanterTibbsToGiannaFour |
Thanks, Ku. How's the Boss doing? — SelectionBanterKuraiTibbsReply |
He's a good man. — SelectionBanterKuraiTibbsReplyTwo |
G'day Karst. — SelectionBanterKarstTibbsReply |
Yeah? Wait, what did you--... No, you know what, nevermind. — SelectionBanterKarstTibbsReplyTwo |
Something you're working on? — SelectionBanterIslaTibbsReply |
Did you say heat-powered? — SelectionBanterIslaTibbsReplyTwo |
How you doing, Vinderi? — SelectionBanterVinderiTibbsReply |
It's a blueprint, mate. — SelectionBanterVinderiTibbsReplyTwo |
Plans, Vin. A job. — SelectionBanterVinderiTibbsReplyThree |
Nenet, nice to see you. — SelectionBanterNenetTibbsReply |
SelectionBanterNenetTibbsReplyThree — SelectionBanterNenetTibbsReplyThree |
Forget it. — SelectionBanterNenetTibbsReplyFour |
G'day Niles. — SelectionBanterNilesTibbsReply |
Actually, I make them myself. Started sewing at a young-- — SelectionBanterNilesTibbsReplyTwo |
I mean, I can show y-- — SelectionBanterNilesTibbsReplyThree |
...Ku? — SelectionBanterNilesTibbsToKurai |
Hey mate. Hey, how come you're always in your armour, even around here? — SelectionBanterHuckTibbsReply |
You sleep with that armour on too? — SelectionBanterHuckTibbsReplyTwo |
I've got a change of clothes laid out just in case. — SelectionBanterGiannaTibbsReply |
Shh. — SelectionBanterGiannaTibbsReplyTwo |
SHHH. — SelectionBanterGiannaTibbsReplyThree |
Gi! — SelectionBanterGiannaTibbsReplyFour |
Nothing Ku. — SelectionBanterGiannaTibbsToKurai |
Stroke of good fortune you happened across us when you did, mate! I wasn't sure we were ever going to get out of that alive. — TibbsA5ReachTibbsSniperDead |
Here we are. This is the place. I can't do much with this injury. If you slip in there and grab the wine, we'll share our payday with you. In and out, smash and grab, simple enough... hopefully. — TibbsA5JustQuestInside |
With this injury, I'm not going anywhere until that sniper is dead. You'll have to sneak through the manors to reach the bastard! — TibbsA5Wild |
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